"Wait, what did you say? Dracula is the ancestor of vampires? How can there be such a crap ancestor of vampires?"

Jiang Lin suspected that he had heard it wrong. Although Dracula was a powerful Western zombie and had wings, he was not qualified to be called an ancestor.

Even Baoyi, who is far from the peak, can be injured and run away. If this is the ancestor of vampires, then vampires are simply fighting chickens among weak chickens.

Weak, no corpse can compare to a vampire.

If the generals and ministers of the Middle-earth, Han and Empress, win and hook these four ancestors of zombies, and know that Dracula, who abandoned his wife and children and ran away, is the ancestor of Western zombies, they will all feel sick to the point of nausea.

This thing is also worthy of being called an ancestor?Maggots are almost there!

Jiang Lin thought he had heard it wrong, but Anna and Van Helsing thought they had hallucinated.

How can there be such a rubbish vampire ancestor? ? ?

Dracula, trash?

Anna was amused by Jiang Lin's words. She said, "Mr. Jiang, are you kidding me? Dracula is not so easy to deal with, otherwise our family and Catholicism wouldn't have eliminated him for so many years."

That's your scumbag, what kind of Catholicism, isn't it a sect formed by a group of believers who are busy finding wives for God?Has the ability to subdue demons with a hammer?

Jiang Lin pouted slightly, and then said: "I'm not kidding, a part-time worker in my family can drive that Count Dracula away."

At this time, Bao Yi, who was drinking and eating meat in Liyang Curie of Huixing Mountain, sneezed several times.

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-four chapters

Anna: "..."

Van Helsing: "..."

Both of them are ellipses at one end, can we speak with a little margin?

Anna and Van Helsing didn't know what was going on. The three of them had a good communication, but Jiang Lin suddenly started bragging.

Chatting and chatting and blowing up.

These 13 blows caught them off guard.

A part-time worker in the family drove Count Dracula away!

"You don't have to look at me like this, Dracula is not the ancestor of vampires, he is not that scary."

In fact, Jiang Lin's questioning of Anna's words is not without basis. His wife Eve went to many museums and libraries when he went to the United States, and most of those vampire materials were organized by her at that time.

Vampires do have ancestors, but they have nothing to do with Dracula. According to Eve's information, the ancestors of vampires may be Cain or Lilith, who are at the same level as the druids and generals. These are all recorded in the Bible. figure.

Although Dracula is stronger than ordinary vampires, in terms of strength, it should not be able to compare to the flying zombie he once killed.

It has nothing to do with the ancestors at all.

"Then Mr. Jiang, do you have any intention to cooperate with us?"

Fan Haixin, who hadn't spoken much, couldn't stand it any longer. He felt that if he didn't speak again, Jiang Lin would be able to continue blowing.

Not so terrifying, they dispatched the entire Holy Knight Order this time, the ultimate goal is to deal with Dracula.

It's not scary, can you use so many people to come here?


Jiang Lin shook his head and asked him to cooperate with the fellows in Middle-earth. That was no problem. After all, they all knew his abilities and would follow his lead.

But let him cooperate with outsiders, he thinks it is better to do it alone.

The members of the Holy Knights are all Christian, and he has nothing to do with those who are different from the Tao.

And as far as he knows, in the past few decades, those foreign priests and priests have done a lot of dirty things in Middle-earth.

Although there was no need to kill all the missionaries with one stick, Jiang Lin didn't want to have anything to do with them.

"If that's the case, then we can only feel pity for it."

Although Fan Haixin said so, he didn't think so in his heart. He felt that Jiang Lin's mouth was much more powerful than his real ability. Jiang Lin didn't accept Anna's invitation, and he was a little fortunate.

"Miss Anna, you said that Dracula's hometown is your hometown Trangu Town, but he often appears all over the world?"

Jiang Lin was a little puzzled when he remembered what Anna had said earlier.

According to Anna, in the past, Dracula even appeared in two places almost at the same time, and the two places were even separated by a continent.

If this is the case, either Dracula's flight speed is comparable to that of a combat aircraft, or there are other reasons.

Therefore, if he wants to kill the vampire count, he has to think of some countermeasures.

"Yes, this is also the reason why our family and Catholicism have spent hundreds of years of efforts to kill him, and we have not even found his real nest."

Anna nodded. Although Jiang Lin was unwilling to cooperate with them, she still answered Jiang Lin's question.

After expressing his thanks, Jiang Lin left the castle directly. He hadn't been home for more than half a month. If his wives hadn't been able to meet him by fax, they would have revolted.

