I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2851

law-like power.

The black-clothed woman in front of Tsing Yi was obviously also from the Ji Chan clan.

It can also be seen from the name of Tsing Yi.

"I didn't expect that you would entrust the life of Dili's true spirit to such a weak real world. The immortal civilization fire that you took away is also used here."

The black-clothed woman frowned when she saw the aura in front of Mino, Tsing-yi, who was a little wrong.

She stretched out a hand and landed directly on Tsing Yi's eyebrows. The golden ripples spread, covering Tsing Yi's entire body.

Then please remember the round face more, like a flicker of floating rice, flashing in front of her.

"I originally thought that you just found a place to cultivate your body and restore your foundation, but I never thought that you have done so many things since these eras."

"If your mother finds out about this, you don't know what kind of punishment you will receive, and it's impossible for me to plead for you.

The face of the black-clothed woman was getting worse and worse, and she looked a little heavy and cloudy at the back.

Tsing Yi shook his head and did not speak.

She knew the strength of this third sister.

It was absolutely not something that I could contend against, so I did not resist.

What's more, her current state is not very good, just enough to maintain her coma.

It is impossible to easily probe into her memory with the existence of such a Taoist realm.

It's just that the black woman in front of her is a member of her clan.

The roots of the two are like a vein, and she can directly probe through the sky-defying means.

However, the torrent of memory fragments that came from a long time was not easy for the black-clothed woman to digest in a short period of time.

She just picks things that she sees as worthy of attention.

"Although I know that your character is always willful and reckless, but I didn't expect that you would make this kind of nonsense.

The black-clothed woman's face was full of displeasure, and she wanted to continue scolding Tsing Yi.

But she still swallowed her words when she looked like a model now.

Although she called Tsing Yi Xiao Jiu, but after many years and seeing each other again, there was not much joy of reunion.

Instead, he was angry because of the many things Tsing Yi had done.

However, Tsing Yi's attitude towards the black-clothed woman is also the same.

If the third sister came to see the judge, she wanted to tell me these words, then I'd be tired of hearing these words. "Tsing Yi said calmly.

The woman in black saw her indifferent attitude.

The state of mind that was originally unmoved by things could not help but give birth to some anger.

"You were rebellious and didn't care about the life and death of the clan, and then you stole the fire of the immortal civilization and disappeared into the vastness since then.

"Do you think the clan hasn't sent anyone to look for you over the years? Rumo didn't me and your sisters take action to cover up for you and help you in the dark bug. Do you think you can hide here safely?" The tone of iron is not steel, and the appearance when he was outside the hall is too different.

Qing Shi was also at a loss for words, so she could naturally guess that it must be the third sister and the others who were secretly helping her.

Otherwise, with her strength, she would have been arrested long ago and sacrificed as a sacrifice.

Third Sister, I'm sorry..."

Thinking of this, Tsing Yi couldn't help but sigh, and the light softened.

When she ran away from the tribe, she was really selfish and rebellious at a very young age, and she didn't think too much about the consequences at all.

It is to think that I have so many sisters why my mother and them are so cruel. Choose the youngest as her sacrifice. to put an end to the catastrophe.

Therefore, she chose to escape from the group, and took away that precious immortal civilization fire in a fit of anger.

If Tsing Yi thought about it carefully, how could she have escaped the clan safely without the help of a few older sisters with her strength.

And hiding here, there are so many epochs in hiding.

Not to mention what kind of disaster she has brought to the clan.

Even the act of taking away the fire of immortal civilization is a sin and will be severely punished.

But for so many years, Danzi has lived a peaceful life, and no one has come to trouble her.

Tsing Yi will choose to do her best to protect the people who live in the real world of mountains and seas. It is also because of the embarrassment and pain of the clan, and regrets for relieving the selfishness of the past.

She wasn't a virtuous, selfless and loving person.

"It seems that after all these years, you have grown a lot after all."

The black-clothed woman was a little stunned when she heard the three words from Tsing Yi's mouth, and then softly. The sigh was also much softer.

As a group of sisters, the youngest, Tsing Yi, is the most loved by them despite being selfish.

As Tsing Yi had guessed, the years she hid here were actually sheltering her from the wind and rain behind her.

"In the beginning, after I escaped, what happened to the ethnic group?"

In fact, Tsing Yi's mood at the moment was not as quiet as she appeared to ask her the most concerned and most concerned question.

Back then, the mother tree of Ji Chan's family was smashed by a giant hand from Daotian from the land of benefit, which cut off all luck and vitality.

It is said that because of the existence of the mother tree of the era, it has absorbed a lot of luck and origin of the vast insect, so it has angered one of the three most supreme and most mysterious beings in the real land.

The mother tree of the era was photographed and cut off the Jichan family

The Xeon civilization where it was at that time,

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