"What? Your hometown? That's not Romania? Eastern Europe?"

Jiang Lin was taken aback, a mirror actually sent them from Asia to Europe.

Although he used to use the ghost gate to travel directly to Chengdu, where Cao Huoting was located, when he was in Gantian Town, the distance was limited, and he had to use the underworld as a transit point.

But this Devil's Gate omits the transfer step, directly has the teleportation function, and can also reach across continents.

Intercontinental Portal.

From Xugang to Eastern Europe, the distance of tens of thousands of miles can be reached in one step.

Is this an arbitrary door?

Jiang Lin remembered that Anna had said that Dracula appeared in two places far apart at almost the same time. He thought that Dracula had supersonic flight speed.

Now it seems that it is not like that at all, it should be relying on this portal that can be directly reached in one step.

Holy crap, good stuff!

Jiang Lin's eyebrows jumped, and he was overjoyed to see Bao Xin again.

If the portal in the castle can bridge two places that are far apart at will, it is definitely a rare treasure.

Killing and stealing treasures!

At this time, Jiang Lin not only had the idea of ​​destroying Dracula, but also the intention to seize these portals owned by Dracula.

"Is this two-way transmission?"

After the surprise, Jiang Lin quickly turned around to see if he could return through the portal.

He had never planned to travel far from home, but now he was teleported to Europe.

However, what made him speechless was that the mirror behind him was just an ordinary mirror, and there was no way back.

Chanting doesn't work either.

Second uncle's, one-way? ? ?

Seeing Jiang Lin looking over, Fan Haixin shrugged and said, "This devil's door is one-way. Unless someone chants the door on the other side to open it, they can't turn back."


Why didn't you tell me sooner?

Jiang Lin had the urge to beat up Fan Haixin. This guy first created a Satan projection, and now he tricked him into Eastern Europe.

Anna said to Jiang Lin, "Jiang Lin, there is an old saying in the Middle Earth, 'If you come, you will be safe.' This is my hometown, so I just want to be the host again and entertain you...you."

Anna didn't know whether it was because she went home or because Jiang Lin came to her, and she was in a very good mood.

She has always wanted to cooperate with Jiang Lin and use Jiang Lin's power to find and destroy Dracula, but Jiang Lin does not take Dracula as a mission like her.

Jiang Lin's attitude towards Dracula is to kill him if he can find it. If he can't find it, then it can only be ignored temporarily, while Anna has to find it if she can't find it, and find it if she doesn't do anything, so even if she didn't do anything yesterday She and Jiang Lin got to know a lot and mentioned cooperation, but Jiang Lin didn't give her any reply.

This time Jiang Lin went with her and Fan Haixin for the same purpose.

But it's different now. Jianglin people have all gone to Eastern Europe. In the next period of time, they have to eat and live with her, and this is where Dracula's old lair is. .

Jiang Lin nodded slightly and said, "Then please ask Princess Anna to help arrange temporary accommodation and three meals."

Since he had already arrived in Europe and could not turn back through the mirror door, he had to stay here temporarily and return after destroying Dracula.

The Devil's Gate in the castle connects the two places of Zigang and Tran Town. Dracula's escape and hiding through this portal are a certainty.

They were already not far from Dracula's lair, so Jiang Lin naturally wouldn't leave directly.Moreover, he just didn't want to stay here, and there was nothing he could do. When he came out, he didn't expect to leave Xugang at all, so he didn't bring any money.

There was no toll to go back.

"If you can help me eliminate Dracula, let alone temporarily, you can live here for a long time."

At that moment, Anna led Jiang Lin and Van Helsing out of the tower and headed to the ancient town of Tran not far away.

On the way, Jiang Lin learned something about Tran Town from Anna. This ancient town is visited by Dracula's brides once a month. Every few years, a large group of small vampires will harass the town. Know how to get them out of the womb.

However, most of the time, those little vampires turned into pus before they caused any harm, and they couldn't survive after all.

Chapter [-] Really willing to do anything?

"You gypsies have been in this state, haven't you thought about running away?"

After listening to Anna's story, Jiang Lin felt incredible about Anna and her clan, who had lived under the control of Dracula for innumerable generations.

Even if Dracula cannot be destroyed, if he chooses to go far away, he can at least escape from Dracula's control.

Anna smiled bitterly and said, "Our race is difficult to get along with other ethnic groups. We have left our homeland, and almost no one is immune to a run. And there are other reasons that make us very unpopular."

Anna explained to Jiang Lin, it turns out that their clansmen and Dracula are more or less related by blood, especially the royal family, who share a common ancestor with Dracula.

