Yang Feiyun hurriedly opened his mouth. Now that he has lost a mass of coffin fungus and a piece of dragon yellow stone, he has already lost all his blood, so this time, he must not invite Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang for nothing.

Jiang Lin's status is noble, and it is not something he can have a relationship with for a while, so he is ready to start with Mao Xiaofang.

"Oh, yes. Bi Xin, you and Mr. Jiang are about the same age. There should be a lot of topics to talk about. Dad went to the study first."

Yu Dahai thought that Yang Feiyun let him leave because he was leaving Jianglin and Yu Bixin alone, so he nodded and asked Mao Xiaofang to go upstairs.

Yang Feiyun finally felt better in his heart. The clever trick he gave to Yu Dahai was to ask Mao Xiaofang to change the feng shui of the Yu family's house. With business contacts, he could take this opportunity to contact Mao Xiaofang and eliminate previous misunderstandings.

As a result, Yu Dahai went upstairs and didn't do what he said at all. The guy took out a stack of banknotes and asked Mao Xiaofang to come to the Yu family to do things. He also asked Mao Xiaofang to use the five ghosts to help the Yu family make money.

What is even more outrageous is that Yu Dahai gave Mao Xiaofang a task to surpass Li Xihe and become the richest man in Hong Kong within a month.

Mao Xiaofang's previous anger was ignited again, and without giving Yu Dahai a good face, he slammed the door and went downstairs.

Seeing Mao Xiaofang going downstairs with a dark face, Jiang Lin greeted him and walked out of the hall with him.

He was also a little angry in his heart, and he was not going to stay at Yu Hai's house any more, so he just avoided eating at Yu's house.

When Mao Xiaofang and Yu Dahai were upstairs just now, Yu Bixin's two wives pulled Yu Bixin aside, and regardless of whether their daughter wanted to or not, they let her go directly with Jiang Lin after dinner, without having to come back at night .

Just let her stay overnight with Jiang Lin, don't take any protective measures, it's better if she's pregnant.

Jiang Lin has a good hearing. After hearing the words of the two mothers-in-law, he immediately shook his face.

You shameless, forcing your daughter, who am I, Jiang Lin?

After Yang Feiyun went downstairs, when he found out about this, his lungs exploded with anger. He took great pains to let Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang go to Yu's house, intending to bring him closer to them.

But this time, it's all gone.

The coffin fungus was paid, Long Huangshi was bought, Jiang Lin got angry, and even Mao Xiaofang, who was the easiest to improve the relationship, slammed the door and left.

At this point, if he is angry again, it is meaningless, and he can only chase after him cheekily.

"It really pissed me off."

On the way, Mao Xiaofang told Jiang Lin what happened on the second floor of Yu's house, and he gasped for breath.

"That Yu Dahai, there is something wrong with his brain."

Jiang Lin was very sympathetic to Mao Xiaofang, the head of the dignified Maoshan Tiandao Sect, but was bought by a nouveau riche with money, asking him to use the five ghosts fortune-telling technique to help people make money.

If Mao Xiaofang could use the Five Ghosts fortune-telling technique, would he still need to eat only white rice every day and live in a small hotel with his apprentice?

"Fellow Daoist, Ah Xiu has come to the city. At Shu Ning's parents' house, do you and Ah Fan want to go there?"

At a three-way intersection, Jiang Lin asked Mao Xiaofang if he wanted to see Axiu, his Xiu wife, who missed Mao Xiaofang a lot.

"No, it's important to track down Xuan Kui."

Mao Xiaofang shook his head. If he and Ma Fan went to Shu's house and met Axiu, Ma Fan's big mouth would definitely not be able to keep his mouth shut.

He was embarrassed enough today, how embarrassing it would be if he was laughed at by the most proud disciple again.

The image of Guangweizheng in his apprentice's heart has collapsed.

"Then, when you have free time, fellow Daoist, go again. Anyway, you are all in Xugang, and it will be a matter of time to meet."

Since Mao Xiaofang didn't want to go there, Jiang Lin didn't force it, so he went back directly.

It didn't take long for Yang Feiyun to catch up with Mao Xiaofang's master and apprentice, who were resting at the intersection and eating dry food, but no matter what he said, Mao Xiaofang didn't look at him directly.

In the end, Yang Feiyun gave Mao Xiaofang a piece of advice, saying that he was surging in his dantian, and told him to be careful with water these days.

Mao Xiaofang didn't take it seriously, but the strange thing was that in the next few days, he really rushed with Shui. Either he scalded his mouth while drinking tea, or he fell into the reservoir while tracking Xuan Kui.

