Li Xihe immediately sat up excitedly. His family lost so many people, and even the housekeeper suffered. Although it made him very uncomfortable, what made him even more uncomfortable was that his life-saving medicine was gone.

But now Jiang Lin actually told him that if the lost life-saving medicine can be compensated, it is still the same.

How could he not be excited?

Jiang Lin nodded and continued: "Yes, you can also call Emperor Wang and the others and relay what I said to them."

After a little thought, Li Xihe took the jujube and ate it. With the sheriff Bishop here, and many doctors and nurses passing by outside, he felt that Jiang Lin would not harm him.

"That's what it tastes like!"

Li Xihe swallowed even the jujube core, and after a while, the discomfort in his whole body disappeared completely, and his bones seemed to be tougher again.

Jiang Lin took another black-yellow apple, gave it to Li Xihe, and then said, "If Mr. Li is alright, I will come to your house with Jiang Mou, I really want to see what is killing me. The thing that broke the ground on my Tai Sui head. In addition, you keep this medicinal fruit, the efficacy is better than the one you bought, so it has to be not bad, I, Jiang, someone is not a person who breaks his promise."

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-six chapters robbery, still live?

"Brother Jiang, Li Xihe is here to apologize to you. Just now, I wondered if the strange things at home were related to you. I really treated the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. In the future, Yellow River Industry will cooperate with Jiang For the cooperation of my brother, I will invest double the human and financial resources."

After Li Xihe got out of the hospital bed, he bowed to Jiang Lin. If Jiang Lin hadn't come, he would probably have suffered from heart disease.

Now Jiang Lin not only healed the disease he was frightened out of, but also lost his medicinal fruit.

He felt extremely ashamed when he thought of the little man's heart he had just now.

Before today, Li Xihe had no impression of Jiang Lin except that this young man had a baby in a family, but at this moment, he could be considered to know Jiang Lin better.

Jiang Lin waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, from the perspective of a normal person, there will definitely be doubts. Mr. Li helps to invest more manpower and material resources, and I will not refuse. I don't have much manpower, but in terms of funds. , I will also let people put some more."

Jiang Lin really didn't take it to heart. He could think of the impact of the Li family's tragedy, and there was no reason why others wouldn't think about it.

"Okay, brother Jiang, you are also a real person. I will use the hospital's phone to contact Emperor Wang and the others, so that they don't think too much."

Li Xihe once again looked at the young man Jiang Lin with admiration. This time he made friends with Jiang Lin, and he really didn't suffer at all.

The only pity was that his housekeeper and those servants who had been with him for a long time suffered.

"Mr. Li, you also told them that there is no need to worry, I will deal with the monster that robs you as soon as possible, and as for your housekeeper and servants, you don't need to worry too much, I think I should be [*] to [*] percent sure. , can save them."

Jiang Lin specially explained this to Li Xihe. Although some lost things are now compensated, those rich people may not be at ease.

After all, in their opinion, anyone who has medicinal fruits and medicinal materials at home may become the next unfortunate person.

Li Xihe snorted, then left the ward and went to the front desk of the hospital to borrow a phone.

As for what Jiang Lin said about being rescued, he didn't think much about it. After all, Jiang Lin had a life-saving medicine in his hand, so maybe he really had some kind of elixir for an adult.

Emperor Wang and the others were all relieved when they heard what Li Xihe said.

"Jie Jiang Xiansen, he's really loyal, I even want to worship him. Jie, the appetite of the pair!"

Especially Emperor Wang wanted to marry Jiang Lin, so he immediately called the driver to drive to the Li family mansion. Li Xihe not only relayed Jiang Lin's words to them on the phone, but also said that the victims of his family might be arrested. save it.

So he set off immediately. Before, he had heard that Jiang Lin had some Taoist skills, but he had never seen it with his own eyes. This time, he had the opportunity to see how Jiang Lin saved people.

Not only the emperor, but many other rich people also rushed over.

They heard about the Li family, and everyone has turned into stone, how can they be saved?

You need to be able to move your mouth to take medicine.

Here, Jiang Lin, Li Xihe, and Bishop drove to Li's house together. Many police detectives were there, blocked the scene, and a dozen people who were turned into stones were all carried into the compound. Cover with white cloth.


After Jiang Lin entered the gate, he suddenly looked at an attic not far away, where a faint evil energy leaked out.

After taking a closer look, Jiang Lin's expression suddenly became a bit awkward.

The evil spirit in the attic belonged to the same kind as those on the stone men under the white cloth.

In other words, the guy who broke into Li Xihe's house and robbed others last night is still at Li's house.

Actually did not go.

Come on, it's really interesting.

He came to robbery, and he stayed in someone else's house.

Jiang Lin thought it was funny, just like the interesting stories reported by TV news in later generations, the thief broke into the house and ate and drank at the host's house, then went to the kitchen and turned on the air conditioner, and finally got drunk at the place of the burglary. Yes, got caught and went to jail.

