The next day, hundreds of people arrived at the foot of Huixing Mountain.

Uncle Ping saw that many of the people he didn't know and had never worked in the mountains, so he told Jiang Lin about it.

"Take out the statue of Taiyi Rescue Tianzun in the Taoist hall. Those who come here to find food, worship the statue of Tianzun and give it to them. Also, take a part of the rapeseed and rice seeds and distribute them. When they are full, let them They work to fill their stomachs."

Jiang Lin had long thought that the situation that Uncle Ping said would happen, but he didn't care how the news spread.

With more people coming, he can collect merits, and he can also provide the underworld with willpower to maintain order.

It's just that if there are people who leave when they're full and come when they're hungry, he doesn't plan to keep them.

There are so many people who are struggling to survive but not necessarily able to survive. Lazy people who are unwilling to even survive, die as many as possible.

Uncle Ping arranged it according to Jiang Lin's instructions. From the mouths of those people, he realized how chaotic the city was. It has only been less than a month since the fall of Xugang, and many people starved to death. .

He is also fortunate that the Huixing Mountain where he is located does not have to worry about food and clothing. If Jiang Lin was not looking for the immortal character Jue, Li Yangju would not need to have any contact with the outside world at all, and could be self-sufficient for many years.

However, Huixing Mountain was not quiet for a long time, and was found by the Japanese army.

There are no airtight walls, not to mention, there are traitors everywhere.

In order to please the devils, those traitors told them that there were medicinal fruits and medicinal materials in Huixing Mountain.

A few days later, a Japanese army headed for Huixing Mountain.

"Let them die as many as they come, and leave none of them."

After Jiang Lin knew about this, he gave the house cat an order directly.

It didn't take long for an army of [-] devils to be wiped out by the Colorful Tiger Kings just one mile outside the Huixing Mountain.

Two days later, another [-]-strong army marched towards Huixing Mountain, but none returned.

Later, the Japanese Colonel stationed at Jigang learned about the incident and asked people to investigate.

After finding the owner of Huixing Mountain, the chief broke out in a cold sweat.

After the capture of Xugang, he gave an order not to disturb the Daotang and Daochang in Xugang, because he was afraid of provoking Jianglin who settled in Xugang.

But he did not expect that Jiang Lin, a Taoist priest from the Middle Earth, a cultivator who made them feel fearful, actually started planting and breeding in the mountains.

On the same day, the Colonel issued an order to list Huixing Mountain and the area around it as an absolute forbidden area, and soldiers were never allowed to harass.

As for the different fruits and medicinal materials in the Huixing Mountain, no matter how good they are, he will not allow the sergeants under his command to make decisions.

If it annoys the terrifying Middle-earth Taoist priest, it is not easy to use the aircraft cannon.

Since then, Huixing Mountain and the surrounding area have become a place where there is no disturbance from the Japanese army. In addition, Huixing Mountain will distribute food and vegetables, and more and more people will gather there.

In the end, the Japanese army had no choice, so they set up sentries far away on the road leading to Huixing Mountain, not allowing citizens to gather there.

Compared with other places that were oppressed and looted by the Japanese army, the absolutely forbidden area of ​​Huixing Mountain became a place of refuge, a pure land in Xugang.

In addition to Huixing Mountain, there are a few areas that the Japanese army did not harass, basically all Taoist temples and dojos.

The reason for not being harassed was still Jianglin. The Japanese did not dare to provoke Jianglin, nor did he dare to provoke his fellow disciples. If Jianglin was invited out by other Taoists, it would be a big trouble.

Therefore, during this period, the few Taoist dojos in Xugang became a place where citizens rushed to flock.

Especially women, many dare not stay at home, and go to a Taoist temple called "Seven Sisters Church" if they have nothing to do.

If a devil is in a bad mood or is in a good mood, and meets a man, he might just fight for money and be done with it.

But when you meet a woman, especially someone who is a little more beautiful, it is almost impossible to describe.

It is also for this reason that many people in Xugang who know how to look at Feng Shui, and even those who can only pretend to be ghosts, have opened Taoist dojos.

While they can keep themselves safe, they can also cheat some food and drink.

Among them, the Seven Sisters Church is the most capable in this regard. In the end, their head, Zhong Jun, was respected by the believers as Zhong Tianshi.

Jiang Lin didn't know about these things.

He would be very surprised if he knew that during the period when he had not been out, there was another last Celestial Master in Xugang, who was a woman.

Chapter [-]: Drought dream

Finally got it.

Jiang Lin stood in the wing, looking at the unremarkable wall in front of him, and heaved a sigh of relief. Ten days ago, his system had been maintained, and he spent [-] points of anger to deal with it properly. The method of the portal has been exchanged.

It took another ten days to prepare, and finally there will be no more hidden dangers here and the portals of Eastern European castles.

He also took down two fairy artifacts.

"Husband, it's so chaotic outside now, and I don't know what happened to Dad and Senior Brother Qiusheng."

Ningshuang walked into the room and snuggled into Jiang Lin's arms. She missed Ninth Uncle very much.

Now that a full-scale war has broken out in the mainland, not only the army, but also the magician and the different ninja are on the battlefield. She is worried about the safety of the ninth uncle and the others.

"Don't worry, they should be fine. Uncle Shi is already a celestial master, and he is protected by a charm. Even if he encounters any danger, he can't help him. Besides, you forgot that your husband is a messenger in the underworld. If Uncle Shi and the others have any calamity, a judge friend will let me know."

