They are the family members of the Underworld Yin Si, and they have special treatment when they encounter life and death and disasters.

Therefore, Jiang Lin planned to let Anna become his family member temporarily. In this case, he would have something to say even in the face of the ghost messenger from the underworld.

It's just that this plan still needs to be deployed.


Anna opened her mouth slightly, and then said a little embarrassedly: "We are not married, how can we write this directly on the genealogy, and my brother died not long ago, so I don't feel that way."

"If you want to write, just write. I don't want to marry you. If you want to live, just do as I say."

Afterwards, Jiang Lin explained the reason to Anna a little bit, and told her that he had an official position in the underworld of Middle-earth, and only if she became a family member of the Yin Si, could the Enchanter of Soul Seducer let her go.

After listening to Jiang Lin's explanation, Anna was no longer hypocritical. She really didn't want to die. She was so young and beautiful, how could she have a bad face.

After Anna finished writing, Jiang Lin separated the smoldering fire in his body and smoked it on kraft paper.

This is also the method he came up with. Smoldering fire generally appears in ancient tombs, and it burns all the time inside, but it does not produce open flames. It will only ignite when it encounters air.

Therefore, if this yin fire controls the heat, it will have an old-fashioned effect.

That is, brand new things with the traces of time.

Jiang Lin had never used such an effect in the past, because the opportunity to use it was simply not used.

There's nothing wrong with him making Anna his family, but it's absolutely impossible that he and Anna got married today.

This is not convincing at all.

"The ink is actually dry, as if years have passed since it was written."

Anna was once again surprised. The name and words she just wrote didn't look like they were written at all, but rather like they were written three or four years ago.

"I don't know how your wedding room is set up here, so it's up to you to guide the layout, and I'll do it. After the layout, I will still make the layout look like I did before. Finally, you still You have to take a wedding photo with me. Don't tell others about these things, I will do them all."

Jiang Lin explained to Anna again that he himself is not in the Three Realms and Six Paths, and even there is no record of him in the book of life and death, so as long as he does these things, even if the enchanter has doubts and wants to check the records, he will not be able to find it.

As for the enchanter, if he checked from other places and found that no one knew when he and Anna got married, it would be very prevaricious.

He already had quite a few wives. As a princess, Anna married him and naturally didn't want to show it off.

The dignified princess, being someone else's twenty-something concubine, are you still afraid that others won't know?

Chapter [-] I don't want her to die, she can't die (below)

Arranging the wedding room, taking wedding photos...

When Anna thought about it, her face turned red as an apple.

Even though she is a strong and brave princess, she is still a girl after all, and she was not touched before she met Jiang Lin.

Now Jiang Lin has suddenly become her husband, even if it is fake, it is enough to make her shy, not to mention the need to arrange the wedding room and take wedding photos, just like the real one.

"Then I'll go."

Anna decided to do everything Jianglin said. After she turned around, she couldn't hide the shyness on her face.

Although her brother passed away, which was something that made her sad, Dracula was wiped out, she was brought back to life, and she pretended to be a husband and wife with a man she trusted. These were all things that made her happy, so even if Anna There is still sadness in my heart, and it has been diluted a lot.

So, the two set up Anna's boudoir together in the next time. Even the guards didn't find out what they were doing. Jiang Lin had an ancient mirror, and some objects didn't need to be held in his hands.

The reason for the existence of the royal family is to unite the clansmen and fight against Dracula. Now that Dracula has been eliminated, the existence of the royal family is actually meaningless.

Anna sat beside the bed with her hands on her back and looked at Jiang Lin who was busy with her work. She suddenly realized that she didn't want to be a princess anymore, and she also realized that she wanted to go to Middle Earth and Hong Kong.

As for why, it was naturally because of the man in her eyes.

In the afternoon, Jiang Lin, Anna and Mouse Boy went to the photo studio in the town, and Mouse Boy took wedding photos for them in new clothes.

No outsiders know about this, and naturally they can't find it.

In the evening, Jiang Lin was waiting in Anna's room, or their room, everything had been arranged.

"Mr. Van Helsing, I will trouble you."

Anna put her hands together and begged to Fan Haixin outside the room. Others didn't know the specific relationship between her and Jiang Lin, but Fan Haixin knew that now they not only made Fan Haixin pretend not to know, but also made him perjury when necessary.

Fan Haixin was so numb in his heart, the second uncle, the girl he liked and his rival pretended to be an old husband and wife, and even asked him to testify.

That's not all, when he wanted to refuse to lie in the name of God, Jiang Lin scolded him as a grandson.

God sent you to the world just because you disagreed with you. God deprived you of your status as an archangel, so why can't you be sorry to God.

How can the tian god be so happy?

Are you Catholic, the Virgin Mary per capita?

Fan Haixin was scolded by Jiang Lin's words and wanted to find a hole in the ground, and finally had to agree.

