If Bishop comes back in the future, if the person in front of him can speak nicely in front of him, his career will be much easier.

"If you are looking for Inspector Bishop, sir, I will inform him as soon as he returns. These two are my assistants, Zhong Bang and Fang Tu. By the way, what is your name, sir?"

Inspector Ke pointed to the two people behind him, one was a well-dressed young man, and the other was a sloppy, thin senior.

"If he comes, tell him that a Taoist priest named Jiang has come to him."

In fact, Jiang Lin wanted to find Bishop for nothing else, that is, he still had a lot of Hong Kong dollars at home, and now that he has issued new Hong Kong dollars, he plans to let Bishop help deal with those old coins.

"Taoist priest? Why are there so many people pretending to be ghosts in Xugang now?"

When Zhong Bang, who was behind Detective Ke, heard that Jiang Lin was a Taoist priest, a look of contempt appeared on his face.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Inspector Ke gave Zhong Bang a push. In fact, he was quite sympathetic to his assistant. Zhong Bang was a police detective, but Zhong Bang's sister Zhong Jun was a liar who pretended to be a ghost No matter how Zhong Bang persuaded the citizens to pay for sesame oil, it was useless.

"Hey, you have a good physique. If you don't want to be a police detective, you are suitable for cultivation."

Only then did Jiang Lin notice the young man Zhong Bang behind Detective Chief Ke.

This young man possesses the Five Elements Spiritual Body. People with this physique are also known as the Five Generations of Wonders. If they practice Taoism, they will be a good seedling.

Chapter [*] The richest man's party (below)

"Demon talk to confuse the public."

Zhong Bang snorted and went to the other side to maintain order.

Jiang Lin didn't care about Zhong Bang's attitude. In the future, scientific ideas will be widely popularized, and there will be more and more Taoists pretending to be ghosts.

As for Zhong Bang's five-element spirit body, it has nothing to do with him. Whether Zhong Bang cultivates Taoism or not, he doesn't need to worry about it.

"Mr. Jiang, I made a note. If Inspector Bishop comes back, I will definitely inform him."


Jiang Lin nodded, and at this moment, the lights in the hall dimmed.

Li Xihe and his son Li Siwei came down the stairs. Many reporters rushed to take pictures, and the guests who arrived also snuggled up.

"Everyone, today I, Li Xihe and Inuzi Li Siwei, came back from a trip around the world. It's a great honor for everyone to come here to show their respect. Now, let Inuzi Li Siwei have a few words with you."

Li Xihe patted his son. He was getting old and he might have to give his seat to his son in a few years, so he also let his son show his face through this party.

"Testing, thank you, I am..."

Li Siwei said a few words in foreign language into the microphone, and then he got stuck. He smiled and continued: "In order to understand everyone's low cultural level, I will greet everyone in Cantonese."

"Brilliant! Young Master Li is really wise. I understand that those of us don't understand foreign language."

Yu Dahai applauded again and again, flattering Li Siwei, and then he said: "Li Gongzi went to school in a foreign country, and now he must learn to be rich and gain a lot, and he can be on his own."

Li Siwei was very pleased with Yu Dahai's flattery, he nodded and said, "To be honest, I did gain a lot, I worked for three years, and I used the salary I saved plus the one million sponsored by my dad. I bought a world-class sports car. At my age, I rely on my own efforts to buy a sports car. Many people of the same age who hate the rich know that they complain. Is it because they don’t work hard?”

"Yes, yes, young people today just don't work hard!"

Yu Dahai continued to flatter, and after him, there was another group of flatterers.

I think I bought the car with a few dollars I saved and my father's one million.

Jiang Lin shook his head with a smile. When he saw Li Siwei, he knew that this rich second generation was an unscrupulous person, but he didn't expect this rich second generation to be so shameless.

One million in this era is enough to buy any high-end sports car, and he also relies on his own money plus a fraction of one million given by his father.

He also said that his peers "are not working hard yet."

"Husband, if I knew the party was like this, I wouldn't come. It's disgusting."

Shu Ning came to Jiang Lin and pouted. The faces of these rich people were nauseating enough.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Can't you watch it as a sketch? It's quite interesting."

"Oh yes."

Shu Ning nodded, and looked at each other with a different mentality.

I really don't know how embarrassing it is.

Li Xihe was so annoyed that he rolled his eyes, and did not let his son continue to speak, and made his words to let everyone eat and drink well.

Just as he was about to see if Jianglin had arrived, he was blocked by Yu Dahai.

In fact, Yu Dahai didn't receive the invitation at all this time, and he came here shamelessly, in order to let his beautiful daughter Yu Bixin show her face in front of Li Siwei and catch a golden turtle son-in-law.

After seeing Yu Bixin, Li Siwei quickly removed the sunglasses he was wearing, and after that, he started his own way of picking up girls and was gallant.

It's a pity that Yu Bixin didn't pay attention to him at all. If it wasn't for being dragged by her parents this time, she wouldn't want to come here at all.

