At this time, his Yin Commander uploaded a message that Anna's resurrection had been completely settled.

He pulled the tiger skin and pulled the flag and sent the pulp. Judge Lu and the others were really efficient.

Just in time, Anna arrived at the door of the training room and knocked on the door frame.

"Is there a problem?"

"Jiang Lin, when the messenger's affairs are finished, tell me. This time Dracula was eliminated, I didn't have time to tell them at the graves of my father and brother. And I'm also ready to announce to the clan the disbanding of the royal family, For hundreds of years, the reason why my family has been called the king and led the clan is to fight against Dracula, and now that Dracula is dead, there is no need for the royal family to exist."

Anna sat beside Jiang Lin and told him her plan.

The royal family of their family is different and needs to shoulder an almost impossible mission. She is a princess who has been dancing with knives and guns since she was a child. Now that Dracula is dead, she wants to be an ordinary woman.

"I'm about to tell you, the matter has been resolved, and you don't have to worry about being found by the enchanter in the future. But you disbanded the royal family, can't you be a princess?"

"What's so good about the princess, do you think that I, the princess, really have so many blessings? Since I was born, I don't know how much I have suffered. As a princess, I am not as happy as an ordinary woman. Compared, they are like real princesses, envy others."

When she came to Jiang Lin's house, Anna realized that Jiang Lin had so many wives, and what she didn't expect was that they were all like sisters, loving each other, and their faces never stopped smiling.

I really envied her.

"Why do I listen to you, like you don't want to be the princess of your clan anymore, you want to be the princess here. You always have the nobleness of a princess, so you don't mind being the youngest princess in the Jiang family?"

Jiang Lin smiled and looked at Anna with a slightly malicious look.

" father is the king, and he has more than one concubine, and if I continue to be a princess, you may...maybe become the king of our clan, and choosing another concubine is not the same as now. ."

Anna could have expressed her willingness to share her husband with other women by saying "don't mind", but she had to pull out her deceased father.

Jiang Lin laughed, he said, "Your princess was not worthy of the name before. If you continue to be a princess with me, you will be envious of yourself."

He didn't say anything sweet to Anna. When Anna dealt with the family's problems in the future and came out of the sadness of losing her brother, he would naturally make Anna's ears go soft.

"I... I went back to my room."

After receiving Jiang Lin's reply to her feelings, Anna was overjoyed and ran out quickly.

After that, Jiang Lin went to Chi Xiaoyu and Baoyi, and told them about the Devil's Gate and his plans.

They were all very surprised. In their cognition, there was indeed a magic weapon capable of spatial teleportation, and the teleportation distance was as long as [-] miles. The two had never heard of it.

"Whether it's magical or not, we'll find a way to remove the imprint on it and seal its function of communicating with that idiot."

Baoyi seemed to be very motivated, and if she had the opportunity to make a move, it was equivalent to her being able to bring trouble to Jiang's family. She also wished she could dispel all the problems of the portal and Jiang Lin's doubts by herself.

So, after discussing for a long time, the three brought two demon kings and went to Dracula's ancient castle in Xugang.

With the help of two fairies and his own knowledge, Jiang Lin finally eliminated the mark on the portal, and arranged complicated patterns on it, and connected the portal with the fairy stick to prevent the devil from Satan. Project the avatar onto it.

The use of the immortal weapon to suppress it was just something Jiang Lin had to do. In the future, when the maintenance of the system was completed, he would spend his anger asking the system how to completely avoid the disaster, and then he would be able to remove the immortal weapon.

After solving one portal, Jiang Lin, Baoyi and the cat arrived in Eastern Europe from the portal, went to the castle in Franshan, and secured another portal by the same method.

Of course, it also took the fairy weapon of Wuji Magnetic Mountain.

The next day, Jiang Lin and Anna went to the latter's hometown again, and he took away the two demon kings and the big demon Xiaobai.

For the two portals, there must be two evil creatures who can only speak, and the rest must serve as coolies.

Jiang Lin needs to repair Dracula's towers, castles and palaces, and hide them all in disguise as a refuge that his Jiang family may use in the future.

Dracula's three caves, all these hidden caves are now occupied by Jiang Lin.

