"Is that him? The exorcist of Middle-earth, the Taoist priest. It looks like he caught our two servants last time."

After the Vampire Earl read Jiang Lin's information, his face became hideous.

"My brides, it's up to you to handle the matter of blood slaves. However, since the other party has the mentality of demonstration, he may have no fear. In order to avoid accidents, don't be reckless."

The Vampire Earl explained the two brides, and flew out of the castle to the suburbs on the other side of the port.

Huigata Mountain is there.

Now that he has grasped Jiang Lin's information, including Jiang Lin's address, he plans to go directly to copy Jiang Lin's home.

Compared with the life and death of the blood slave, he cares more about the fruits and medicinal materials with strong medicinal effects.

The two female vampires also flew out and went to the urban area of ​​Xugang.

At the same time, Jiang Lin was sitting in the courtyard of the Li family, chatting with Li Xihe.

"Brother Jiang, you can see that this monster has been hanging at the gate for three days. I think the effect of killing chickens and monkeys should also be achieved. Look..."

Li Xihe hesitated for a while before saying this sentence. After all, his Li family is the richest man's home. Now many people come to the gate every day to watch the monster exhibition, which also has a negative impact on him.

"I know this, and I originally planned to deal with that thing today."

Jiang Lin nodded, now that the role of blood slaves has been brought into play, he is making people report, and he is making micro-movies to show the process of blood slaves committing crimes and being subdued and tortured. Need to keep dragging on.

If the blood slave is still stubborn, then he will kill it directly, and then try it with the traceability array. If he can't find any clues, it can only be temporarily ignored.

Anyway, with this incident, most of the similar troubles will not happen again in the future.

When Jiang Lin went outside, he asked Bishop and others to put the blood slave down.

In the past few days, Bishop and many detectives have been maintaining order outside Li's house.

Jiang Lin's killing of chickens and warning monkeys can prevent other rich people from doing similar things again, which reduces the burden of their police detectives in disguise, so Bishop is also happy to work here.

Although this monster has been hanging in front of Li's house for a few days, there are still many people watching.

"Yo, this is the monster that turned people into stone. It's really special."

When Jiang Lin was about to question the blood slave again, a woman's voice came from the crowd.

Jiang Lin looked up and frowned slightly. At this time, a passage had been vacated in the crowd, and a foreign youth in a suit and two bold foreign women walked over.

There is nothing abnormal about young people, but the two foreign women are two Western zombies, that is, vampires.

"Mr William!"

As soon as Bishop saw the foreign youth, he immediately greeted him. This youth is the son of the current governor of Xugang, and he is very likely to become the next governor, a typical second-generation official.

When Bishop said hello to William, the two female vampires looked at Jiang Lin with weird smiles on their faces. They opened their mouths to Jiang Lin, showing their fangs that could be withdrawn at once, and at the same time leaning close to him. William.


Oh, I didn't expect that in the end, I still caught a fish.

Jiang Lin didn't care about the provocation of the two female vampires at all. On the contrary, he was in a good mood.

The blood slave lying on the ground obviously had strong emotional fluctuations just now, which means that these two female vampires should be its comrades.

This time, he can serve it in one pot. The blood slave's tough mouth does not mean that the mouths of the two female zombies are equally tough.

Arrested and punished.

Although he thought so in his heart, Jiang Lin did not act rashly.

These two female vampires should be human now. It would be inconvenient for him to act rashly.

And when he saw Bishop's attitude towards that William, he already knew that the latter was not an ordinary dignitary.

If he acts without reason, he is not easy to explain.

"Mr. William, this monster is a species we have never seen before. If it is sent to the Royal Institute, it will be of great value for exploration."

"Yes, the progress of science and biology has been explored step by step, and now there is such a good object, Mr. William, you can't miss it. If the Royal Research has any epoch-making research results, it is yours. credit."

The two female vampires blew in William's ear with evil and charming voices.

This is the real purpose of their coming. The Vampire Count warned them not to be reckless, and they thought of such an effortless way.

Use the power of human beings to oppress with power.

At the same time as they were blowing air, they also showed a smug smile to Jiang Lin, and from time to time they showed their zombie teeth.

"Yellow-skinned Taoist priest, let go of our blood slaves quickly, otherwise, you won't be able to do it if you want to die."

"If you offend our blood clan, you will experience more painful torture than going to hell!"

The two female vampires exhaled and formed two soft words in Jiang Lin's ears.

Jiang Lin let out a laugh, the two female vampires provoked him, even if they provoked him again and again, they were now threatening again.

It's a crazy test on the edge of death.

Who gave you courage?Is Liang Jingru?

If Jiang Lin decided to catch these two female vampires later, he would be given special treatment. Since his cultivation, he has hardly been provoked by any evil spirits, and threats are even rarer.

But these two female vampires who do not know whether to live or die, all at once.

