The Five Thunders are correct!The Five Thunders Dharma of the Shenxiao Sect! ! !

Yang Feiyun, who was hiding in the dark, saw the Taoist technique performed by Mao Xiaofang, and his heart beat violently again.

Although he has never practiced Taoism, in order to change his life against the sky, he has checked a lot of information about the Shenxiao sect. The seven-star array of flying dragons is the treasure of the Shenxiao sect.

As for Lei Fa of the Shenxiao faction, he has seen many records, so he can recognize it.

The thunder method that Mao Xiaofang used was given to him by Jiang Lin when he was discussing Taoism with Jiang Lin. This thunder method played a great role in dealing with Xuan Kui.

Both plans!

Yang Feiyun immediately had an idea. Both Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang might know about the Feilong Seven Star Array, but Jiang Lin was someone who even Li Xi and the richest man had to lower their profile.

Therefore, Yang Feiyun decided to become friends with Mao Xiaofang while thinking about getting in touch with Jiang Lin, and then slowly probe the news of the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array from him.

Chapter [-] Master Mao, is the prison meal delicious?

Jiang Lin didn't know that someone was thinking about the flying dragon seven-star formation in his hand, and he didn't know that the formation he gave to Mao Xiaofang back then would make Mao Xiaofang fall into the pit.

The next day, he took Chen Yu and the others to walk around the city to see what Xugang has become today.

"Husband, what is the Seven Sisters Hall? It's even more famous than our Li Yangju. Do you want to go and see it?"

Ren Tingting was curious when she heard that there were people talking about the Seven Sisters Church all the time, and that the owner of the hall salvaged the Dragon King statue from the river, which attracted many people to watch the ceremony.

"Although our Taoist hall is open, it's a high mountain and a long road, and not many people go there. Besides, we don't need to compete for fame with others. And, most importantly, in that Seven Sisters Hall, most of them are bullies. There's nothing good in people who are deceived by gods and ghosts."

Jiang Lin waved his hand. Just now, he saw the peace talisman put out by the believers of the Seven Sisters Church. It had no spiritual power at all. It was too fake to be fake.

Therefore, he concluded that the Seven Sisters Hall was a place that pretended to be a ghost and cheated to eat and drink.

Go there to see, isn't that worth your money?

"What kind of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods have come out."

When Ren Tingting heard what Jiang Lin said, she pouted and lost interest.

After they walked out of the street, Mao Xiaofang and Ma Fan walked out of a hotel on the street.

"Shopkeeper, may I ask if there are any famous Taoist temples and people with superb Taoism here?"

Mao Xiaofang asked the shopkeeper of the hotel that he had almost used up some of his magical tools and needed to find a place to replenish them. After Jiang Lin got here, he wrote him a letter saying that he was no longer in the Kaidao Hall in Xugang, and Ma Danna also said that Jiang Lin There is no Taoist temple on the top of the mountain.

So Mao Xiaofang didn't plan to go to Jiang Lin. When Jiang Lin left Gantian Town, he disposed of all the magic tools and talismans in the shop. .

Just find some fellows in Hong Kong to buy some.

"Yes, Seven Sisters Hall, the master Zhong Jun there is very powerful in Taoism. We call him Tianshi Zhong."

"Really? Is he imposing, seven feet tall, without anger, and with extraordinary aura?"

Mao Xiaofang was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that in addition to Jiang Lin, another Celestial Master appeared in Xugang.

"No way, although Master Zhong Jun is not very beautiful, he is also attractive. It's far from what you said."

"Pretty? Men pay attention to tolerance. How can they say that they are beautiful or not."

"Cut~ Master Zhongjun is a woman, but where is a man."

The shopkeeper rolled his eyes. He looked at Mao Xiaofang and Ma Fan, and muttered, "The little ones are stupid, the big ones are dumb, I've never seen them before."

This pair of master and apprentice made him very speechless. Ma Fan usually likes to make some inventions. When he caught the guy in the past two days, he asked who invented the kettle. He thought it would be better for him to be a master, but he ended up throwing the one from the Seven Sisters Church. The master is a man.

With an embarrassed look on his face, Mao Xiaofang asked Ma Fan to prepare a pilgrimage, intending to visit the "Heavenly Master" Zhong Jun at the Seven Sisters Hall.

