Once Baoyi returns to her status as a fairy, it is possible for the upper world to know about her and Jiang Lin through Baoyi.

In that case, not only her, but also Jiang Lin, Chen Yu and others may be in danger.

It is not allowed by the upper realm for a fairy to marry a mortal, even if she is no longer a mysterious girl.

That's why she had such an idea and pulled Baoyi into the water.

In fact, there are other ways to prevent this from happening. Just let Baoyi leave. Without the offerings of fairy grass and fairy flowers and heaven and earth treasures, Baoyi's path to return to the fairy is broken.

But unfortunately, Jiang Lin got into trouble with the generals, and there may be unknown dangers in the entire Jiang family, which requires the power of Baoyi.

You can't let Baoyi go, and you can't let Baoyi return to her status as a fairy. She has to gradually recover her power. The best way is to tie Baoyi to Jiang Lin. Like her, she will never make excuses for Jiang. Lin's affairs are loyal to Jiang Lin.

"He thinks beautiful!"

Baoyi snorted arrogantly, she had already heard what Chi Xiaoyu meant, but she didn't want Jiang Lin to bring her tea and water all the time, how could she agree.

In the long past, when Baoyi had not yet become an immortal, her wish was to become an immortal. After she became an immortal, although she named herself, she has always had no desires or desires.

Now, she has a wish, and that is to recover completely in the future, she will let Jiang Lin listen to her, and Jiang Lin will listen to whatever she says.

As soon as she imagined it, Baoyi was like a quirky little witch, who gave out sweet laughter from time to time.

She didn't even think that her wish came true in the end.

Jiang Lin brought her tea and water, and Jiang Lin listened to what she said—just like Jiang Lin treated Chi Xiaoyu and the rest of his wives.

On the other side, Jiang Lin had already joined Anna, and Fan Helsing was also there.

The three of them rushed directly to the western-style castle.

When they reached a mile outside the castle, the bats in the woods suddenly flew towards the castle in groups.

There are oddities.

Jiang Lin looked at the group of bats in the air, and then moved his fingers to kill all those bats.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, it's just a little strange. We didn't make much noise. It's unlikely that these bats were alerted by us. I suspect they are Dracula's eyeliner."

Jiang Lin explained to Anna, and immediately increased the speed, and Anna and Van Helsing followed closely.

At the same time, Dracula in the castle realized that the bat he differentiated had been killed, and realized that it was not good, so he chanted the incantation to turn the mural into a mirror and got into it himself, just like last time.

After Jiang Lin and the others entered the castle, Dracula had disappeared.

"Why isn't he here? Did he go out again?"

Anna took out the crystal ball and used a finger-sized blood bottle as a medium to perform divination again, but this time there was no result.

Jiang Lin also used Baoyi's tracking talisman, and it failed just like last time.

This is impossible.

Jiang Lin stretched his fingers and pressed his eyebrows. Baoyi's tracking talisman, as long as it was within a radius of [*] miles, could have a tracking effect. It took less than half an hour before and after he left the Huixing Mountain and arrived here. Is it so coincidental that Gula is not here?

It's a sunny day outside, the sun is rising, and Dracula can't be exposed outside in this weather.

"Look! This guy must be hiding somewhere."

Jiang Lin immediately forced the corpse poison into his eyes and looked around. Anna and Van Helsing also acted, searching inch by inch in the castle.

"Jiang Lin, Anna!"

Ten minutes later, Fan Haixin came to the mural and called out to Jiang Lin and the others.

"Is there anything weird?"

Jiang Lin came to Fan Haixin and glanced at the mural with his perspective ability, but found nothing unusual.

Van Helsing pointed to the Latin text on the corner of the mural and said, "There is nothing wrong with this mural, but the strange thing is the inscription on it, which should be a spell that can communicate with the devil Satan."

"Communication with the devil Satan? You mean Dracula used Satan's power to hide? But a considerable part of these inscriptions have been smeared, otherwise we can try, maybe we can find Dracula's hiding place ."

Ana looked at the Latin incantations and shook her head. The words on them seemed to have been deliberately erased. Even if Dracula's disappearance might have something to do with it, there was nothing to do about it.

"I'll try."

Van Helsing closed his eyes and clasped his hands together in a prayer shape. After a while, a holy light emanated from his body, and the halo behind him became more and more obvious.

At the same time, illuminated by the holy light on Fan Helsing's body, the inscriptions on the corners of the mural began to become clear, and an inverted pentagram pattern appeared above the mural, and there was also a sheep's head pattern among the inverted pentagram.

not good!

At this moment, Jiang Lin suddenly felt a warning sign, and instantly pushed Anna and Van Helsing beside him to both sides, and quickly backed away.

At this moment, the sheep's head pattern on the mural suddenly moved, forming a monster with a black body and a sheep's head.

"Ho ho ho."

The monster walked out of the screen and landed on the ground. It made a strange sound and looked at Jiang Lin and the others with evil eyes.

"Satan Projection!"

When Van Helsing saw the goat-headed monster, he immediately screamed and took out his gun-blade revolver.