"Mr. William, that Middle-earth man is so rude, he keeps staring at us."

"That's right, I want to find a lawyer to sue him."

The two female vampires were still frantically testing on the edge of death. They relied on a "thigh" to make Jiang Lin throw the mouse, so they let go of themselves.

Chapter [*] A glimpse of the leopard in the tube can be seen

"Brother Jiang, that is the governor's young master, and the two next to him are his friends, look at this..."

Bishop hurriedly came to Jiang Lin to explain to him, and wanted him to pay attention.

In fact, Bishop is also very strange. It stands to reason that Jiang Lin should not be interested in the two women beside William.

A few days ago, Jiang Lin sent him some basic information about his family and asked him to help create a file.

In the future, Jiang Lin's own wives are expected to change their identities. After all, in another ten or twenty years, the oldest Bai Rou Rou is in her sixties, and she is still in her twenties. That would be more or less troublesome.

So Bishop has seen photos of Jiang Lin's wives, all of them are big beauties, from Middle Earth, Egypt, and the United States.

This is also the reason why he feels strange, there are so many wives like fairy flowers at home, do you still want to pick wild flowers?

"Would you believe me if I said the two of them were vampire zombies, your Western vampires?"

When Bishop was puzzled, Jiang Lin's light words made him shiver.


"Brother Jiang, isn't this true? The Governor's young master is mixed up with vampires?"

Bishop glanced at the two female vampires and reconfirmed with Jiang Lin. He thought about it for a while, and suddenly felt extremely terrifying.

If what Jiang Lin said is true, then things will definitely explode!

Vampires have entered the circle of human domination, and they are still high-level circles!

"Whether it's true, you'll know in a while, but they should be hiding their true identities, and the outside world doesn't know their details, including the governor-general. You'd better evacuate the crowd around you, or else for a while. I'll catch them and make them visible, so you can't explain it to the top."

Jiang Lin reminded Bishop that now the two female vampires are friends of the governor and the young master. If the matter is exposed later, it will definitely shock the whole Hong Kong. In that case, once the public opinion rises, Bishop will have a hard time explaining it to his superiors. .

At that time, it is not impossible for the Governor to fire on him, the sheriff who maintains order.

Bishop has some friendship with himself now, and it still has a lot of effect. Jiang Lin doesn't want Bishop's career to end here.

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Bishop's pupils began to dilate. Since Jiang Lin has said this, it is absolutely true.

And once such a thing was true, Bishop really felt that he couldn't think any further.

Right now, he was shivering all over his body, and he was extremely terrified.

He almost began to doubt whether many of the officers and governors who are now leading in Hong Kong have become vampires.

Even his hometown, and other countries, have similar situations occurred.


Bishop wanted to draw a cross on his chest, but he was so shocked that he didn't even listen to his hands and feet for a while.

Seeing that Bishop stayed where he was, Jiang Lin pushed him.

It's no wonder that Bishop is so scared. Simple vampires are not very scary, but if vampires are mixed with the ruling class of humans, the seriousness of the problem will explode in geometric multiples.

It is estimated that this time the Hong Kong will change drastically.

Jiang Lin guessed that if this matter spread out, even if it only spread in the official department of Xugang, it would be enough to cause a strong shock.

The governor's son has made friends with vampires, what about the governor?What about other officials?

A glimpse of the leopard in the tube can be seen.

It is strange that no one is in danger.

In fact, Jiang Lin's guess was not wrong. His company sold medicinal fruit and invited Li Xihe and others. The news leaked out that day, and the two female vampires didn't know that the blood slave had been arrested. How long did it take to get some of Jiang Lin's information, it would be impossible to say that some departments did not have their peers or servants.

However, Jiang Lin didn't pay much attention to these things. Now that his family is backed by the mountains, as long as it's not something that affects him, he doesn't bother to worry about it.


At this moment, William snorted coldly. He thought that after his two friends spoke, Bishop would warn each other to keep an eye on them, but Bishop actually whispered to each other in front of him, which made him feel The fire immediately rose.

"Master William, I have to go to my own work."

Bishop bit the bullet and said to William, and went to the side to let his men evacuate the crowd.

Now he doesn't care that he will temporarily offend William. Once this matter spreads, the governor may have to be replaced soon, and as a reporter, he will definitely be promoted and raised.

But if he didn't drive the surrounding melon eaters away, causing a sensation, as the one who maintained order here, he would have to be held accountable, which has nothing to do with changing the governor or not.

Even Bishop did not expect that after today, this incident would reach the ears above, not only the port of Xu had changed, but also his hometown, and even the whole of Europe was shaken.

"This monster was requisitioned by the Royal Institute."

William pointed to the blood slave lying on the ground and spoke to Jiang Lin arrogantly.

But Jiang Lin didn't pay any attention to this guy at all, he didn't even take a look, let alone the Governor's young master, even if the Governor was here, he didn't take it seriously.

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