When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

For Dracula, Jiang Lin had the revenge of killing his wife and son, and in Jiang Lin's eyes, the vampire count had harassed his family twice before and after, which had completely touched his inverse scales.

No one will give up until the opponent's fight is gone.

Jiang Lin held the zhengbone sword in his hand, and let out the aura of his body without hiding it, causing the two concubines beside Dracula to back away in fright.

And Dracula also roared and turned into a huge corpse.

The tuxedo on his body turned into two wings, which was twice as long as the female vampire Jiang Lin had killed before.

As soon as his wings moved, Dracula's body was like an arrow from the string, rushing towards Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin connected his fingers and shot a few yang fingers, and then his legs glared, holding his sword to meet Dracula. .

A Vampire Count and a Peak Celestial Master confronted each other on the highest floor of the castle.

The two staggered past, and there was a scary wound on Dracula's chest, while Jiang Lin's hand trembled slightly while holding the sword.

The body of the Zhengbone Sword was also trembling slightly.

In the previous confrontation, Jiang Lin had the upper hand, and he used his bone sword to block Dracula's slap.

Dracula looked at the sword wound on his chest, then looked at Jiang Lin coldly, and said, "For how many years, I have always chosen to revive my descendants and for my Dracula family to occupy this world. Endure and retreat, so as not to be dealt with by the exorcists in the human race. But you actually killed hundreds of my children, and I want you to pay the debt with blood!"

Dracula let out a shrill whistle, the blood vessels on his body bulged, and the sword wound on his body began to heal under the blood flow.

This self-healing ability is probably not comparable to Mao Zong in Middle Earth.

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes, wanting to completely kill Dracula, it is estimated that there will be a tough battle to fight.

Chapter [-] Fall short!

Fortunately, there was an army of zombies, which dragged Dracula's vampire army back.

Jiang Lin was fortunate that he had created a zombie brigade in the past few days, otherwise, if Dracula had the rest of the power to assist him, let alone kill him, his own safety would be a problem.

This vampire count was not scared away as he thought, but was extremely cautious and kept his strength all the time.

"Just you can make me pay with blood and blood? Not only did I kill your wife and your son before, but now I continue to slaughter in front of you."

Although his expression was dignified, Jiang Lin did not weaken his aura at all. His body shifted in an instant and appeared behind Dracula. With the movement of his bone sword, he beheaded the two female vampires behind Dracula. .

Next, he needs to deal with Dracula with all his strength, and he can't be distracted.

Dracula's two concubines are on one side, and sooner or later it will be a curse.

But what Jiang Lin didn't expect was that he had just chopped off the heads of the two female vampires when Dracula's attack landed on him.

Five bloodstains were drawn on his chest by Dracula's sharp claws.

However, Jiang Lin's response was not slow. At the same time he was shot flying, he slashed Dracula's wings with a sword.

How does this guy know where I'm going?

On the one hand, Jiang Lin refined the corpse poison to recuperate his injuries, and on the other hand, he was paying attention to Dracula.

Compared with Dracula's ability to break through his body's defense, he cared more about Dracula's exploration ability.

In the past, his teleportation ability was used as a means of auxiliary attack, which was almost always beneficial, but Dracula was able to find exactly where he appeared.

"Mary! Amy!"

Dracula looked at the two brides separated by his corpse, and his eyes burst out with endless anger. This yellow-skinned Taoist priest actually murdered his brides under his nose!


He roared wildly and rushed towards Jiang Lin again.

Fighting broke out again.

Gradually, the balance of the game between the two sides began to tilt. It was not that Dracula was suppressed, but Jiang Lin fell into the disadvantage.

Most of his attacks were avoided by Dracula, as if the latter could predict his actions.

Even if his attacks are powerful enough to inflict heavy damage on Dracula, these attacks are almost all missed, no matter how strong the attack is, it will have no effect at all.

Is your eyesight so good?

Jiang Lin frowned. Even if the Charming Spirit hiding in his shadow suddenly launched a sneak attack, Dracula evaded it.

With a sullen face, after Jiang Lin deliberately revealed his flaws and ate a strong punch from Dracula, the spiritual power of his whole body quickly revolved.

Since Dracula's eyes are so good, he will blind this thing.


Dracula covered his eyes with claws and screamed as his eyes shone with dazzling light.

Jiang Lin took advantage of this hard-won opportunity to frantically attack Dracula.

As long as he severely wounded Dracula, he could use the immortal staff to directly kill him. Even if he didn't die, it would be enough to make him lose his ability to escape.

What made Jiang Lin want to scold was that although he didn't miss his attack this time, he didn't even get a critical strike at all.

His bone sword pierced at Dracula's heart. Who would have thought that even if Dracula was temporarily blind, he would have known Jiang Lin's attack point and avoided the key point being attacked.