It didn't take long for Mao Xiaofang's master and apprentice to see people from the Seven Sisters Hall on the street. Several strong men were carrying a huge statue of the Dragon King. Many young girls scattered flowers around the strong men.

Both Mao Xiaofang and his apprentice were stunned. Ma Fan was fascinated by a woman who led the way and turned into a fool.

As for Mao Xiaofang, it was because he was watching Zhong Jun in the sedan chair.

He found that he couldn't see the depth of Zhong Jun. In the past, this only happened when he observed Jiang Lin.

Xugang is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

The funny thing is that Mao Xiaofang thought that Zhong Jun, a magic stick who pretended to be a ghost, was a celestial master with unfathomable Taoism.

In fact, it's not his fault, because Jiang Lin is in Xugang. Jiang Lin is a veritable celestial master, and he is still a peak celestial master. Xugang is not very big. There is such a powerful celestial master here. Under normal circumstances , Who dares to call himself a Celestial Master unless he has strength.

This is Mao Xiaofang's logic.

In Middle-earth, someone might pretend to be a celestial master, but if there is a real celestial master nearby, a fool would pretend to be.

Mao Xiaofang never thought that Jiang Lin was in Xugang. He was very low-key, and he was really secluded. It was known from the outside that he had the ability, and he belonged to the Celestial Master. There was almost nothing.

So, Mao Xiaofang went to the Seven Sisters Church to visit Zhong Jun. As a result, he was a great master of his generation and was disliked by a magic stick. In the end, Mao Xiaofang proposed that he wanted to buy some magical instruments and materials, but Zhong Jun did not give him.

One is that Zhong Jun doesn't exist at all, and the other is that Mao Xiaofang is poor. In order to let Mao Xiaofang leave as soon as possible, she opened her mouth wide.

In the end, Mao Xiaofang said a few words that didn't sound good to Zhong Jun. In fact, they were helping each other and taking subduing and subduing demons as their own responsibility.

However, such words made Zhong Jun unhappy. When her younger brother Zhong Bang came to see her at the Seven Sisters Hall soon after, she complained about him, and even described Mao Xiaofang as a big magician who was even more deceived than she was.

Coincidentally, that night, Xiao Zun, a child of Zhong Bang’s neighbor, and his playmates played hide-and-seek in an abandoned house, and it turned out to be haunted. The next day, Zhong Bang and Fang Tu went to the abandoned house to investigate.

Not only them, but Mao Xiaofang and Ma Fan also went to the abandoned house because they were looking for the injured Xuankui.

Then, when the Taoist priest met the soldiers, he couldn't say anything.

Zhong Bang and Fang Tu drew their guns and asked Mao Xiaofang and the others to return to the police station for investigation.

"Husband, I don't know if I read it wrong. I seem to have seen Master Mao. He and a young man were caught by the police and taken to the police station."

Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan, who went to buy electronic equipment, returned to Jianglin's teahouse where they drank tea, and told Jianglin what they had seen before.

In fact, the two of them are not sure, because the distance is not too close, before they can see clearly, the person is taken into the police station, and this is illogical, Mao Xiaofang will definitely not be a rapist and should not be arrested. Detectives are escorted to the police station.

"Impossible, if Master Mao comes to Xugang, he will at least tell me."

"It's really similar, with an eight-treasure bag."

Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan felt that they were right. They used to be reporters with pointed eyes.

"Then go have a look."

There was nothing to do anyway, so Jiang Lin planned to go to the police station to see who the detainee was.

A few minutes later, Jiang Lin and the others entered the Yau Ma Tei Police Station, and what surprised them was that Mao Xiaofang was really in the police station, to be precise, in the cell.

Still eating.

"I said, Master Mao, is the prison meal delicious? You've come to Xugang, and if you don't go to my place to have a light meal, you'll have to eat a prison meal. Dare you, you are an elder from the Beggar Gang, and you have become a prisoner?"

Jiang Lin laughed when he said that. When he was in Gantian Town, Mao Xiaofang was in trouble like the elders of the Beggar Gang. Moreover, when the tomb of Cixi was full of zombies, he had eaten in prison, and now he is in Xugang. Jailed.


