That is to say, Jiang Lin is 13 times better than Li Xi and the richest man in Hong Kong.

If he had known it earlier, he would have used his daughter to catch this arrogant young man.

Chapter [-]: Whether Taiji is born or not

"Feiyun, check it out for me quickly, Li Xi and people like him used 'you' as a respectful title to that Mr. Jiang later, he is definitely not an ordinary person, if I can flatter me, maybe my wealth and status will be better than Li's. Xihe is still tall."

Yu Dahai whispered to Yang Feiyun and asked him to find information about Jiang Lin.

"Got it, boss."

Yang Feiyun replied, in fact, even if Yu Dahai did not let him investigate, he would go in private to investigate.

What he was most proud of was his ability to tell fortune-telling, but he wanted to observe Jiang Lin's face before, but he broke out in a cold sweat and almost lost his mind.

Others are also communicating with each other, trying to figure out what kind of character Jiang Lin is.

Among them was Li Siwei. He had two ears slapped, and he was still in the mood to entertain guests. Even Yu Bixin, a beautiful woman, didn't have the heart to soak it up. He directly greeted the housekeeper and asked Jiang Lin's identity.

"Housekeeper, he... Who is that Uncle Jiang?"

"Mr. Jiang is a goddess! Not only is he capable, but his family property is almost at the level of the richest man in the world. Young master, don't be rude in front of him. The five people around him are all your aunts. Be an elder completely. Mr. Jiang's ability, whose life and death, may be just a matter of his words."

The housekeeper revealed some information about Jiang Lin to Li Siwei. He once turned into a stone and was saved by Jiang Lin, so in his eyes, Jiang Lin is almost like a fairy.

Even if he was not rescued by Jiang Lin, he still regarded Jiang Lin as a god.

Xugang is not far from the Middle Earth and Cantonese. Li Xihe has already sent someone to check Jiang Lin's identity, and there is no news that he is not regarded as a land fairy.

As for saying that Jiang Lin is the richest man in the world, he doesn't think it is an exaggeration at all. No matter how rich the richest man in the world is, he can't buy his own life, but Jiang Lin has a life-saving medicinal fruit. If he sells it for money, the richest man will be big Send a lot of money.

In addition, he also specifically beat Li Siwei, not to provoke Jiang Lin's unhappiness, otherwise the consequences would not be a joke.

Even monsters like gargoyles and vampires were easily exterminated by Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin really wanted human life, it was easier than squeezing an ant to death.

Don't look at the fact that his master and Jiang Lin called him brothers and sisters, it was just to bring the relationship closer, most people didn't take it seriously.

Although Li Siwei is playful, he is not stupid. Even the servants in the family warned him not to make Jiang Lin angry, which shows that he really can't afford to provoke him.

Fortunately, my father slapped it early, otherwise it would have been impossible to see the five beauties around Uncle Jiang.

Li Siwei is now glad that nothing happened to him. His family is rich, but there are still people he can't afford to offend.

Looking at the tone and expression of the housekeeper just now, his Uncle Jiang was something he couldn't afford to offend, and maybe their Li family couldn't afford to offend him.

Although the conversation between the housekeeper and Li Siwei was not loud, the people around were curious. They basically listened with their ears. When they heard such information, they were even more surprised.

Especially Yu Dahai, who seems to have missed hundreds of millions.

"Brother Jiang, I've spoiled you tonight. I'll punish myself for a cup."

When Li Xihe arrived in his study, he poured two glasses of wine, and he drank one first.

"It's all over, don't mention it."

Jiang Lin picked up the wine glass and asked, "I guess Brother Li, you asked me to come over, there should be something else to discuss, right?"

"This... there is indeed. You also know that although people like us are rich, how can we say that there are many things that money can't buy, such as safety. This time the devils are fighting, we rich people, don't Everyone has to hide their belongings, close the door and escape. This time it’s okay, the war and man-made disasters have been avoided, but I don’t know when there will be natural disasters. So, I asked Brother Jiang to come up, just to ask you to help me do the calculations and see me With our Li family, is there any disaster?"

Li Xihe told Jiang Lin what was in his heart. The fall of Xugang this time made him realize that having money and power is not enough. There are some natural and man-made disasters, but it doesn't matter whether you have money or not.