As long as he finally moved the portal of the Xugang Castle to his own house, it would be almost impossible to find them even if there were terrifying existences like the generals and the monarchs.

Jiang Lin could not have imagined that the way he left behind would really come in handy after many years. At that time, he could not even protect himself.

Chapter [-]: The Fall of Hong Kong

After three or four months of work, Jiang Lin finished repairing Dracula's tower and the castle in Fran Mountain. Not only did the repairs, but during this time, he also spent a lot of money to hire a large number of workers from other countries in Eastern Europe. An artificial mountain came and hid towers and castles in the mountains.

Even if someone enters the tower through the portal in the future, it is basically impossible to find another portal.

Looking for someone to ask can't find anyone.

This evening, Anna went from the tower on the other side of the portal to the ancient castle on the side of Xugang. She looked at Jiang Lin who was carefully dismantling the wall, and said, "I only now know what a man's mouth is, a lie. The ghost'. You actually lied to me when we first met, and my feeling at the time was not wrong at all."

"Could it be that I still admitted it at that time? If you think of me as Dracula, you have to murder your future husband?"

Jiang Lin took Anna in his arms and gently pinched her nose.

Last night, he had already informed Anna that he could be transformed into a zombie. Anna has been fighting against Dracula and vampires for generations, and has a grudge against corpses, so for the sake of a harmonious life in the future, he did not hide his identity as a zombie. .

It's just that he only told her about it after he and Anna had cooked rice.

Anna was still angry at the time, but finally gave up the struggle.

When the sheep enters the corpse, she can't help it.

"Okay, no matter what status I have, I will always love your husband who loves you, so you can marry a chicken and a chicken, and a dog and a dog."

After kissing the princess in his arms, Jiang Lin continued to dismantle the wall where the portal was located. Anna didn't bother about it anymore. She gave everything to Jiang Lin. There is no way out.

After nightfall, Jiang Lin let the house cat manifest its body, put the whole wall on its back, and brought it back to Huixing Mountain.

At noon the next day, Jiang Lin walked out of the room and went to Qingtan in the mountains. Yesterday, Shentong and Zhiwa had told him that the black-leaf white lotus in the pond and the corpse silver lotus he planted had matured.

In the past three months, in addition to the necessary work, he has also digested the corpse poison of the generals and officials in his body. Since the last time he was shocked by high-voltage electric shocks, the corpse poison of the generals and officials in his corpse pill escaped. Until now, he still has not fully digested.

With his hairy corpse, if he wants to completely eliminate the corpse poison of the corpse ancestor, he still needs some external assistance.

The lotus seeds of the corpse anemone and the black and white lotus have auxiliary effects.


When Jiang Lin arrived at the pool, Shentong and Zhiwa, who were playing in the pool, waved to him.

Five or six years have passed, and these two dolls are still the same as before, but they have gained a lot of weight. The wives at home have raised them as a pair of children, and the two little guys have no idea how nourishing they have been.

When designing the layout of Huixing Mountain, Jiang Lin arranged the Qingtan with black and white lotus as the water source hub of the whole mountain. Every day, Shentong and Zhiwa would soak in the Qingtan for a period of time, and Jiang Lin would also feed them regularly and quantitatively. They are treasures, let the positive elixir in their bodies and the coldness in the cold pool stimulate, dissipate the excess medicinal power in their bodies and release part of the blood.

Therefore, the entire Qingtan is equivalent to a huge pot of ginseng and ganoderma lucidum soup.

That is to say, in addition to the mysterious yellow energy, the vegetables, melons, fruits, six animals, three animals, and seafood here can also be nourished by potions.

There was no need to be so troublesome, as long as Shentong and Zhiwa gave a little blood every day, but Chen Yu and Ren Tingting were resolutely unwilling, plus the two little guys were screaming "Daddy", Jiang Lin was not willing to hurt them .

"Two little guys, pick a few of the silver lotus and white lotus seeds from the bottom of the pool, three will do."

Seeing Shentong and Zhiwa rubbing their hands and shaking their heads at him, Jiang Lin said again, "Two snacks, one lotus seed per person, don't make their minds without my order in the future."

"Got it, Daddy."

Shentong and Zhiwa jumped into the water and brought five lotus seeds with them.