At that time, Anna's ancestors knew that their youngest son, Dracula, betrayed God and turned to the devil, and swore to God that unless they or their eldest son and their descendants could destroy Dracula, the souls of all their family members would not be able to escape. Rest or reincarnation.

Because Anna and her clan are collateral descendants of Dracula, if they leave their homeland and go outside, they will even be besieged by others, and the local laws will not protect them.

"So you always wanted me to help you kill your ancestors?"

Seeing the sadness between Anna's brows, Jiang Lin made a joke with her.

"I'm not from his line!"

Anna glared at Jiang Lin and said, "Don't let my brother hear what you said, or he won't finish with you."

Later, she introduced her family members to Jiang Lin - she also has a fellow brother, the gypsy prince Viken.

Jiang Lin smiled, and then asked if there was a place where telegrams could be sent in or near Anantlan Town. He had to send a telegram to Xugang to inform his family of the situation, lest they worry.

Anna learned that Jiang Lin already had a wife, her joy dissipated a lot, and some inexplicable emotions arose in her heart.

"Jiang Lin, in fact, I'm not telling you this to win your sympathy. I just want to discuss with you. As long as you stay and help us eliminate Dracula, we are willing to pay any price. After eliminating Dracula, You can leave, of course, as long as you agree, you can ask, and after Dracula is dealt with, we'll deliver on that promise."

Anna wasn't sure if Jiang Lin was willing to stay here and look for Dracula's traces, so she made it clear to him.

Um?Willing to pay any price?

Hearing what Anna said, Jiang Lin realized that although the population of Gypsies is not large, it is at least a small country, and the resources that can be used are not small.

As long as he has a favor with the Gypsies, he can draw on their strength.

"Really willing to do anything?"

"Yes, compared to living under this terrible shadow for generations, it's not just me, but also my clansmen, willing to pay any price. Even if you want our assets, whether you want to be the ruler here, we will all promise."

Seeing that Jiang Lin wanted to discuss, Anna immediately made a promise to Jiang Lin.

"I have no interest in money and power."

Jiang Lin shook his head. His family had enough money, and power did not attract him in any way. Rather than asking for money and power, it was better to make a request directly and let Anna and the others operate by themselves to achieve his request.

"Not interested in money and power?"

Anna frowned slightly, as long as it's a man, can't resist these two temptations?

Especially for power, how many men start wars and fight for it with painstaking effort.

"You...you don't want me...a beauty like me, right?"

Anna immediately took two steps back. Not only was she a princess, she was also one of the best in appearance, wealth, power, and women, all of which were extremely attractive to men.

Jiang Lin didn't want the first two, Anna naturally thought of the last one.

"I... I am willing. As for other women, I will also discuss with the clan."

Taking a deep breath, Anna clenched her fists, she was willing to sacrifice herself for her family.

Jiang Lin: "..."

Can you listen to what I have to say?

"You want it, but I don't want it. I said I don't want money and power because I have other requirements. I want to use the power of your entire family to help me find something. You are a beautiful woman, very beautiful, but with What's the matter with me?"

Jiang Lin gave Anna a white look, as if he had never seen a woman before.

"Haha, I... I was joking, I knew you weren't that kind of person."

Anna's face was blushing like a lantern, she laughed awkwardly, and patted Jiang Lin on the shoulder to hide her embarrassment.


"Hey, the princess is a princess after all. If you don't have narcissism, then you're not a princess."

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly. Although Anna was very different from the image of a princess in his mind, she was still very narcissistic. The last time he asked him if he was there to save her, this time he thought he was going to be the concubine.


Anna looked up at the sky and pretended not to hear Jiang Lin's words.

Ten minutes later, when Jiang Lin and the others arrived at Tran Town, they found that the town was in chaos.

Four or five female vampires ravaged the town with hundreds of little vampires, and the whole town was full of wailing and screaming.


"Jiang Lin, I agree to your request in the name of my clan's royal family, please come and rescue my clan."

Anna pulled out her long sword and asked Jiang Lin to take action. The current situation was not something she could handle.

"no problem."

Jiang Lin responded and rushed into the ancient town.

Even if Anna hadn't discussed it with him before, he would still take action.

For the next period of time, he will have to stay in Tran Town. As a guest here, now that the host is in trouble, it would be unreasonable for him not to help.

"Mr. Van Helsing..."

It was only at this time that Anna thought that there was another Van Helsing, and an embarrassed expression appeared on her face. She basically talked to Jiang Lin all the way, and regarded Van Helsing as a light bulb.

Van Helsing: "..."

After coughing twice, Van Helsing also pulled out the spear blade revolver and rushed into the town.

Chapter [-] Vampire Army

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