Even if he bought the medicinal fruit from Jiang Lin, he might have no time to take the life-saving medicine when the disaster was imminent.

Therefore, he wanted Jiang Lin to help him in advance to seek good luck and avoid evil.

Many years ago, when Li Xihe cooperated with Jiang Lin, he inquired about Jiang Lin's identity, and he already knew that Jiang Lin was a capable person with a good sense of Taoism, and he was not an ordinary person like them at all.If it weren't for this, he wouldn't have bowed and apologized to Jiang Lin in front of so many reporters and guests.

Li Xihe took a sip of his drink and said again: "In addition, I heard from your butler about what kind of dragon enchantment is around your courtyard. I want to know more about it. If the protection effect is good, I also want to discuss it with you, brother. , can you give me one of the Li family as well?"

Li Xihe rubbed his hands, and he also took a fancy to Li Yangju's protective barrier.

"That's the Heavenly Dragon Barrier. As for the protective effect, the explosive pack can't explode. However, if you want to rectify that thing, Brother Li, it is estimated that you will need a year or two of financial income from all the departments of the Yellow River Industry."

"Cough cough..."

When Li Xihe heard Jiang Lin's words, he choked on the drink.

One or two years of financial revenue, such a large sum of money? ? ?

"However, it is estimated that it will be a peaceful era in the future. In fact, Brother Li, you don't need to do that. The enchantment of my village is not used to protect ordinary people."

Jiang Lin felt that Li Xihe was a little too careful. The ancient emperors did not do such things in the palace. It was really unnecessary for the richest man in Hong Kong.

As for Li Xihe asking him to help with fortune-telling, it was reasonable, so he asked Li Xihe to fetch the birth date.

Li Xihe had already prepared it and gave it to Jiang Lin directly.

"Brother Li, your fate is really strange, and the lucky stars are shining. Whenever you encounter danger, you can turn bad luck into good luck."

Jiang Lin looked at Li Xihe's birth date and calculated it, and found that Li Xihe was born rich and wealthy, auspicious, and even if he encountered any danger, he could turn it into a safe one.

It's just that although Li Xihe's fate is good, it hides the appearance of Taiji's life.

Extremes turn into opposites. If Li Xihe's ancestors are all poor, there is no problem, but if he is as rich and noble as Li Xihe, it will trigger the revealing of his or her identity.


"Brother Jiang, but what?"

Li Xihe listened to what Jiang Lin had said before, and his face was full of joy. It was obvious that Jiang Lin was about to change the conversation, and his heart throbbed.

"Brother Li, are you starting from scratch? How many generations have you been rich?"

"Where am I from scratch, I don't have the legacy of my ancestors, and I can't sit on the seat of the richest man."

Li Xihe shook his head and said that his ancestors were buried in auspicious places of feng shui for more than ten generations.

When Jiang Lin heard Li Xihe's words, he had a bottom line in his heart, he said, "That is to say, you are the fifteenth generation, the ninth generation rich, the sixth generation rich, if it were a hundred years earlier, Brother Li, you might be the same. It's a pity that there is no emperor now, it's a pity that Taiji will be born to you, and it will go downhill."

Chapter [-] Yang Feiyun's thoughts

"Brother Li, you must have some understanding of me, so I'll tell you the truth. In three years, it's rare for you to die well, brother Li, and the huge fortune of the Li family no longer exists. This is one of your Big calamity, in terms of numerology, belongs to the calamity of Taifu's rotation. Even if the ordinary fortune-tellers know that you have this calamity, they will not dare to help you seek good luck and avoid evil, no matter how much money you give. I can. Helping you, it's just the specific day of the calamity, I can't figure it out at the moment."

Jiang Lin didn't know if it was because of the dark secret or other reasons. He couldn't calculate the exact fate of Li Xihe.

In fact, even if the secret is as usual, Jiang Lin can't figure it out. The people who caused Li Xi and the robbery in the future are the people who changed their lives against the sky with the flying dragon and seven stars, and disrupted the secret of the future. Even if Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng were alive, they also counted. not come out.


Li Xihe was so frightened by Jiang Lin's words that his face turned pale, and the wine glass in his hand fell directly to the ground, shattering into glass slag.

