The first thousand three hundred and fourteenth chapters plan to lose all of themselves

"That's right, I just want you to help me find the possessed people and keep them by your side. You have the luck of a corpse, and you can even harvest tons of treasures like Hansui, if you have these helpers , can greatly help me shorten the time for the return of the divine body, and when my primordial spirit gathers, I can unlock the seal of the Dragon Vein Cave and reunite the body there."

He didn't talk to Jiang Lin at all, not only asked him to help him find someone to be attached to by his primordial spirit, but also to eat and drink in his house for free.

Jiang Lin: "..."

What the hell!Let me help you find the primordial spirit, and plan to eat and drink mine.

Jiang Lin's face was almost blackened.

Although he asked for the blood and essence from Han Xing, he also gave Han Xing a lot of cold marrow before, and he gave a lot.

If he really had to do the math, he didn't owe Hanyu anything, but now Hanyu actually gave him such a difficult job.

"This... Can I not look for it? According to what you said, it is estimated that it will be a matter of time before you complete the transformation."

Jiang Lin began to have a sloppy eye with Han Yan. He was shooting movies and starting a company.

The dry man was silent, and after a while, she said: "If you want your corpse to reach its peak and become a Taoist corpse, it is best not to refuse. If any zombie wants to advance to the corpse ancestor level, It will be noticed by other ancestors of zombies, that is to say, when you advance to the corpse, the general will definitely appear, and even the disappearance of the queen and the winning hook may reappear. For them, you are a Threat. At that time, if you have me by your side, you will have the possibility of successfully advancing."


There is such a statement?

Jiang Lin was speechless, he had never heard of this information.

After being stunned for a while, he responded: "Well, it seems that I have to find it if I don't."

Jiang Lin didn't doubt what Han Yu said. His intuition told him that Han Yu did not lie to him.

And when he was facing the generals, the corpse emperor's breath in his body was exposed, and he directly pulled the hatred from Ma Danna to himself.

This shows that his corpse emperor's breath has a stimulating effect on the generals. Maybe in the future, when he advances to the Taoist corpse, he will really be approached by various corpse ancestors.

With this reason, and because Jiang Lin had the idea of ​​hugging his thighs before, he no longer shied away.

In the future, if he succeeds in reaching the peak of the flying zombie and becomes a Taoist corpse, then he will be able to take the corpse ancestor, the corpse, as his bodyguard.

At that time, even if a general or even other corpse-level corpse demons appeared, the drought should be able to help him resist.

Thinking of hugging his thighs, Jiang Lin couldn't help but glance at the fog above him. He used to be under the ground in Shu land, and he was taught a lesson by Han Xian because of his own fantasies.

However, it seems that because the power of the dry scorpion has dissipated, Jiang Lin's idea of ​​"holding his thighs" has not been discovered.

"Then you have to tell me, how can I find it, where can I find it, and what kind of thing I'm looking for, you have to tell me. What kind of person will you possess, man or woman, living or dead? "

Even though he agreed to Hanyu, Jiang Lin couldn't just rely on Hanyu's words to go all over the world to find someone, and if he found someone, he would have to put it in his house, and he would have to keep it for nothing.

"Actually, I can't provide too much information, because my primordial spirits must find a host that matches that part of primordial spirits before they can attach themselves. If they don't find them, they will hide their strengths and bide their time. The information I can provide is that they are attached by me. The bodies are all women, and... they should all be outstanding in appearance."

After a pause, Han Yan continued: "They may be human or corpse evil, and they are characterized by their vitality beyond ordinary people, or strong self-healing ability, or immortality. As for this one you see Master Primordial Spirit, if you don't find a suitable host, you may become an independent individual on your own. No matter which Primordial Spirit you have, you no longer have my memory. You have the blood and essence I gave them, so they will be in the dark. Appearing by your side, you will be more or less attracted to you.”

I'm so...

Jiang Lin had blue veins all over his forehead. According to Han's statement, he would not bring a beautiful woman to his house, and he had to keep it for nothing.

"Wait, extraordinary vitality, immortality, and outstanding appearance, I can warn you, don't hit my wife's idea!"

