In the attic that Jiang Lin had noticed before, a monster with a pair of flesh-winged bats was standing by the window, watching the process of Jiang Lin's rescue.

This monster is the blood slave who appeared in the western-style castle on the outskirts of Xugang. He was ordered by the vampire count and came to Li's house to snatch the fruit sold by Jianglin.

Now it is very shocked. In its memory, this petrification technique can only be lifted by its owner, the Vampire Count. Even the powerful exorcists in the West have nothing to do with its strange ability.

Could it be that the powerful exorcist the earl said was him?

The blood slave's eyes flashed, turned into a black light, and got into the deer head sculpture on the wall.

It plans to wait for the night to fall, and then go back to the castle first and inform its owner of the situation.

"Brother Jiang, your skills are truly shocking!"

In the yard, Li Xihe gave Jiang Lin a thumbs up, and now he suddenly has a feeling that Jiang Lin is here and no one can die.

He even suspected that even if someone's head fell, Jiang Lin would be able to bring them back to life.

"It's just some ordinary Maoshan Taoism. You let them eat more chili peppers and ginger slices, sweat out the remaining evil poison in the body, and they will recover completely in two days."

"Okay, I'll go on now. Oh, this time, although I was frightened, everyone is fine, and the lost medicinal fruit will also be compensated."

Li Xihe's face was full of joy. Although his house was patronized by some strange and chaotic things this time, it was finally safe.

Not only were people rescued, but the lost life-saving medicine was also paid for, and it was even better than before.

"Mr. Li, aren't you scared to be admitted to the hospital, you'll be fine now?"

Previously, Emperor Wang was attracted by Jiang Lin's saving lives, and he kept forgetting to ask Li Xihe. Now, seeing that the latter was in good spirits, he felt a little strange.

"It was Brother Jiang who gave me a yellow jujube. Otherwise, how could I get out of the hospital so soon. Besides, he also gave me a medicinal fruit, which is better than the one I bought. ."

Li Xihe was in a good mood, so he showed off to Emperor Wang.

"What? I paid you for the better medicine, and gave you an extra jujube? Why wasn't my Wang family stolen!"

Emperor Wang suddenly screamed jealously, how could such a good thing be spread by Li Xihe?

When the other rich people knew about this, they all showed regret, regretting that some monsters and monsters didn't patronize their house.

These guys were still frightened before, for fear that they would be called to become victims, but now they wish that it was their own family that had the tragedy last night.

Jiang Lin: "..."

The rich think differently.

Shaking his head, Jiang Lin set up an evil spirit array on the ground, and said to Li Xi and them: "You guys don't move in this circle, I'll go to the attic over there to find that evil spirit."

"Brother Jiang, you said that thing is in the attic over there?"

Li Xihe was taken aback by Jiang Lin's words. The terrifying thing was still in his house last night.

"That's right. Don't worry, this time I'm going to kill a chicken to show the monkeys, and I'll directly eliminate the possibility of you being harassed by some monsters and ghosts because of your purchase of medicinal fruit."

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, he took three steps and took two steps, rushing to the attic over there.

This time, he is going to kill chickens in a different way, to let those monsters and ghosts who covet different fruit and medicinal materials know that there are some things that can't be decided.

At this time, the blood slave hidden in the attic had no idea that Jiang Lin had already discovered its existence, and it could not wait for dark.

With a "bang", Jiang Lin kicked the door open. He glanced at the room, took out a magic talisman, and threw it at the deer head statue on the wall.

When the blood slave heard the sound of kicking the door, he already realized that it was not good and wanted to rush out of the sculpture to escape, but his reaction was not as fast as Jiang Lin's.

As soon as the amulet was taped, the deer head sculpture burst into a shrill whistling sound, causing Li Xi, who was far in the yard, to fight with them.

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-eight chapters kill the chicken to show the monkey (below)

The golden light talisman on the talisman flickered, and the entire deer head statue was covered with lava-like lines, shaking repeatedly on the wall.

The blood slaves in the statue belonged to a foreign species, and the Taoism in the Middle Earth had little effect on it, but even if Jiang Lin painted a magic talisman, the quality was extraordinary.

Even if it is an imported species, to him, it is no different.

As soon as his hands were sealed, Jiang Lin recruited the talisman into his hands, and the blood slave was also dragged out of the deer head statue.

Then, without saying a word, he took a few gold needles and stuck them in the monster's neck and limbs.

Last time, the two demon kings, the cat and the mouse, captured the two Western zombies, but they still died without asking any information.

He suspected that this monster might be in the same group as the two Western zombies, so in order to avoid the previous situation from happening again, he directly blocked it.

Jiang Lin was going to kill the chicken this time to show the monkey, and he had to let the monkey see the detailed process clearly, so he couldn't let this thing hang up at will.

After stabbing a dozen golden needles on Xue Nu's body, Jiang Lin drew a talisman in the palm of his hand with spiritual power and Yang Yan, and pressed it directly on its forehead.

"Say, who sent you here? What do the two vampire zombies who appeared in Shennong Company have to do with you?"

After completely grasping the life and death of the blood slave in his palm, Jiang Lin asked his doubts in his heart, but the blood slave's mouth was harder than he imagined, and he kept roaring and mourning but was unwilling to speak.

Therefore, Jiang Lin directly increased the fire, listening to the shrill screams of the blood slaves, he sneered and said, "That's right, that's it, call me, the more miserable and sharp the scream, the better. ."

Then he turned a Yang Yan whip into his hand, tied it around the neck of the blood slave, and dragged it out like a dog.

