With the addition of Jiang Lin, Van Helsing and Anna, the original one-sided situation in the town gradually changed.

Especially Jiang Lin, an expert in killing corpses, dealing with the vampire mother and child flying in the sky, it is not too simple.

Before long, seventy or eighty percent of the hundreds of little monsters were wiped out, and the rest were all automatically turned into pus and fell.

As for the five female vampires, three were directly killed by Jiang Lin, and the remaining two ran away.

Jiang Lin deliberately let them run away. He has left a mark on them. As long as they fly back to the lair, he can find them directly.

"Princess Anna! Princess Anna is back!"

After the calamity of the vampires was eliminated, Anna's clansmen gathered around her and surrounded her in the center. After that, their eyes almost all fell on Jiang Lin.

The scene where Jiang Lin slaughtered vampires just now really shocked them.

Anna introduced Jiang Lin and Fan Haixin to the clan, and asked everyone why her brother was not there.

"The werewolf leader of Dracula also arrived before, and Prince Viken and the guards took the initiative to lead him out of the town."

"The werewolf leader is here too?"

Anna was shocked when she heard the words, and immediately ran in the direction indicated by the clan.

Jiang Lin and Fan Helsing also followed.

Three miles outside the town, a young and handsome foreign youth is leading a large number of gun guards to shoot at the hole on the ground.

The young man at the head was Anna's brother, Prince Viken, and from time to time a huge wolf's head appeared in the hole in front of him.

The head of this werewolf was twice as big as the werewolf that appeared in Xugang.

"It looks like they've led the werewolf leader into a trap."

When Anna saw this scene from a distance, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But as soon as she finished speaking, the werewolf in the pit suddenly burst out with a loud roar, jumped out of the more than [-] meters deep pit, and rushed towards Viken.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin immediately teleported one after another and rushed over.Viken is the prince of the Gypsies, and he will definitely become a king in the future. He and Anna are brothers and sisters. Naturally, he will not object to Anna's promise.

But once he dies, there may be unexpected twists and turns.

It was out of this consideration that Jiang Lin planned to save Viken.

However, the speed of the werewolf was beyond his expectations, and instantly knocked Viken into the air as soon as it landed, and slammed it into a cliff not far away.

Before Viken fell off the cliff, he pulled out a few silver medicine needles from his legs and threw them at the werewolf.

The silver needle tube was filled with high-concentration silver nitrate solution, which directly hit the werewolf's heart and injected it.

This werewolf had been hit by many silver bullets before, and now it was injected with a silver nitrate solution.

Before losing consciousness, though, it pounced on Viken and fell off the cliff with him.

"elder brother!"

When Anna saw this scene, she screamed and rushed to the edge of the cliff like crazy, while Jiang Lin, who was in front of her, jumped down after reaching the cliff.


When they got to the edge of the cliff, Anna leaned down and looked down.

Two hundred meters below the cliff is a fast-flowing river. Although Jiang Lin used the cliff wall to speed up his fall, he did not catch up with Viken after all.

After Viken and the werewolf fell into the water, they were swept away by the rapids. Even if he could run on the water, he would not be able to catch up.

"Sorry, I still couldn't save your brother."

After Jiang Lin floated up, he shook his head at Anna.

"My father disappeared a long time ago because he was chasing Dracula, and it is estimated that he also suffered. My only brother was also buried in the river because of Dracula. I must take revenge! Jiang Lin, I need your strength!"

Anna whimpered, then covered her face with her hands and cried bitterly while leaning into Jiang Lin's arms.

Jiang Lin patted Anna on the back and comforted: "You will take revenge."

After a while, Anna packed up her sadness, wiped away her tears, and said, "I'm going to find Dracula's lair, even if I'm exhausted, I'll find it!"

"How many generations have you been looking for in your family, where are you going to find it? It's up to me to find Dracula's lair. Before, I deliberately let Dracula's two brides go because I left them behind. Mark down."

With that said, Jiang Lin walked over to the boulder on the side, rubbed his palms on the stone surface, and rubbed out a piece of stone powder.

"Draw the outline of the map of your small country on it, and mark the location of Tran Town."

"it is good."

Although she didn't know what method Jiang Lin used to follow, Anna still listened to his words.

After Anna drew the picture, Jiang Lin took a few sticks of sandalwood from his arms and lit it. He tore the talisman paper into a bat shape, and passed the lit sandalwood through the paper.

After chanting a few incantations, the paper bat interspersed with sandalwood hung on the powder surface and started to move.

The end of the sandalwood was driven by the paper bat, and the flight path of the female vampire was drawn on the stone powder.

Anna looked at the paper bats on the map in amazement, and said, "This is their escape route? The direction they are heading is Fran Mountain."

"Let's lead the way, we'll kill him by surprise."

Jiang Lin let the mouse boy show his body and jumped on it himself.

