Jiang Lin raised his face at Bishop when he saw that everyone was silent.

Damn it, Brother Jiang, you're a real beer!

Bishop secretly gave Jiang Lin a thumbs up, and then distributed a stack of documents to the people around the round table.

Because the matter has already caused panic, and it involves the leadership, in order to avoid further panic, these people, including Jiang Lin, must sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Afterwards, Bishop informed everyone about the specific matters. For the above reasons, Taoists and mages who deal with werewolves and vampires must wear police uniforms and be exposed to the public as royal police detectives.

After all, the explanation given to the citizens above is that there are scientifically mutated monsters, and they cannot be made to associate with werewolves and vampires, otherwise things are likely to get out of hand.

In the end, Bishop talked to everyone about the remuneration. As he had imagined, when he said that Jiang Lin only needed a remuneration of less than [*] yuan, Jiang Lin didn't say anything at all.

On the same day, Jiang Lin and others changed into the police uniforms provided by Bishop, preparing to search for and deal with vampires and werewolves in the urban area and suburbs of Xugang, as well as the homes of powerful people.

Although Christians are very dissatisfied with such a thing, they have nothing to do. Who makes them have no effect at all, and there is almost no progress in the search for vampires.

"Jiang Lin, can I come with you? I have a crystal ball for divination, which can predict the approximate directions of werewolves and vampires. If the two of us cooperate, the efficiency should be higher."

Anna put on a policewoman uniform, which made her look even more heroic. She walked out of the room, and after seeing Jiang Lin, she invited Jiang Lin to accompany her.

The vampires hiding in Hong Kong are related to Dracula, and the werewolf may also be related to it, so she can't wait to kill those monsters.


Jiang Lin raised his eyebrows as he looked at Anna, who was wearing a uniform and a police cap. Anna was full of heroic spirit, and she was also a beautiful princess. With this police uniform, she had a different kind of beauty.


Jiang Lin nodded, although he didn't need Anna's crystal ball to search, but since Anna had already spoken, he didn't need to refuse inhumanely.

Fan Helsing, who was not far away, pouted. He originally planned to invite Anna to form a team, but as soon as Anna came out, a sharp knife was stabbed into his heart.

The first thousand two hundred and ninetieth chapters

"You speak Chinese very well, and your racing skills are really good."

Jiang Lin was sitting in the co-pilot of the police car, and became curious again. Anna was Romanian, but she could communicate with him without any problems with her knowledge of Chinese. Moreover, as a princess, her driving skills were also very slippery, and she was an old driver.

"We gypsies used to wander around, so we dabble in a lot of culture, and Chinese culture is also widely spread in our side. As for driving, it's a trivial thing, my equestrian is stronger."

Anna smiled at Jianglin and said, "You look handsome in this police uniform."

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Even your princess praised me so much. It seems that I am really handsome."

Anna's face blushed slightly: "Can you drive? If you can, you drive. I have to use a crystal ball for divination."

"No need, just drive around, feel free to be my driver, there are werewolves in the east."

Jiang Lin waved his hand, if he was there, Anna wouldn't need to play any role at all, it would be ok to be a driver for him.

Although Anna was a little puzzled, she did as she did. The car drove two miles east, and Jiang Lin jumped out of the car and went to a cave.

It didn't take long for him to come out with three werewolf corpses. If Bishop didn't need the corpses as proof of reporting the application for funds, he would have burned them directly.

"How do you know there are werewolves here? You didn't use any tools?"

Anna's beautiful eyelashes fluttered, and she blinked at Jiang Lin.

"you guess."

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly and pointed in another direction to Anna.

After that, Anna gradually became surprised, then surprised, and in the end, she didn't take it any surprise.

Every time Jiang Lin pointed to a place, there was bound to be a werewolf or a vampire, and when she went to some official residences, Jiang Lin didn't need to go in. If she didn't, she really didn't, even if she used a crystal ball to verify or even searched it in person, it was the same. No.

And if Jiang Lin said there was, it was definitely there.

In just one day, Jiang Lin searched out almost all the werewolves and vampires and killed them directly.

The rest was handled by Zhang Dashao and Van Helsing together.

The amount of work Jiang Lin completed by himself was several times that of them.

"It sucks."

Jiang Lin shook his head. The vampires he killed, like the werewolves, were all low-level and couldn't transform, that is, they didn't have wings at all, and they wouldn't be able to transfer much hostility after killing them.

"Isn't that bad? You should just go and destroy Dracula."

Anna felt that Jiang Lin seemed to be speaking sarcastically. If these werewolves and vampires were to be dealt with by her clansmen, she did not know how much damage it would cause. Jiang Lin actually said these things were bad.

"It's been a busy day, you should rest early, it's time for me to go home."

After saying goodbye to Anna, Jiang Lin left her a phone number and returned to Huixing Mountain.

When he got home, a group of his wives gathered around, some of them missed him, and some not only missed him, but also showed off to him.

Only then did Jiang Lin know that a werewolf had invaded Huixing Mountain, but they were all killed by Baoyi, Xiaoru and Bai Rourou.

It is they who are showing off their achievements.

"Okay, you guys are amazing, let's do it. It's getting late, so rest."

