"Idiot, doesn't it mean that God can't do anything about you? What are you calling me?"

Jiang Lin didn't delay at all, he put his arms together, lined up to Lina and Fan Haixin, and at the same time explained to the mouse: "Catch them!"

After blowing Van Helsing and Anna out of the window, Jiang Lin quickly teleported to the center of the black smoke, and an incomparably strong light erupted from himself.

Apart from vampires and werewolves, he had basically never dealt with the evil monsters in the West before, so from the beginning, he used means to force it, so that the sheep demons had no time to fight back.

He didn't know what kind of ability the sheep demon had, nor did he know whether the sheep demon had any means that he could not take over, so he planned to suppress the sheep demon so much that he couldn't breathe, and directly suppressed it to death.

Jiang Lin's violent Yang Xuanguang was many times more powerful than the Holy Light released by Fan Haixin before. While releasing the Xuanguang, he also released his own Yang Yan, covering all the black smoke on the floor.


For a time, the entire castle was heard screaming from sheep demons, so miserable that Fan Helsing and Anna felt their hairs stand on end when they heard it.

"Oh my God, are there kilowatt-level incandescent lights in there?"

Anna was sitting on the back of the Flying Rat King, and she was dumbfounded when she saw the strong light blooming from the windows of the old castle.

The trees that were irradiated by the strong light instantly turned yellow and became crumbs.

Only then did she know why Jiang Lin had blasted her and Fan Haixin out.

When the Flying Rat King flew back with them, they only saw that the walls and floors of the entire floor were as crisp, and the ashes on the walls kept falling off.

Moreover, the tables and chairs on the floor seem to have been baked, and they are all black.

The first thousand two hundred and ninety-three chapters update the shuttle function of another world

"I am Satan, the head of the devil, how dare you bring me such pain, just wait!"

In the darkness, a cloud of gray fog floated up, and the sheep demon was drained by Jiang Lin's successive tyrannical methods, and the essence of evil power in his body was ten or nine, and he couldn't even gather and form.

The stern Chong Jianglin said a cruel word, and it rushed towards the mural.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!"

Jiang Lin's middle finger changed, and a tall three-legged Golden Crow appeared behind him, and then the small Golden Crow pounced on the Sheep Demon and pinched it with three legs.

After catching the Sheep Demon, the Three-legged Golden Crow did not explode like before. The flames in its body spread out, forming a corona-like sphere around it, trapping the Sheep Demon in it.

Since the light source was born in Jiang Lin's body, his Golden Crow Yang Yang no longer only has the effect of killing, but also has the ability to trap.

In the sphere, the three-legged golden crow gradually dissipated, turning into a raging flame, and the sheep demon was also evaporated little by little.

"Foreign people, when my real body comes into the world, I will teach you to suffer from purgatory forever!"

After a whimper, the Sheep Demon was swallowed up by the flames, and not even a bit of smoke was left behind.

"Pop, kill the sheep demon and get [*] points of anger."

Finally fucked up.

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief when the sound of the system sounded in his mind. He had already used his ultimate move several times. If he couldn't kill the Sheep Demon, he would have to use the Immortal Staff.

It can consume his own spiritual power, and he can replenish it in a short time, but the immortal power in the immortal staff will not work, so unless it is very necessary, he generally does not use it.

"The system reminds that the stored hostility value has reached the requirements, and the function of shuttle between other worlds will be updated soon."

At this time, Jiang Lin heard the system's reminder that the amount of anger he had accumulated had passed the [*] million threshold.

Two million, finally two million!

Finally, we can update the alien shuttle function!

A look of joy appeared on Jiang Lin's face, and he could finally make another breakthrough.

It has been several years since his cultivation reached the peak of the Celestial Master. If he hadn't been able to break through in this world, he would have been able to go further. With the support of his cultivation, the Taoist body and the corpse have rebalanced. , his strength can have a qualitative leap.

At that time, even if he encounters a general again, he will not have to passively wait to die.

Even without resorting to divine punishment, he was able to bite a few pieces of meat off the body of his generals.

"Because the system needs to be fully maintained, all functions except the transfer of hostility will be temporarily closed, and the time span may be longer. We hereby notify you."

Jiang Lin just started to imagine the situation after his breakthrough, and the system's prompt again poured a basin of cold water on him.

Full maintenance?Long time span?

I ¥#@%&!

It’s okay to gasp when people talk, but why do you remind Tetsu to gasp too?

Jiang Lin was very speechless, and if he dared to love him, he was having a good time.

But after calming down and thinking about it carefully, the depression in his heart dissipated a lot.

Even if the system can immediately let him travel to another world, he can't leave home.

After the rumor that there were different fruits and medicinal materials in Huixing Mountain spread, there were already two groups of evil infestations, maybe a similar situation would happen again, and he had to stay at home.

Moreover, the current situation is chaotic, and a war has broken out in the mainland. Although Jiu Shu and Zhang Han are both guarded by charm spirits, if there is any danger, he has to rush over in time.

