After the antidote entered the body, the werewolf toxin in Jiang Lin's body was rapidly being decomposed, and without these toxins, his corpse poison gathered together again, surrounding the corpse poison of the generals in one place.

Because of this, Jiang Lin also recovered from the state of being transformed into an ordinary hairy stiff, and finally turned back into a human body.

Van Helsing squinted, looked at Anna leaning against the wall with her eyes open, and sighed: "She's dead."

The force that Jiang Lin slammed into just now was a truck, and it had to be squashed.

So Anna died on the spot.

Jiang Lin pulled out the needle in his heart, threw it aside, and hugged Anna's body horizontally.

The problem in his body was solved, Dracula was destroyed, but Anna died.

Chapter [-] I Don't Want Her To Die, She Can't Die (Part [-])

Feeling Anna's body temperature getting colder in his arms, Jiang Lin didn't feel a trace of joy in his heart. Even if killing Dracula had contributed nearly [-] points of hostility to him, he wouldn't be happy either.

This is the first time he has killed someone by mistake because he lost control, and he is still a good friend.

It didn't take long for a hazy ghost to fly out of Anna's body.

Jiang Lin frowned, looking at Anna's fluttering soul, he took out a magic talisman, injected spiritual power, and threw it towards the ghost.

"The soul returns home!"

With the Dao seal in his hand, Jiang Lin released a spiritual force that landed on Anna's soul, causing it to float towards the portal outside the palace.

After that, he left the palace with Anna in his arms. As for searching for treasures in Dracula's lair, he was in no mood at the moment.

Fan Haixin followed Jiang Lin without saying a word. After working together for this period of time, he developed an admiration for Anna, a beautiful and brave princess.

But now this beautiful princess has completely died.

"Master, she is..."

When Jiang Lin and Fan Haixin returned to the castle, the mouse boy found Anna in Jiang Lin's arms, and felt that Anna was no longer alive, and it sighed again and again.


Jiang Lin sensed the situation in his body and found that the corpse poison of the general had been suppressed, so he put Anna on a test bench.

Before, because the chaos in his body had not been calmed down, he couldn't use too much spiritual power, and he couldn't even activate the ability of the corpse to devour the soul.

So he could only let Anna's soul fly to the side of the mirror.

After that, Jiang Lin took out a lot of the cold marrow, marrow pulp, blood orchid, and different fruits from the ancient mirror in his arms. After mixing these treasures in a porcelain bowl, he poured it into Anna's body. .

Then, he cut his fingers again, and drew one rune after another on the stage around Anna.

"Master, are you trying to conjure her soul?"

Seeing Jiang Lin making these arrangements, the mouse boy immediately guessed Jiang Lin's intentions.

It couldn't help worrying. It knew that Jiang Lin was the yin department of the underworld, but this was Europe, it belonged to the West, and the boundaries were different. Jiang Lin's powers should not be able to be exercised here.

If you do it forcefully, you might get into big trouble.

"Jiang Lin, she's dead. Her family has been fighting against Dracula for centuries, and this time, Dracula was eliminated. Although she was not the biggest player, she also participated in it. The soul will go to heaven."

Fan Haixin listened to what the mouse said, and reached out to block Jiang Lin's arm. On the one hand, he was a Catholic cleric, and he had an obligation to stop Jiang Lin's behavior that disturbed Yin and Yang. On the other hand, he felt that he died. The person has passed away, if the soul ascends to heaven, it is the best result. Jiang Lin does this, which is equivalent to breaking Anna's way to ascend to heaven.

"I don't want her to die, so she can't die. Whether she dies without regrets or leaves with hatred, she has to come back to me."

Jiang Lin shook off Fan Haixin's hand and continued to draw the runes.

This time, there was turmoil in his body, causing his reason to disappear. If Anna hadn't fetched the antidote to the werewolf toxin and rushed at him regardless of the danger, he might have been unable to regain consciousness.

It was precisely because of this that Anna was killed by him.

He eliminated Dracula and helped Anna and her clan eliminate the disaster, but Anna had promised him earlier that she would let the clan help find the fairy.

So no matter what, Jiang Lin owes Anna's great favor and still has a life left, so he naturally won't give it up, so he can only return Anna's life.

In addition, Anna was also the last member of the royal family. Without Anna, he would have to command Anna's clan by himself, which would be much more troublesome.

"do not do that."

Fan Haixin stood directly in front of Jiang Lin this time, trying to stop him from continuing.

Jiang Lin glanced at Fan Haixin and said, "Do you think you can beat me? I don't think so. So, are you itchy, looking for a fight?"

Van Helsing: "..."

After thinking about it, Fan Haixin retreated. Regardless of whether he stopped it or not, it seemed that Jiang Lin had decided to summon Anna's soul. If he insisted on blocking it, there seemed to be no other end to him than being beaten and tortured.

"The black and white are impermanent here, no, they should be the messengers of the soul. How long does it take to collect the soul after a person dies?"

After Jiang Lin finished drawing the soul-calling rune, he asked Fan Haixin.

Anna has been fighting against Dracula with her own clan, and she has also killed many vampires and werewolves. If the situation in the underworld and the underworld is similar, she should be someone who can be reborn immediately. After all, her actions in the world have accumulated some merit.

