"You actually captured the werewolf so easily?"

When Jiang Lin returned to Anna, Anna looked at the dying werewolf and felt very unbelievable. It was good for Jiang Lin to kill the werewolf, and it was not impossible to capture the werewolf, but to capture the werewolf so easily still shocked her. arrive.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "It's a small matter."

On the other hand, Fan Haixin was blown away by Jiang Lin's mentality, and he was completely ruthless. The remaining werewolves were basically wiped out by him.

Jiang Lin didn't care too much. Although there were a lot of these werewolves, their quality was not as good as the one he killed many years ago. Killing one was less than [-] points of cruelty.

He is still willing to fight for these [-] or [-] yuan to make those idiots who use chicken feathers as arrows suffer a big loss.

"I'm going to see if I can get information about Dracula from this werewolf, Miss Anna, if you have any progress, please send someone to inform me."

Jiang Lin said hello to Anna and went back to the company. He entertained the captured werewolf, but to his disappointment, the werewolves who appeared this time were relatively low-level and could not even speak human words. Can't change back to human form.

When he was about to deploy the source array, Deng Shen took the phone over, and Bishop came to look for it again.

"Brother Jiang, I'm under a lot of pressure, and I've been scolded a lot. How could a werewolf appear in Xugang?

Bishop wailed on the phone, the vampire thing wasn't over yet, and the werewolf appeared again, and the werewolf didn't matter, and the special appeared not long after he was promoted.

Now he is a head two big.

"What's so stressful? Isn't there Protestant Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity? Look for them."

Jiang Lin laughed unkindly when he said that, and he accepted Christianity when he talked about a few tricks.

"Don't mention it! Before I met Brother Jiang, I thought God was so powerful, and those people have been here for a while. They said they believed in God to exorcise evil spirits. Seeing them kill a few vampires, this time I met a werewolf, and they ran faster than a rabbit. I Bishop, I will trust Jiang-ge and your Sanqing in the future!"

Bishop complained a lot, and then he told Jiang Lin that in order to deal with this disaster, the superiors followed his advice and planned to gather all the practitioners in Xugang together, pay some rewards, please invite these people Deal with werewolves and vampires together.

The reason I listened to Bishop's advice this time was because many police detectives found that some of them could change back into human form and hide when they were chasing down werewolves with hot weapons.

Vampires already have enough headaches, and there are werewolves again, and they are the ones who can disguise themselves as ordinary people, so this matter cannot be delayed, and it must be solved as quickly as possible.

It is better to rely on the Christians who only know how to use the name of God, and it is better to rely on the sow to climb the tree.

In addition, there is another reason, that is, Bishop found a statement for his superiors to explain to the public.

Jiang Lin once handled the Frankenstein incident in the basement of a hospital in Xugang, so Bishop made a suggestion to make the information public, and put the werewolf thing directly on the Frankenstein, and let him take the blame.

Compared with some mysterious power, the theory of technological mutation is more acceptable to the public.

Bishop's superiors thought he was a methodical subordinate, and did as he said.

"There's no need to detour me, tell me, how much is the bid?"

Jiang Lin knew that since Bishop called, he must not complain to him, and this guy didn't have the guts.

"[-]. As long as the vampires and werewolves can be resolved as soon as possible, and if you play a major role in it, Brother Jiang, I should be able to win this number."

Bishop also knew Jiang Lin's style and gave him the details directly.


Jiang Lin was quite satisfied with this price, and Bishop agreed with him to meet at the police station early tomorrow morning.

Looking at the time, Jiang Lin didn't go back either, and just rested on the company's sofa.

And Bishop went to contact other people overnight. During the time when Jiang Lin was not in Xugang, he also encountered some difficult cases.

Therefore, in Xugang, he also had some information about the practitioners.

And some time ago, there was a vampire in the house of the previous governor, which caused the circle of powerful and powerful people to panic to death, looking for wizards and wizards everywhere, regardless of whether the other party has the ability to exorcise evil spirits, they all invited them to their homes, so now Xugang has gathered a lot of practitioners from all over the world. People, as long as he uses some contacts, he can invite them.

Early the next morning, Jiang Lin went to the meeting place Bishop said. When he arrived, there were already many people there.

There were monks in robes and head descendants with drums wrapped around their waists, Christian missionaries who couldn't even compare to cannon fodder, and Van Helsing.

"Father-in-law, are you here too?"

Jiang Lin saw that Zhang Xiaochuan's father, Zhang Dashao, was also invited, so he went over to say hello.

"If you have an official, and you can subdue demons and subdue demons, I will join in the fun too."

Zhang Dashao smiled. Since the cat demon was destroyed and his daughter Zhang Xiaochuan married Jiang Lin, he has returned to his old business. When dealing with Fei Zong, he went to the mainland to do his part.

After a while, Bishop, who was tired, drove here, and brought a few old monks. At the same time, there were Anna and her guards.

"Master Daoist, please come in."

After Bishop got out of the car, he invited everyone into the police station.