Jiang Lin suddenly thought of his own wives, who seemed to meet the conditions mentioned by Han Yan. Because their life level is changing, so far, most of them can live for two or three hundred years, and their appearance basically remains unchanged. It's all about immortality.

He is still reluctant to bite his own wives. If the primordial spirit of the dry scorpion finds them, he will not be willing to do so.

"You mean...I want to be your wife?"

The sound of the scorpion in the fog had a whizzing coolness, making Jianglin's tail vertebrae and the surrounding area feel cool.

"Cough, no... no, I just confirm it."

Jiang Lin laughed dryly and waved his hands again and again. He was worried about his wife and forgot about it.

If the primordial spirit of the dry scorpion is attached to Chen Yu, Ren Tingting and the others, it is not equivalent to the scorpion that warms the bed for him every day.

"My ability has reached the limit, and this main soul will dissipate. This is my original corpse energy, which will interact with my soul."

A blue-gray corpse aura flew out of the fog and entered Jiang Lin's body. After that, the fog gradually disappeared, and the surrounding Dream Sky Realm gradually shattered.

After returning to the real space, Jiang Lin checked the corpse qi in his body, and then he sent it into the corpse pill between his throat and mixed with the essence and blood of the scorpion.

Do a little calculation, it's not a loss.

Jiang Lin felt that if he could make use of the power of the dagger to become a Taoist corpse in the future, even if it cost a lot of money, it would not be a loss for him.

This time, although it was Hanyu who came to him, they were planning to fight with each other. Jiang Lin planned to let the God of Hanyu reunite and be his bodyguard, while Hanyu wanted to use Jianglin's luck and material treasures to successfully complete his own life. transformation, and finally rebirth.

Jiang Lin's idea actually didn't have much impact on Han Yan, but Han Yan's abacus would have caused Jiang Lin to bleed a lot.

It is precisely because of this that the abacus of the dry scorpion was broken, and in the end, not a single bead was left.

If she knew that the beautiful women around Jiang Lin had basically become Jiang Lin's wives, then she would have to throw her abacus far away.

An ancestor of zombies, he played Jiang Lin's abacus and finally lost himself.

Chapter [-] Mao Xiaofang and Xuankui

"Danji said that the general's mind has been opened, what the hell is going on?"

After dealing with the original corpse qi left by the scorpion, Jiang Lin recalled what the scorpion said. He had just met the generals and officials a few years ago. The clothes and outfits were just like those of the head of the beggar gang. The strength of the general is similar to that of a Tie Hanhan.

But a few years later, the generals actually understood the layout and planning, and even the drought was planted in his hands.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Lin no longer bothered about this matter. In his impression, in the final film and television plot, the generals were indeed quite different from the initial image, and the later image was almost a man.

As for how the plot came together, he really couldn't remember.

After that, Jiang Lin began to repair the Jiaolong battle armor that was destroyed by the generals. After finishing the work, he went to the area where Judge Wang was located. Since Ningshuang asked about Ninth Uncle, he simply went to Judge Wang to ask about it.

What pleased him was that Ninth Uncle and Zhang Han had never encountered disasters, and there had been no disasters in the near future.

By the time he returned to the watchtower, Lan Zong had already returned there.

"Master Chief, I've inquired about it, it's quite messy up there..."

Lan Zong told Jiang Lin the information he had inquired from other ghosts.

Middle-earth is indeed very chaotic. As the Asian battlefield of World War II, it can be said that the war is raging. Japan has invaded the whole country with all its strength, and there are not many peaceful areas in Middle-earth.

In the places where the war has not spread, there are cultivators of the two countries fighting each other and even directly fighting. The tragic situation can be imagined.

In fact, the real situation was even more serious than what Jiang Lin heard.

Many years ago, he spread the method of refining the qi to the outside world. Over the past ten years, a large number of rising stars have emerged in the Middle Earth who practiced the method of refining the qi. In addition, "Dao Zang" has returned to Longhu Mountain and was announced. Going out, the sects and families who have been exploring this path of cultivation in the past have been able to improve the inheritance of the sect or family. For a time, these Qi refiners have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

The tragic situation of the battle between the cultivator and the Toyo Ninja is not inferior to the battle between the Taoist priest and the sorcerer.