How stupid this is.

Jiang Lin was very suspicious of that evil IQ.

In fact, he really thought wrong, the righteous master who robbed the fruit is not only not stupid, but also very smart.

The reason why it robbed Yiguo and didn't leave was because it wanted to rob it again.

Who is Li Xi and who, the richest man, the life-saving medicine has been robbed. If he can't find it, he may buy it again.

It's not just money, Li Xi is very much.

In that case, it can grab it again.

The source of the sale cannot be moved, but Li Xihe can be moved, but it is very simple.

It's a pity that it didn't guess that Li Xihe didn't go to buy any more, Jiang Lin bought him one directly, and Jiang Lin also came to Li's house.

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while, but did not take any action. He planned to take care of the people who were turned into stones first.

"Brother Jiang, can they really be saved?"

Bishop looked at the stone men and believed too much that someone could save them.

He knew Jiang Lin's ability to eliminate zombies and cat demons, but now it would be too challenging to talk about turning a person who turned into a stone back.

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "There is help."

When he saw these stone statues just now, he explored them with his eyes. These people were petrified by evil forces, but they were not completely petrified, and there were still flesh and blood inside.

If it is a day or two later, I am afraid that even he has nothing to do.

After asking Li Xihe to instruct the servants of the Li family to dig a big pit in the yard, Jiang Lin buried various formation materials around the pit.

At the same time, he also painted various runes around the pothole and on the four murals.

"My grandma!"

Li Xihe saw the golden light patterns one after another in the pit, and suddenly uttered a dialect.

It's almost like magic.

He didn't expect Jiang Lin to save people in this way, but this is the only way to save people?

After Jiang Lin asked someone to put a lot of water in the pit, he cut his finger and sent a few drops of blood in.

Then he sat cross-legged by the pit, chanting spells and casting spells.

It didn't take long for the clear water in the pit to boil. Half an hour later, the clear water gradually became cloudy, and the petrochemical phenomenon on the people in the pit gradually subsided.

Even some people's necks and faces were faintly revealing their original skin color.

"Grandma Oudi, Grandpa Oudi!"

Emperor Wang, who had arrived not long ago, stared at the hole with his bull-eyed eyes and screamed strangely. He had witnessed another miracle.

Stone becomes man!

The rich tycoon who came with him also had a similar expression to him.

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-seven chapters kill the chicken to show the monkey (on)

Jiang Lin turned his hands like a toy windmill. Finally, he patted the edge of the pit with both hands, and the muddy water that was already cement-like in the mud pit suddenly stirred up and washed the bodies of those people.

"Cough cough!"

"what happened?"

"I'm not dead??"

A few minutes later, the people inside who had been turned into stone statues made a sound, and they completely changed back to normal people.


Li Xihe was completely stunned when he saw that his housekeeper and servants had completely changed back to human beings. He had seen these people turned into stones with his own eyes, which was enough to shock him. Compared to changing back, it is obviously the latter that is more shocking.

Dao Fa Tongshen!

Li Xihe immediately thought of these four words.

At this moment, in his heart, Jiang Lin can really be compared with the gods.

In fact, whether it is Maoshan Taoism or other Taoist sects or even the spells of other religions, they rarely appear in Xugang.

Today, there are basically no capable people of Taoism in the entire Xugang.

It is rude to say that if there is no Jiang Lin in Xugang, Zhang Xiaochuan's father, Zhang Dashao, is the ceiling here.

There are Taoists in Xugang, but not many, and many of these Taoists can only meet and observe Feng Shui, and most of them are half-hearted.

There are very few who can really subdue demons and subdue demons.

This also has a lot to do with the geographical location and history of Xugang. Xugang is almost surrounded by water, and its area is not large. Before it was ceded, it was a small barren harbor with a small population.

If there are not many people, where can there be so many ghosts and monsters, and Taoist priests also have to eat, who can't think of coming to this corner.

Later, Xugang was ceded to the United Kingdom by the Qing Dynasty, and it was replaced by foreign rule. For the mainland, it is equivalent to a foreign country, and naturally there are not many Taoist priests who come here.

It is only in the past [*] to [*] years that the economy of the port has gradually developed. In addition to the advantages of the port, there have been more Taoist priests from the mainland and descendants from the South Ocean, but in general there are still very few.

For these reasons, the Hong Kong people in this period did not have much knowledge about Taoism, magic and various thaumaturgical arts. Even the richest people like Li Xi and them had little knowledge compared to the townspeople of Gantian Town. people.

So when they saw Jiang Lin rescued the stone man, it was almost like seeing a miracle.

As for Emperor Wang, although he is a Taiwanese businessman, the situation in Baodao is similar to that in Xugang, and he is also an ignorant person.

If Jiang Lin said that he was the reincarnation of Emperor Zhenwu of the Immortal World, they would all believe him.

"He was actually able to solve my petrification technique!"

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