Although her physique exceeds that of ordinary strong men, she is not a werewolf's opponent after all. She was slapped on the ground by a werewolf.

Just as she was about to be crushed to pieces, a sharp sword pierced the werewolf's throat above her.

After the werewolf fell, she saw a straight figure, like a heroic knight under the moonlight above.

This figure is Jiang Lin. He has already killed the other two werewolves fleeing, and the remaining one is fleeing towards Anna.

That's why he saved Anna, whose life was at stake.

"Women don't allow men, I can't see that you are braver than men."

Jiang Lin smiled and held out his hand.

"Mr. Jiang!"

Anna raised her arm to grab Jiang Lin's hand and stood up, but because the werewolf stepped on her ankle just now, she lost her balance and fell into Jiang Lin's arms.

"I hurt my ankle."

Anna wanted to bend over to touch her feet, but her stomach and waist were wrapped in leather armor, so she couldn't bend down at all.

"Then offend first."

Jiang Lin stretched out his foot and kicked Anna's leg directly. After that, he reached out and twisted Anna's ankle a few times to help her straighten the misplaced foot bone.

"Thank you Mr. Jiang, I can act again."

Ana felt the pain on her ankle eased a lot, and immediately joined the fight again.

I'm going, girl.

Jiang Lin couldn't help giving Anna a thumbs up. When he straightened the girl's foot, she didn't say a word, the sprain was not healed, and rushed out again.

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-seven chapters are talents, all of them are talents!

However, Jiang Lin didn't watch it there. He took advantage of the fact that the werewolf here didn't know his horror, and his fingers twitched one after another.

The place was almost destroyed, and the crowd had already fled, so he no longer worried about causing damage and accidentally hurting ordinary people.

Just as Anna clenched her long sword and was about to slash at a werewolf, the werewolf in front of her fell.

Then another werewolf screamed and fell down.


Anna turned her head to look at Jiang Lin behind her, and what she saw immediately made her mouth wide open.

Humanoid Gatling.

"You...are you a Frankenstein?"

Back at Jiang Lin's side, Anna grabbed his hand and turned it over to look at it, and then she tapped Jiang Lin's elbow with the blade of the silver long sword, wanting to hear if there would be a metal exchange. click sound.

"This is Taoism, not technology. Don't the women in your place have many concepts about the opposite sex?"

Jiang Lin looked at Anna, and he wondered if Anna and the women in her hometown were all female men, and it was normal for them to hug the opposite sex and touch their hands.

During the day, Anna put her arms around him to listen to his heartbeat, and now she holds his hand.

"No way! I'm just curious."

When Anna heard Jiang Lin's words, she immediately understood what he meant, and quickly let go of her hand.

At this time, a young man dressed as a knight came to Anna and asked, "Princess Anna, are you okay? Who is this?"

"I'm fine, this is Mr. Jiang, a mage from Middle-earth. He once killed Dracula's two brides and is a friend of our family. Now he has rescued us, and he will be our guest in the future."

Anna solemnly introduced Jiang Lin to her clan, and then ordered a few guards to help the injured fellow clan and dispose of the dead bodies, and collect the werewolf's claws and fangs by the way.

"So you are the princess?"

Jiang Lin couldn't help but be a little surprised. In his understanding, princesses were basically the kind of delicate women who could stretch out their hands to eat and open their mouths. She was completely different from the current Anna.

"What? Not like it?"

Anna deliberately put on a cold look and stared at Jiang Lin with sharp eyes. This was her usual attitude.

"Like, there is a queen fan."

Jiang Lin smiled, then looked into the distance, and another werewolf appeared.

It was the group of werewolves that Van Helsing, the Holy Knights and many missionaries dealt with.

Anna smiled sweetly, and then followed Jiang Lin's gaze.

"Let's hurry up and help."

"Not interested in."

Jiang Lin shook his head and didn't move.

"But didn't you help me deal with the werewolf just now?"

