Although Yu Dahai is stupid, he has good luck, and he often has windfalls. In addition, Jiang Lin knew early on that Yu Dahai was a nouveau riche. Maybe it was because he picked up some big treasure that he became rich.

Therefore, in Jiang Lin's opinion, it was just a coincidence that Yu Dahai collected these spirit stones and spar.

Finally, when they reached the corner, Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang both stopped, and a kind of spiritual stone displayed on the counter attracted their attention.

A dragon stone.

This kind of spiritual stone is the material for arranging the seven-star array of flying dragons, and it is also the material of the array pivot.

Jiang Lin has been searching for so many years, but he has not found a second piece.

Yang Feiyun on the side clenched his fists tightly. He asked Yu Dahai to invite Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang. In addition to creating opportunities to contact them, the biggest purpose was to confirm whether the two knew about the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array.

For this purpose, he brought the precious coffin fungus here, took pictures and sent it to Jiang Lin to invite him over.

As long as it can be confirmed, even if the coffin fungus is sacrificed, he thinks it is worthwhile.

And the dragon yellow stone in the counter was found by chance and coincidence in his early years. Besides this one, there is another one in his house.

Although Yang Feiyun doesn't know how to arrange the flying dragon seven-star array, he has collected a lot of information and knows that the dragon and yellow stone is used to arrange the seven-star array, and other arrays are hardly used.

Even Jiang Lin didn't expect that Yu Dahai invited him this time, and Yang Feiyun was planning behind it.

Yang Feiyun, who had a ghost in his heart, hid so deeply that neither Jiang Lin nor Mao Xiaofang had any doubts about him.

"This is a flying dragon..."

"This is Fenglong Jade. It has the function of building houses and shops. The crops are prosperous and business is booming, but it is worth some money."

Before Mao Xiaofang could finish speaking, Jiang Lin interrupted him and continued following the homonym.

If Mao Xiaofang said that this was the core material of the Flying Dragon Seven-Star Array, then if it was spread out, it would not be long before Mao Xiaofang would have to be hunted down by many murderers and raiders.

"It is indeed Fenglong Jade, and the price is about [*] Hong Kong dollars."

Mao Xiaofang's response was not slow, and he immediately changed his tune. He was lucky to have Jiang Lin by his side, otherwise, he might be in trouble in the future.

Fenglong jade?This is obviously Long Huangshi, used to arrange the flying dragon seven-star array.

It seems that you all know the flying dragon seven-star formation!

Although he thought so in his heart, Yang Feiyun did not show it.

Jiang Lin turned around again, except for the Dragon Yellow Stone, there was nothing else that could attract his attention.

"Mr. Jiang, Master Mao, I usually like to collect some weird things. I often have good luck. Now that I have two palms and eyes, I will definitely not miss the treasure."

At this time, Yu Dahai came over, and he valued Yang Feiyun even more in his heart. If Yang Feiyun hadn't thought of this way of doing what he liked, maybe as Jiang Lin, he wouldn't have come at all. He stayed at home for a long time.

If he just invited him to dinner, he would be done after eating, how could he create such a long time for his daughter to stay with Jiang Lin.

Yu Dahai is still very confident in his daughter's appearance and temperament. Maybe this Mr. Jiang will be interested after a few more glances.

In addition to wanting to use his daughter Diaojiang Lin to divide his assets, he also wanted Mao Xiaofang to do things for him and give him a fortune from five ghosts.

If things really go well, within a month, he will be able to completely climb over Li Xihe's head, and even trample many rich people under his feet.

Yu Dahai and Yang Feiyun invited Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang this time because they had a ghost in their hearts.

The first thousand three hundred and twenty-ninth chapters are dumb to eat coptis, and there is no way to tell

"Boss Yu, some of the items here have been priced for your assistant. I have also agreed with him on the items in this jade box, and I will keep them as remuneration. As for the jade box, it should be worth one thousand Hong Kong dollars."

Jiang Lin took the coffin fungus in his hand, and then took a stack of banknotes and put it on the counter.

"Don't you know that you are selling this piece of Fenglong jade, Boss Yu? The price is five thousand."

Afterwards, Jiang Lin walked to the counter where Long Huangshi was, pointed to the spirit stone inside, and asked Yu Dahai.

This dragon yellow stone is an indispensable item for arranging the seven-star array of flying dragons, and it is exactly what he needs.

"Boss, Mr. Jiang said just now that the piece of jade is Fenglong jade, and it has the function of building a house and building a shop. If it is placed in a business, it will definitely make our business prosperous."

Yang Feiyun hurriedly explained to Yu Dahai, and winked at him. He could let go of the coffin bacteria, but the Dragon Yellow Stone must not be thrown away.

Although he had told Yu Dahai before that none of these collections would be sold, he would listen to his ideas, but he thought it would be better to remind them.

"Mr. Jiang, that jade can't be sold."

Yu Dahai shook his head, Yang Feiyun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Yu Dahai said, but Yu Dahai's next words made him almost vomit blood.

"That's the daughter's dowry. It's for my future husband. Only those who marry the little girl will give it to him."

After that, Yu Dahai walked up to Yu Bixin again, smiled at Jiang Lin and said, "Mr. Jiang, look at how slim and beautiful the little girl is."

The script is wrong!

