That's what happened the night before.

It is precisely because of this that Mao Xiaofang felt that Xuankui would definitely hide deeply this time, and he might not be able to find it in a short time, so he had to slow down, and then he had to consider how to continue to stay in Xugang.

This is also the main reason why he wants to open a church in Xugang.

"You kid, it's not a loss to say that you eat inside and out! Your master is the orthodox Xuanmen, the head of the dignified Heavenly Dao sect, it's better for you to let him go and apologize to a god who pretends to be a ghost. What? Haven't seen a woman? Save me What do you think of raising your master?"

Jiang Lin took on the attitude of an elder and reprimanded Ma Fan. If he was only friends with Mao Xiaofang, he would naturally not go overboard, but Axiu was his wife and Mao Xiaofang's apprentice, so he could be in front of Mao Xiaofang. face, scolding Ma Fan.

What this kid did was even more extreme than Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai at the beginning. No matter what Qiu Sheng Wen Cai said, he would only cause trouble for Jiu Shu, but Ma Fan asked Mao Xiaofang to apologize to Zhong Jun.

This is equivalent to the son of the police, asking the father to apologize to the criminal.

That's outrageous.

If this matter spreads out, Mao Xiaofang's reputation in the circle will directly stink to his hometown.

Mao Xiaofang let out a sigh, and hated that iron could not become steel: "Isn't the five elements owe a fight!"

"If I hadn't seen you for more than eight years, I would have smoked you too!"

Axiu also glared at Ma Fan, her little junior brother was so obsessed with sex that he almost embarrassed Master and didn't say anything, and even ruined Master's major affairs.

Originally, Xuan Kui could have been eliminated last night, but because he was disturbed, he fell short, and the person who disturbed was attracted by her little junior brother.

Chapter [-] is not a family, do not enter a family

Ma Fan didn't dare to say a word at all, he was really afraid of Jiang Lin, not only him, but also Ah Hai and Ah Chu, who had already graduated, were also afraid of Jiang Lin.

"Okay, it's not intentional for you to read it, that's all it is, learn the Dao with your heart in the future, and don't let down the cultivation of master. Husband, master, let's have dinner together, I specially made a few dishes that you love the most. ."

Seeing that Ma Fan was so frightened that Axiu didn't dare to breathe, Axiu didn't let Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang scold him again.

At the banquet, Jiang Lin, Axiu and Mao Xiaofang hadn't seen each other for many years. Now they got together and talked very happily. After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Mao Xiaofang talked about Yang Feiyun.

"Fellow Daoist, I didn't expect Brother Yang to be an upright gentleman. I was wrong to blame a good person before. When I think about it, Brother Yang's estimation is subject to a lot of prejudice. He worked for Yu Dahai, and all the wages he got were distributed to help poor people. He also often persuades Boss Yu that it is better to gather money than to spread it, and let him do more good deeds. If he doesn't know Brother Yang, like I did before, he is mostly looking at him with tinted glasses."

Speaking of Yang Feiyun, Mao Xiaofang couldn't help but say a few more words. On that day, Yang Feiyun knew that he had a bloody disaster and knew how to avoid it, but in order to save him, he was still stained with blood.

Therefore, when Mao Xiaofang thought about his previous attitude towards Yang Feiyun, he always felt a little guilty.

"I wanted to open a Taoist temple in Xugang, and it was he who persuaded me. I just found out that you have been living in seclusion since you came to Xugang. Otherwise, I wouldn't have misunderstood Zhong Jun, who was deceiving and deceiving ghosts, as a heavenly master. According to Yang Feiyun, Daotang was a relatively safe place during the Japanese occupation of Xugang. It is also for this reason that now there are many fake Daotangs in Xugang that fool the people like the Seven Sisters Church. I just want to promote the authentic religion here. Daoism, let those magic sticks no longer ruin the reputation of our Daoism."

Mao Xiaoxiang told Jiang Lin that the direct reason for opening the Taoist Church was related to Yang Feiyun, who persuaded him to open the Taoist Hall.

Yang Feiyun will also persuade Yu Dahai to invest in the cost of running a Taoist temple.

Originally, Mao Xiaofang was really reluctant to use Yu Dahai's money, but Yang Feiyun understood it, Mao Xiaofang felt that what he said was reasonable, so he agreed.

Is Yang Feiyun a gentleman?