In addition to the war between the compatriots and foreign enemies, other wars are also being staged in Middle-earth.

During the war with blood and resentment, some big monsters and trolls are bound to spawn, and there are monsters who have never appeared before to take advantage of the war.

Later, Taoist priests like Jiu Shu had to change the target of the battle and divide most of their power to subdue demons and eliminate demons, and the qi cultivator took on the task of killing the enemy.

Most of the practitioners, whether they practice spiritual power or Qi refining, either fight monsters or fight enemies.

Not only against the enemy, there were also internal strife among the practitioners in the Middle Earth, especially the cultivators, who killed each other.

Especially not long after, Zhongtu made a major breakthrough in the method of refining Qi, and eight kinds of Qi refining techniques appeared, which made many Qi refiners rush to snatch it, setting off a bloody storm.

Therefore, whether it is for Taoist priests, monks, or Qi practitioners, this period of time is the darkest period.

However, Jiang Lin didn't know about these things.

He took the Jiaolong armor back, and as usual, he studied Taoism at home.

"Uncle, the war is over!"

In August of this year, Uncle Ping arranged for people to distribute grains and vegetables as usual. Outside the mountains, he heard the remarks of those who took refuge, and only then did he know that Japan had announced its unconditional surrender.

Back at Li Yangju, he informed Jiang Lin of the news.

Just like history.

Jiang Lin nodded, Japan would be defeated, but it was no different from the history he knew.

"From today onwards, there is no need to distribute food to those refugees, let them leave around the Huixing Mountain."

Jiang Lin instructed Uncle Ping that he built his home on the outskirts of the city, just because he didn't want to be in trouble. Now that the war is over, he doesn't plan to let people live around Huixing Mountain.

At the time of the jubilation in Hong Kong, Hong Kong people did not expect the war to end, and disasters occurred again in this place, but this time it was not a man-made disaster, but a corpse disaster.

A thousand-year-old zombie king is fleeing here.

In southern Guangdong, Mao Xiaofang and his apprentice Ma Fan were rushing southwards overnight.

"Master, this time we let Xuan Kui run away again. When will we be able to destroy it? Or let's rest for a while."

Ma Fan looked exhausted. This time, he and his master managed to find the zombie king Xuankui, but in the end they failed to kill him.

They have been chasing and killing this zombie king for many years, since he was a teenager, and now he is an adult, and he is still chasing and killing.

"Why are you discouraged, that's the thousand-year-old zombie king, our master and apprentice, it's not bad to be able to chase and kill it all over the mountain. If you don't prepare for a protracted battle, you really think the zombie king is so easy to destroy. Is that right? And it’s still the thousand-year-old zombie king! Where can we rest? If we relax and let it regain its strength, our efforts for so many years will be for nothing.”

Mao Xiaofang slapped Ma Fan on the back of the head. Their master and apprentice, a peak alchemist and a Taoist apprentice, are not the opponents of the zombie king at all under normal circumstances. Still want to relax.

"But I heard that Jiang Shishu used to kill the Zombie King Millennium Zombie King and even Fei Zong, and it took only two years at most."

Ma Fan continued to complain, what he meant was that if he was with Jiang Lin, the zombie king would have died many years earlier.


Mao Xiaofang's face suddenly turned black, and he slapped Ma Fan a few times on the head.

The dog does not dislike the family's poverty, and the son does not dislike the mother's uglyness. He, an incompetent apprentice, actually dislikes his master as incompetent.

However, his face was black and his face was black. Mao Xiaofang admitted that he was not as good as Jiang Lin. This thousand-year-old zombie king was relatively weak at the same level.

The reason why he was able to hunt down Xuan Kui, the zombie king, for so many years was because of the copper sword he bought from Jiang Lin and the powerful magic weapon that Jiang Lin left him when he left Gantian Town.

Otherwise, with his cultivation, he really can't deal with the thousand-year-old zombie king.

"Then where are we chasing?"

"This place is surrounded by water on three sides. Zombies avoid water. Xuan Kui can only continue to flee south. Hurry up and continue to drive south."

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