Jiang Lin gave two to Shentong Zhiwa, and he swallowed the rest directly.

Because there are residual poisons in the body, Jiang Lin's spiritual power will be stagnant when it is running. Next, he needs to properly handle the portal and strengthen the protection of Huixing Mountain, so he must completely solve the physical situation.

For a long time, Jiang Lin never left Huixing Mountain. Apart from accompanying his wife, he was busy in the mountains and at home.

Since Dracula was eliminated, Xugang has also ushered in a period of tranquility, but this is only the tranquility before the storm. The war in the mainland has finally spread to Guangdong, and even the provincial capital has been captured. Therefore, Xugang The connection with the mainland was cut off because of the war. Not long after, Qiongzhou Island, the southernmost part of China, was also captured, and the entire Xugang was blocked by the Japanese army.

In the same year, World War II broke out completely. The largest world war in human history, involving more than [-] countries and regions successively, broke out like this.

"It seems that my memory is still correct."

On the winter solstice of this year, Jianglin watched the stars at night and found that the calamity stars in the sky were twinkling, which was a sign of war.

"Uncle Ping, tomorrow you go to the city and ask Dengshen to stop delivering goods to the company. The inventory inside is almost sold, so close the company temporarily and let him stay there. As for the company and the workers in the mountains , temporarily let them go back, and pay their monthly wages."

After returning, Jiang Lin briefly explained to Uncle Ping, and he didn't say much.

Once the war broke out, the entire Hong Kong would be affected. He was not afraid of the Japanese army, but the company had to be closed.

Once the Japanese army found out that there were different fruits and medicinal materials in his company, even if they dared not make an idea there, they would definitely make other ideas.

At that time, as long as someone patronized his company, it would be a sin.

If his customers were harassed by evil spirits because they bought his fruits, ingredients and medicines, he would naturally not ignore them, but if they were found by the Japanese army, he would have no intention of dealing with them.

Therefore, it is best to temporarily close the company.

If the war started, he would also have these workers and their families take refuge around the Huixing Mountains.

This is the maximum he can do. War is not something he can control as a Taoist priest.

Half a month later, Hong Kong was attacked by the Japanese army, and all the British troops stationed in Hong Kong surrendered unconditionally after resisting for less than [-] days.

On the same day, Xugang was completely occupied and entered the period of Japanese rule.

Chapter [-] Absolute forbidden area

After the Japanese army settled in Xugang, they showed the original shape of animals, burning, killing, looting, looting and looting, doing everything.

Even white people will be stretched out by those devils.

Weeping and crying everywhere.

This is only what can be seen on the surface. After the Japanese army fought against Hong Kong, they implemented a rationing system to reduce resources and force the issuance of military tickets to replace the local currency of Hong Kong.

It didn't take long for Xugang to fall into a state of food shortage, with many people unable to eat half full.

"Uncle Ping, don't pay us wages anymore. If anyone has Hong Kong dollars and doesn't exchange them, the Japanese devils will come to them."

On this day, Uncle Ping went down the mountain as usual and paid wages to those workers who were temporarily off work, but the foreman who managed the cattle farm and many workers were unwilling to accept it.

Although the Hong Kong dollar can still be exchanged, those demented devils beat up the people lining up to exchange money, especially the people at the bottom.

So they didn't dare to accept the wages from Uncle Ping anymore, and they were willing to exchange for military tickets.Moreover, during this period of time, they did not work, and this money should not have been taken.

The foreman of the cattle farm said again: "Uncle Ping, we have received these coins, but we can't buy anything to eat. We won't come to collect them in the future, lest the devils ask them out and implicate you and the boss."

"Well, if you can't live anymore, you can bring your family members to our mountain side. Now the war is going on, and the fruits and vegetables in the mountain can't be sold. It's okay to keep your stomachs full, so I'll let someone send some down. ."

Uncle Ping nodded and conveyed Jiang Lin's meaning to these workers.

A group of workers were overjoyed when they heard this, and some even knelt down to Uncle Ping.

On the same day, the news of the distribution of rice, noodles and vegetables in Huixing Mountain spread among the workers. Some of the workers' families were long-tongued women, so the news was spread.

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