Are you kidding me?

Although Mao Xiaofang has praised Yang Feiyun a lot now, Jiang Lin still thinks that this physicist is not like a good stubble.

In his memory, Yang Feiyun is not a good person, but the memories of Yang Feiyun are also from the TV plot, and he is not sure how the next thing will develop.

But even if these unreliable memories are removed, Jiang Lin doesn't think Yang Feiyun is kind.

People gather in groups of similar things, they are not a family, and they do not enter a family.

A guy like Yu Dahai, in order to curry favor with him, can let his daughter sleep with him directly, even his own daughter can treat him like this, what kind of person would that be?

Tiger poison still does not eat children.

If Yu Bixin really slept with him, and he patted his butt and left, then Yu Bixin would be a lifelong shoe.

From this to that, he concluded that Yang Feiyun was not a good thing.

And according to Mao Xiaofang, Yang Feiyun is really capable. If such a person goes to help Li Xihe and Emperor Wang, he will be treated equally well, so why should he be a lackey for the upstart.

That's probably because of the odor.

In addition, Yang Feiyun and Mao Xiaofang didn't know each other for a long time, and they were willing to help him solve the funds for opening a Taoist temple. The cost of opening a Taoist temple in Xugang was not small.

This is a bit of a help, and maybe it's an attempt.

"I haven't actually had much contact with Yang Feiyun. I can't say what kind of person he is."

Jiang Lin took a sip of wine and hinted at Mao Xiaofang in his words.

He doesn't think Yang Feiyun is a good stubborn, but it's not easy to say it clearly, now Mao Xiaofang has regarded Yang Feiyun as a friend who has a fateful friendship, so he can only remind him.

"In the future, it is estimated that fellow Daoist will meet him a few more times, and he should know."

Mao Xiaofang didn't take Jiang Lin's suggestion to heart. Yang Feiyun almost lost one of his arms in order to save him. He felt that the other party was someone who could relate to him.

"Fellow Daoist, A Fan and I have already found the address of the Taoist temple. It is estimated that we will be able to negotiate the opening in the next two days. It will be located in the east of the city center. When the time comes, we will send invitations to Taoist friends."

In the end, Mao Xiaofang told Jiang Lin and the others that he would go to the top of Jianglin's mountain to sit when he had time.

"When the time comes, Axiu and I and a few wives will definitely be there, and the Taoist father-in-law in Xugang will also let him go."

It was a happy event for Mao Xiaofang to open the Taoist Hall, and Jiang Lin planned to bring Bai Miner and Caiyi, who were relatively high in cultivation, with them.

"Husband, I heard what you said earlier, it seems that Yang Feiyun is not a good stubble, are you reminding Master?"

After Mao Xiaofang and Ma Fan left, Axiu sat next to Jiang Lin and wanted to ask him why he said that.

"I'm reminding him, but it seems that he doesn't take it seriously. It's not that you don't know about your master. You don't know who you are. This is his death point."

Jiang Lin looked at Axiu and said, "When your father didn't change his ways, I persuaded your master. How should I put it, his character is like that, and he is the master who suffers. Look at this pair of master and apprentice. , As an apprentice, he is blindfolded by a woman, fascinated by sex, and as a master, this is inseparable from good and evil, and you may not listen to advice. It is really not a family, you don't enter a family. Apprentice The apprentice is like this, so is the master and the master.”

Jiang Lin sighed and hoped that Mao Xiaofang would be able to gain wisdom. Before Lei Gang had changed his mind, he had hurt Mao Xiaofang badly.

If Mao Xiaofang healed the scar and forgot the pain, it is estimated that he would have to suffer again.

"What you said is true. Back then, my father almost killed him."

Axiu didn't care that her man said bad things about her father, it was the truth.

She frowned and asked, "Isn't Yang Feiyun really a good person?"

Jiang Lin spread his hands and responded, "Let me tell you this, Yang Feiyun worked for Yu Dahai, who invited me to dinner that day, and Yu Dahai has only met me twice in total. He was at his house that day. My wife doesn't care if her daughter is willing or not, she just let her follow me and ask her to warm the bed for me at night, and I wish I could get pregnant overnight. I don't even know the details of me, only Xu Hai. The richest man in Hong Kong has to be very polite to me. Knowing only this, he wants his daughter to trap me, and make rice into rice, better to lay eggs. Yu Dahai is so virtuous, then you say Yang Feiyun will Is it a good bird?"