He really did not expect that there would be a projection of Satan hidden in the mural.

Jiang Lin also frowned, and things were also beyond his expectations.

He didn't find anything weird about the mural before, but now a demon projection appeared.

Chapter [*] God can't cure you, I will cure you

"It's a satanic projection? Good evil power."

Jiang Lin looked at the sheep-headed monster on the opposite side, and his expression became solemn. The evil power possessed by this monster was more refined than the Gorefiends and Yin Demons he had killed, but it should not be comparable to Gorefiends in terms of strength. .

Fan Helsing nodded and said, "Yes, the Sheep Demon is one of Satan's projections. It is one of the many Sheep Demons and possesses very terrifying power."

"It ran pretty fast."

The Sheep Demon twisted his neck and glanced at Jiang Lin and the others. If Jiang Lin hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been its blood food.

"Hey, it turned out to be Gabriel, no wonder the holy light was shining just now. Why, you were sent to the world for training because of your disagreement with God, and you haven't returned to the kingdom of heaven yet? You can hardly use the power of angels now, Not my opponent, do you want to cooperate with me and take back the kingdom of heaven? That guy from God is no longer in the kingdom of heaven. If you and I still have many fallen angels to cooperate, the kingdom of heaven will be ours.”

The sheep demon did not attack directly, but bewitched Fan Haixin with a gloomy and treacherous voice.

God is not in heaven?

It should be similar to the situation in Middle-earth and Upper Realm.

But what happened to Gabriel?

Could it be that the halo behind Van Helsing was because he was a relegated angel?

Jiang Lin heard some information from Sheep Demon's words, some of which he could understand, but the Sheep Demon called Van Helsing as Gabriel, which made it difficult for him to understand.

Aware of Jiang Lin's surprised gaze, Fan Haixin said: "It is estimated that what it said is true, I may be the Archangel Gabriel, but I don't have the power of an angel, and now I have to think about how to deal with this guy. ."

"Haha, deal with me? Even God can't do anything about me, you want to deal with me too? Gabriel, fall, cooperate with me, you can still survive."

The Sheep Demon looked up to the sky and laughed, then it looked at Anna again, licked her lips and said, "Strong and beautiful human girl, give me your most holy chastity, and I will give you eternal life."

"Don't even think about it! Even if I am completely destroyed, I will not be defiled by you monster!"

With a sword in front of her, Anna turned her head to Jiang Lin and said, "Jiang Lin, if we have no hope of winning, please completely destroy my body and soul."

A very virtuous princess.

Jiang Lin immediately looked at Anna with admiration. Although there were not many women who used death to protect their chastity, there were always. But there were very few women who would rather disappear forever than be humiliated.

"Don't worry, with me here, I won't let anything happen to you."

Jiang Lin smiled. If the real Satan appeared here, he really didn't have the capital to say so, but what appeared here was not the real Satan, but just a projection.

He didn't have the qualifications to show off his might in front of him.

The Sheep Demon followed Anna's gaze and said to Jiang Lin, "Outlander, sacrifice your soul and body to me, and I will save you from the endless suffering of purgatory."

"What kind of shit are you? Satan? Why do I think you're an idiot?"

Jiang Lin's body instantly disappeared in place, and then he appeared behind the sheep demon, grabbed the back of its neck with one hand, and pressed it to the ground.

Grinding the floor.

"God can't do anything about you, God can't cure you, I'll cure you."

Jiang Lin's palm was charged like a laser cannon. With a sound of "Boom", a laser cannon made of Yang Yan and spiritual energy directly blew the sheep demon's head away.

That's not all, the laser cannon leaked straight down, penetrating the floor of this floor, and a large hole connecting several floors appeared in the entire western-style castle.

This... what's the situation?

Anna and Van Helsing on the side were stunned for a moment, and the change in this situation was too abrupt.

They were all tense before, ready to fight to the death, but in a blink of an eye, Jiang Lin appeared behind the sheep demon, and then the sheep demon's head disappeared.

Even the floor felt as if it had been bombarded with cannonballs.

Just when Jiang Lin made further movements, the sheep demon's body suddenly became illusory and appeared seven or eight meters away.

"I will make you fall into darkness forever!"

The sheep demon's head grew again, and as soon as it let out a roar, it found that Jiang Lin was gone.


And what served it was Jiang Lin's Chong Bone Sword.

"Stupid, what are you running for? Don't you want me to enshrine my body? What are you running for?"

With a sneer, Jiang Lin took out a stack of thunder and lightning talismans and explosive flame talismans, and gathered the yang flames in his body into fireballs, which were stuffed into the sheep demon's belly together.

From the neck directly to the stomach, one step to the stomach.


The violent blasting directly blew the Sheep Demon into wisps of black smoke, and each wisp erupted with miserable screams.

This guy, even the enhanced sun fire can't kill it immediately.

Jiang Lin couldn't help but be surprised. The fireball he stuffed contained the real fire of the sun, but in the end he only beat the goat demon into black smoke.

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