"Brother Jiang, you must save me, even if I pay a big price, I am willing, I don't want money!"

Li Xihe grabbed Jiang Lin's sleeve and begged him to help him out of the disaster.

Having known Jiang Lin for so long, Li Xihe naturally has a certain understanding of Jiang Lin, and it is absolutely impossible for Jiang Lin to deceive his partner.

In other words, what Jiang Lin said is true!

"Brother Li, don't worry, since I told you, and we are in a cooperative relationship with each other, and we have some personal friendships, naturally I won't ignore it. However, even with my ability, I can't figure out what you have robbed. The reason for this, I will do the divination when the time is closer."

Even if Li Xihe begged again, Jiang Lin really had no way to avoid him now.

"Okay, then it's a lot of hard work, Brother Jiang. Uh... that Heavenly Dragon Barrier, you can arrange it for my Li family, even if it has five years of financial income, I'm willing."

"Actually, I can give you a weakened version of the enchantment. If nothing else, ordinary monsters and monsters can't harass you at all. Even if the army throws grenades and grenades, it won't go in."

"No! Don't weaken the version, just use the original version. How much does it cost, Brother Jiang, just ask, and I'll give it to you."

Li Xihe's mind is a little blank now, even if Jiang Lin promises to give him divination and calculation in the future, he still feels unsafe, and wants his own Li house to be like Li Yangju.

As long as he can survive the doom, he is willing to pay any price.

"Well, there's an amulet here. You can keep it to keep you safe outside. I'll set up the barrier for Li Zhai after a while. In terms of remuneration, I'll take [-]% of the cost."

"no problem."

Li Xihe nodded again and again, what Jiang Lin said now, he did what he did.

Afterwards, Li Xihe personally sent Jiang Lin and the others away, and Jiang Lin and his wives went to Shu's house to live temporarily.

After Li Xihe and Jiang Lin left, Yang Feiyun quietly found the servants of the Li family, stuffed a lot of money, and got some information about Jiang Lin.

Including his identity as a Taoist priest and where he lives.

Knowing that Jiang Lin was a capable Taoist priest, Yang Feiyun followed the information he had found and left the city.

During the war, there were many refugees near Huixing Mountain, and many workers who worked in Huixing Mountain took refuge there. If you want to find out more information, you have to find them.

There are weird walls and curtains of light in the mountains!

After visiting many households and spending a lot of money, Yang Feiyun found out the information that made his heart beat.

He already knew that the light walls and light curtains that the residents were talking about were magic circles and enchantments.

Flying Dragon Seven Star Array, Flying Dragon Seven Star Array!

It took a while for Yang Feiyun to calm down his excitement. For so many years, he has been relying on others to be driven by others, just to find a formation that can change his life against the sky, that is, the crown of all formations - the seven-star formation of flying dragons.

Jiang Lin can arrange so many formations and formations in the mountains, and his attainment in formations is absolutely extraordinary.

Maybe you will know or even master the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array.

Yang Feiyun decided that no matter what, he would also contact Jiang Lin.

Looking for a roadside stall, Yang Feiyun ate while thinking about how to approach Jianglin. The master and apprentice Mao Xiaofang, who happened to be looking for the zombie king, was nearby, and the female ghost who was put into the umbrella by Mao Xiaofang was eager to find her husband, so she ran away without permission. come out.

As a result, the female ghost encountered a mad dog again, and was stained with the urine of a boy on the road, and was found by the people at the stall, scaring them away.

Although Yang Feiyun was not proficient in Taoism, but his skills were not weak, he grabbed the umbrella where the female ghost was living in two or three times.

After Mao Xiaofang arrived, he asked him for it. Yang Feiyun saw that Mao Xiaofang was a Taoist priest and his accent was from the mainland, so he wanted to ask him if he had heard of Jiang Lin's name, so that he could get more information.

After all, the information I have inquired shows that Jiang Lin used to be from the mainland.

However, Mao Xiaofang ignored him, and there was some friction with Yang Feiyun because he said he raised ghosts.

After Mao Xiaofang left, Yang Feiyun simply followed quietly.

It didn't take long for Mao Xiaofang and Ma Fan to find the zombie king Xuankui, and a battle broke out with him.

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