Li Siwei didn't make fun of himself, so he boasted to the reporters on the side that he was very capable.

Yu Bixin wanted to leave the party because she was not feeling well, but her parents were willing to block her way, and finally pushed her back.

It happened that Jiang Lin was tasting wine at the table, and Yu Bixin bumped into him, he moved and flashed, Yu Bixin put it directly on Li Siwei's back, and spilled the wine on the table, splashing Li Siwei all over.

"What kind of eye-opener is this, it stained my suit, you know this suit can't be bought with money!"

Li Siwei turned around and roared. When he saw that Yu Bixin had bumped into him, he immediately changed his face. In front of the beauties he had yet to reach, he still had to act like a gentleman.

But the suit was dirty, he still had to get angry, so his eyes fell on Jiang Lin.

"Did you spill the wine on my suit?"

Li Siwei put his hands on his hips, ready to find Jiang Lin's bad luck.

Even if he knew that Yu Bixin had spilled the drink, he would have to find someone to blame the beauty.

Brother Jiang!

Li Siwei's voice was loud and attracted the attention of many people, and Li Xihe was no exception.

When he saw his son make Jiang Lin's face, his face turned pale with fright, and he rushed towards Jiang Lin.

"Shut up and yell at me."

When he came to Jiang Lin and his son and Jiang Lin, Li Xihe shouted at his son.

"what happened?"

At this time, Chen Yu and Ren Tingting also came to Jiang Lin's side.

As soon as Li Siwei saw Chen Yu and the others, he had to move his sunglasses.

Li Xihe knew his son's virtue, so he simply slapped him. If his son showed the appearance of a pig brother to Jianglin's women, it would be over.

With a "pop" sound, the whole place was silent.

Li Xihe took his son and turned it around twice.

"Dad, what are you beating me for? You never hit me since I was a child. My suit was soiled by him!"

"Don't talk about soiling your suit, even if it fills you in a cesspool, you will endure it for me!"

After Li Xihe roared, he hurriedly bowed to Jiang Lin and apologized for his son, "Brother Jiang, I'm really sorry, the dog has eyes but no pearls, please bear with me, he doesn't know you yet."

"Those who don't know are innocent, the younger generation, just discipline them more."

Jiang Lin didn't plan to bother with Li Siwei. First, when he arrived at the party, he didn't let the housekeeper here inform Li Xihe. If he did, there would be no such thing.

Second, Li Xihe was so old, and he apologized to him in front of so many people. No matter what, he had to look at the face of the Buddha without looking at the face of the monk.

In the end, he didn't even bother to settle accounts with Li Siwei and lose his worth.

And he has already beaten in his words, it is estimated that Li Siwei has not eaten any good fruit these days.

"My God, who is this person? Mr. Li is the richest man and has a knighthood from the British royal family. How can he be so... so humble and apologize to a young man?"

"What is his origin? It shouldn't be the British royal family, and the skin is the same as ours."

For a time, almost all the dignitaries and reporters present were stunned.

Although Jiang Lin opened Shennong Company, and it has been several years, he has hardly made any public appearances, and all the press conferences are attended by Dengshen.

So the outside world knows his true identity, not many people at all.

Not to mention the people around him, even Li Siwei, the protagonist of the incident, was petrified into sculptures.

His father, the richest man, and also a jazz, humiliated a man "about" his age?

"You bastard, come here and call Uncle Jiang! Apologize to you Uncle Jiang!"

Li Xihe grabbed his son's ear, like grabbing an immature child, and asked him to recognize Jiang Lin as his elder.


Li Siwei was stunned, and then he was slapped again.

"Jiang...Uncle Jiang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't know you were my elder."

Although he said so, Li Siwei felt aggrieved, and he didn't know what was going on.

"Okay, kid."

Jiang Lin smiled at Li Xihe, and then with a thought, the cameras of all the reporters at the scene started to smoke.

Since just now, reporters have taken pictures of this scene. Since Li Xihe sincerely apologized and is his partner, Jiang Lin didn't want him to be ugly. If such a photo were published in the newspaper, Li Xihe's face would not be good. put.

"Tomorrow's newspaper only contains the content of the previous party, brother Li, don't worry."

"Oh, fine fine."

Hearing Jiang Lin's soft words, Li Xihe looked around at the reporters and immediately realized what Jiang Lin was referring to.

"Brother Jiang, you are here, I don't even know, you see this misunderstanding."

Seeing that Jiang Lin wanted to relieve himself, Li Xihe breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked Li Siwei to entertain the guests, and invited Jiang Lin and Chen Yu to go upstairs.

"Feiyun, who is he, why didn't you find out?"

Yu Dahai complained to Yang Feiyun in a scolding tone. If he knew that there would be someone like Jiang Lin at the party, he would have made other plans.

Although Li Siwei is the son of the richest man, he is only the son of the richest man, so Li Xi and this father-in-law cannot be humbled at all.

Even if there is another one richer than Li Xihe, Li Xihe can't be like this.

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