
Anna felt stray bullets flying around her, and hurriedly shouted: "So you're not joking, the bullets are flying around, what should we do?"

While shouting, she flew towards Jiang Lin, and when Jiang Lin's attention was all focused on the zombies and he had no defense, she directly threw Jiang Lin to the ground.

"Quick, let them stop."

After Anna threw down Jiang Lin, she put her arms on his shoulders to prevent them from being hit by the flying bullets and crossbow arrows.


Jiang Lin never thought that Anna would give him a "sneak attack", and almost threw him in the mouth and gnawed at the mud.

He pulled Anna's arm around his neck and said, "Don't press me, you make me get up."

"You don't want to die? Get up and eat a gun."

Anna not only didn't get up, but her arm still exerted strength, pushing Jiang Lin back, who was about to get up.

Seeing that Jiang Lin was about to get up, she was so angry that she pressed her body directly on Jiang Lin and said, "Can't you be honest? Are you courting death?"

What am I... I have a reasonable suspicion now that you are eating my tofu!

The black line on Jiang Lin's head, and then when his arms exerted force, his body directly changed from crawling to standing.

"Ding ding ding dong..."

As soon as he stood up, a lot of bullets and arrows fell on him, but apart from the sound of gold and iron clashing, they didn't hurt him at all.

"You... are you wearing a golden armor and iron clothes?"

Anna's mouth opened into an "O" shape, and the musket and crossbow arrow could not even break Jiang Lin's skin.

"You don't think about it either. Since I'm staying here, wouldn't I be able to think of this situation? Not to mention the musket and crossbow, even Gatling can't kill me."

Jiang Lin turned around and flicked his index finger lightly on Anna's forehead, saying, "You almost let me chew mud! Just stay behind me, there is no danger, it's not your turn. ."

Then he turned around and continued his work on corpse control.

Anna rubbed the forehead that Jiang Lin had flicked, and pouted slightly annoyed.

You didn't tell me you weren't afraid of bullets, and you blamed me for almost making you eat mud.

But after being annoyed, she still snuggled up and approached Jiang Lin.

Looking at Jiang Lin's back, Anna suddenly felt that Jiang Lin had grown taller and taller, giving her a sense of security that made her extremely reassuring.

Especially when Jiang Lin said just now that with him there, there is no danger in her turn.

For the next four days, Jiang Lin used the night time to train his zombie army.

From the initial control of only fifty or sixty, to the one hundred, three hundred, and finally the fifteen hundred zombies, all of them were trained by Jiang Lin to be able to fire with guns and crossbows.

As for aiming, Jiang Lin would not ask for it. When the time comes to fight against the vampire army, he will use means to make those vampires wear marks that can be sensed by zombies.

You don't need to aim at all, just suppress the fire directly and you're done.

"Jiang Lin, you are really me... our savior."

That night, Anna looked at the zombies sitting on the wagon and was as excited as she was a bride.

There were tears in the eyes.

For many years, his family and other clansmen have lived in the shadow of Dracula, and now, they can finally really counterattack.


When Fan Helsing saw the more than [-] zombies getting into the car with guns in an orderly manner, he admired Jiang Lin in addition to admiration.

Although vampires have a large army, each of them retains the wisdom of human beings, and some of these zombies even have their brains eaten by maggots, but even so, they are still trained by Jiang Lin to become a legion.

It only took four or five days.

Looking at it this way, Dracula is not even worse than Jiang Lin.

In the middle of the night, under the bright full moon, batch after batch of zombie teams assembled on Fran Mountain.

In addition to these zombie armies, Anna also brought a lot of guards who temporarily acted as drivers.

Jiang Lin had done enough, and she didn't want to rely on Jiang Lin, so she brought the warriors in her clan to increase her strength.

Jiang Lin stood on a low mountain and threw a few grenades at the castle in the distance.

In fact, this time, he didn't disturb the vampire army in the castle. He could put a big move and blow up the castle. In that case, he could directly destroy a lot of vampires.

But he still planned to do some research in Dracula's old lair, so he gave up on that idea.

If you can raid your home, why blow it up?

When the grenade exploded, it immediately alerted many vampires in the castle. They jumped out of the castle's gates and windows like bees out of their nests.

"Hey, let you enjoy the last fireworks."

The Flying Rat King laughed, and then lit the cannon beside him.

Inside this cannon is a special cinnabar cannon. Once it explodes, the cinnabar inside will attach to the vampire and only respond to vampires.

