Jiang Lin looked at Fan Haixin with his arms folded. He didn't care much about Fan Haixin's failure.

In his early days, he happened to beat up this member of the Holy Knights, and directly gave the three Christian religions a powerful dismantling. If he didn't start, he didn't have to deal with Van Helsing. After all, they only met more than half an hour ago. talked.

Anna on the side listened to Jiang Lin's answer and couldn't help looking at him with a look of surprise. Jiang Lin's physique was not too burly and majestic, but he was able to defeat more than [*] people with one person's strength, and they all had special abilities. missionary.

Fan Haixin thought for a while, put one hand on the revolver at his waist, and said to Jiang Lin: "I don't know about this absurd thing, and I have no intention of giving them a head start. It's just that I am a member of the Holy Knights after all. , Well, there is a saying in Middle-earth of you that 'learning from each other', let's make a gesture."

Fan Haixin said this very cleverly. He said it was absurd, that is to say, he stood with Jiang Lin in the word "reason", but because he was a member of the Knights, he had to express his position by behavior. .

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, and understood what Fan Haixin meant. His body moved suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Fan Haixin.

"I don't need to discuss anymore, right?"

After smiling at Fan Haixin, Jiang Lin turned around and entered the company.

What a great speed!

Anna's eyes widened, her curved eyelashes flickering. She had never seen Jiang Lin take action before, but now she was quite surprised when she saw it.

This is not the speed that humans can have, right?Faster than a werewolf.

The tall missionary and others were a bit baffled. They wanted to see Van Helsing show off his skills. After all, this famous monster hunter from all over Europe was considered the ace of the Holy Knights, and he had a lot of skills in exorcism and monster hunting.

But Jiang Lin just came to Fan Haixin and left, while Fan Haixin remained motionless.

How about a good discussion?

"Fan Helsing, aren't you guys learning from each other?"

Anna had the same doubts as those missionaries and didn't know what was going on.

"It's not necessary."

Van Helsing pulled out the revolver from the holster around his waist, but the revolver with the gun blade was completely deformed, and there were five deep fingerprints on it.

Before he could draw his gun, Jiang Lin stepped in front of him and destroyed his weapon with lightning speed.

Oh my god.

Anna covered her mouth. She had seen Van Helsing use this revolver to block the axe's slash. Although the body of the gun was made of sterling silver, it was made with a special craftsmanship, which was as hard as steel.

Just got caught?

When did he start?

Anna couldn't help but look at Jiang Lin's back, the Mage of Middle Earth, is he so powerful?

"You guys, go back with me, I have to personally ask the head of the regiment what's going on."

Van Helsing glanced at the missionaries and snorted, because what they had to deal with was to find and kill the vampires around the nobles and officials, so their actions this time could not be publicized, otherwise it would cause a lot of panic.

But these people actually came here to expropriate other people's legal private property.

Do you want things to get out?

"But Mr. Van Helsing..."

"You need to know one thing. If the other party didn't want to make trouble today, you wouldn't even have a chance to survive."

Van Helsing made a cold face and almost threw the revolver in the tall preacher's face.

At this time, a group of disgruntled missionaries lost their voices.

"My brother Jiang is really domineering."

After Van Helsing and the others left, Bishop wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

When Jiang Lin slapped the missionaries in the face before, he was worried that the situation would worsen, but even if someone with status and status came to the other party, he still left in despair.

"If something like this happens in the future, there's no need to inform me. There are unreasonable and unreasonable ones, and teach me a lesson to death."

Jiang Lin directly gave Deng Shen the privilege, no matter who came, reason with reason, deal with sincerity, treat him as a guest, but if he makes trouble, he will teach him a lesson.

Later, Jiang Lin asked about the transactions on the fifth floor during this period. In addition to collecting treasures in the company, Jiang Lin also instructed him to spread the recruitment information of some array materials.

Since the last time he dealt with Zuo Ci, he used the materials for the Feilong Seven-Star Array. Jiang Lin has been looking for it all these years. Not all collected yet.

"Boss, you haven't been here for a while, so the vampire you're chasing should be hiccups, right?"

"Don't mention it, it's gone. I've been in his lair for so long, it's all wasted time."

Jiang Lin felt depressed when he mentioned this. After spending so much time, he didn't even meet Dracula.

Just when Jiang Lin thought that Dracula had no idea where to escape, there was movement in the Western-style castle.

Because the castle was empty, the bats around it gathered and flew towards the castle.

The bats eventually gathered in front of the fresco to form Dracula's shadowy silhouette, and after a spell, the fresco became a mirror again.

And this group of bats differentiated into bats again and flew out of the castle.

Not long after, Dracula came out from the other side of the mirror, and at the same time, there appeared a dwarf and a werewolf with hair like needles standing on both feet.

Dracula had his own children in the basement of the castle, so Dracula would naturally not just let it go. After fully recuperating, he returned to the castle with his werewolf and dwarf demon slaves.

"My child, my child!"

When Dracula discovered that there were only pieces of ashes under the castle, the vampire count roared in anger.

