"Presumably I don't need to be a witness, right? Dracula has been eliminated, and my mission has been completed, so let's say goodbye."

Fan Haixin smiled at Jiang Lin, then turned and left.

If he continues to stay here, it is estimated that he will be critically attacked every day.

As a princess, Anna took the initiative to kiss Jiang Lin, which means she admitted her feelings for Jiang Lin.

Then if he doesn't leave, he just seeks abuse by himself.

The next day, Anna explained some things to her clan, and went to a relatively developed country with Jiang Lin, where they took a plane back to Xugang.

When he arrived at Huixing Mountain, Jiang Lin went to the training room to open the ghost gate and went down to the underworld.

"Aiya, brother Jiang, I haven't seen you for many years. Your style is the same as before."

As soon as Judge Lu saw Jiang Lin's visit, he was happy again. He had not been promoted for a long time. If he wanted to be promoted, he had to find Jiang Lin's helicopter.

"Don't laugh so much, I'm here to throw potatoes for you."

"Potato? Could it be another treasure?"

Judge Lu still couldn't close his mouth, but then the smile on his face gradually solidified, and finally disappeared completely.

Jiang Lin had already told about his lesson on the ghost messenger of the underworld.

"Your face has become the bottom of the pot. Is this a big deal? Help me get it done."

With that said, Jiang Lin put the Sealing Ghost Altar on the table.

"How big of a deal is this? You said it lightly. If you want to protect your own family members, it's okay to protect your own family. You can protect others, and you have forged evidence! You even beat the officials on someone else's site! You even grilled them when you beat them. , why don't you put some cumin in it? You even brought it to me in a fucking package!"

The more Judge Lu said, the more angry he became, his nose was smoking, what a trivial matter, it is estimated that the underworld has already been fried.

He lost ten soul-enchanting messengers all at once. If such a thing is placed in the underworld, then they must have a collective meeting with the judges.

Looking at the Fenggui altar on the table, the more Judge Lu looked at it, the more he felt that it was not a jar, but a pot, a big black pot.

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-ninth chapters pull the flag

"What, Judge Lu, you still can't settle this matter?"

"Come here, the judge will give it to you, you will solve it, I will see how you will explain to the junction and the underworld."

The blue veins appeared on Judge Lu's forehead. If Jiang Lin didn't detain the soul-sucking messenger, it would be fine, but if he detained the underworld officer to the underworld, wouldn't this be a slap in the face of the underworld?

This is a big deal!

Second Uncle's, every time he came here, he brought me good luck, but this time I went, he brought me a big black pot.

Judge Lu felt that his head was hurting, and Jiang Lin had brought him a lot of benefits directly and indirectly. Now that he came to blame him, he had to help, but it was very difficult to help.

"What's so difficult about this, I'm a fifth-rank slaughtering division, and I still have the privilege to save my family members in a foreign country. They obstruct it. If this is not the case, it can turn into a diplomatic accident?"

"Is that your family?"

"Now they all believe that it is my family. If you don't tell me, I don't tell them, and they can't find it. Besides, my 'family' has now stepped into the door of my house with one foot."

Jiang Lin didn't think the matter would be serious. Now, he has the right to take care of this matter, even if he created it himself.

"Besides, how can I say now that I'm also a well-known figure in the underworld, and when I go to the underworld over there, a few small ghost messengers don't take me seriously, let them check things to find out, they don't Cha, can I bear this? Can you bear it? Can the underworld endure it? I represent our underworld when I’m outside, and you are making our underworld seem like a weak government without diplomacy.”

"Fart! The rabble in the underworld, they need to be disciplined and undisciplined, and they need to manage unmanaged places. Can they compare with our underworld?"

Being provoked by Jiang Lin, Judge Lu was instantly furious.

Although Jiang Lin used the method of aggressiveness, there is nothing wrong with what he said. The fact that Anna is his family member is true or false, and it will not change the course of the matter.

In other words, even if Anna was really Jiang Lin's family, things would still develop that way.

Jiang Lin is the underworld's yin secretary. After showing his yin commander in the underworld, it represents the underworld and is the card face of the underworld. As a result, the ghost messenger of the underworld doesn't take it seriously at all.

"If it wasn't for you to pack it and take it away, I'd let the transfer office scold you over there. But now you have detained the soul-enchanting messenger, it's not something I can say. "

Although Judge Lu's anger dropped a little, he still felt that things were difficult.

"I didn't kill them again, what's the big deal? You can handle this matter, I don't believe that when I was trapped, the Ksitigarbha King made a special trip to help me out of the siege. For such a trivial matter, he can still be in the underworld. What do you do with me?"

Seeing that Judge Lu's face was embarrassed, Jiang Lin simply pulled the tiger's skin and pulled the banner.

Anyway, it's true that King Ksitigarbha saved him, not his nonsense.

And when he left Tran Town, Anna's clansmen thanked him, and he also made those people think of Taiyi to save the suffering Tianzun, which is not an ordinary credit.

Now that he has a problem, he can also feel at ease when he pulls the tiger skin of King Ksitigarbha.

"What? What did you say? Have you met King Ksitigarbha? He even went to rescue you? Are you bragging?"

Judge Lu shook his beard and was startled by Jiang Lin's words.