In addition to these reasons, Jiang Lin is not sure if he remembered it wrong. In his impression, Xugang seems to have also been captured by the Japanese army.

So, for these reasons, he couldn't travel far from home until the war was over.

That is to say, even if the system is maintained, he will temporarily put the trip to another world on hold.

At this time, Anna came to Jiang Lin's side, pushed him on the shoulder, and said, "Jiang Lin, you wiped it out? That's Satan."

As she said that, she rubbed her eyes and glanced around, trying to find the shadow of the sheep demon.

Although she had seen Jiang Lin deal with werewolves and vampires, she and her clansmen could also kill them, so she didn't know much about Jiang Lin's true strength.

It was also because of this that Jiang Lin's destruction of the Sheep Demon made her feel incredible.

"It's not Satan, it's just a projection of Satan, which is equivalent to a clone. I destroyed it, is it strange?"

Jiang Lin was a little speechless, but Anna still wanted to find out if the sheep demon was still there.

"You really wiped it out?"

"What? Are you two having problems with your brains?"

It was fine for Anna to ask, but Van Helsing asked the same, making Jiang Lin on fire.

Second uncle's, I don't destroy it, do I rely on you?

"Don't, don't, I don't mean anything else, it's because of that mural."

Van Helsing waved his hands again and again, then pointed to the mural not far away, and explained: "After the mural has the spell on it, it can form the Devil's Gate. It is very likely that Dracula hid through this gate. If it opens, maybe we can track Dracula. It's just that these spells can only reveal the door if the evil body moves."

This is the reason why he asked the question just now. If the sheep demon is not destroyed, it can open the door, but without it, even if you know the spell, there is nothing you can do.

"Is Dracula hiding in this demon gate? How sure are you?"

Jiang Lin frowned. The sheep demon appeared just now because of Fan Haixin. If something happens to this so-called Devil's Gate again, it will be funny.

Van Helsing explained: "Seventy or eighty. According to legend, Dracula believed in God in the fifteenth century. Later, when he was fighting, a civil strife broke out in his own territory, causing his wife to be murdered, so Dracula was murdered. Blame it on the God he believed in and betrayed his belief. When he was about to die, he summoned the devil Satan and was willing to serve for him, so that he gained eternal life. Even his unique fleshy wings were given by Satan. His. Since there is a projection of Satan here, it can also form a gate of demons, so Dracula is probably hiding through this gate."

"It turns out that Dracula became a special vampire because of this. So, there is a lot of possibility. Evil body? You read the inscription, mouse boy, you read with him."

Jiang Lin nodded, and then let Fan Haixin read the inscription aloud, followed by the demon king, the Flying Rat King.

Although the Flying Rat King has changed his mind, he is still a demon, and he may be able to play a role.

Chapter [*] Intercontinental Portal

"Maybe try."

Van Helsing raised his brows, he really forgot about the monster mouse, and then he chanted it according to the incantation.

But the little mouse has never been exposed to Latin, and it can't even make it read.

"Master, it's too difficult for me."

After trying many times, the mouse boy pulled his big ears and looked aggrieved. He was afraid that Jiang Lin would give him a brain break because he didn't do it well.

"I usually use 'biu to tell me' and 'Nice' to flatter me. When it comes to a critical moment, you're useless."

Jiang Lin glared at the mouse, and then sent his corpse poison into his flesh and blood.

In addition to the Flying Rat King being an evil spirit, he also has a corpse. I don't know if he can do it, but he will try again.

When Jiang Lin was chanting the spell, Anna kept looking at Jiang Lin, and she had that feeling again just now.

It was her special feeling for vampires.

But she didn't think much about it. After all, she had gotten along with Jiang Lin herself, and Jiang Lin was indeed a Taoist priest.

As soon as the incantation was finished, the mural appeared abnormal. The blackened paint on it gradually disappeared, revealing a mirror surface. Finally, a huge mirror appeared in front of them.

"Are you a vampire?"

Now, Anna couldn't hold back the doubts in her heart any longer, and held the long sword across her chest.

This demon gate can only be opened by an evil body, plus the induction that appeared just now, Anna had to doubt Jiang Lin's identity.

Van Helsing also pressed his palm to the holster at his waist.

"Is there such a handsome vampire as me?"

Jiang Lin spread out his hands, and then released the charm in the shadow.

He, Anna, and Van Helsing were also in trouble, so he simply told a harmless lie: "I can open the door because I have ghosts as bodyguards."

While speaking, Jiang Lin reached out and touched the mirror surface, but his palm went directly through the mirror surface.

After thinking for a while, he went straight in.

It turned out to be the case.

Fan Helsing and Anna didn't doubt Jiang Lin's statement, so they walked through the mirror with the mouse.

"This is where?"

On the other side of the mirror, Jiang Lin felt the low temperature around him, and was quite surprised. It was still summer in Xugang over there, but it was close to zero here.

Anna looked around and said, "Here... this is the tower where Dracula used to live. I have been here several times. We are here in my hometown, Tran Town."

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