Mao Xiaofang was also taken aback when he heard Jiang Lin's voice.

Then he was embarrassed, and the embarrassment of capitalization was written to the extreme.

After eight years of separation, he and Jiang Lin met again. Jiang Lin was good, and there was a foreign beauty beside him, but he was eating fragrant prison meals.

The first thousand three hundred and twenty-two chapters must be made to die

"Uncle, how do you know we're here? Get us out. Those police officers want to arrest us for no reason, and they're going to imprison us for two days in the name of investigation."

When Ma Fan saw Jiang Lin, he threw away his rice bowl and shouted.

This stinky boy, I don't know how to be ashamed!

Mao Xiaofang had a black line on his face, they came to Xugang, and they were locked up by the bureau, and they were seen by old friends, and now they are still asking for bail.

All face lost.

"Hey, Ah Fan? Are you all this tall?"

Jiang Lin looked at Ma Fan before recognizing him. When he left Gantian Town, Ma Fan was only ten years old, and now he is a tall man.

"Fellow Daoist, the police detectives here are quite unreasonable, if it's convenient for you..."

Mao Xiaofang also spoke at this time and asked Jiang Lin to bail them out. Now that they have seen Jiang Lin, and the apprentice has also shouted, he will no longer die to save face.


Jiang Lin nodded, although he didn't know what happened, but after listening to Mao Xiaofang and the others, he knew that this pair of master and apprentice must have been unlucky to encounter a police detective who was looking for someone to vent their anger.

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Mao, I'm really sorry. Many police detectives in Xugang want to climb up. If they don't get promoted, they will inevitably take some petty citizens to vent their anger, and I will punish them severely."

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to ask the police to call Detective Ke. Detective Ke immediately released Mao Xiaofang and his apprentice. He also called Fang Tu and Zhong Bang over, taught him a lesson, and told Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang. sorry.

Since the detectives have come forward to apologize, Mao Xiaofang didn't say much.

After leaving the police station, Jiang Lin asked, "Fellow Daoist, why did you come to Xugang?"

"Many years ago, a thousand-year-old zombie Wang Xuankui appeared in Middle-earth. I have been chasing it for the past few years, but I haven't been able to kill it yet. Instead, he fled to Xugang. I followed it all the way and came here. I originally arrived at the realm of Daoist friends, and I should have gone to inform, but we have been looking for the trace of Xuan Kui these days, and we have no time. "

"It turns out that, if you need any materials and instruments, you can buy them from me, and give you a friendly price."

Jiang Lin smiled slightly. Although Mao Xiaofang didn't even have any verbal hints, he could also guess what Mao Xiaofang meant.

Under normal circumstances, a zombie king can only be dealt with by a celestial master, and Mao Xiaofang is an alchemist. If he can kill a zombie king, it will be an honor for himself and the Tiandao faction.

Mao Xiaofang didn't visit Li Yangju, probably because he didn't want others to interfere.

In fact, even if he knew that a zombie king had entered the port, Jiang Lin did not intend to deal with Xuan Kui.

In the absence of an employer, if someone else asks for help or the other party can't deal with any evil, then another thing is, if the other party can handle it, it is easy to get involved in the affairs of the same person.

Mao Xiaofang was able to hunt down Xuan Kui for several years, which showed that he had the ability to deal with the thousand-year-old zombie king. In this case, he didn't need to fight Mao Xiaofang.

"It is estimated that you may have to trouble fellow Daoists in this regard."

Mao Xiaofang smiled bitterly, feeling that he was really embarrassed. He wanted to destroy Xuan Kui himself, but he had to use Jiang Lin's power, although indirectly.

In fact, in the past, Mao Xiaofang was less concerned about fame and fortune. If he was in Gantian Town, he would have invited Jiang Lin to deal with Xuankui together.

It's just that over the years, his apprentices A Hai and A Chu have not been doing well outside. He treats his apprentices as sons. As long as he can kill Xuan Kui, the thousand-year-old zombie king, A Hai and A Chu can also do it. Relying on this reputation, life is better.

After that, Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang chatted a lot, and Jiang Lin learned from Mao Xiaofang the changes in the mainland over the years.

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