Since this thing is hard-mouthed, he is not in a hurry to ask anything, no matter how hard-mouthed, under his soul curse and Yang Yan, it will not be hard for long.

"It's it! It's it!"

After Li Xihe saw the blood slave, he was scared and backed up again and again. Emperor Wang and the others were also shocked, and the blood slave looked rather terrifying.

Jiang Lin pulled the fire whip and threw the blood slave in front of Li Xi and them, saying: "You don't need to be afraid, it has been subdued by me now."

Li Xihe and the others saw that the blood slave was only wailing and trembling, and gradually lost their fear and stepped forward to watch.

"It's all these ugly pickled monsters that almost cost me my life."

Li Xihe's housekeeper angrily went up and kicked the blood slave's head, and the other servants who were robbed also moved their hands one after another.

The blood slave was not even angry, and now it is tortured by Jiang Lin's Yang Yan and soul curse, and he doesn't know what it is to be angry.

Jiang Lin said to Li Xihe: "Mr. Li, I have a request, I will put this thing at the gate of your house, let it roar all night, let it roar for two or three days first. But don't worry, I will set up a magic circle in your bedroom, and I will not disturb your rest. In addition, I will also be here these few days."


Li Xihe hesitated for a while. He was very impressed with this monster. Although it was subdued by Jiang Lin now, the shadow of this thing still remained in his heart.

"Oh, I said that Mr. Li, if I was a ho, I would agree without thinking about it. Jiang Xiansen killed chickens and monkeys at your doorstep, and will dare to provoke your Li family in the future."

Emperor Wang pouted, and then said to Jiang Lin: "Jiang Xiansen, put it at the door of the Oujia mansion, and you can do whatever you want."

"Don't, don't, Brother Jiang, I promise, no problem."

When Li Xihe heard what Emperor Wang said was very reasonable, he no longer hesitated and agreed to Jiang Lin's request.

"That's good. In addition, please ask Mr. Li to call all the reporters from the newspapers in Hong Kong and let them take pictures. This damn thing, I will let it be published in the newspaper. By the way, please ask Mr. Li to contact me with a film director. I useful."

Jiang Lin made a few more requests. He wanted to kill the chickens for the monkeys to see. If the monkeys couldn't see it, it wouldn't work.

Not only did he present the horror of this monster in the newspapers, but he also planned to pay for a micro-movie to be shown in cinemas all over Hong Kong for free.

If this monster doesn't have a main messenger behind it, then it doesn't matter. If he does, he can also deter other monsters.

If there is, no matter whether the other party is hidden in the city or in the wild, he has to let him know that this is the end of coveting his family's things, provoking him and putting it into practice.

In addition to killing chickens to warn the monkeys, Jiang Lin also wanted to see if he could lure the possible behind-the-scenes messenger, so he killed him directly.

Looking for a director?

Li Xihe was stunned for a moment, but he did so and asked the housekeeper to call.

Jiang Lin released another lettering paper crane to inform the Dengshen in the company to bring some materials for the formation to the outskirts of Xugang to set up the formation.

A magic circle that can transmit the images and sounds of the blood slaves here.

Posting in newspapers and showing movies is only for urban dissemination. If there is a main messenger behind the blood slave, if it is not in the urban area, then the dissemination in the urban area will be ineffective.

On the same day, Deng Shen returned to the Taoist Temple in Huixing Mountain, brought a lot of materials for the formation, and set up the formation in the suburbs outside the urban area according to Jiang Lin's instructions.

In the afternoon, outside the Li family's mansion, groups of reporters rushed to take pictures there.

And the blood slave has been screaming constantly, tired of screaming, Jiang Lin made it aggravate the burn and let it continue to scream.

The next day, in the newspapers distributed by all the newspapers in Xugang, there was a monster hanging at the gate of the richest man Li's house.

It is also the culprit responsible for the tragedy in the home of the richest man.

On the third day, images of the gate of Li's house were projected in places with few people around the urban area of ​​Xugang, not only images but also sounds.

On the same day, a micro-movie was broadcast in the cinema of Xugang, but the protagonist was not Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin made Dengshen become addicted to the protagonist.

And the content of the movie is what happened in the Li family a few days ago, the robbery and harm of blood slaves.

In no time, the venue was full.

On the same day, the vampire earl in the western-style castle exploded with rage. This guy smashed all kinds of china and antiques that he had collected for hundreds of years.

Not far from his castle, there is a transmission circle, "screening" the scene of his blood slave being grilled by flames.

He still wondered why the blood slave had left for a few days and didn't come back. It turned out that he was captured by an expert.

Even if they were caught, they were hung at the door to show the crowd.

Just show it to the public, TMD, even in the newspapers, making movies, and even the suburban areas of Manxu Port are all showing in alternative ways.

Demonstration, this is definitely a demonstration!

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-nine chapters are crazy temptations on the edge of death

At this moment, two foreign women walked into the room of the Vampire Count, their faces were full of resentment, and even the fangs in their mouths were exposed because of anger.

One of them said: "Count, the blood slave has always been loyal to our blood family, you must save it!"

"When we came back, we had already investigated, it was this yellow-skinned man!"

Another foreign woman took Jiang Lin's photo and some information on the table. When they learned that the blood slave was hanged at the door of the Li family's mansion, they used their contacts outside to conduct an investigation, and found out that the leader of this was. What happened was Jiang Lin.

"He is challenging the majesty of our blood clan, he must drain his blood and feed the hellhound with his bones!"

"Yes, he must suffer endless pain!"

The two female vampires rubbed their fangs against each other. If their actions had not been approved by the Vampire Earl, they would have gone to Li's house long ago.

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