Two days later, the three met again at a roadside noodle stall. Because there were no seats, Mao Xiaofang and Yang Feiyun could only sit at a table.

Because he had received Yang Feiyun's advice before, although Mao Xiaofang didn't like Yang Feiyun very much, he still chatted with him a few times.

A fortune teller who happened to be passing by stopped by the noodle stall and said that Yang Feiyun and Mao Xiaofang were very energetic and would have a bright future. They also said that they would have good luck.

"I didn't expect Xiongtai to be proficient in numerology, yet still believe in the deceitful remarks of the warlocks."

Seeing Yang Feiyun pretending to be happy, Mao Xiaofang gave a reward to the fortune-teller, and his impression of him was lowered.

"I don't believe in him, it's just that everyone is studying this knowledge, and I'm just discussing with him. In fact, I have a bloody disaster today. But as long as I don't leave this noodle stall before sunset, I can Avoid this catastrophe."

"It's nonsense. If you want to avoid disasters, you can only accumulate good fortune. You have no merit and no virtue, and you only want to avoid disasters by relying on the sidelines? Ah Fan, let's go."

Mao Xiaofang snorted, and before he even finished his meal, he walked away with A Fan.

The master and apprentice were not far away when they were robbed of money by a group of rogues. Mao Xiaofang subdued the rogues, but the accomplices of these people who were hiding in the crowd rushed up and hacked with knives.

Before Mao Xiaofang could react, Yang Feiyun arrived and stabbed him.

"Brother, thank you."

Even if Mao Xiaofang didn't like Yang Feiyun very much, he had to thank him. After all, Yang Feiyun helped him block the machete.

Yang Feiyun shook his head and sighed: "It's doomed. Master Mao, you are right, I have no merit or virtue, and it is impossible to avoid robbery."

"Let's take you back first."

Seeing that Yang Feiyun's entire arm was bleeding, Mao Xiaofang first helped him stop the bleeding, and then let Ah Fan support him and go to his house.

When he arrived at Yang Feiyun's residence, Mao Xiaofang realized that Yang Feiyun's family was a scumbag, and he couldn't help but ask the reason: "Brother, I don't understand one thing, you are Boss Yu's right and left hand, you should be very wealthy, why..."

Yang Feiyun interfaced: "Why do you give up such a simple, right? Boss Yu is very kind to me, but I think it is better to gather money than to spread it. I have used the money I got to help the poor, I hope to accumulate more. Yin virtue, so letting go is like this. In fact, not only did I do this myself, although I did things for Boss Yu, I also often persuaded him to do good deeds and accumulate more virtues. Although he was full of copper stench, he was also a bit of a jerk in Hong Kong. Philanthropic fame."

"Brother Yang, it's really rare for you to have such an idea. You have good intentions and persuade the rich to accumulate virtue. I almost misunderstood you."

When Mao Xiaofang heard what Yang Feiyun said, his prejudice against Yang Feiyun changed immediately.

"Let's forget about the past, as the saying goes, you don't know each other if you don't fight."

Yang Feiyun was overjoyed, even if his arm was slashed by a knife, as long as he could have a good relationship with Mao Xiaofang, he would not feel a loss.

"It seems that I haven't done enough. I don't have much merit and virtue, otherwise I won't see blood."

"Brother Yang, it's me who implicated you. I said before that you have no merit or virtue. I'm really ashamed."

Mao Xiaofang was ashamed, Yang Feiyun knew how to avoid disasters, but in order to save him, he still suffered.

"Master Mao, don't say that, it's just that we didn't know each other before. Besides, even if you are injured, I think it's worth changing to be a friend of Master Mao."

"He, that's it, he thinks that for his friends, anything will do."

Mrs. Yang, who has been dressing Yang Feiyun, said something to Mao Xiaofang at this opportunity, which made Mao Xiaofang more sure that she had been seeing the wrong person and misunderstood Yang Feiyun.

It is also because of Mao Xiaofang's character that he has the disadvantage of being unknown. This time he became friends with Yang Feiyun, and he buried the trouble.

As long as he thinks more about it, he won't come to a conclusion so early.

If Yang Feiyun is an upright person and has the ability to tell fortune-telling face to face, why should he do things for Yu Dahai, who can give away his daughter for nothing in order to curry favor with others.

Do things under the hands of others and persuade them to do good and accumulate virtue, right?

Chapter [-] Mao Xiaofang Kaidaotang

On this day, Ah Xiu came to the yard and saw Jiang Lin was designing the barrier structure, so she said to him, "Husband, Master, they should be here soon, so don't get busy for now."

Yesterday, Zhang Xiaochuan took Shu Ning to visit the newspaper office where he used to work. On the way, he happened to meet Mao Xiaofang’s master and apprentice. The two asked them to bring a message saying that they would come to visit today.