"I said how you can always know my actions, it's your ears."

Jiang Lin tapped the ground and retreated seven or eight meters. He finally found the reason.

Although Dracula avoided the key point just now, in a desperate situation, he also exposed his own advantages.

Just now, Jiang Lin heard some ultrasonic waves. His ears received sound waves more than ordinary people, but even so, he had never heard such sound waves before.

If it hadn't caused a panic to Dracula, I'm afraid it wouldn't be easy for him to find out.

The situation is also the same as what he discovered. Dracula's current form is similar to that of a bat. In addition to the ability to see with both eyes, this peculiar vampire also has ears that can detect sound waves.

"Since it's still useless to make you half-blind, then ruin your hearing!"

With a thought, Jiang Lin let the charm in the shadow escape, and then ordered it to cry and howl, slamming the wall and stomping the ground.

Not only that, Jiang Lin also released his thoughts and used mental shock on Dracula.

Whether it's vision or hearing, the brain always needs data analysis, and now he directly paralyzes Dracula's brain server temporarily.

Dracula's eyes were so flickering that he couldn't open his eyes, his hearing was disturbed, and even his spirit was impacted. How could Jiang Lin miss this opportunity.

He condensed the corpse poison in his body to form a slow toxin, and then ripped at Dracula with his ten fingers.

Previously, he did not expose his body except for the teleportation ability, in order to prevent Dracula from running away.

Since this guy admits that he is a cautious corner, he can't reveal his full strength prematurely.

Now that he has the opportunity, he will piling output on the sandbag of Dracula.

Put on a bunch of debuffs first.

In this case, even if Dracula has any means of life-saving escape such as sandification or atomization, it will be difficult to work.

Dracula shouted loudly and struggled, but he was poisoned, slow, and burned all over, and his spirit was in chaos for a short time. Even if he was timid and wanted to flee, it was too late.

"I told you to struggle for me!"

Before Jiang Lin's buff was finished, he took out a big club and swiped it on Dracula's head.

The head blooms directly.

For this stick, he didn't even use the restraint of the Yang Yan whip and the immobilization of the body-fixing spell.

Just when Jiang Lin was about to take his head, a special sound wave suddenly spread out from Dracula's body, and then a large group of bats jumped out from under his wings and rushed towards Jiang Lin.

Almost at the same time, a dozen small revolving doors suddenly turned over on the wall of the floor.

These small revolving doors have sculptures of bat heads, which quickly come to life, and emit gray beams from their mouths.

Jiang Lin didn't expect that Dracula's castle still had advanced mechanisms hidden in it. After he relaxed his vigilance and bats attacked his face, he was hit by those beams, and his body became petrified.

Then a few bat-headed monsters rushed towards the Charming Spirit who was going to rescue Jiang Lin, and the rest threw the chains out of the small revolving door and hung them on him.

A loud noise came from the other side of the wall, and a dozen iron chains suddenly became high-voltage wires.

Although Jiang Lin used the Yang flames and spiritual energy in his body to attack at the same time as the petrification, he still didn't have time.

The strong electric current hit him with black smoke all over his body.

While Jiang Lin was being electrocuted, the bat-headed monsters threw out the wires and put them on the dying Dracula.

Different from the voltage on Jiang Lin's body, after Dracula's entire body had an electric arc, the injury on Dracula's body healed quickly.

This method of electrotherapy is the method by which he keeps his many children alive, and has the effect of transferring life energy.

After Dracula got up, he walked slowly towards Jiang Lin with a ferocious expression on his face.

Jiang Lin growled, exerting all his strength, trying to break the chain, but his whole body was almost paralyzed, and he couldn't move at all.

Even if he released Yang Yan, it would be difficult to break the chains on his body.

Since these chains can withstand high-voltage current, they naturally have a certain resistance to high temperature.

At the critical moment, Jiang Lin's eyes were immediately bloodshot, and the two lines of fire directly hit Dracula's heart.

Dracula let out a scream, and his distorted face was in disbelief. Jiang Lin was already like this, and he still had the ability to threaten his life.

After thinking for a while, he fled towards the stairs.

Not long after, Meiling wiped out all the bat-headed monsters blocking the way, and Jiang Lin also broke the red-hot iron chain at this time.

He knelt down on one knee, and blood beads kept dripping from his seven orifices.

Still haven't thought about it, it's all in vain!

Jiang Lin hit the floor with a punch. He was guarding against Dracula's escape method, but he never thought that Dracula's escape method depended on foreign objects, not his own ability.

Chapter [-] Misfortunes do not come singly


Jiang Lin hurriedly sat up and adjusted the condition in his body.

He was shocked by high-voltage electricity just now, causing his body to appear abnormal.

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