"Werewolf slave, revenge for your mistress and little master, revenge!"

Dracula gave an order, and more than [*] werewolves sniffed the residual smell around them, and then rushed out of the castle.

They smelled three lingering scents on the basement floor, Jiang Lin's, and Van Helsing's and Anna's.

So they were divided into four groups, one group rushed to Huixing Mountain, one group went to Shennong Company, and the other two groups went to the place where Van Helsing and the rest of the Holy Knights were temporarily staying, and the hotel where Anna and her clan lived.

The vampires hidden in Xugang haven't been eliminated yet, and here comes the werewolf again.

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-six chapters werewolf disaster

Jiang Lin stayed in the company for a while, and if those Christian missionaries left and returned, he would have to let them see blood.

It seems that Van Helsing is still a man of brains.

Seeing that night fell, Jiang Lin didn't plan to stay any longer. No one came to look for a place at this point, which meant that those people didn't dare to make an idea here.

As soon as he walked out of the gate, Jiang Lin raised his head and looked upwards. On the roofs of several high-rise buildings on the opposite side, there were many monsters over two meters in size - werewolves.

"It seems to be really troublesome."

Jiang Lin murmured, and with a swipe, he held the Zhengbone Sword in his hand. More than a dozen werewolves on the tall building had already jumped down and stood opposite him.

But what makes Jiang Lin strange is that there are so many werewolves in Xugang. If it is in a Western country, this is not particularly strange, but Xugang is located in Asia. In this small land, there are a dozen of them at once, and some are Weird.

After all, in all these years in Middle-earth, he has only encountered one werewolf.

Werewolves are different from vampires. The former has a very strong sense of territory and basically will not stay away from their own territory.

In fact, among these werewolves, only five or six were brought by Dracula, and the rest were newborns.

From the time they left the castle until it was dark, it was enough for them to bite and kill many people, turning them into their own kind.


"Monster, monster!"


More than a dozen terrifying werewolves suddenly jumped down from the roof, causing a sudden scream.

This is the city center of Xugang. Even after nightfall, there are still a lot of people on the street. For a while, the whole street is in chaos. Citizens are scrambling to flee to the distance, and some even get into the nearby storefronts. , directly lock the door.

Jiang Lin didn't think about why there were so many werewolves, these guys had already roared at him, and then attacked him together.

These werewolves were extremely fast, and they rushed towards Jiang Lin almost instantly, but no matter how fast they were, they were not as fast as Jiang Lin's sword.

The sound of a few sharp blades piercing the air came out, and the six werewolves were directly gutted by Jiang Lin.

When they fell to the ground and howled, Jiang Lin threw out a few more balls of fire, and the six injured werewolves stopped struggling after a few howls.

The remaining werewolves stepped back involuntarily for a while, they didn't expect Jiang Lin to be so terrifying.

After looking at each other, they immediately fled.

"Master, what happened?"

The domestic cat heard the movement outside and ran out.

"It's a werewolf similar to Western zombies. It should be here for the exotic fruits and medicinal materials. You and the lamp god are staying here, and I will kill them."

For these malicious werewolf, Jiang Lin would not let them escape so easily.

After explaining the house cat, he took out his sword and chased it out.

However, since the remaining few werewolves knew how to escape, it showed that they still had some brains. After running to a fork in the road, they fled in three directions.

Although Jiang Lin's running speed was also extremely fast, it was not much faster than these werewolves. In addition, these werewolves were very agile and fled away. For a while, Jiang Lin was not able to destroy them.

The chasing and fleeing of the group immediately caused a lot of chicken flying and dog jumping. I don't know how many citizens cried and called their mothers. Those who were a little timid were directly scared to wet their pants.

In fact, Jiang Lin's side is not bad, but the chase and killing drama was staged, but Fan Helsing's side and Anna's side were terrible.

They didn't have the vigilance of Jiang Lin, and they didn't expect that there were werewolves in Xugang, and they didn't expect that the werewolves would kill them directly at their base camp in Xugang, so when they were caught off guard, it was really heavy casualties and blood was blurred.

There are mutilated limbs everywhere.

Even the members of the Holy Knights were killed by werewolves.

The rest are fighting hard, especially Van Helsing, where he killed a lot of people. He held a silver repeating crossbow in one hand and a gun-blade revolver in the other. .

As for Anna, they were losing ground. Although Anna and her clan had strong skills, they were short-handed, and the battle was tragic.

The three places are all prosperous areas in the port of Xu, and the number of werewolves is fifty or sixty. Van Helsing and Anna are fighting and retreating.

In addition, it didn't take long for the royal police detectives to rush to Hong Kong, and a gun battle broke out again, causing the werewolves to attack indiscriminately, adding to the chaos.

In addition, there are also a large number of werewolves running in the suburbs of Xugang, and now almost the whole of Xugang has been plagued by werewolves.

Hong Kong is in chaos.


On Changshun Street, Anna wore a silver helmet and leather armor on her abdomen and legs. She held a silver sword and fought with the two werewolves.

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