"Would I use this kind of thing to brag? If you don't believe it, let Judge Wang ask you to listen to the truth, and it is also there."

"My God, you can actually let the King Ksitigarbha come to rescue you."

Judge Lu widened his eyes and stared at Jiang Lin, not to mention him, even civil and military judges might not have such treatment.

"Okay, leave this to me. Brother Jiang, you're right. In this pot, no, the ghost messenger in the altar of conferring ghosts doesn't take our underworld's underworld seriously at all. We take care of this matter."

After Jiang Lin pulled the tiger skin of Ksitigarbha King, Judge Lu immediately patted his chest and assured Jiang Lin that the matter would be done.

As long as the Ksitigarbha King had helped Jiang Lin to clear the siege to the judge at the transfer office, no matter how difficult the matter was, it had to be done there.

After that, Judge Lu directly contacted the handover office with the judge's wat and reported the matter to the past.

"Anyway, I'm the one who dumped the blame here. These three bottles of marrow pulp will be left to Judge Lu for your business use. Two bottles are enough for you to have a relationship? Can you settle the matter completely for me?"

Now that Anna has admitted her feelings for him, it doesn't matter even if it costs a little, as long as Anna won't have any more troubles in this regard in the future.

"Cold marrow? I know your kid's character, and I must have taken some of it myself."

Judge Lu heard the sound of the liquid in the medicine bottle shaking, and immediately guessed at Hansui.

"Am I that kind of person? I haven't touched the cold marrow of the underworld, and it's not the cold marrow."

Jiang Lin's face was not blushing when he lied, but he wouldn't admit that he had scooped up the cold marrow.

Not cold marrow?

Judge Lu took the medicine bottle and opened the cork.

Inside is the pulp of the dinosaurs on Skull Island.

"This... this is a bit like the nectar of the upper realm."

After taking a sip, Judge Lu jumped up.

This pulp seems to be more precious than cold marrow.

"Don't look at me, it's gone, I just happened to get it."

Seeing Judge Lu looking at him with green eyes, Jiang Lin waved his hands again and again.

Ghosts believe you!

Judge Lu rolled his eyes, and then he mixed the other two bottles and filled the one left for himself.

Judge Lu lit a Tongyu incense, and as soon as he pointed it out, he broke the altar of sealing ghosts on the table, and the ten embarrassed messengers lay on the ground.

Since Jiang Lin gave him such a good thing, he wouldn't have the face to find Jiang Lin if he didn't settle the matter completely.

"This is where?"

A group of soul-enchanting messengers got up and looked around.

"This is the underworld, and I am Lu Man, the judge of the underworld. You are the messenger of the underworld, such a powerful official. Do you know what kind of character Jiang Jiang is in our underworld!"

Judge Lu sat behind the official document, picked up the gavel and slapped it, and immediately frightened the ten enchanters.

Originally, when they knew that this was the underworld, they still wanted to attack. After all, it was not allowed for the underworld officials to detain the underworld officials privately.

But Judge Lu's words made them stunned.

They seem to feel that this time they really got into trouble, and they provoke someone they can't afford. Otherwise, the judges of the underworld will not show any wrongdoing, and they will be tried as prisoners.

Jiang Lin smiled and left the judge's hall, and he didn't need to worry about the next thing.

Things were just as he expected. The Hades knew that the underworld had detained their envoys, so they went to the junction of the two places to discuss.

But not only did they not get the answer, they were also beaten up by the underworld, and even the character of the Ksitigarbha King who went to help clear the siege was actually made trouble by the little emissary. Is your underworld floating, or our underworld can't hold a knife? ?

In the end, the underworld can only eat berberine, and there is no way to tell the suffering.

As for Anna's resurrection, how could they dare to interfere again.

The most pitiful thing is that the ten enchanters were detained by the barbecue, and they even lost their black gauze hats when they returned.

Chapter [*] stay behind

After Jiang Lin returned to the world, he began to think about strengthening the defense of Huixing Mountain.

After the Dracula incident, he realized that the Huixing Mountain needed more protection.

Although the fruit forests and tea gardens inside have magic circles and enchantments, they only protect the gardens and can only avoid ordinary birds and beasts and ordinary sneaky harassment.

Fortunately, he happened to be teleported to Eastern Europe this time, otherwise, his own mountain might not be guaranteed.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment, Huixing Mountain will inevitably become ruins.

Therefore, out of these considerations, as well as future considerations, he plans to strengthen the overall protection of Huixing Mountain.

But before that, he was going to get the portal of the castle.

Compared with Huixingshan, he is more concerned about the safety of his wives. This world will become more and more chaotic in the future, until the end of the world. If it is not a last resort, he is not willing to turn his precious wives into zombies.

Although Huixing Mountain is safe, no matter how sturdy the city is, it may collapse. Therefore, he plans to leave a way back in the secret place of his manor.

Whenever he encounters a disaster that even he can't deal with in the future, he and his family can go directly to Eastern Europe through the portal.

Jiang Lin didn't have this kind of plan before, and it can be seen that after knowing Dracula's portal, he had such an idea in his heart.

There is just one more problem. The portal of the castle is the gate of the devil, which is related to Satan. He is worried that if this thing gets into the house, not only will it not be beneficial, but it will cause disaster.

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