It's also called hilarious!

I call you the second uncle!I love you Seventh Uncle and Grandpa!

"I'm obedient."

Jiang Lin hurriedly drew a soundproof talisman on Anna. Mao Xiaofang was beating his apprentice now, just like beating a dog.

He was many times more powerful than Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, who were unable to beat the ninth uncle back then.

"Hey! Fellow Daoist, your apprentices are not too few, you can see them one by one. Ah Fan, this kid, who has studied Dao for so many years, is still a little Daoist. It's okay, I didn't accept any apprentices. You My apprentice, alas!"

Jiang Lin laughed, Mao Xiaofang is capable enough, and the apprentices he can accept are really more crooked than the other.

This youngest apprentice is probably not as good as the original Ah Hai and Ah Chu.

"You are too embarrassed to say it! I finally accepted Axiu, and I started teaching within a few years. I was abducted by you to Jiang's house!"

Jiang Lin's words made Mao Xiaofang roll his eyes. Among his apprentices, Axiu was the only one who could succeed and inherit his mantle. As a result, Axiu didn't even know what marriage was, so he was abducted from the bed by Jiang Lin. .

"Cough cough."

Jiang Lin coughed twice, and quickly changed the subject: "Master Mao, it's not a matter of a day or two for you to find Xuankui. Would you like to come and sit with me?"

"After a while, I injured Xuan Kui last night. He should find a place with strong yin to cultivate. I want to take advantage of his illness to kill him."

Mao Xiaofang refused Jiang Lin's invitation, he was really busy now.

Jiang Lin didn't say any more. He was staying at Shu's house temporarily, and in a few days he had to set up a Tianlong barrier for Li Xihe, so it was not very convenient to entertain Mao Xiaofang.

"Master, we all eat white rice every day. Why don't we go to Master Jiang's place to improve our meals. The three senior sisters are all there. She cooks deliciously."

Ma Fan, who was holding his head beside him, forgot about the pain again, he really wanted to have a few meaty meals.

"What am I..."

Mao Xiaofang's face was at the bottom of the pot again, he grabbed Ma Fan's ear and scolded: "Eat, eat, you know how to eat, you either eat or tinker with some inventions all day, and you haven't even graduated yet, and you have the face to mention you. Third Senior Sister?"

My good disciple Axiu.

Mao Xiaofang's head was a little dizzy with anger, thinking to himself what wrong he had done in his previous life.

"Fellow Daoist, in fact, the discipline of apprentices does not necessarily have to be beaten, the key is to rely on apprentices to grow..."

"Let me tell you, if I mention my apprentice again, I'm in a hurry for you."

Mao Xiaofang directly interrupted Jiang Lin's words, it was too much, he kidnapped his most proud apprentice home as his wife, and kept thinking that the rest of his apprentices were useless.

If you have the ability, return my good disciple Axiu to me.

"By the way, is Axiu pregnant? This dragon gives birth to a dragon and a phoenix to give birth to a phoenix. You two are so talented in cultivating Taoism..."

"That... it's not too early, Chili, Tingting, let's go back."

Jiang Lin pretended not to hear what Mao Xiaofang said, and left immediately.

Mao Xiaofang was really stimulated, and the apprentices directly hit Jiang Lin and Axiu's son in the future.

If Jiang Lin didn't leave again, it would not be his apprentice who laughed at Mao Xiaofang, but he would not be able to lay eggs.

The first thousand three hundred and twenty-six chapters of Yu Dahai's invitation

"Master, it's really difficult for us now. Why don't you say anything? We can't even afford to live in a hotel."

After Jiang Lin left, Ma Fan complained again. Xuegang is no better than the mainland. Everything here requires money, and the cost is higher than the mainland. Didn't mention this.

"Those with hands and feet are afraid that they will starve to death!"

Mao Xiaofang glared at Ma Fan. In fact, he knew that he was running out of money, but if he asked him to borrow money from Jiang Lin, he couldn't speak.

He and Jiang Lin have known each other for [*] or [*] years. Even since he was saved by Jiang Lin, it has been nearly [*] years now. After all these years, his physical strength and body bones are still the same as three. About ten years old.

Therefore, he also knew that this must have something to do with Jiang Lin's rescue of him back then, and later, he took on a lot of favors from Jiang Lin.

It's not over yet.

If he asked Jiang Lin to borrow money, he really couldn't do it.

Now it's just one step at a time.

"Husband, you said my master has come to Xugang, how is my father?"

One day, Axiu went to Shu's house, and as soon as she entered Jianglin's room, she asked about Mao Xiaofang and her father Lei Gang's recent situation.

Last night, Jiang Lin called his home and asked Axiu to come to Shu's house with the materials for the formation and enchantment.

Now that Mao Xiaofang had arrived at Xugang, he asked Axiu to live in the city temporarily, so that they could catch up with their masters and apprentices when they were free.

"He's fine. During the war, he was basically with your master."

After covering Chen Yu and the others with quilts, Jiang Lin took Axiu for a walk in the Shu's courtyard.

"What about Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother, has Master said that they are doing well?"

Axiu asked how her two senior brothers were. She grew up in the mountains, was adopted by Lei Gang, and finally became a disciple of Fuxitang, and then she felt the warmth of family affection, so for her , A Hai and A Chu are like their own brothers, even if they are not very successful.

"It shouldn't be too messy."