"You're not like them."

Jiang Lin shrugged. He helped Anna take care of those werewolves. On the one hand, it was easy, and on the other hand, he wanted to destroy these werewolves.

But those werewolves in the distance were fighting hotly with the Christian missionaries, so he didn't plan to shoot.

Those people still want to requisition his exotic fruits and medicinal materials during the day, even if he is idle, he will not help.

When the battle is over, and the werewolf is about to leave or retreat, he will just make up for it.

I'm not like them?

Anna looked at Jiang Lin, and then asked tentatively, " came here specifically to save me?"

"You're a princess, you have a queen style, but you don't have that much face, okay?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes. My family's wife is waiting for her husband at home. Where would they come to rescue you?


Anna was a little embarrassed, she didn't even know why she asked such a question.Then she changed the subject: "I suspect that these werewolves may be related to Count Dracula. He not only has servants of the dwarf demons, but he can also brainwash the werewolves and make them servants."

"You mean Dracula is back?"

"Not sure, but since Dracula once stayed in Xugang, it's not too strange that there are werewolves here."

"Whether it is or not, catch one and talk about it."

With that said, Jiang Lin jumped a few times and headed to Fan Helsing's battle circle.

More than half a month ago, he had captured Dracula's two brides and slaves, but he was too quick at that time.

Directly destroy the female vampire and blood slave.

If he hadn't killed them at that time, he wouldn't have had to wait so long in the old castle.

So when Anna said that these werewolves might be related to Dracula, Jiang Lin planned to catch one alive to see if he could find out where Dracula had escaped.

As they got closer, Jiang Lin discovered how these knights and missionaries dealt with werewolves.

Except for Van Helsing's use of strong crossbow weapons and a few missionaries with distinctive clothes using different spells, the rest is basically just a few tricks.

The one who sprinkled water, the one who threw garlic, the one who held the hallelujah of the cross.

Those who turned the books, sang songs, and carried the statue of Jesus' authority to mess around with the pestle.

There are also people who put themselves there to dance the gods or swing with a string of rosary beads, thinking of themselves as a complete set of horses.

Really eye-opening, eye-opening!

Jiang Lin knew that Christianity's exorcism ability was basically at the bottom of all religions, but he didn't expect it to be so bad.

What expel you in the name of God, what Hail Mary.

I drop a good boy.

Talents are all talents!

Not to mention sharp weapons such as spears and broadswords, and even blunt weapons such as hammers and hammers, he has never seen them.

Deal with werewolves like you would at home.

This group of Christians can't even compare to ordinary people like Anna.

Those who sprinkled water sprinkled, lost their heads, and those who threw garlic threw away, and burped.

In front of those werewolves, the role of these talents is not as good as cannon fodder.

Cannon fodder at least has the function of blocking the line of sight.

Jiang Lin really wanted to know how these talents deal with vampires.

After watching it for a while, he didn't have any interest in watching it any longer, so he jumped up and rushed towards a werewolf.

Jiang Lin bombarded a werewolf on the head with a palm, and then tied the werewolf with a Yang Yan whip.

Because of Jiang Lin's sudden appearance, both Van Helsing and the werewolf temporarily stopped fighting.

Jiang Lin!

Very good!

Fan Haixin looked excited. He had already seen Jiang Lin's skills. He wasn't just bluffing. If this Middle-earth mage joined them, they would be able to relax a little bit.

"I'm here to make soy sauce, you guys continue."

While dragging the werewolf who was stunned by it, Jiang Lin waved his hand, expressing his intention not to intervene.

Then he took a few more jumps and left the battlefield.

Van Helsing: "..."

I rely on!It's all here, and I've got a werewolf, so why are you leaving like this?

A group of werewolves were also a little stunned. When they reacted to the familiar smell on Jiang Lin's body, Jiang Lin had disappeared.

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-eight chapters I Taoism first, the rest is optional (on)

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