"How can there be such a parent! Even a daughter can treat her like this. I've never seen it before! It seems that Yang Feiyun is definitely not a good thing."

Axiu was very angry when she learned of such a thing, and directly labeled Yang Feiyun, who helped Yu Dahai.

At the same time, she was worried about her master and hoped that nothing would happen to him.

What should be implied, Jiang Lin has already said that if she persuades again, it will affect the friendship between her man and her master.

Chapter [-]: Fragrant Island Taoist Temple is Newly Opened

Two days later, Jiang Lin received an invitation from Mao Xiaofang. The Daotang officially opened tomorrow, and its name was Xiangdao Daotang.

"It seems that your master is really planning to let all the gods in Xugang lose their jobs."

Jiang Lin smiled and handed the invitation to Axiu.

Xiangdao is another name for Xugang. Mao Xiaofang took the name of Daotang, which is really planning to clean up the gods of Xugang.

"Although this place is not under the control of Zhongtu, the magic sticks here are all under the banner of Taoism. It is not bad for Master to do so."

Ah Xiu is very supportive of her master. Jiang Lin's character is not the kind of nosy. Now that there is a Maoshan master who has opened a Taoist hall in Xugang, he can also clean up the environment here.

"Axiu, you called home and asked Min'errou and Caiyi Xiaoru to come over, and I'll prepare a new gift for your master's Taoist temple."

Just as Jiang Lin was about to take a step, he added: "Let them bring you and your chili robes, and I'll take you there tomorrow."

After explaining to Axiu, Jiang Lin found a few servants and left the Shu family with them.

Early the next morning, Jiang Lin and his six wives drove to Mao Xiaofang's Xugang Taoist Church.

"Husband, we turn heads so much, I'm really embarrassed."

Not long after getting off the bus, Bai Miner and the others were all frowning. Today is the opening day of the Xiangdao Taoist Church, so Jiang Lin and them all wore Taoist uniforms from their own sect when attending this kind of occasion. He Caiyi and Bai Rourou were not considered Taoist uniforms, they were similar to ancient costumes, they were all fancy clothes.

Coupled with the fact that the girls all had the colors of the country and the city, they and Jiang Lin got off the car and walked for a short distance, attracting a large crowd of onlookers.

"I can't help it. The whole street here is full of dragon and lion dances, and cars can't get in."

Jiang Lin was also very helpless. The car couldn't go deep into the street, so they could only walk this section of the road.

"Father-in-law, come on, come on, jump in and attract the attention here."

When Jiang Lin saw Zhang Dashao in front, he hurried over and whispered to him.

Zhang Dashao: "..."

I said, son-in-law, no wonder you want to live in seclusion. If you bring a few out of your family, you will have to attract attention.

"The sky is clear, the earth is spirited!"

Zhang Dashao put on the Taoist robe he was wearing, rang the bell on the street, howled with a loud voice, and put it there to dance.

Jiang Lin and the others took this opportunity to hurriedly headed straight from the street to Xiangdao Taoist Church.


At the entrance of Xiangdao Taoist Temple, Axiu took the lead and stood behind Mao Xiaofang, and Ma Fan automatically retreated a position.

The rest of the sea will really join in the fun.

Jiang Lin saw Yu Dahai standing at the main entrance of the Taoist Hall and shook his head slightly. With the virtue of this guy, since he invested, he would definitely publicize it.

Mao Xiaofang's face wasn't too good-looking, but he was sponsored by Yu Dahai, so even if he wasn't happy, he couldn't say anything.

"Mr. Jiang, come and come, please."

Before Mao Xiaofang could speak, Yu Dahai took a step forward and asked Jiang Lin to enter the door of the Taoist Hall.

This Taoist temple was funded by him to help open it. Of course, when the Taoist temple opened, he wanted to show off, and even brought his two wives and daughters with him.

I rely on, cow 13, really cow 13, not only has money, treasures and status, but even the women around her are so beautiful.

Yu Dahai envied Jiang Lin in his heart, but he didn't dare to look around easily, for fear of causing Jiang Lin's fire.

Jiang Lin ignored Yu Dahai, but smiled at Mao Xiaofang and said, "Master Mao, a small gift, please accept it with a smile."

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