Not long ago, he once condensed the corpse poison of the general and formed the core of the corpse pill with the blood essence of the scorpion. Originally, the corpse poison of the general and the essence and blood of the scorpion, as well as his own corpse pill, have always been in a state of balance. The stimulation of the high-voltage current caused the corpse poison of the generals and officials inside the corpse pill to be stressed, and part of the corpse poison escaped.

Still greedy!

The corpse poison of the generals is not so easy to decide.

Jiang Lin somewhat regretted that he wanted to eat a fat man in one bite.

If it weren't for the corpse poison of a general in the corpse pill, even if he was electrocuted for a longer time, there would not be any physical problems.

But now, something unexpected happened.

At the beginning, when it was contaminated with the corpse poison of the generals, although the toxin of the corpse ancestor was tyrannical, it did not enter the flesh and blood of Jianglin much.

But Jiang Lin chose to condense it and leave it in the body to form the core of the corpse pill, which is equivalent to actively sending the poison of the corpse ancestors deep.

Now, he had to disperse all the corpse poison in his body into his flesh and blood, to contain the corpse poison of the generals and officials, and to force out the toxin belonging to Dracula at the wound.

Otherwise, these toxins will become the tonic of the corpse poison of the generals, then the trouble will be big.

Jiang Lin kept his mind and focused on dealing with the changes in his body. Even his plans to hunt down and intercept Dracula had to be put on hold for the time being.

It took half an hour for Jiang Lin to initially stabilize the situation in his body.

At this time, the battle situation outside the castle was basically clear. Although the zombie army suffered heavy losses, Dracula's vampire army suffered even more losses. Anna, Van Helsing, and a group of guards had special weapons. Together with the zombie army, the vampire army almost lost. Completely destroyed.

Even the werewolves mixed in the vampire army were all beheaded.

After temporarily suppressing the abnormality in his body, Jiang Lin released his spiritual sense, only to realize that there was no Dracula's breath.

Even though his body was still a little numb, he couldn't care, and immediately got up to search for traces of Dracula.Dracula was beaten by the immortal staff, and even if he used technology to restore some vitality, he was still not out of danger. He didn't want his efforts to be completely in vain.

"Master, I have been guarding outside, just waiting to hit the sap, and no powerful vampires flew out."

Jiang Lin did a general search, and then called Mouse Boy into the castle, but Mouse Boy shook his head repeatedly and said that he didn't see Dracula escape from the castle.

"elder brother!"

Just when Jiang Lin was puzzled, Anna's cry came from not far away.

Um?Prince Viken isn't dead?

Hearing Anna's voice, Jiang Lin hurried over.

In a laboratory, Viken was placed on a laboratory bench, his limbs and head were immobilized, and his head was covered by an iron dome.

"Anna? Don't, don't dismantle those devices!"

After Viken woke up, he kept shouting, but when Anna listened to him, she tore down the wires and shackles on Viken.

"Go, go!"

Viken looked at the clouds outside the window covering the full moon about to dissipate, and hurriedly pushed Anna away, and then his body changed after being illuminated by the moonlight.

"No, no, no!"

Anna looked at her brother's arms growing out of hair, covering her mouth and weeping.


Jiang Lin rushed to the laboratory, just in time to see this scene, he rushed out and dragged Anna aside.

But after Viken turned into a werewolf, the speed was extremely fast, and Jiang Lin's paralysis had not been completely relieved, and Viken was bitten on the shoulder all of a sudden.


Jiang Lin kicked Viken with one foot, then took out the talisman and threw it out, covering it on the window to prevent the moonlight from shining in.

At the same time, he also took out a golden needle and threw it out and pinned it all over Viken's body.

After being cut off from the moonlight, the werewolf that Viken transformed into gradually shrank in size, and then returned to his original form.

"elder brother!"

"Don't go there!"

Jiang Lin held Anna back. He was only temporarily suppressing Viken's wolf transformation, and he couldn't support it for long.

It seems that Viken should have turned into a werewolf long ago, and only temporarily returned to human form after being pulled out of his life energy by the device in this laboratory.

Jiang Lin looked at Viken and asked, "Is this your first time sucking blood?"

He wanted to know if Viken had ever ingested blood. If it was the first time he got blood, there might be a chance to save him, otherwise even he would have no choice.

"You are... I can't change back, kill me."

Viken wanted to ask who Jiang Lin was, but time was running out.

"no, do not want."

Anna shook Jiang Lin's arm and said hysterically, "Jiang Lin, you are a powerful mage. You are so powerful that you can definitely save my brother, right?"

She looked at Jiang Lin almost begging, but Jiang Lin could only shake his head. It is good that he has a high level of knowledge, but he can't do everything.

If a person is infected with corpse poison or werewolf poison, as long as they haven't been exposed to blood, even if they are stained with blood and haven't undergone a complete mutation, they can still be saved.

But the current Viken is obviously not in this list.

He had turned into a werewolf, and he should have sucked blood before.

Anna burst into tears, even though she had always been strong, she could see that her only sibling brother had come back from the dead but turned into a werewolf, and her psychological defense had collapsed.

