But now he had to admit that he was wrong, that he was too responsible for the supernatural vampire.

Nai drops!

The more Jiang Lin thought about it, the more angry he became. The vampire count went to his house, so he would rather spend the waiting time than kill him.

But after waiting for so long, he waited in vain.

Waiting for the rabbit, but the rabbit doesn't go back to the nest at all, just run as far as possible.

After setting up another large-scale traceability array to confirm, Jiang Lin gave up completely. The master he was waiting for was probably not in Xugang.

This is indeed the case. The Vampire Earl, not to mention Xugang, is nowhere to be seen in Middle Earth and Asia.

When I was depressed in Jianglinzhuang Castle, two foreigners were coming towards the castle, a man and a woman.

The man wears a felt hat and a leather coat, and the woman holds a crystal ball in her hand. Although the style of dressing is a little retro, it does not hide her sassy and heroic appearance.

During Jiang Lin's stay in the castle, a lot of things happened in Xugang, the leadership was almost in chaos, and even the governor was restricted from personal freedom.

My son is having fun with vampires, can I not be suspicious of me?

This is not to mention, the matter spread to the UK side, and it caused a huge wave, not only in the political circles, but also in the religious circles.

The three major denominations of Christianity are in a quarrel.

The mainstream religion in the UK is Protestantism, but religion has almost no power. With this pretext, the Protestant side is blaming the British royal family. They blame the royal family, but the other two Christian factions, the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, are blaming them.

Establish a Protestant religion, break away from tradition, and as a result, the officials of the country have been invaded by vampires, iron waste.

For a time, the three factions of Christianity fought each other like shrew scolding the street.

In the end, the British royal family was under pressure, and many officials, including the royal family, were subject to Protestant inspections. As for the governor of Hong Kong, they were directly replaced.

In addition to these, after some discussions, Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox Churches jointly sent people to form the Holy Knight Order, which came to Xugang to find and deal with vampires hiding in officials and their homes.

This Holy Knight Order also has another task, which is to find and kill the Vampire Count.

The man in the felt hat among the men and women who went to the Western-style castle was a member of the Holy Knights.

As for the woman traveling with her, she came from a family that had a feud with the Vampire Count.

Jiang Lin burned all the embryos on the ground floor of the castle, and then walked out of the castle.

Coincidentally, he happened to meet the man and woman who were going to the castle.

The man in the felt hat looked at the fire in the ancient castle, then set his eyes on Jiang Lin, and asked in non-standard Chinese, "Are you from the Middle Earth?"

"Yes, I'm from China, you are from the West?"

Jiang Lin couldn't help being stunned for a moment. He noticed the fluctuation of spiritual power from the white man's body. This was the first white man he had seen who knew how to cultivate with spiritual power.

The felt hat man took off his hat, nodded to Jiang Lin, and said, "I am a member of the Catholic Holy Knight Order, Van Helsing, and I came here to find and destroy the vampire Count Dracula. This is Anna, from Romania, and her family has a mission to destroy Count Dracula."

Jiang Lin could find that there were spiritual power fluctuations in Fan Haixin, and Fan Haixin could also intuitively sense that Jiang Lin was the same type of person as him, so he also behaved modestly and politely.

"Van Helsing? Dracula?"

Jiang Lin was stunned again, he knew these two people, or rather these two characters, especially Dracula.

His director friend Carl in the United States once made a movie "Dracula", which also received a good reputation at the box office.

And Dracula is the protagonist in this movie, a vampire count, as for Van Helsing, a doctor who has studied vampires.

But isn't this the character in the movie?Could it be that the vampire count is Dracula?

However, that's not right. It's good that Dracula is a vampire, but the Van Helsing in front of him doesn't look like a doctor. He dresses more like a bounty hunter.

Jiang Lin's mind didn't turn around for a while. He looked up and down Fan Haixin, but found something that surprised him even more.

This Van Helsing, who claimed to be a member of the Catholic Holy Knights, actually had a faint halo of godhead behind him.

The gods in the East are basically three flowers gathered on the top, while the gods in the West have a halo on their back.

When Jiang Lin's attention was all on investigating the strangeness of Fan Haixin's body, Anna, who came with Fan Haixin, walked up, and then she reached out and pinched Jiang Lin's face, lifted his lips again, and touched him the teeth of.

Jiang Lin: ? ? ?

What are you pinching my face for?

Why are you digging my mouth?

Am I acquainted with you? !

With a hand on Anna's wrist, Jiang Lin asked, "What are you doing?"


Anna felt a pain in her wrist and shook her palm. She frowned and stared at Jiang Lin, saying, "I sensed the special aura that only vampires have in you. I suspect that you were transformed by Dracula."

"Sense a special aura on me?"

Jiang Lin raised his brows. This Anna was not a cultivator, but he seemed to be able to detect the presence of corpse poison in his body.

"Sorry, then you feel wrong."

Although Jiang Lin knew that this valiant foreign girl had a reason for doing things on her own, and no longer meant to blame, he couldn't admit it in front of this girl either.

"Impossible, our family has been fighting against Dracula and vampires for nine generations since more than [-] years ago. I have a special ability to sense, so I can't go wrong."

Anna's attitude is very firm, and she doesn't believe that her induction will go wrong.

"You let me hear your heartbeat."

Anna couldn't help but put her face on Jiang Lin's left heart.

Chapter [-] How can there be such a rubbish vampire ancestor?

