The emperor of Japan dares to slap wildly, what is a small governor?Not to mention that this William was only the Governor's son.

"Did you hear that? This is an order!"


Jiang Lin turned his face to look at William, who was so powerful. He just glared at the latter, which made this young man feel an indescribable fear, and cold sweat oozes from his back for a while.

Deterring William, Jiang Lin took a step towards the two female vampires.

"You...what do you want to do?"

"Our current identity is human, how dare you openly violate the law in public?"

The two female vampires immediately felt that Jiang Lin's eyes were wrong, causing them to feel a sense of panic for no reason.

Before that, they really didn't take Jiang Lin seriously, but now the momentum of Jiang Lin's body is released, making them feel a huge pressure.

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-one chapters abandoned his wife and children, and ran away directly

"You have human identities, so it is naturally inconvenient for me to do it, but it really doesn't take me much effort to let you show your true shape."

Seeing that Bishop had completed the evacuation, Jiang Lin no longer covered it. He pushed with both palms and spat out the word "Ding". Before the two female vampires could retreat, they were locked in place.

Then Jiang Lin threw out the Yang Yan whip with both hands, tied the two of them directly, dragged them under his feet and stepped on them.

"You...what are you doing?"

William was taken aback and wanted to step forward, but Jiang Lin stopped him at a glance.

"What are you doing? Let's see what kind of friends your two friends are."

Jiang Lin flicked his fingers and shot two yang flames into the eyebrows of the two female vampires. They suddenly burst into heart-piercing screams, and then their bodies changed rapidly. Wings, the whole body also takes on the same color.

Holy crap, never seen variety.

Jiang Lin was surprised. The two female vampires were like wearing a set of movie leather props, their whole bodies changed, and their shapes were similar to that of the bat-headed monster, but their faces were still the same. The appearance of a person is not much different from that of an ordinary woman, except for the morbid whiteness and the fangs in the mouth.


Seeing this scene, William, who was still in a state of fear and anger a second ago, jumped two meters high and fell to the ground, his eyeballs protruding.

"My mother! What is this?"

Li Xihe came out of the yard, just in time to see the process of the two female vampires appearing, and was so frightened that he almost sat on the ground.

"Vampire, really vampire!"

Bishop screamed, although he had seen zombies and corpses, but after all, those things were no longer human in their previous state.

But now that two big living people are in front of him, they have directly transformed into vampires, and the visual impact on him is quite shocking.

The two female vampires were howling at Jiang Lin's feet. They never thought that Jiang Lin had no silverware, holy water and a cross in his hands, so they were actually revealed.

In the past, whether they transformed or not was controlled by themselves, unless they were hit by restrained objects or exposed to direct sunlight, they would return to their original shape.

But now there is nothing to restrain them, the weather is also bleak, and there is no sunlight at all.

"Quick, take a photo, and report this matter to the commander with the highest level of warning, this is a super serious situation!"

After Bishop recovered, he immediately ordered the detectives under him to take pictures of the two female vampires and report them back to the police station. This kind of thing was much more serious than an enemy attack.

"What the hell is going on? They... how did they become monsters?"

William still hasn't figured out what's going on, and two of his friends have turned into monsters.

Jiang Lin glanced at William and thought it was quite funny, this guy is simply a scumbag.

Not only cheating father, but also cheating a whole family.

He could think of the scene where the Governor's family was surrounded and asked to drink garlic water for an examination after today.

Holding the necks of the two female vampires with both hands, Jiang Lin asked, "Which other accomplices do you have? Where are your strongholds?"

"Let go of us, humble humans!"


The two female vampires didn't cooperate very much, so Jiang Lin let them taste what torture is.

In the end, the two pampered female vampires could not bear the torture, so they confessed, what Jiang Lin asked, and what did they answer.

It turned out that there was also a vampire count, and these two were his concubines.

When he asked where the Earl's lair was, Jiang Lin prepared a torch to put them out.

At this moment, light suddenly bloomed in his arms, and the magic talisman inside projected a phantom of treasure intent.

"Jiang Lin, a white-skinned corpse came over just now. The winged one was wounded by me and drove away. He still has the mark I left on his body. Go and kill it yourself."

Baoyi's projection drew a talisman in the air, and continued: "You can record this talisman so that you can track it."