"Help me take care of my sister..."

When Viken had the last trace of clarity left in his mind, he pulled out the golden needles from his body one by one, held them together, and stabbed them towards his lower jaw.

"Dracula is already half-dead, but I don't know where he escaped to. There should be a portal similar to the Devil's Gate in this castle, you quickly bring someone to find it."

Jiang Lin pressed one hand on the bite on his shoulder, preparing to clean up the werewolf poison, but at this moment, a breeze suddenly blew outside, the talisman cloth on the window was blown away, and a ray of moonlight shone on Jiang Lin.

The werewolf poison on his shoulders was catalyzed, quickly seeping into his flesh.

problem occurs!

The werewolf toxin infiltrated into his body drilled towards the place where the corpse poison was, and for a while, his body was in chaos again.


Now, Jiang Lin can no longer maintain his human form, and he has transformed into a stiff-haired form. This is more than that, because he has a general corpse poison in his body, and a werewolf toxin has been added, which actually caused him to change to a transformed state.

A scaly cuticle began to appear on his face, and his bloodlust grew.

There are ordinary zombies and murderers in Middle-earth zombies. The latter will become an extremely rare red scorpion if advanced, while foreign vampires and werewolves have a similar relationship with the former two.

By analogy, a werewolf is similar to a murderer or a red hornet.

If it wasn't for the corpse pill's change, even if Jiang Lin was poisoned by the werewolf's toxin, there would not be a big problem, but now the general corpse poison that escaped from the corpse pill in his body has not been digested, plus the werewolf toxin, that is It's messed up.

Chapter [*] Antidote

" were bitten!"

When Anna saw Jiang Lin's hair all over her body, her mind went blank.

She has lost her own brother, but Jiang Lin has to follow in her brother's footsteps.

I don't know since when, Jiang Lin has become the person she can trust in Anna's heart, and the person she cares about.

Now Jiang Lin sees a change, making her as if she is collapsed.

It's not that no one can deal with Dracula because Jiang Lin has turned into a wolf, but it's purely because of Jiang Lin.


The mouse boy felt the terrifying and restless aura emanating from Jiang Lin's body, and jumped, and then he quickly pulled out the gold needle from Viken's body and inserted it into the talisman by the window to avoid the moonlight. Come in.

"What's the matter with him?"

At this time, Fan Haixin also walked into the laboratory and was shocked when he saw Jiang Lin's situation.

" brother became a werewolf, he...he bit Jiang Lin, how to save him? How to save him!"

Anna was so anxious like a mad woman, her brain was temporarily short-circuited.

Hearing this, Fan Haixin immediately went to Jiang Lin's side, his palm radiated holy light and pressed against the wound on Jiang Lin's shoulder.

The werewolf poison inside began to make a sizzling sound under the illumination of the holy light.

Jiang Lin also suppressed the bloodthirsty desire in his heart at this time, took a handful of blood orchid from his arms, stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it.

With the help of blood orchid's medicinal effect on spiritual thoughts, Jiang Lin immediately mobilized the corpse poison in his body to isolate the two toxins that did not belong to him.

At present, he can only isolate the two with corpse poison.

After a long time, the epidermis and hair on his body gradually subsided.

But this is only temporary, the corpse poison of the generals and officials escaping from the corpse is enough to make him difficult, and now there is a werewolf poison.

If it is not dealt with as soon as possible, maybe he will be completely transformed, and everything will be over by then.

Second uncle's, but the system is maintained.

Jiang Lin had an extremely headache. He was in Eastern Europe now, and he didn't carry much formation materials with him. It was difficult to solve the problem of his body.

Now he has to let his spiritual power return to the fake pill, otherwise he will definitely stage the drama of the Six Nations Great Prime Minister in his body.

In other words, from now on, he can no longer use Taoism.

Anna helped Jiang Lin up and asked with concern, "Jiang Lin, are you all right?"

"It's fine for the time being, but it may not last long. Van Helsing, what's a good way for your Catholics to eliminate werewolf toxins?"

Jiang Lin looked at Fan Haixin, but now the corpse poison and werewolf poison in his body were temporarily separated, but it was only an expedient measure.

Compared with digesting or clearing the corpse poison of the generals, dealing with werewolf toxins is more convenient, and it is also the best way to solve the problem.

Only dealing with the corpse poison of the generals and officials that escaped, Jiang Lin asked himself that it was not too difficult.


Fan Haixin shook his head. If Jiang Lin, a Taoist priest in the Middle Earth, didn't have a way to deal with wolf poison, his Catholic Church would not have it.

"By the way, I have read some records in ancient Catholic books, which say that werewolves and vampires were originally hostile, that is to say, werewolves should not have been slaves to the vampire Dracula, but Dracula had control over werewolves. However, this control method is not permanent, and Dracula created an antidote to prevent the werewolf from being harmful to him. Once an accident happens, when the werewolf threatens his life, he will Give the werewolf an antidote to make it human again. That way, his crisis will be lifted."

Fan Helsing suddenly remembered some documents he had read in the Holy See before, and told Jiang Lin.

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