Yu Dahai, am I calling you!

Yang Feiyun scolded wildly in his heart, for the sake of catching his son-in-law, all the damned words he said were left behind.

God, what is your daughter's dowry, that's my dragon yellow stone!

"Dad! What did you say? Where is my dowry!"

Yu Bixin heard what her father meant, and she trembled with anger. She didn't even know if she had a wife or children, so she was going to be sent outside.

So I made up my mind and gave her to this Mr. Jiang in front of me for nothing!

"That's it."

Jiang Lin shrugged and immediately dismissed the idea of ​​buying Dragon Yellow Stone.

Yu Dahai has already said so, and he still can't hear the meaning of this guy.

I'm afraid Yu Dahai invited him, and the more important purpose is to promote his daughter.

Previously, it was said that the daughter was eighteen years old, and it was also the yellow flower girl, and now it is more that what he wants is Yu Bixin's dowry.

You can get it.

Although Yu Bixin was very beautiful, Jiang Lin had no intention of taking her home.

If he didn't know that Yu Bixin had such a father before, if he and Yu Bixin got along for a while, there would still be further possibilities.

But now, he already knew that Yu Bixin had a father like Yu Dahai, so it was impossible.

He didn't want to be related to someone like Yu Dahai, and it wasn't that he couldn't find a woman to warm the bed.

As for not being able to get Long Huangshi, Jiang Lin didn't care too much.

Except he can set up the flying dragon seven-star array, others can't set it up, even if Mao Xiaofang knows how to set up the array, he will not have the financial resources.

Therefore, this Dragon Yellow Stone should have been kept here in Yu Hai.

In the future, if he really has to use it, he can also talk to Yu Hai about the conditions.

Now that he has shown his intention to want Long Huangshi, if he continues to entangle, with Yu Dahai's character, he will definitely raise the price.

so far so good.

Seeing that Jiang Lin gave up buying Dragon Yellow Stone, Yang Feiyun's hanging heart finally sank.

Yu Dahai was a little disappointed. Jiang Lin actually had no interest in his daughter. He rolled his eyes and said:

"Mr. Jiang, I heard that you have something to do with Shennong Company. If you really want that piece of jade, you can also exchange some medicinal materials. I heard that both Sir Li and Boss Wang have traded some useful natural materials from Shennong Company. precious."

The promotion of his daughter did not have much effect, so Yu Dahai came up with the idea of ​​Yiguo medicinal materials. In the past two days, not only Yang Feiyun, but also his business partners had inquired about Jiang Lin's information, and learned that Shennong Company has a baby that can prolong his life.

Since Jiang Lin was interested in that piece of jade, he wanted to exchange it for some treasures.

As for the words that Yang Feiyun explained to him before, he left them behind. Isn't it just a piece of jade, even if it is not his for the time being, after the transaction goes out, he can give Yang Feiyun a year-end bonus as compensation.

"Boss Yu, this Fenglong jade, five thousand Hong Kong dollars is too much for you. You still want to exchange him for my treasures. You really can speak loudly."

Jiang Lin felt that Yu Dahai was really whimsical, so Long Huangshi would only be sold to people like him and Mao Xiaofang who knew how to arrange the flying dragon seven-star array. Other Taoists would not spend a lot of money to buy them. what use.

It can be said that for Yu Dahai, the five thousand Hong Kong dollars he paid was purely for nothing.

But this Yu Dahai actually wanted to exchange a piece of spiritual stone that has no effect on him in exchange for the treasure of heaven and earth, and he wanted to eat it.

Jiang Lin didn't even think about it at all, and directly passed the conditions mentioned by Yu Hai.

Even if he really needs Long Huangshi in the future, he will not exchange the exotic fruit with Yu Dahai.

Other rich and wealthy businessmen want to do business with him to buy exotic fruits and the like, not to say that it is a charity home, but at least the character of the past.

No matter how wealthy a nouveau riche like Yu Dahai is, Jiang Lin will not provide such a person with a fruitful life extension.

In order to climb high branches, someone who can even give away his own daughter will be a good person?

Selling things for girls.

"Well, five thousand is five thousand."

Seeing that Jiang Lin's face was not very good-looking, Yu Dahai hurriedly agreed.

He finally invited Jiang Lin and wanted to flatter him. Now Jiang Lin has already spoken. If he refuses, it will be difficult to flatter him in the future.

Yu Dahai, someone from Thunder Throwing Lou!

Yang Feiyun's face turned green, Yu Dahai, a idiot, actually sold his Dragon Yellow Stone!

However, he can't persuade him any more. If he shows too much concern for Long Huangshi, it will inevitably cause Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang's suspicion.

In that case, most of his plans will be directly aborted.

Therefore, even if there is blood in his heart, he can only watch it.

Yang Feiyun is really dumb eating Huanglian now, and he can't tell the pain.

Even if his teeth were knocked out, he could only swallow the blood in his stomach.

Hem home shovel!

Yang Feiyun greeted all the eight generations of Yu Dahai's ancestors in his heart. If it wasn't for his bad fate, he would have to rely on Yu Dahai to have a turnaround. He really wanted to make Yu Dahai a fool after the end.

The first thousand three hundred and thirty chapters are unknown

"Boss Yu, don't you still have business to discuss with Master Mao?"

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