"Master, this boss is not being kind. If you invite us, let's invite your uncle again. It's not obvious that we should compete for business."

Ma Fan muttered softly behind Mao Xiaofang. He originally thought he would be able to pick up the business and improve the food this time, but he did not expect Jiang Lin to be invited as well. As a result, the two of them, master and apprentice, would have to drink the northwest wind.

"shut up!"

Mao Xiaofang glared at Ma Fan, and then walked into the door.

"Mr. Jiang, Master Mao, why did you come so late? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Jiang Lin and the others entered the hall, and Yu Dahai, his wife and daughter greeted him.

What the hell is this?

Jiang Lin looked at the surrounding reporters and frowned slightly, but he didn't take it seriously. Those reporters who wanted to take pictures were stopped by Yang Feiyun.

"Mr. Jiang, my dear Yu Dahai, I was fortunate enough to meet Mr. Jiang at Sir Li's party. Come, let me introduce you, these two are cheap, two sisters."

Yu Dahai greeted Jiang Lin first, and also introduced his two sisters and wives, with a proud look on his face.

I am drunk too.

If you introduce family members, introduce family members, and you have to show off that the second room in the big room is two sisters.

Is it worth showing off?My wife and sisters, cousins, cousins ​​and sisters have all!Your wife and two sisters, my wife also has three teachers and apprentices.

Yang Feiyun, who was on the side, saw Jiang Lin frowned, so he quickly and quietly touched Yu Dahai.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the little girl Bixin, Xiaojiabiyu, the girl of Huanghua, who is only eighteen years old. Bixin, please take Mr. Jiang to look around."

Yu Dahai pulled his daughter Yu Bixin out and asked her to show Jiang Lin the collections displayed by the wall.


Yu Bixin's whole face turned red and smoked. In the past, her father introduced her and her two mothers to the guests, but this time she actually said she was a yellow flower girl in front of so many people.

Even if it's true, you can't tell outsiders like that.

You are so stupid.

Jiang Lin really wondered if Yu Dahai was mentally ill. It was enough to introduce his wife to show off to others. Did he introduce his daughter like that?

And in front of so many people.

Is this your own daughter?

Besides, your daughter is eighteen years old, a yellow flower girl, what does it have to do with me?

Not only Jiang Lin, but also Mao Xiaofang and the others were stunned, what the hell, it was the first time they saw such a father.

Brain is sick!

"Mr. Jiang, Boss Yu likes some bizarre collections, please give them a thumbs up."

At this time, Yang Feiyun hurriedly made a gesture of invitation to Jiang Lin, he was really afraid that Yu Dahai would ruin his big business.

Jiang Lin ignored Yu Dahai and looked at the array materials and coffin bacteria.

Yu Dahai pushed Yu Bixin over and asked her to accompany Jiang Lin.

This time, he had nothing to do with Jiang Lin. He just wanted his daughter to get along with Jiang Lin. Now, he didn't want Li Siwei's idea anymore, and wanted to use his daughter to hook Jiang Lin.

Just to slap the eye?

Mao Xiaofang looked around, and he also found a lot of formations and enchantment materials displayed in the hall.

Just palm and eye, just get paid.

Just as Mao Xiaofang wanted to ask Yu Dahai why he invited him here, Yu Dahai called all the reporters behind him and took pictures frantically, almost blinding Mao Xiaofang.

When Yu Dahai was talking to Jiang Lin, he didn't let those reporters take pictures, because Yang Feiyun was very thoughtful and found that Jiang Lin had never been in a newspaper at all. Small news, there are no photos of Jiang Lin and related reports in the newspapers.

Therefore, Yang Feiyun specifically explained to Yu Dahai not to let reporters take pictures of Jiang Lin.

Therefore, even if Yu Dahai wanted to report in the same frame as Jiang Lin again, he had to give up the idea.

But Mao Xiaofang was different, a Taoist priest who could only live in a hotel, he didn't make much use of it.

"Master Mao, let me introduce myself. I'm Yu Dahai, and I have a lot of money in Xugang. The mansion alone covers an area of ​​three or four acres..."

Yu Hai straightened his collar, showed off his wealth to Mao Xiaofang madly, and looked at Mao Xiaofang with a pair of nostrils.

With a question mark on Mao Xiaofang's face, he thought that Yu Dahai would let him and Jiang Lin take a look at the collections around him, or tell him if he had something to ask.

As a result, Yu Dahai flaunted his wealth to him.

Fellow Daoist was here just now, why didn't you show off your wealth to him?And those reporters, why are they just filming me?I'm not photogenic.

"Boss Yu, you came to me, what's the matter?"

"Master Mao, let's sit down there and talk slowly. The ceremony is about to start."

Yu Dahai took Mao Xiaofang's shoulders and walked to the other side.

Mao Xiaofang was stunned again and asked, "Boss Yu, the ceremony? What ceremony?"

"Master Mao, I have heard about your prestige and prestige in the haunted house last night, and I think it is very meaningful, so I specially wrote a check for [*] yuan and gave it to Master Mao."

Yu Dahai took a cheque from his pocket and showed it to the reporters. Then he said, "This cheque will be used as a fund for Master Mao to hunt ghosts in Hong Kong in the future. Come and take pictures."

