For nothing else, they killed a lot of Japanese devils and slaughtered many Japanese animals for these heroic souls.

This reason is enough.

Chapter [-]: Helping Ghosts and Not Helping People (Part [-])

Jiang Lin could watch it, but Mao Xiaofang couldn't.

He felt that Zhong Jun was deceitful and deceived, and it was abhorrent to fool the people, but the crime was not fatal.

More importantly, if these heroic souls are contaminated with human lives, then when they reach the bottom, their achievements during their lifetimes may be written off because of the killing of male people, and they will even be tortured and not allowed to reincarnate.

Mao Xiaofang jumped and jumped to the back of the altar. He put one hand on Zhong Jun's shoulder, and the rest of his hands and feet moved in unison to repel the ghost that rushed up.

Of course, he also used pure fisting and kung fu, not using his own spiritual power.

It was precisely because of her restraint and Zhong Jun's struggle that when Mao Xiaofang hugged her to dodge, the two of them exchanged mouths.

"Oh, let me go, this... is this Master Mao's first kiss?"

Chen Yu and Ren Tingting opened their mouths wide when they saw this scene.

"It's hot eyes."

Jiang Lin held back his smile. Mao Xiaofang's real age was in his fifties, but he was given [-] years of longevity by Judge Wang, so he didn't look old.

But now, Mao Xiaofang is actually talking to Zhong Jun.

Old cows eat... old grass.

Mao Xiaofang behind the altar didn't think much of it at all. He just wanted to save Zhong Jun and prevent these heroic souls from dying. With a flick of his arm, Zhong Jun was thrown to the ground by him, and then he put the attack on Zhong Jun again. The heroic soul of the apprentice is repelled.

"Pretend to be a ghost, what do you think you have done?"

Mao Xiaofang glared at Zhong Jun and the others, and then used the gossip mirror in the eight-treasure bag to look around, and all the heroic souls showed their ghostly bodies.


When the reporters and the public saw the sudden appearance of the heroic spirits, they screamed in fright, and many of them fled outside, crowding the gates.

"Traitors, you are all traitors, kill them! Traitors are more abhorrent than Japanese brats!"

The captain gave everyone a cold look and asked his subordinates to attack everyone present, and he also took the lead in charging.

Mao Xiaofang immediately took a talisman cloth from the Eight Treasure Bag and threw it out, trapping a group of heroic souls in it.

"All calm down!"

Jiang Lin also released his breath to shock these heroic souls.

If they only aimed at Zhong Jun and others who were dying, he would not have any reaction, but now these heroic spirits misunderstood those present as traitors, and if they wanted to attack indiscriminately, this would not work.

As soon as the aura of the Celestial Master dissipated, all the heroic ghosts and ghosts shook like chaff.

Jiang Lin took a step forward and said, "Captain, the battle is over, the Japanese cubs have been defeated and surrendered, and there are no more traitors now."

"You are talking nonsense, are the Japanese cubs so easily defeated? You must be sent by them to suppress and destroy us. Even if our souls are scattered, we will not yield to you!"

The captain didn't believe what Jiang Lin said, and thought that there was still a war going on outside.

"I'm a celestial and yin division, will I lie to you?"

Jiang Lin pushed his palm, and his commander Yin appeared in the palm of his hand. The heroic souls were shocked by Commander Yin, and some of them couldn't even stand up straight and wanted to kneel down.

With a hold of his hands, Jiang Lin made these heroic souls stand firm. They were all heroes who fought against the invaders and protected their compatriots. Kneeling to him would destroy his merits.

"Are you Yinshi? So we really beat the Japanese brat!"

When the captain saw Commander Yin, how could he doubt Jiang Lin's words, all of them cheered for a while.

"But, why do you burn our flag? We shed blood for our compatriots and the nation during our lifetime. We can die, but we can't lose our flag!"

"It's not that we want to burn it, it's those who pretend to be ghosts and trick the people here. If you have grievances, throw them on them, don't worry, I'll be the master of you, and if there are ghosts below, you will report it. I hold the name of Slaughter Si Jianglin."

Jiang Lin pointed at Zhong Jun and her apprentices, and let these heroic souls find the righteous master with grievances.

"Hey, you and I are both living people. How can you help a group of ghosts embarrass your own kind? And we are the same no matter how you say it. How can you approach outsiders."

When Zhong Jun heard Jiang Lin's words, he immediately shouted and threw at Jiang Lin.

Although she didn't know Jiang Lin, she knew Mao Xiaofang. Mao Xiaofang was a Taoist priest, so she guessed that Jiang Lin was also a Taoist.

"Who is your comrade?"

Jiang Lin glanced at Zhong Jun coldly, and immediately gave Zhong Jun a shock.

"What if they are ghosts? They carried guns and guns, threw their blood, and carried the heads of many Japanese pirates and beasts in their hands. You are alive, what have you done? What do you compare them to? Are you cheating? Why should I go to you? What qualifications do you have to ask me to help you?"


When Jiang Lin asked this, Zhong Jun was speechless. The three female apprentices around her, who were usually eloquent, were only caught in the corner of Jiang Lin's eyes, and they didn't even dare to say a word.

"Humph! It is because of you fake Taoists who pretend to be ghosts in Middle Earth that our Taoist culture is dusted!"

The captain looked at Zhong Jun and the others without concealing his contempt.

However, he didn't bother with Zhong Jun's master and apprentice. Knowing the news of the victory of the war, he has no worries. Now he just wants to return to dust with all his comrades.