Although Mao Xiaofang didn't say much yesterday, Jiang Lin could also hear that the two boys, A Hai and A Chu, were unhappy.

In fact, it's not just the two of them. In the future, the situation of Taoist priests will not be much better. Originally, the spiritual power between heaven and earth is getting thinner and thinner, and the stage belonging to Taoist priests is disappearing. Except for Jiang Lin, Jiu Shu and Yun of Longhu Mountain To be able to become a Celestial Master, Taoist Master Ting is considered to be on the last train.

Today, there are new methods of cultivation in the world, and a large number of Qi-refining practitioners have emerged, which will naturally crowd out the living space of Taoist priests.

It’s okay in times of war, and the two can work together to fight the enemy, but once peace is settled, internal conflicts will inevitably erupt.

Coupled with the progress of human society and the gradual emergence of a large environment in which demons are long and Taoism disappears, as well as the reasons for Taoist priests themselves, in the future, there will be fewer and fewer Taoist priests, and the existing Taoist priests will even be so poor.

Jiang Lin also told Axiu about these things.

"Husband, according to what you said, wouldn't there be large-scale battles among practitioners who practice in different ways in the mainland? We just finished fighting the oriental demons and magicians together."

"It shouldn't be that, at least there will be a large-scale battle between the Taoist monks and the refiners, and it will not happen in the generation of Ah Hai and Ah Chu."

Jiang Lin shook his head. He had experienced wars, both Taoist priests, monks, and qi cultivators were severely injured and needed to recuperate. There would be no major conflicts in a short period of time. Moreover, according to Mao Xiaofang, the qi cultivators in the mainland broke out in Jiashen. The chaos caused the Qi Refiners, whose vitality was severely damaged, to be even less relieved.

Even if they will become the mainstream of practitioners in the future, it will take many years to reproduce the situation of mushrooming.

"Uncle, the boss of Yu's Mihang has sent an invitation to you."

When Jiang Lin and Axiu were enjoying the morning breeze together, the servants of the Shu family took an invitation and found Jiang Lin.

"Yu's Mi Xing? Which Boss Yu?"

Jiang Lin frowned slightly, he didn't remember what Mi Xing he had been with.

The servant replied, "Yu's Rice Shop is the second largest rice merchant in Xugang, and their boss is Yu Dahai."

Yu Dahai?What is this guy doing for me?

Jiang Lin took the invitation, and with a glance, he shook his head. It turned out that Yu Dahai invited him to Yu's house for dinner.

Wealthy businessmen and dignitaries who want to invite me to dinner can line up from Kowloon to the New Territories. You are a rice seller in Yuhai, so would you be so embarrassed to invite me?

With a chuckle, Jiang Lin threw the invitation directly into the trash can.

"Uncle, the visitor also said that Boss Yu usually likes to collect some weird things. Please come over, and I also want you to help me. If you are interested, you can go now."

The servant handed Jiang Lin another small photo album, Jiang Lin thought about it, and took it over.

Yo, this rest of the sea can really be taken care of.

Jiang Lin opened the album and raised his brows. The photos in it were all weird stuff, including antiques, spar, and a small part of the materials for arranging formations and enchantments, and even coffin fungus.

"It seems that Yu Dahai has made some preparations to inform the Yu family that I will come over."

Jiang Lin changed his mind. He wasn't very interested in some of the materials in the album, but he wanted to go look at the coffin fungus and buy it.

Although he had exchanged a large amount of coffin fungus in the three or four years his family was out, but this kind of thing is not too much. When he encountered it, he wanted to get it into his own hands.

In fact, these preparations were not made by Yu Dahai, but by his subordinate Yang Feiyun.

Yang Feiyun used a lot of power to find out that Jiang Lin was related to Shennong Company, and he was probably the shareholder of Shennong Company, and Shennong Company had pawn formation materials and treasures that only Taoists could use. Jean put some of his inventory in Yu Dahai, and asked Yu Dahai to find someone to take pictures and send them.

The purpose is to invite Jiang Lin in exchange for the opportunity to contact Jiang Lin.

Yu Dahai learned that Jiang Lin had something to do with Shennong Company, and he did what Yang Feiyun asked him to do.

"I haven't eaten with you for a few days. I want you to feed me."

Axiu lightly tapped Jiang Lin's shoulder. As soon as she came, Jiang Lin was going to socialize.

"Xiu'er, don't make trouble."

Touching Axiu's hair, Jiang Lin coaxed her and went out the door.

It was carried by someone from the Yu family, and half an hour later, Jiang Lin arrived at the door of Yu Haihai's house.

"Uncle Master!"

As soon as Jiang Lin got out of the car, he heard Ma Fan's voice, and Mao Xiaofang and his apprentice also arrived at the door of Yu's house.

"Fellow Daoist, you were also invited by this Boss Yu?"

Mao Xiaofang was quite surprised. He came here because he guessed that Boss Yu had asked him to do something difficult and asked him to deal with it. It happened that he was running out of money, so he agreed.

Unexpectedly, the other party also invited Jiang Lin.

What does this mean?

Let him and Jiang Lin lower the price of each other?

Chapter [*] The brain is sick, the identification is completed

"Yes, it seems that Master Mao is the same with you."

Jiang Lin didn't know what Yu Dahai asked Mao Xiaofang to do. He thought that Yu Dahai really had some treasures in his hands and wanted to find more professionals for appraisal.

"go in."

Jiang Lin stepped into the gate of Yu's house first.

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