Did I say that?

Jiang Lin was speechless. To confirm whether he was Dracula, did he have to put his arms around him and listen to his heartbeat?

Can't ask Van Helsing on the side?

This beautiful foreign girl with both heroic spirit and beauty is really bold enough.

I go!It's also too fast.

Fan Haixin saw Anna hugging Jiang Lin and pressing her face against the other's chest, she was speechless on the spot.

His hearing is not very good, so he basically didn't hear the conversation between Jiang Lin and Anna.

It was also because of this that he misunderstood that Anna fell in love with Jiang Lin at first sight, so he immediately threw him into his arms.

I am single and proud.

Van Helsing comforted himself in this way to cover up some envy and jealousy in his heart.

During the time he had known and walked with Anna before, Anna had always given him the impression of being noble and arrogant, but when he met a middle-earth man, Anna's behavior directly surprised him.

Am I less attractive than him?

Fan Haixin pouted and looked at the western-style castle in front of him, so as not to eat single dog food.

"I repeat, you are wrong."

Jiang Lin pushed Anna away. Although the girl was pretty, he didn't like the behavior of hugging her as soon as they met.

Even when Li Xi and his family lived temporarily, he saw some foreign beauties, even if the other party was a big girl, he just reached out to shake hands with them instead of hugging.

"How can there be a heartbeat? How could something go wrong? Let me hear it again. Real gold is not afraid of fire."

With that said, Anna wrapped her arms around Jiang Lin again and continued to listen to his heartbeat.

But what disappointed her was that Jiang Lin's heartbeat was very calm and powerful, and... his embrace was very warm.

Jiang Lin pushed it away again, but Anna also let go of her arms and said to him, "You shouldn't have a heartbeat."

Jiang Lin looked at Anna with his arms crossed, and said, "If I don't have a heartbeat, then I'll die?"

"Because Dracula doesn't have a heartbeat, sorry, I misunderstood you."

An embarrassed expression gradually appeared on Anna's face. After thinking for a while, she felt that it was because she was often seasick when she came over by boat, which caused her body to be out of state, and the sensing error occurred.

"I... My name is Anna, I'm a Gypsy, and I come from the ancient town of Tran in Romania, Eastern Europe. Please forgive my rudeness just now, uh... Let's get to know each other again."

Ana adjusted her mood a little, re-introduced herself, and extended her hand politely.

"Jiang Lin, the Taoist priest of the Middle Earth, if you can understand it, it is the mage. I came here to deal with a vampire count, which should be the count Dracula you are looking for."

Jiang Lin looked at Anna, who still had a little embarrassment on her face, and stretched out her palm, and it was easy to close it with Anna's palm.

"No wonder you are here."

Anna suddenly realized that since the other party is also an exorcist, it is reasonable to appear here.

Because of her previous rudeness and because Jiang Lin also dealt with Dracula, Anna did not show the usual cold image to Jiang Lin.

"If you are looking for Dracula, this is his lair, but he has already left. By the way, you said you came from Eastern Europe, do you have a way to find him?"

Eastern Europe is thousands of miles away from Hong Kong, and this Anna and that Van Helsing actually found Dracula's lair in Hong Kong, so Jiang Lin wanted to know if they had any means to track Dracula from a long distance.

If there is, he will borrow it, find the vampire count who abandoned his wife and children, and kill him.

Anna shook her head, took out the crystal ball in her pocket, and replied, "We found this place by relying on the divination crystal ball in my family. If he is no longer here, then there is nothing I can do."

After that, Anna asked Jiang Lin about Dracula's situation in Xugang. Jiang Lin told her and Van Helsing what he knew, and also learned some information about Dracula from them.

In addition to Dracula's information, Jiang Lin also knew what happened in Hong Kong, Britain and Europe.

It turns out that Anna and Van Helsing are not tracking thousands of miles, but what happened here in the port of Xu spread to Europe. Dracula and his descendants are special vampires with flesh wings that other vampires do not have, so Bishop put Dracula on it. After the wife's photo was reported, the news spread, and the Catholics, who had been chasing Dracula, learned of it, so they joined the Protestants and the Orthodox to send people over.

As for the three sects agreeing to cooperate together, it is because Dracula's cunning rabbit three caves, and its own reproductive capacity far exceeds that of ordinary vampires, but the offspring born by him and the bride cannot survive.Dracula has been looking for a way to keep his descendants alive for so many years, and if he finds it, it will definitely be a disaster.

No wonder that guy coveted the exotic fruits and medicinal materials produced by Huixingshan.

Only then did Jiang Lin understand why Dracula was so eager to let his servants get those treasures with strong medicinal effects. As long as those treasures were effective for Dracula's descendants, this vampire count would be able to create an army of flying vampires in a short period of time.

That would be terrifying.

"Mr. Jiang, if you want to deal with Dracula, it's better to cooperate with us. If you can kill his two brides, you must have extraordinary abilities, but Dracula is the ancestor of vampires. According to legend, only a werewolf can kill him. There are weapons made of werewolf bone claws and sharp teeth in it, as long as you find him, gather the strength of the Holy Order, our family, and Mr. Jiang, and you should be able to destroy it."

Anna threw an olive branch to Jiang Lin, who left a good impression on her about beheading two vampire brides, and against Dracula, the more power the better.

In her opinion, Jiang Lin is considered a local snake in Xugang. If she can cooperate with him, things will go a lot smoother.

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