"If I didn't get to know you, I would definitely think that you were full of nonsense."

Although Jiang Lin was "speaking wildly", Anna felt at ease. Whenever she felt that Jiang Lin was talking big, the truth was the opposite of what she thought.

So after hearing what Jiang Lin said, she felt relieved.

"Say, what can you do?"

Anna moved to Jiang Lin's side and squeezed him with her shoulders.

"He Dracula has an army, but I don't have one? Do you believe that I can train a terrifying army in a few days?"

"Train the army? No, isn't that sacrificing my people for nothing?"

Anna shook her head again and again. She thought that Jiang Lin was talking about training the army to let her clansmen fight against the vampire army.

Of course she disagreed.

If it was just a vampire, she would let her clansmen participate in the battle, but the opponent had hot weapons such as guns and cannons. In this case, letting her clansmen fight against them would be no different from sending her to death in vain.

"I didn't say that it was people who were trained. After returning, you asked people to gather the corpses that have not been disposed of. In addition, Dracula is also the enemy of your clan, I still need you to let people bury the corpses. All the coffins of the dead over a year have been dug up, and I will be useful. Don't ask about the rest, you may not understand even if I say it."

After speaking, Jiang Lin began to close his eyes and meditate, thinking about his plan. Dracula can create a group of vampire troops, and he can still get a group of zombie troops.

Whether it is his Taoism or the identity of the corpse emperor, he can do it.

What he has to do is to create hundreds of zombie legions and come to a big pk with the vampire army.

Zombie army vs vampire army.

The vampire army can use thermal weapons, and he can also enable those zombies to use magic weapons that do not need to inject spiritual power and can attack at a distance.

It's just that it will be a little difficult to implement this plan. After all, there are differences in culture and water and soil between China and the West. He cannot control the zombies in the West as easily as he controls the corpses in the Middle Earth.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Anna nodded again and again, and then she thought Jiang Lin was resting, so she didn't make any more noise to disturb him.She also knew that this day, Jiang Lin had eliminated the sheep demon and killed many vampires, and the consumption was not light, so she temporarily suppressed the doubts in her heart and let Jiang Lin rest.

The three returned to the town again, and Jiang Lin asked Anna to send someone to send a telegram to Xugang first. He was worried whether Dracula had another lair that could lead to Xugang, and he had to let the wives and treasures at home. Intention to take precautions.

Anna did not delay, and immediately arranged for the manpower to implement what Jiang Lin said, and sent guards to take Jiang Lin and Fan Haixin to their palace.

It is said that it is a palace, but it is actually much simpler than an ordinary palace.

Because they have been attacked by vampires for many years, Anna and his family have exchanged almost all the assets of the royal family for silver and made all kinds of silver weapons.

And because generations have lived in the shadows, even the king has no heart to repair the palace.

Chapter [-] Zombie Army vs Vampire Army (Part [-])

"Master, this country is bigger than Xugang, it doesn't even have a province, and even the capital is just a town. What's even more outrageous is that the palace is so dilapidated, can they really help us find the immortal character Jue?"

Mouse Boy looked at the extremely ordinary buildings outside the window, and couldn't help but feel a little disgusted. This palace was not as "luxurious" as Li Yangju.

Jiang Lin flicked its forehead and said, "What's the matter? There are countries that are poorer than this in history. For a country or a nation, the important thing is not poverty and wealth, but cohesion. The people here have been there for centuries. Hug together to keep warm, if Dracula is eliminated in the future, the situation will definitely change greatly."

"By the way, don't stay here, go to the tower we just arrived to guard. Although I have wiped out the vampires and werewolves in Xugang, it is hard to guarantee that there will be an unpredictable situation. It opened from the other side, and we couldn't get back in time if we wanted to."

Dracula, the Vampire Count, is very cunning. He used his blind spot in his thinking last time, so Jiang Lin must not let him take advantage of it this time.

After the mouse boy left, Jiang Lin started to make the crossbow again. He needed to make a model and let Anna find the craftsmen here to mass-produce it.

In addition, there is a large amount of ammunition in his room, including silver bullets and ordinary bullets.

As long as the corpse-killing pattern is drawn on it, basically two or three bullets can kill a vampire.

At nightfall the next day, Jiang Lin was standing behind the altar on the square in Tran Town. In the huge field in front of him, there were many corpses and uncovered coffins.

If added together, the number of these corpses is almost [-].

Although Anna is a princess, her influence is not small. In addition, Jiang Lin killed a large number of vampires yesterday, so even if Anna asked her clansmen to dig their ancestors' graves, they did not reject them too much.

Anna and her clan were standing around the square, basically covering their noses.

The stench emitted by these dead bodies is not something that ordinary people can bear.

"The five elements rotate, yin and yang intertwine, water and soil are of the same origin, and the sky is the same for thousands of miles! Eat my hard work, follow my laws, the sky is clear and the earth is bright, and the laws are like mountains!"

Jiang Lin recited the incantation in front of the altar and danced the bone sword. After the practice, he opened his palm with the blade of the sword and dripped his blood into the porcelain bowl on the altar, mixing it with the water and soil in the bowl.

After that, he picked up the porcelain bowl, contained spiritual power in his hand, and splashed the blood in it.

The blood suddenly turned into a gray-red smoke, spreading to the corpses and coffins in the square.

"Walking zombies, listen to my orders, get up!"

Jiang Lin's handprint changed, and after a few blinks of an eye, those dead corpses moved in full view.