But halfway through, he received a letter from the paper crane from the lamp god, Xugang ZF and those Christians actually wanted to requisition the fruit and medicinal materials from his company.

Oh, that's really brave enough.

Jiang Lin sneered, burned the paper crane in his hand to ashes, and went straight to the city.

When he arrived at the door of the company, Jiang Lin discovered that there were basically no official personnel, all of them were Christian missionaries in teaching uniforms.

Now Bishop is mediating with these missionaries, stalling for time.


"Brother Jiang."

When Deng Shen and Bishop saw Jiang Lin coming, they quickly went up to them and explained the details to him.

It turned out that a few missionaries came here to buy some fruits yesterday, and accidentally discovered that those fruits have the effect of greatly restoring physical strength, and also have the effect of supplementing the exorcism power to the holy artifact they use.

On the same day, they gathered to put pressure on the ZF in Xugang to requisition the fruits and medicinal materials here to speed up their handling of the corpse.

"Brother Jiang, in fact, this has nothing to do with us. Because of the previous incident, even my hometown had to cooperate with the Protestants to let them investigate the vampires in the nobles and the royal family. The same is true here in Xugang. So now this is the case. The missionaries of the three religions have the power to make the ZF department cooperate fully, and I have tried my best to stabilize them."

Bishop explained to Jiang Lin that now he is really difficult to do on both sides. On the one hand, he has the above orders, and on the other hand, he really does not want or dare to offend Jiang Lin.


Jiang Lin nodded, and the congregants who co-authored these three religions were holding chicken feathers as arrows.

Then he walked to the door and stood, and said loudly to the missionaries on the opposite side: "Who is talking about it?"

"You are the boss here? The products in your company have been requisitioned by the authorities."

A tall missionary stood up, took out an official document and shook it away.

"My private property, if you say it is expropriated, it will be expropriated? What if I don't agree?"

"You have to agree, and you have to agree. If you don't agree, you have to agree. Now it's a special case, even if you're not convinced."

When the tall missionary saw that Jiang Lin's attitude was not cooperative at all, he was not polite at all.

"Ha ha."

Jiang Lin sneered, stretched out his fingers and shot out a ray of fire, which directly burned the official document in the hand of the tall missionary.


The tall missionary was so frightened that he quickly lost the official document that was on fire. Then he looked at Jiang Lin angrily and said, "Are you a mage? You are provoking!"

Jiang Lin laughed and said, "What's the matter with provocation, you can't accept it."

The tall missionary's face turned blue and white with anger, and he let the people who came with him rush in directly to carry the goods.


Jiang Lin's body flashed, and almost instantly he was in front of the tall missionary, and an ear scraper slapped it.

The body of the tall missionary flew out like a kite and fell to the other side of the road.

Seeing this, the rest of the missionaries rushed directly to Jiang Lin.

However, they were all slapped by Jiang Lin, each with a swollen face like a pig's head, lying on the other side of the road.

"Who else doesn't agree? Whoever doesn't agree, I'll shoot whoever, let alone you, the so-called Holy Knight Order, who came here, and they're the same. If you have the ability to let your Pope and Patriarch come over, I This slap, wait for them!"

Jiang Lin put his hands behind his waist and spoke there.

"How is this going?"

It happened that Van Helsing and Anna were looking around in the old castle and came to the city. Van Helsing was a little stunned when he saw the many missionaries lying on the side of the road and wailing.

There is also his own teaching.

The tall missionary ran to Fan Haixin's side, pointed at Jiang Lin and said, "He... he provokes our three Christian religions."

"They are holding chicken feathers as arrows and want to requisition my property. Do you want to try my slap too?"

Jiang Lin smiled at Fan Haixin and raised his palm.

If Van Helsing is going to stand up for these people, then he will ignore the relationship not long ago.

Draw correctly.

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-five chapters have not been removed from the vampire, and the werewolf has come again

Expropriate someone else's property?

Is there something about it?

Fan Haixin was a little stunned for a while, not knowing what the situation was.

Although he is a member of the Holy Knight Order, he is also a part-timer, and he does not do any management. He is only responsible for the killing work. In normal times, he is a monster hunter.

And since yesterday, he has been using the crystal ball to find Dracula's Anna and Dracula's trace, so he doesn't know much about the requisition.

Looking at the missionaries lying around, Fan Haixin looked at Jiang Lin again. All these twenty people were thrown down by Jiang Lin alone?

"You brought them all down?"

"Yes, I brought it down with one hand, do you want to try it?"

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