Jiang Lin patted Ningshuang on the back. In fact, he also missed Jiu Shu and Zhang Han's teachers.

It has been six or seven years since he came to settle in Xugang, and I don't know how Ninth Uncle and the others are doing now.

"Yeah, I forgot about it."

"You are like a carefree baby princess every day, and your memory is almost like a goldfish."

"It's not all your husband's favor."

Ningshuang pursed her lips and drilled her head into Jiang Lin's arms.

"Okay, I have to go to the underworld. You can have fun with Tingting and the others."

After being tired of Ning Shuang for a while, Jiang Lin released her.

When he was dealing with the generals, his Flood Dragon Battle Armor and Sun-gold Wheel were severely damaged, and he put them into the cold marrow pool of the underworld to warm them up with immortal soil. Now that several decades have passed, he can repair them. Woke up.

And he also thought of asking about the situation in the mainland.

Jiang Lin opened the gate of hell and went down to the underworld, and the sneaky brothers greeted him.

The last time he went to the underworld for Anna's business, he left some good things for the brothers before leaving. Now they are almost at the level of ghost generals.

"You two, who is going to run errands? I'm in Xugang now. I don't know what the situation is in the mainland."

"I go."

"I'm going! Make sure to inquire about the Master Chief."

The two brothers were scrambling to run errands, so Jiang Lin asked Lan Xun to run errands.

When he arrived at his stone fort, Jiang Lin took out the Japanese Golden Wheel and the Flood Dragon Battle Armor from the Cold Marrow Pond. The Flood Dragon Battle Armor was fine, but it was damaged. It could be repaired by using dragon scales and flood dragon scales. Although the chakras are glued together, their spirituality has been greatly lost.

If in the past, Jiang Lin could only let his spirituality be scattered, but now, he has two fairy weapons in his hand, and there is a possibility of saving.

Jiang Lin took a lot of precious metals collected over the years, refined them with the real fire of the sun, dripped them into the cracks of the golden wheel, and put his own blood in it.

In the end, he sent the immortal staff and part of the immortal power of Wuji Magnetic Mountain.

A few hours later, the brilliance on the golden wheel of the sun gradually became blazing, until all the cracks were fully grown.

The golden wheel of the day made a few laps in mid-air, then flew back into his body and buckled on the fake dan in his dantian.

Jiang Lin was about to repair the Flood Dragon Armor when the corpse pill in his throat suddenly moved.

I'm going, what's going on here?

Jiang Lin was shocked. If the corpse poison of the generals in the corpse pill had another problem, he would be in trouble again.

But this time he guessed wrong. It wasn't that there was a problem with the general's corpse poison, but that the blood of the scorpion had changed.

Before he could look inside, Jiang Lin felt sleepy for a while, and then passed out in a coma.

When he regained consciousness, he realized that he had entered a strange space.


Jiang Lin looked around and finally confirmed where he came from.

"Your name is Jiang Lin now, isn't it?"

A cloud of blue-gray fog appeared diagonally above Jiang Lin's head, and a woman's voice came from it.

"This voice... are you a scorpion?"

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. He had heard this voice before, and it was exactly the same voice in his mind that the dry scorpion guarding the dragon veins in the underground of Shu landed in his mind.

Han Yan responded: "Yes, this is the dream space that I have formed with the remaining power and the blood essence I gave you, to entrust you with dreams."

"Wait, what's your remaining strength? You seem weak, what's going on?"

"Not long ago, I fought with the generals again, my body was smashed, and my soul was scattered."

Han Yan said something that made Jiang Lindu petrochemical on the spot.

"You fought with the generals, your body was shattered, and even the primordial spirit was scattered? How is this possible?"

After a while, Jiang Lin recovered from the shock, and his first reaction was doubt.

Both the scorpion and the generals are ancestors of corpses. It is possible to say that they will win or lose in each other's battles, and even get injured, but the flesh body that was beaten is shattered, and even the primordial spirit is scattered. How is this possible?

"I was at the juncture of transformation at that time, and I didn't know that the general's mind had been opened, and it was designed by him. Under the carelessness, he was attacked with all his strength. Although he finally fought back and hit him hard, it was useless."

"Wait, he went to the underground of Shu, coveted the Huaxia Dragon Vessel, and the Dragon Vein was taken away by him?"

Jiang Lin suddenly thought that once the Huaxia Dragon Vein was lost, history would be rewritten, and China would be conquered by the Japanese kingdom.

However, Han Yu's words gave him a sigh of relief. When the primordial spirit was collapsing, she attached to the Yellow Emperor's skeleton and fought with the generals and ministers together with the fire unicorn. In the end, she relied on the Xuanyuan sword and the Qinglong sword to repel him. .

In the end, she dissipated all her strength and completely sealed the entire dragon vein cave, so that the generals could no longer enter.

"I entrusted the dream to you because the primordial spirit I scattered was nourished by the cold marrow in the sarcophagus. It did not disappear completely, but it could no longer be reunited. Only by finding the right person to attach to can the transformation be completed."

"You... don't tell me to help you find someone you depend on? I'm the most annoying to find things, I can't be bothered anymore."

Jiang Lin's brows were all twisted into the word "Chuan". Han Yan would definitely not give him a dream for no reason, but after listening to what Han Yan said, he had an intuition that Han Yan asked him to help him find the possessed person.

He gave him a headache to find a fairy, and if he found something else, it would make him disgusted.

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