I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2852

It is almost collapsed and Xia is destroyed, heading for exhaustion.

You must know that the civilization where the Ji Chan family is located is very close to the real place.

Every time before the reckoning, it is the outpost, charging ahead, and serving it.

But just because he angered that existence, he encountered the most terrifying astronomy in the history of the world and was almost destroyed and overturned.

Although the Ji Chan clan is extraordinary sitting on the mother tree of the era, their status is aloof.

But how can the number of clansmen be scarce compared to a Xeon civilization.

Even if the mother tree of the era was snapped, the anger of the one could not be relieved, resulting in constant natural disasters and catastrophe.

As the chief culprit, the Ji Chan clan suffered a disaster that almost wiped out the clan.

The high priest, who was so strong for the account, paid a heavy price through many means to barely communicate with the real place.

Knowing that the right person needs to be sacrificed and sent there to quell the anger and stop this terrible catastrophe.

1012 She escaped, but she stayed there forever, opening a new map

The disaster caused by the Ji Chan clan should also be borne by the Ji Chan clan.

However, Tsing Yi was still young and did not know what this catastrophe meant for the entire Ji Chan family.

She knew that Xiji was chosen as her mother and the high priest and others as sacrifices, and became a so-called saint.

On, she will be sacrificed to the side, and her life and death will be unknown since then.

Although the always merciful high priest has always told her that it is her supreme honor to be a saint, to be a tribute to the supreme existence and to be sacrificed to serve her in the past.

Countless people are vying to break their heads and want to become a saint, but they are not qualified.

So let her feel at ease, the county needs to wait quietly for the day of sacrifice.

But Tsing Yi knew that this was just an excuse to say this on purpose in order to worry about her escaping.

On the other side of the real land, no one has known since ancient times who was an official.

Any existence or civilization that dares to approach the real place will be buried in the ruins and annihilated in the long river of history.

Although the Ji Chan family has a long lifespan, they have skills and talents that are beyond the reach of other living beings.

But frying on the ground of reality: the fly ash that is still easily annihilated is not worth mentioning.

Young Tsing Yi did not know much about many things.

In the Ji Chan clan, she was deeply loved by several sisters, and she was carefree since childhood.

How could she possibly accept that she was suddenly told that Xiji would be sacrificed to the real place as a sacrifice?

Moreover, this was decided by her mother and several sisters who had always loved her and decided to tell her together.

Young Tsing Yi was naturally unwilling to do this.

She was filled with fear of the land of the straight.

According to ancient traditions, the real place means the source of shame and darkness, and the end of all material things in the world.

When she was just conceived and born, she had suffered a terrible catastrophe, which caused her congenital damage to be far less than that of other sisters.

They are far inferior to them in terms of their cultivation strength and their understanding and control of the Epoch Tree.

Therefore, Tsing Yi at that time felt that compared to several older sisters, her younger sister was the most useless.

Willful, arrogant and reckless, it is naturally the best choice as a sacrifice.

How could several elder sisters become amazing characters in the future, how could they be sacrificed and touched.

The young Tsing Yi was extremely unreasonable for this, and even had a rift with several older sisters and resented them.

So in the end, she decided to escape from the Ji Chan family and did not accept her fate as a sacrifice

Tsing Yi appeared to accept fate on the surface, but he was secretly trying to figure out how to escape.

Finally, on the day before the festival began, Tsing Yi finally found the right opportunity.

She escaped and took away the extremely precious fire seeds of the immortal civilization of the Ji Chan family.

That immortal civilization fire was later used by her in the real world of mountains and seas.

As the firewood that started the cultivation system of the immortal way, it set the benchmark for the prosperity of all living beings.

For many years later, she has been hiding in the vastness and never returned to the Ji Chan clan.

If it weren't for the fact that the black-clothed woman found Tsing-cloth now, maybe she would only recall these things later.

These various pasts made her feel both bitter and ashamed, and she didn't want to face it.

The ridiculous and wrong things done when I was young will only add to the endless guilt when I recall them now.

The woman in black did not know Tsing Yi's mood swings at the moment.

I heard that she asked about what happened behind the Ji Chan clan.

Rudi's face couldn't help but have a look that seemed to be messed up and seemed to be bitter.

After you left the Jichan family, the ancient Tibetan civilization was furious and dispatched many strong men to search for your traces to capture you and escape the day before yesterday. This is a great disrespect to the real place.

This is the high priest of the ancient Tibetan civilization that no one could afford to love. He was extremely angry and sent troops to surround the Jichan clan, asking us to give an explanation to the ancient Tibetan civilization." The woman in black shook.

The ancient Tibetan civilization was the Xeon civilization where the Jichan clan was originally.

A certain contract is reached between the two, and they are in a state of mutual dependence and coexistence.

The ancient Tibetan civilization provided Ji Chan and the clan with protection and rich resource territory, while the Ji Yuan clan nurtured the epoch tree and derived all spirits for the ancient civilization.

This contract has been going on for a long time in Suixian County, and if it is not intended, it will continue to be maintained.

go until one party perishes.

But because the mother of the era

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