With such special cinnabar, the zombie army can sense the location of the vampire.


Jiang Lin held the loudspeaker and let out a loud roar that shook the mountains and forests.

Hearing Jiang Lin's roar, hundreds of zombies lined up and swooped down from the low mountain.

All of a sudden, all kinds of gunshots and explosions rang out in the mountains.

Jiang Lin's zombie army and Dracula's vampire army officially fought in this Fran Mountain.

The first thousand two hundred and ninety-nine chapters confrontation

The firearms used by the vampire army are ordinary hot weapons, which are fine against normal people, but have little effect against zombies. It doesn't affect their actions at all.

The weapons carried by the Zombie Corps are different. The bullets of the firearms have corpse-killing runes blessed by Jiang Lin, and the arrows of the hand crossbows are made of metallic silver. Light.

Therefore, whether it is bullets or arrows, they have great lethality to vampires.

The first batch of vampire army gushing out did not last a few minutes before being wiped out by the zombie army.

Even the peculiar vampires that can fly in the sky are no exception.

"My God, this... what are these things? Dead corpses??"

One of Dracula's brides went to the window of the castle and looked out. This look made her petrified in place.

A group of corpses, like their vampire army, were all holding guns and fighting together.

Not only this female vampire, but the second batch of vampires who rushed out of the castle were also stunned.

They saw the same kind of corpses and zombie legions everywhere, and they felt confused.

What the hell!What is this scenario?

But even if they were surprised, they had to rush up to meet them.

Well, these more than a thousand zombie legions may not be enough!

Jiang Lin felt that something was wrong when he saw more and more vampire troops rushing out of the castle.

Even if the castle is densely packed with vampires, there cannot be so many.

Unless there is an underground space in the castle, or the situation inside is the same as the old castle in Xugang, there is a space portal.

"Rat boy, there may be a cave in this castle, and it's not a way to keep it going. Catch the thief first and catch the king. I'll go in and look for Dracula. You are dormant around the castle. Once you find the most powerful vampire escaped, give it to him. A mallet."

Jiang Lin explained the Flying Rat King, and asked Anna to take over the job of firing the cannon, and rushed to the castle himself.

Now that the vampire army is restrained by the zombie army, and as long as Dracula is eliminated, the castle's army will automatically disappear, Jiang Lin plans to carry out the beheading operation.

In the process of moving forward, he also projected the magic talismans such as thunder and lightning talismans and explosive flame talismans, and at the same time killed the enemy vampire army.

These vampires with guns and rocket launchers had long been suppressed by the firepower of the zombie army and could not counterattack. Naturally, they had no time to worry about Jiang Lin, and he rushed out of the blood.

Approaching the castle, Jiang Lin jumped up, climbed directly up the outer wall of the castle, and finally broke into the castle.

Once inside the castle, he was once again an eye-opener.

This building that looks like a castle on the surface is actually a super-large experimental base.

There are large generators, various pulleys and electric water lifts inside.

In addition to these physical equipment, there are also biochemical facilities. One after another, little vampires and various strange animal and plant specimens are nourished in giant culture containers.

The entire castle is a large experiment site for Dracula to keep his children alive.

I'm so uptight!

Jiang Lin even doubted that the most advanced biochemical technology in the world today was in Dracula's castle.

Dracula, a vampire count stronger than the thousand-year-old zombie king, actually vigorously develops technology in his lair...

A powerful vampire seems to regard science and technology as the primary productive force.

The more Jiang Lin thought about it, the more he felt that he would see each other for a long time.

In this biochemical technology research base, there are still many dwarf demons and vampire researchers conducting research, and even if a war broke out outside, it did not disturb them.

It was not until they heard the sound of the window shattering, looked over, and rushed towards Jiang Lin shouting.

"I'll send you all to the West!"

For these guys who work for Dracula and want to make their children survive, Jiang Lin is not polite at all, one sword at a time.

Then he followed his telepathy and rushed to the floor where Dracula was.

"Yellow-skinned Taoist priest, it really is you!"

When Dracula saw Jiang Lin, his eyes turned blood red.

"You're that Dracula who's useless and shrinks like a bastard except for giving birth to cubs? Where else can you go this time?"

Jiang Lin snorted coldly. His feud with Dracula had been forged a month ago, but before that, he had never seen Dracula's true face.

Now finally meet.

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