Anna covered her mouth, Jiang Lin actually moved the corpses.

Others were even more frightened and backed away, even if the square was filled with their dead family members, they were equally frightened.

If Jiang Lin hadn't explained it to her under Anna's questioning, and she had explained it to the clan, these people would have been screaming.

After more than a thousand zombies got up, they roared or roared one by one, and ran away toward the surroundings.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin immediately shook the Soul Destroyer Bell on the altar, but this bell, which was supposed to have a great effect on corpse control, was now useless.

Only a few zombies were attracted by the bell, and the rest rushed towards the surrounding crowd.

The desire for blood has become their instinct, especially human blood.

"Jiang Lin, you...you are playing too much! Can you do it!"

Anna immediately drew out her long sword and protected the surrounding clansmen behind her.

At the same time, Van Helsing also held a revolver in one hand and a silver crossbow in the other, ready to shoot these zombies.

What's the matter, you, a woman, ask me if I can do it?

Why don't you ask my wife to go?

Blue veins appeared on Jiang Lin's forehead. The last thing he couldn't listen to was when others asked him if he was okay.

Especially women.


Jiang Lin slapped the Soul Destroyer Bell on the altar, picked up the aluminum loudspeaker on the side, and let out a majestic corpse roar at the group of corpses.

The roar of the corpse spread, and for a while, many people with less courage fainted directly, and those zombies were frightened by this majestic roar, all hugging their heads or grabbing their ears, brushing together. kneeled down.

With this corpse roar, all the turmoil completely subsided.

Not to mention these zombies, the thousand-year-old zombie king would feel terrified when they heard Jiang Lin's roar.

My mother, with a roar, it shocked them all?

Anna blinked her eyes and looked at Jiang Lin behind the altar. She had seen Jiang Lin stunned a group of wizards and monks with a roar, but these were all monsters that were resurrected from dead corpses, and they were also shocked. .

Anna and Van Helsing had never seen a zombie, so they couldn't tell that what Jiang Lin was uttering was actually a corpse roar. In addition, they had witnessed the power of Jiang Lin's roar, so they didn't think about it elsewhere.

"I once heard that Buddhism has a magical power, which can make a fearless lion's roar, and all evil spirits are terrified. I didn't expect Taoism to have such a powerful spell."

In particular, Fan Helsing, not only did he have no doubts, but also thought that Jiang Lin used a trumpet as a magic weapon and cast a magic-suppressing spell.

"Are you saying I can do it?"

Jiang Lin glared at Anna, and then rang the Soul Destroyer Bell again. After those zombies were extremely frightened, how could they care about their instincts or not, and they were done with obedience.

However, Jiang Lin didn't intend to force the horse to run, so he had to feed it grass.

He asked Anna to send someone to bring the prepared barrels of animal blood to the square to feed these zombies.

"You can make everyone around you go back, otherwise it is estimated that a lot of people will be accidentally injured."

After the guards brought a few boxes of muskets and a box of crossbow bolts, Jiang Lin asked Anna to evacuate the surrounding crowd. He would then train these zombies to use firearms and crossbow bolts. Maybe they could shoot in all directions, so no one was around.

Anna Yiyan ordered the crowd to be evacuated, and Van Helsing also left the square to supervise the manufacture of the artisan crossbow.

Jiang Lin looked at Anna next to him and said, "Why don't you leave? Don't you dislike it?"

"Don't you dislike it? I'm not that spoiled, so what's the stench."

Anna folded her arms, a little unconvinced. Jiang Lin's words meant she was underestimated.

Raising her face, she said again: "Also, I have to see how it goes. After all, whether it can be successful or not is closely related to the future destiny of me and my clan."

Jiang Lin shrugged and said, "Then I can't guarantee you won't be swept away by a few holes."

"It's okay if I stand behind you. If a bullet comes flying, you can block the gun for me."

Anna stepped back and stood behind Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin didn't care whether Anna was leaving or staying. He picked up the Soul Destroyer Bell and kept shaking it, reciting a series of incantations in his mouth, controlling batch after batch of zombies in the square.

Chapter [-] Zombie Army vs Vampire Army (Part [-])

Compared with some ordinary corpse control commands, letting these zombies grab a gun and hold a crossbow, with the muzzle and crossbow slot facing outward, pull the trigger to fire, and shoot in a specific direction, these commands are already extremely difficult.

Even Jiang Lin, training these zombies is really challenging enough for him.

Even if chasing corpses was a skill he had learned when he started cultivating, even if he had already embarked on the road of corpses, it would be a joke if he wanted to control a thousand and hundreds of zombies to shoot and fire.

Seeing that the zombies in the square were just like the sheep farm, Jiang Lin could only gradually reduce the number of corpses under control and make them into zero.

With the Soul Retreat Bell, corpse roar after corpse roar, and the emanating thoughts, Jiang Lin first asked fifty or sixty zombies to carry out his orders.

Jiang Lin has made marks on the gun handle and crossbow handle to help distinguish the zombies. These zombies basically did not hold the gun and crossbow backwards, but it was difficult to pull the trigger afterwards.


An hour later, these fifty or sixty zombies could finally fire the musket or fire the crossbow, but the situation is really unsightly.

Bullets flew, arrows shot.

The crossbow-wielding ones were fine, the zombies holding the guns were all thrown on their backs by the recoil of the firearms, and then the square was like a gang fight, and it was a mess.

Wherever the muzzle is pointed.

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