After explaining some matters to the guard, Anna also jumped on the back of the rat.

As for Van Helsing, Jiang Lin also asked him to go with him. In case there were any Latin spells or the like, Van Helsing, an expert in Western spells, was also needed.

Half an hour later, the Flying Rat King drove the three of them for seventy or eighty miles and arrived at the Fran Mountains that Anna had mentioned. In the mountains surrounded by mountains, stood an ancient castle.

The top and surface of the castle are erected with wires like creeping tigers, and there are hundreds or thousands of them.

"Jiang Lin, is your tracking method wrong?"

Anna looked at the castle in the distance and frowned. Although she didn't know how such a castle could exist here, the wires on it and the facilities to induce mines obviously didn't match the style of a vampire at all.

At this time, one of the mouse legs of the Flying Rat King suddenly tripped over a wire in the grass.

After a while, the castle in the mountains sent out siren after siren.

After that, groups of soldiers with guns and ammunition rushed out of it.

"Why is there an army here?"

Anna was stunned. Because their clansmen had been harassed by vampires for many years, outsiders could not even come, let alone invade here.

But now, there is an army that is not on the record.

Not to mention Anna, even Jiang Lin was stunned.

Nima, these soldiers are all vampires.

Gun-Bearing Vampire Army!

Not only did they run on the ground, but one after another, special-type vampires with fleshy wings flew out of the windows of the castle.

They are 13 blocks taller than the gun-bearing vampires on the ground.

Carry a bazooka.

This Dracula, absolutely 13 is a lunatic!

Jiang Lin's face darkened. To say that Dracula wasn't planning any big conspiracy, he wouldn't believe it at all.

Yes, weaving vampires into an army, carrying guns and bazookas, is this preparation to dominate the world?

Chapter [-] Zombie Army vs Vampire Army (Part [-])

Jiang Lin felt that he had learned a lot again. Over the years, he has subdued demons and subdued demons. He has seen countless evil spirits. He has seen many kinds of corpse evils, such as zombies, but he can shoot and shoot. never seen it.

"Fortunately, I was tricked into Eastern Europe."

Now Jiang Lin is glad that he has come to Anna's hometown. Dracula has such a group of vampire troops that are more special than the racial army. If he is teleported to Xugang through the Devil's Gate, then his Huixing Mountain is estimated to be difficult to protect.

In fact, this is indeed the case. If he hadn't linked the werewolf that appeared in Xugang to Dracula, and went to the castle again, Dracula would have been ready to send his army over there and give Jiang Lin a home raid to capture the treasure. .

"Master, am I right? Are those vampires?"

Flying Rat King's eyes are round and round. It has lived for so many years and has never seen such a battle. Vampires use human hot weapons, which is really nondescript.

"How can there be such a thing?!"

After Anna learned that all the vampires came out, she felt a little desperate in an instant. Vampires alone were hard enough to deal with, but now, vampires are still fully armed and equipped with modern equipment, how can they deal with them?

"Unless Dracula is captured and the king is directly destroyed, in that case, his armies will automatically perish. The vampires transformed directly or indirectly by Dracula will dissipate as soon as Dracula dies. Otherwise, we have no chance of winning."

Fan Helsing also felt a headache. Vampires alone were nothing to deal with, but a vampire team with hot weapons was absolutely impossible to deal with.

And such a thing?

Jiang Lin was surprised that he had never heard of such a statement.

"Let's withdraw first, now those vampires haven't found us, go back and think longer."

Jiang Lin's decisive and strategic retreat, if it was just an ordinary army with guns and guns, he wouldn't take it seriously, but these vampires have much stronger vitality than ordinary people, and there are still flying vampires in the air. It is him, and it is not easy to carry out a beheading operation.

If these vampire armies were indiscriminately strafing and bombing, even if he was invisible and teleported, it would not be of much use.

And Dracula may not be so easy to cut. If the front line is stretched, he has to deal with Dracula while guarding against hot weapons with huge lethality, and the situation is not good.

In addition to this, he also brought two oil bottles, and if he faced these vampire armies head-on, it would be difficult for him to protect them.

"Rat boy, shrink in size, Van Helsing, you put your shoulders on me, Dracula doesn't know yet that we have found his lair, so we can't be found by these vampires for the time being."

Jiang Lin explained the Flying Mouse King and Fan Haixin, then grabbed Anna's wrist and teleported down the mountain one after another.

When he got to the hideout, he restored the mouse to his original body and drove them back to Tran Town.

"Jiang Lin, what can we do?"

On the way, Anna had a sad face, not to mention destroying Dracula now, even seeing Dracula is a problem.

"What should I do, I'm not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry? Isn't it the vampire army, what's the big deal?"

Although it was unexpected, Jiang Lin really didn't take it seriously. No matter how many troops Dracula had, he was not unable to deal with it.

Shrimp soldiers to crab generals.

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