When Jiang Lin saw Bishop arrived in the conference room, he stood directly behind the podium. He took the lead and sat in the main seat opposite.

"Humph! Young man, what qualifications do you have to sit in the main seat?"

When an old monk saw Jiang Lin's unceremonious entrance, he questioned him in non-standard Chinese.

"Go up and sit down, can you sit up?"

A head-lowering teacher also agreed, and after he made his voice, the Christian missionaries who had a quarrel with Jiang Lin also booed.

"Why, I'm Taoist, can't sit here?"

Jiang Lin laughed, I don't want to sit here, do you want to sit here?

"Hey, you Taoist can sit there? I also have Theravada Buddhism."

"I teach voodoo."

"I express my dissatisfaction with the witch sect."

Jiang Lin's words immediately made a group of wizards and mages unhappy, and they all reported to their families.

The head of the Holy Knights next to Van Helsing knocked on the table and said, "In today's world, Christianity, one of the three major religions, is here. In terms of scale and influence, Christianity is the number one. Can Taoism sit on the throne? Where do we sit?"

Jiang Lin flicked his fingernails and said, "You can sit wherever you want. What kind of Christianity, Theravada Buddhism, Shamanism, this religion, Taoism is the first, and the rest are optional. For the rest of the seats, where do you want to sit? ."

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-nine chapters I Taoism first, the rest is optional (below)

I Taoism first, the rest is optional!

Young Master Zhang felt extremely proud when he heard Jiang Lin say such a sentence.

He is from the Maoshan Inspiration School and also belongs to Taoism. Now, in front of so many religions, Jiang Lin is straight and Taoism is the first, which is really courageous!

Not to mention Young Master Zhang, even if Zhang Han and Uncle Jiu were here, after hearing Jiang Lin's words, they would be proud of it.

But Young Master Zhang was proud that those old monks, wizards and missionaries were different.

Direct fryer.

"Little Huangkou, even your masters and ancestors, would not dare to speak so eloquently!"

"Return to Taoism first, and we are free?"

"Which of the various religions in the world dares to be the first? Who dares to be the head of the sect? It's really maddening!"

A group of monks, wizards, and missionaries slapped tables and chairs furiously, and some even spit out fragrance.

Jiang Lin's words were more serious than when he sat on the main seat.

It's too bold, isn't it?

Anna looked at Jiang Lin in the main seat in surprise. After what happened last night, she no longer felt that what Jiang Lin said during the day was bragging.

But today, Jiang Lin blew again.

Still blowing a big one.

There are so many religions in the world, no one dares to say who is stronger than who in public, but Jiang Lin just did it.

Bishop watched from behind the podium, and he didn't go to mediate. On the one hand, he knew Jiang Lin's ability, and it was no problem to press these people. On the other hand, he also had the idea of ​​using Jiang Lin to suppress others.

Inviting so many people to come, funding must be a problem, and he had already negotiated the price with Jiang Lin. As long as he deliberately said that Jiang Lin's remuneration was low, the others would not speak out.

And Jiang Lin knew him well and would definitely not demolish his platform.

"Give me silence!"

Jiang Lin let out a roar that sounded like a bell, and at the same time sent his own spiritual power into it, the unicorn toe and dragon blood and dragon essence in his body also worked together, so that his roar brought some lin Howling dragon.

In addition, he also completely broke out the momentum in his body.

Suddenly, everyone present felt that their ears were buzzing and their legs were weak.

After a snort, Jiang Lin's thoughts moved, and all the chairs in the conference room moved. These chairs moved behind the monks, wizards, missionaries, and others, directly bumping their knees and sitting on them.

Then more than a dozen chairs moved and sent everyone to the round table.

Sit even if you don't.

After everyone came back to their senses, they realized that they had already sat down, and for a while, a storm surged in their hearts.

Jiang Lin didn't move at all, but he let them sit down straight away, and they were still sitting well.

Is there... is there such a powerful mage?

Anna was less shocked, after all, she had no hostility to Jiang Lin from the beginning.

Looking at Jiang Lin sitting on the main seat, she seemed to have an illusion that Jiang Lin was like a peerless emperor.

Her father was the king of the gypsies, and he was very majestic, but that majesty was a bit less charming than Jiang Lin at the moment.

"I'm sitting here. Who is in favor and who is against it? I'll put preaching first, and who else of you has an objection?"

Jiang Lin glanced at everyone present, and those monks, wizards, missionaries, and other eyes met Jiang Lin, and all of them felt trembling from the bottom of their hearts.

Actually no one said a word.

Oh Xiaochuan, you really married an amazing husband.

At this moment, Young Master Zhang is proud of his daughter again.

The practitioners present included Christian Protestants, Catholics, Eastern Orthodox Christians, and Buddhists and Shamanism, but they were all under the pressure of Jiang Lin's power, and they did not dare to say a word.

One person overwhelms the crowd.

Such a thing has probably never happened a few times in history.

And now, his son-in-law has done it.

He seemed to be able to imagine that in the future, when he blew this matter out, every comrade would have to say: Your son-in-law is awesome!

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