Jiang Lin pointed to the two female vampires on the ground and asked, "The one with wings? Is it the same as these two?"

"Yes, that's it."

"Okay, run to my house while I'm not around."

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes and threw three balls of fire from his palms, the two female vampires and the blood slave, and only a few ashes were burned.

"Hey, I'm here to be the guardian of the mountain with you, but it's not for nothing. I want four catties of cold marrow, three bottles of marrow pulp, two blood orchids, and one side of immortal soil."

"Think beautifully, you fat woman."

"You unconscience, that white corpse is almost equivalent to flying dead. Do you know how much effort I have spent? Do you know how much loss I have avoided for you? You know..."

"Go, go, go."

In the end, Jiang Lin couldn't stand Baoyi's firecracker mouth, so he tapped on his chest and closed the phantom.

After saying hello to Bishop, Jiang Lin went directly to the western-style castle where the Vampire Earl was.

Most of what Baoyi said was suspected of exaggeration, and even if the opponent's strength reached the level of flying stiffness, he was not afraid now.

With a flick of the immortal staff, he taught him to be a man.

When Jiang Lin rushed to the old castle, the Vampire Count had already returned there. He was corroded by Baoyi's immortal power. If Baoyi hadn't looked at Huixing Mountain and hadn't chased it out, he might not have come back.

"My two brides!"

The Vampire Earl cried out in grief, and he had already sensed when the two female vampires were killed.

There are actually two exorcists, two powerful exorcists!

After calming down, the Vampire Count looked at the corrosive mark on his body and walked in front of a mural.

He is now wounded and likely to be targeted by two powerful enemies, so he has to retreat temporarily.

"In the name of Satan, open the door!"

He chanted an ancient incantation at the mural, and the mural gradually burst into a strange light, and finally the entire wall turned into a huge glass mirror.

As soon as he stepped out, the Vampire Count passed through the mirror and disappeared completely, and then the mirror changed back to the appearance of a mural.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin arrived at this ancient castle.

My name is Nima!

He searched around the castle, but did not find the Count of Vampires, but found hundreds of disgusting things.

On the basement floor of the ancient castle, Jiang Lin found a lot of things hanging like female animals.

Inside there are slimy and sloppy little vampires, the ones with wings, but they are all dormant and seem to be unable to survive.

They are all children of the Count of Vampires!

"They are also zombies, why are you so good? How can you live?"

Jiang Lin felt that he was a little bit beaten. He had so many wives, and he worked hard to sow seeds every night, but for the past twenty years, his wife has not laid a single egg.

And this vampire count had so many children.

Jiang Lin's heart was broken, and he planned to help the zombie world implement family planning after the vampire returned.

However, in order to avoid being alerted by the master, Jiang Lin did not move these disgusting things for the time being.

After that, he didn't leave the castle, just waiting here for the vampire count.

Anyway, he has the abnormal fruit recovered from the blood slave, and there are fruits and dried meat in the ancient mirror, which is enough for daily diet.

But after two days of waiting, Jiang Lin didn't see anyone.

He used the magic talisman and the source-traveling magic circle that Baoyi showed him, but all of them were ineffective.

Could it be that the injury was hidden and healed?

Jiang Lin didn't care either. After all, the Vampire Earl's wife was nowhere to be seen, and the children were still here, so they would come back eventually.

Two days later, he still didn't wait.

hold on.

After waiting for more than half a month, Jiang Lin was really speechless.

It seems, the vampire count, ran, ran...

What the hell are you a man?What a man!

Jiang Lin was so angry that he hummed Jay Chou's "What a Man" in the castle.

Damn, my wife didn't come back, and a lot of children are still here. Did you abandon your wife and children and run away?

Shame on men, scum of zombies!

Chapter [*]: Fan Haixin?Dracula?

Jiang Lin is very angry. The reason why he has been waiting here is because this castle is the old nest of the count of the vampire, and if the two female vampires are not destroyed by him, they will definitely come back here, plus the underground of the castle. There are also hundreds of little vampires, so he concluded that the vampire count will definitely return to the nest.

Wife and children are all here, if you don't come back, where are you going?

After being wounded by Baoyi and leaving a mark, you are afraid of being found, so you can just fly away, right?

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