After night fell, a cold wind suddenly blew in the palace, and a black hole suddenly appeared on the ground of the courtyard, from which floated ten ghosts dressed in black robes with hoods and giant sickles in their hands.

The messenger of the underworld.

After the ten emissaries appeared, they flew towards Anna's room together.

Has it come so much?

Jiang Lin sensed the approach of the Enchanter, his face slightly condensed, hoping that nothing would happen.

As soon as the enchanter arrived, Jiang Lin waved his arms and made them all appear.

When a group of soul-enchanting messengers found their ghost body manifested, they all let out a scream.

When Anna saw these ghost messengers, she couldn't help but approach behind Jiang Lin. She was a dead person, so she was naturally apprehensive about these ghost officials.

The leader of the headed rapist looked at Fan Haixin outside the room and glanced at the room again. He was surprised to find that Fan Haixin and Jiang Lin were both practitioners.

After pondering for a moment, he said, "Who is Anna Valerie?"

"She would have died before dawn."

"Who used black magic to bring it back to life?"

After the captain of the messenger spoke, several more messengers spoke in a rather unkind tone.

"Anna Valerie is my wife and I brought her back to life."

Jiang Lin took a step forward and faced the enchantress in front of him. At the same time, he also revealed his Yin Commander.

"I am Si Jianglin, the fifth-grade palm of the Middle Earth Mansion, and Anna Villeris is my wife, the family member of Yin Si. I have the privilege to dispose of her soul by myself. You should be able to find out about it. ."

"Yin Si and Underworld officials do get privileges to deal with the dead souls of their family members, but she is Romanian, even if it is your family members, it must be handed over to the underworld, and then you will let the underworld submit an application to our underworld."

"As I said, I have the privilege to dispose of her soul."

The messenger captain said Jiang Lin naturally knew that the final disposal of the deceased in different regions would fall to the corresponding underworld jurisdiction, but this rule was invalid for him.

He used to have a foreign wife Eve. After learning some information about the underworld and the underworld, he put forward conditions to Judge Lu, as long as it was his family, whether it was an oriental or a westerner, and whether it was a yellow or white All kinds of people are handled by the underworld, and the final disposal power still falls on his own head.

This is his prerogative.

"Even if she has the right to deal with it, it doesn't mean she can be brought back to life."

"Not to mention she's not your wife at all."

"She's not married at all, and there's no record in the Necronomicon."

"She's dead!"

After consulting the books they brought, a few enchanters raised their scythes directly. The records in the Necronomicon did not match what Jiang Lin said.

That is, Jiang Lin, his peer, has been lying to them.

"I am a Catholic clergyman, and I am also the incarnation of the Archangel Gabriel. I can testify that Anna Valerie is indeed Jiang Lin's wife."

At this time, Van Helsing felt that the situation was not right and spoke up.

Although he was extremely numb in his heart, since Anna had come back to life, he didn't want her to die again.

"Although you have testified, but it does not match the records of the Necronomicon, it will not be accepted!"

"Anna Valerie died on September [-], [-], at five o'clock."

"She must die!"

The group of soul-hook messengers did not intend to discuss any further, and directly threw out the soul-hook sickle, attacked Anna, and wanted to hook her soul away and escort it to the underworld.


Jiang Lin used a sword to separate the soul-sucking sickle, and then squinted at a group of soul-sucking messengers.

"Did you check carefully?"

Jiang Lin's tone gradually became colder. When Judge Lu agreed to his request, he should have already submitted his information to the transfer office of the underworld and the underworld.

That is to say, as long as these ghost messengers check carefully, they will know that he is not recorded in the book of life and death, and there will be no records in the Necronomicon. Personnel closely related to him, like Eve and Anya and the others. The marriage of a Western woman to him will not be recorded in the Necronomicon.

These guys didn't check at all.

Jiang Lin pulled Anna into his arms, kissed her cherry lips, and inhaled her soul into his body, then he said to a group of soul-sucking messengers: "What if she died, I will resurrect her today, I don't want to She died, do you really have a solution?"

Since these soul-enchanting messengers had no intention of discussing, he just tore his face.

Come, let me see who can make Anna die again.

Chapter [-] Tell me, am I in the service area?

Jiang Lin picked up the sword and looked coldly at the ghost messenger on the opposite side. If these guys correspond to the underworld in the Middle Earth, they are ordinary ghosts. He is a rank five palm killing division. I don’t know if they are higher than ghosts. A few levels.

Now he doesn't use any official power to suppress him, he just doesn't want to make things bigger, after all, this is still someone else's territory.

The relationship was deadlocked, and it was more difficult for even Judge Lu to do it.

But these guys are good, if they don't even check, they will seduce their souls from his hands.

Do you think that Qianglong doesn't suppress the local snake?

He was really ready to press.

Anyway, after tonight, if things get serious, he might go to Xugang overnight, and when he arrives at the Middle Earth Realm, Judge Lu, even Judge Cui and Niu Tau Ma Mian can come forward and settle the matter.

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