Therefore, shortly after Anna's death, [-]% of the time, there will be a soul-sucking messenger. Even if there is not, Anna will be awakened by the soul-sucking messenger from the underworld.

Jiang Lin is the underworld's secretary, and this is Eastern Europe, which belongs to the jurisdiction of the underworld, so next, he must plan well.

If Anna died in Middle-earth and had connections in the underworld, he didn't need to make any plans. It would be ok to say hello to Judge Lu with the red beard, but Anna died in Eastern Europe and was from Eastern Europe. So easy to do.

"That night, that is, into the night. If he died in the night, after the sun goes down the next day, there will be a ghost messenger."

Fan Haixin did not hide it, and told Jiang Lin the truth directly.

Is there only one day time?

Jiang Lin stretched out his fingers and pressed his eyebrows, and after thinking for a moment, he began to cast the soul-calling spell.

When Anna's soul was flying, he left a magic symbol as a mark.

So even though the process of summoning the soul was much more complicated than usual, in the end, Jiang Lin still summoned Anna's soul and made her return to her body.

"Soul Sealing Curse!"

After Anna's soul returned to her body, Jiang Lin pointed and drew a complicated spell on her face.

Although Anna's body had suffered heavy injuries, because Jiang Lin had poured the precious liquid mixed with the material treasure, her body's tissues, organs and even blood had been repaired.

Everything Jiang Lin used was almost a material treasure that could bring back the dead. It turned Anna's body into a perfect soulless container. There was no problem at all.

Now that Anna's soul returns, she will naturally be able to resurrect.

It's just that if you want to completely solve your worries, you have to pass the level of the enchanter.

Chapter [-] I Don't Want Her To Die, She Can't Die (Part [-])

"I... I am... am I not dead?"

It didn't take long for Anna to open her eyes. She looked around and found that Jiang Lin and Van Helsing were both there, and she was in Dracula's castle again, and she was a little stunned.

Jiang Lin said, "I killed you and saved you. At least now, you are resurrected."

"You brought me back from the dead?"

Anna's eyes widened, and then she quickly touched her neck to see if there were any signs of being bitten.

If Jiang Lin resurrected her by making her a vampire, then she might as well not be resurrected.

"I still have a heartbeat!"

Anna pressed her heart and felt the beating of her heart before she smiled.

The mouse boy said in a strange tone: "My master said that he doesn't want you to die, so you can't die. You don't know how much effort and resources he spent to bring you back to life."

It thought that Jiang Lin would use a lot of treasures to revive Anna, so Anna should be its alternate mistress. If it doesn't push at this time, it's not a missed opportunity.

Anna couldn't understand the meaning of what the mouse said. She stared at Jiang Lin and said, "So you don't want to lose me so much, so it's not a waste of me to save you regardless of the danger."

No play, no play.

Seeing the tenderness in Anna's eyes, Fan Helsing suddenly felt that he had no chance.

Jiang Lin stretched out his finger and shot a sigh, hitting the mouse on the head, and said to Anna: "Okay, stop being narcissistic, I saved you because I killed you with the wrong hand. Do you want to live another day? If you die, go back quickly."

After saying this, Jiang Lin continued to think about how to make Anna live properly.

He is the underworld's underworld. In Middle-earth, or even in other places, there is no big problem in saving people who are dying, but if they can bring people back to life, there is an essential difference.

What's more, Anna didn't have any deep involvement with him. If the ghost messenger from the underworld came, he couldn't come up with a strong reason to keep Anna's soul, it was not a simple matter.

Taking advantage of the time he was thinking about, Jiang Lin went to Dracula's palace through the portal to search for treasures that were valuable to him.

When Dracula died, the vampire embryos in the palace turned into pus, and the other vampires who did research and did not fight, also turned into mummified corpses.

Jiang Lin wandered around the entire palace, but he didn't find any useful treasures at all. Dracula, the funny vampire Count, used science and technology as the primary productive force. Apart from technological facilities, there were no treasures or materials in the lair.

"Hey, does your master really spend a lot of money to resurrect me?"

When Jiang Lin was away, Anna started to talk with Mouse Boy.

On one side, Van Helsing didn't look for himself, and went downstairs to look for undiscovered werewolves or other evil things.

"No, I'm telling you..."

The mouse boy spoke eloquently, and told Anna how many treasures Jiang Lin used to save her, and how much risk he took to save her, and he might even have a fight with the ecstasy who was in charge of life and death.

When Anna knew this, she was both happy and worried, and her heart was like a deer.

Jiang Lin turned around in the castle again, but there was still nothing to gain. After that, he asked the Flying Rat King to take them back to Tran Town.

He has already thought of a plan. If nothing happens, Anna's life should be fine.

"Anna, take out your genealogy."

Back at the palace in Tran Town, Jiang Lin asked Anna to get the family tree of their royal family.

"What do you want the family tree for? Now I am the only one in the entire royal family."

Anna took out a huge old kraft paper with the names of her family members on it.

"Write my name on it and write that I'm your husband."

This is what Jiang Lin came up with after careful consideration. He has made outstanding contributions to the underworld in the Middle Earth, so he and his family and teachers have privileges.

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