"Boss Yu, catching ghosts is my job. I can't accept the money."

Mao Xiaofang waved his hand, if Yu Dahai talks to him about business and asks him to help, he will receive the reward, but there is no one entrusted to him for the ghost hunt last night, so he cannot receive the money. This is his principle.

"Also, last night was also Master Jiang..."

"Don't accept it? It doesn't matter if you don't accept it. The important thing is that you hold the check and take a photo of the check."

Yu Dahai moved quickly, and before Mao Xiaofang could finish his words, Yu Dahai hugged his shoulders, put the check in front of the two, and let the reporter take several pictures one after another.

It seems that fellow Daoist was trapped by Yu Hai.

On the other side, Jiang Lin looked at Mao Xiaofang, whose eyes were about to burst into tears, and smiled unkindly.

Yu Dahai invited Mao Xiaofang to come over, just to use him as a propaganda material.

Yu Dahai asked Mao Xiaofang to take the cheque and take pictures, but he also gave Mao Xiaofang a "Charity House" pennant and asked the reporter to continue taking pictures, which made Mao Xiaofang so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

Co-authored, let him come, just to advertise him in the newspaper!

Charity, I love you, Uncle!

"Your father, is there a problem here?"

Jiang Lin pointed to his temple and asked Yu Bixin who was beside him. He now suspects that Yu Dahai invited him to come over not for these strange things, but for the identification of Yu Dahai's head.

If this is the case, then he has already been identified, and Yu Hai's brain is definitely sick.

Not to mention a master of Taoism like Mao Xiaofang, a Taoist priest with a little knowledge of Taoism, normal people would not provoke him.

Once you provoke such a person, you don't know how you died. If others use a little magic, you can make it difficult for the person who provokes them to want to die.

This is still relatively light, and even more ruthless, directly causing harm to the descendants.

But the rest of the sea is good, not only provoking Taoist priests, but also using Taoist priests as propaganda materials and monkeys.

"I do not know."

Yu Bi felt ashamed, she didn't get angry when Jiang Lin asked this.

The first thousand three hundred and twenty-eight chapters harbor ghosts

"Fellow Daoist, we are going one step ahead."

Mao Xiaofang was so angry that he greeted Jiang Lin and then took Ma Fan to leave.

He was really angry. If he was the only one who came here and was manipulated like this, in his measure, he would have a cold face, and he wouldn't be so angry.

But this Yu Dahai invited him and Jiang Lin together. He was a self-proclaimed servant to Jiang Lin, and he was very humble. He even asked his beautiful daughter to entertain Jiang Lin, for fear of not taking good care of him.

However, when it comes to him, then Lao Tzu is a rich man, and looking at him with his nostrils, it's not enough, the second uncle's, and he is also used as an advertising material and a monkey.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

Mao Xiaofang is also a grandmaster of the generation, even if his ability is not as good as Jiang Lin's, he now has methods comparable to that of a celestial master, but he is a tool man here in this sick-minded Yu Dahai.

It is tolerable and unbearable.

Seeing this, Yang Feiyun hurried to the door and said, "Master Mao, stay here."

"Master Mao, Boss Yu is like this character. He likes to show off everything. In fact, this time I invited Master Mao to let you appraise some collections. You can rest assured that the reward will be given. In addition, he also has business to discuss with you. ."

Yang Feiyun explained to Mao Xiaofang in a low voice, and then said: "Master Mao, you have a good relationship with Mr. Jiang. If you leave like this, Mr. Jiang probably won't be convenient to stay here, so you don't care about the villain."

Of course, he said these words in a low voice, and there were many reporters on Yu Dahai's side, so he couldn't hear these words.

After thinking about it, Mao Xiaofang felt that what Yang Feiyun said made some sense. As soon as he left, Jiang Lin might also leave.

Therefore, after taking a deep breath, Mao Xiaofang temporarily held back his anger.

"Master Mao, please."

Yang Feiyun invited Mao Xiaofang to Jiang Lin's side, and then he stood aside and carefully observed the reactions of the two.

Yu Dahai didn't come, just touting the charity work he did to the reporter.

This is what Yang Feiyun told him before. Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang are both Taoist priests. If you want to get closer to them, you have to do what you like. When they watch those strange things, let him not. disturb.

"Master Mao, Mr. Jiang, if there are some weird things that can be priced, you can talk about it. Boss Yu collects these things, on the one hand, out of interest, and on the other hand, he wants to try his luck. I'm also worried about the treasure."

"I give the price, it won't be free. As for the reward, I'm not interested. Just give me the mycelium-like things in the jade box."

Jiang Lin told Yang Feiyun directly that he didn't want money, he wanted something else.

That jade box is the coffin fungus.

"No problem, once the collection here goes away, it may be a big loss."

Yang Feiyun nodded again and again, he couldn't control the things of the Yu family, but many of the items displayed here were taken out by him, including the group of coffin bacteria, of course he could speak.

Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang took a walk around. They were basically laymen for antique jade and the like, but they gave prices for some formations and enchantment materials.

Of course, they didn't say much, only those who practiced could use it.

Jiang Lin didn't doubt that Yu Dahai kept some formations and enchantment materials. ,

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