"Master, ask them if they are Dongjiang guerrillas."

At this time, Ma Fan remembered the ghost hunter that his master had collected.

Mao Xiaofang immediately took off the umbrella attached to the bag and asked the group of heroic spirits. Unfortunately, the answer was that they belonged to the Dongjiang guerrillas, but the female ghost's husband belonged to the third team, the vanguard, and all of them were killed.

The captain bowed to Jiang Lin and said, "This chief, since the war is over, we will no longer stay in the world."

"Give you a ride."

Jiang Lin took a magic talisman from his arms and folded it into a lantern shape. After that, he pointed at the heroes and put them into the paper lantern.

The ghost looking for her husband was also put into the lantern.

As the paper lanterns flew out of the window and gradually floated up, these heroic souls could use the power of flying to return to their homeland one by one.

Jiang Lin didn't supervise those heroic souls, because they didn't know when they would be reincarnated and could only be taken in by Soul Town Street.

As for the husband-seeking female ghost, you can rely on the rune of the lantern to get supernatural and go to the underworld as soon as possible to reincarnate.

"Everyone, the matter is over, you don't have to be afraid, thanks to these two Taoist priests."

Seeing that the dust had settled, Yang Feiyun reminded the rest of the surrounding people and reporters.

He wanted Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang to get some attention, so that they could refresh their impression of him.

"This is Daoist Mao from the Maoshan Tiandao School. He is superb in Taoism. You can interview him."

Jiang Lin patted Mao Xiaofang on the shoulder and withdrew from the crowd. He didn't like being surrounded by people, and he looked like a giant panda.

Zhong Jun on the side shouted that he wanted to save these heroic souls before, but unfortunately, no one paid any attention to her.

The first thousand three hundred and twenty-five chapters mention the apprentice again, I am in a hurry with you

"It seems that the zombie king Xuankui is not here. Although Xugang is not big, it is not easy to find a zombie king."

Jiang Lin walked out of the abandoned house and looked up at the full moon in the sky. Now Xuan Kui didn't know where he was enjoying the moonlight.

"Is it hard to find? You can't even find your husband?"

Anna leaned into Jiang Lin's arms, she still wanted to see what the wild zombie king looked like.

Over the years in the Jiang family, she has changed from an exotic princess to an ordinary woman, and her personality has also changed a lot. The heroic and sassy princess in the past has now become a sick princess who loves to act like a spoiled child every day.

Of course, this was just a change in front of Jiang Lin and her family. If there were outsiders, she would still be the woman who wouldn't let her men down.

Jiang Lin pinched Anna's face and said, "Everyone can become a doctor for a long time, let alone zombies. After being chased and killed by Taoists for so many years, it is impossible to say that there are no hidden means. It seems that Master Mao wants to It's not easy to find it. Let's not follow it all the time, your husband is a celestial master, and maybe he will meet zombies in the future, and I will show you again when there is a chance. "

Anna yawned and said, "Okay, I'm sleepy too."

Jiang Lin immediately picked her up and let her fall asleep in his arms.

"Husband, we are sleepy too."

Ren Tingting and Zhang Xiaochuan also snuggled up and shook Jiang Lin's arm.

"I don't have three heads and six arms. Where can I hug me? I'm really sleepy. I'll let you all sleep well in the next few days."

Jiang Lin didn't know that a few wives were greedy for his arms, so he gave them a look you know.

"No, it's not at your own home, staying in bed for a few days and throwing people to death."

Ren Tingting and the others waved their hands again and again. What Jiang Lin meant was to let them sleep well, but to prevent them from getting out of bed.

"Fellow Daoist, it seems that Xuan Kui is not here."

Not long after, Mao Xiaofang also came out of the abandoned house. This abandoned house was the most suitable place for zombies to recuperate recently, but unfortunately, Xuan Kui was not here.

"Wow, uncle, you are too unkind. In front of my master, hug my aunt and princess. Why is there such a big gap between people? Uncle, you are married to foreign princesses. As a wife, I don’t even know how many aunts and aunts I have. Look at my master, and one of them is a bachelor. They are all old men. Even if they have Yanfu, they are all old women in their thirties. Knowing to find one, I usually do the laundry and cooking."

After Ma Fan came out, he saw Jiang Linheng hugging Anna, and his face was full of admiration again.

Even a foreign princess can be married, and it is really capable of being a concubine who does not know how many rooms.

At the same time, he also complained about Mao Xiaofang, who are both elders, but the difference between master and uncle is not even a star.

What made him want to complain even more was that over the years, as an apprentice, he was just like a housewife.

Mao Xiaofang's forehead bulged with blue veins, and his nose was smoking with anger, saying that his apprentice said he was an old man, and was he still beautiful?

"Why don't I tell you, Master, he's thinking about getting it. Uncle, you don't even know. My master heard that Zhongjun was a celestial master, and he didn't have any doubts. At that time, he asked me to prepare a post and meet others. , his eyes are straight. Otherwise, my master, the head of the Tiandao sect, can't tell that he is a magic stick? Master Zhong, Master Zhong, is very happy."

Ma Fan didn't even notice that his master's hands were charging and he continued to babble, shaking out his embarrassment.

"My second uncle of grass and mud! You bastard!"

Mao Xiaofang jumped two meters high with anger, and slapped him wildly on the back of Ma Fan's head.

He was embarrassing enough today, if only Jiang Lin was there, even Chen Yu and Ren Tingting were there.

Originally, things were almost turned over, but his good apprentice actually asked him to be publicly executed.

Also consider others to get it!

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