Jiang Lin took a sip on Axiu's face and said, "Just get excited, you see your master is here, why don't you ask about your stomach? Chili and Aning have both accompanied their elders up the mountain, but your master will not give birth to birth. Weird."

"No matter how much he urges me, I can't do anything about it. You can't do anything if you just plough the land without growing seedlings. Ah! Husband, Xiu'er knows you're wrong."

Axiu clutched her little patpat and escaped from Jiang Lin's arms.

"Master, the guests have arrived."

At this time, the servants came to report that Mao Xiaofang and the others had arrived at Shu's house.


"Third Senior Sister!"

Mao Xiaofang and Ma Fan were very happy to see Axiu, especially Ma Fan, who couldn't stop complimenting that his senior sister was still young and beautiful.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, Ah Fan, you are so tall."

Axiu looked at Ma Fan, who had grown up, and felt very emotional in her heart. She has been a woman in Jianglin for almost [-] years. Now that she is standing with Ma Fan, she doesn't seem to be older than her younger brother.

"Fellow Daoist, I can finally have a meal with you and have a good chat. In addition to seeing Axiu this time, I want to tell you something. I plan to open a Taoist hall in Xugang, don't you? Will you object?"

"Oh? Master Mao, you want to open a Taoist hall. This is a good thing. How could I be right? When I went to Gantian Town to open Li Yangju, did you object?"

Jiang Lin shook his head again and again. Xugang is Xugang, not his home. Whoever wants to open a Taoist church here is the freedom of others, and he doesn't need others to go to him to worship the wharf.

Moreover, when he went to Gantian Town, it was still a small town. As Fuxi Hall was the only Taoist temple in Gantian Town, Mao Xiaofang did not conflict with him because he opened a Taoist Hall.

Now that Mao Xiaofang wanted to gain a foothold in Xugang, Jiang Lin certainly wouldn't have any opinion.

"Fellow Daoist, if you need any help from me, feel free to speak up. By the way, if you want to open a Taoist hall, have you already eliminated Xuankui?"

"Don't mention it!"

As soon as Jiang Lin talked about Xuan Kui, Mao Xiaofang's face was pulled down, and Ma Fan, who was beside him, shivered.

After Mao Xiaofang explained it, Jiang Lin realized that the night before yesterday was the most yin day of the year. Xuan Kui was injured and would absorb the moonlight on the high ground. Mao Xiaofang went to ambush in the highest mountain forest in Xugang, preparing to ambush Xuan Kui.

But Xuan Kui appeared, and he was ambushed, but he was wronged by Zhong Jun and his disciples.

And the reason for the bad things lies in Ma Fan.

This stinky boy was dazed by A Jinmi, a female apprentice of Zhong Jun, and after a few words, he pried his mouth open, knowing that they were going to deal with Xuan Kui.

Zhong Jun pretended to be a zombie and a few apprentices, and set up Mao Xiaofang and them in advance. In the end, Mao Xiaofang missed the opportunity to make up for Xuankui and was escaped by him.

In addition, Mao Xiaofang also said that the whole conflict between himself and Zhong Jun was also related to Ma Fan.

"I see this little Ah Fan, it's the Five Elements."

Jiang Lin looked at Ma Fan with a bitter face, and sighed in his heart. When Qiusheng and Wencai were at their worst, Ma Fan was not outrageous.

It turned out that as early as the day after the heroic soul appeared in the abandoned house, Ma Fan secretly went to the Seven Sisters Hall and said in front of Zhong Jun and the others that he fell in love with Ah Jin at first sight. She was damaged, but she didn't dare to take anger at Jiang Lin, so she put all the blame on Mao Xiaofang's head. Therefore, she made conditions for Ma Fan to pursue her apprentice, so she brought Mao Xiaofang to apologize to the Seven Sisters Church. .

A few days later, when Mao Xiaofang left Yang Feiyun's house, he always said that he saw the wrong person and misunderstood Yang Feiyun, so Ma Fan took the opportunity to say that Zhong Jun from the Seven Sisters Hall and the others might have had some troubles because they were pretending to be ghosts. After passing the Seven Sisters Hall, he didn't bring any gifts, so he asked Mao Xiaofang to buy a bag of oranges to have a look.

As a result, when the two arrived at the Seven Sisters Hall, Zhong Jun and his disciples were pretending to be ghosts again. Mao Xiaofang couldn't stand it any longer, and directly pierced Zhong Jun and the others' diorama in public.

Later, the capture of Xuan Kui leaked out, and when Ah Jin found Ma Fan to vent his anger, the kid said it.

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