He hadn't been home for more than half a month, and it was getting late, Jiang Lin had to talk to his wives about life and ideals.

At noon the next day, Jiang Lin went to his training room, ready to use the few werewolf corpses he had collected to find Dracula's whereabouts.

After learning that his hilltop was visited by werewolves, he became suspicious. If we roughly counted the main places where werewolves gathered the night before, we could only count three places, one was his Shennong Company, the other was Fan Haixin and Anna's place, Finally, there is Huixing Mountain here.

And Shennong Company and Huixing Mountain were related to him, Van Helsing and Anna were also found, and it happened that all three of them had been to Dracula's castle.

If Anna hadn't told him that Dracula had a werewolf slave, he wouldn't necessarily have associated the appearance of the werewolf and the weirdness in it with Dracula.

By the way, call Baoyi over, if her guess is wrong, just let her investigate to see if she can find the trace of Dracula.

After Jiang Lin set up the formation, he left the training room and went to Baoyi's room.

"What are you looking for this fairy?"

After Jiang Lin knocked on the door, Bao Yi opened the door and smiled at Jiang Lin. As long as Jiang Lin looked for her, she would have the right to use the treasures in the Jiang family's storage room as a reward.

"Why do I think you're getting fat again?"

Jiang Lin looked at Bao Yi. The fat woman had regained her slender figure before, but now she seems to have gained some weight again, with baby fat on her face.

"Besides, this fairy is fat, believe it or not, I'll hit you."

Bao Yi raised his fist at Jiang Lin, and then smiled: "How are you guys eating, tell me, what should I trouble this fairy for?"

"The tracking talisman you gave me last time was useless because the white-skinned corpse escaped. Do you have any way to investigate his whereabouts from a distance? Come with me to the training room."

"He escaped? That's not ineffective. As long as the imprint of my talisman is still within a radius of fifty miles, it can be traced."

After saying that, Bao Yi went to the training room with Jiang Lin.

"He's here, just south of our location."

Arriving in the training room, Bao Yi sat up cross-legged and drew the magic talisman that Jiang Lin had shown before with immortal power. The magic talisman projected a light curtain, showing Dracula's castle lair.


Jiang Lin frowned, and then activated the magic circle he had just set up. After the last incident, he had already improved the source-tracing magic circle, and could directly project the beam of the magic circle on the approximate direction of the map.

And the place indicated by the traceable array light coincides with the location of the western-style castle.

Werewolves are indeed related to Dracula!

"This guy is really a cunning rabbit!"

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes. He had heard Anna say that Dracula was very cunning, but now it seems that this is the case.

I don't know when this stuff will return to the Western-style castle.

It was the blind spot of his thinking.

Jiang Lin had waited at the castle for more than half a month before, and now he has left the castle. If he wants to track down Dracula's whereabouts, he really doesn't have to think about it again.

If it wasn't for the night before, he happened to go to where Anna lived and heard Anna talk about the werewolf, maybe Dracula would have been put on hold.

After all, Dracula escaped, and with normal thinking, it would be hard to imagine that this vampire count would come back.

"Husband, there is a woman who calls herself Anna. She called and said that she fortuned to the location of Count Dracula, and said that she was still in a western-style castle."

At this time, Chi Xiaoyu came in from outside and told Jiang Lin that Anna had called.

"Understood, I have to go out again."

Jiang Lin burned the werewolf's body and prepared to leave immediately.

Since Dracula dared to play peekaboo with him, if he didn't fight him, he would really be played as a monkey.

Chapter [*] Satan Projection

"Are you going out again? Ahem, don't you entrust this fairy?"

Baoyi looked at Jiang Lin with a smile. During this time, as long as Jiang Lin was not there, Huixing Mountain would always be disturbed. Maybe Jiang Lin would go out again this time.

As long as Jiang Lin asked her to keep the house, she could eat and drink nonsense again.

"Entrust? You eat and drink for free at my house, and you still want to eat and not work? You still have to entrust me? Continue to be a doorman for me."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes at Baoyi. Baoyi didn't know how moisturizing she had been during this time, and now she still wants to make money.

After speaking, Jiang Lin walked out of the training room. Now that Dracula had traces, he had to bring some magical tools such as the bow and arrow to prevent him from slipping away, and he also had to bring the mouse at home.

Compared with the colorful tiger king, the flying rat king is more suitable for dealing with Dracula with fleshy wings.

"Look at him, what kind of attitude is this? She's a fairy anyway."

Bao complained angrily at Chi Xiaoyu, Chi Xiaoyu covered her mouth with a smile, and said, "Then I'm also a fairy, why does he take me so seriously? If you also have my identity, what would he do?"

Chi Xiaoyu gave Baoyi a hint in a joking way. In fact, in her heart, she really wanted Baoyi to be the mistress of the Jiang family just like her.

She didn't have such an idea before. After all, as a woman from Jiang Lin, how could she push other women to share men with her.

But since Jiang Lin went to the United States and brought a lot of fairy flowers and herbs, she had this idea.

Originally, Baoyi's three flowers were scattered, and there was almost no possibility of reunion, but now, it is possible again.

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