I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 120: See the big picture!

The “Fryer Door” of Little Apple continued to ferment, covering stars and politicians. The world is full of news about Little Apple. I have to say that Little Apple has caught fire.

In China, you will be dazzled by various reports of praise and criticism.

Reporting by reporters is one aspect. The real contribution is the CTM platform alliance.

The main members of the alliance include Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, Lenovo, VIVO, etc., covering almost all domestic mobile phone manufacturers.

The wall fell, and naturally people would push it.

And the league's total handle is Lin Feng.

Of course, this title is incorrect. The tribal boss is the chief, the alliance has no boss, and the alliance does not have the supreme ruler. All representatives are equal.

However, Lin Feng's technology has given him a transcendent status.

Some small mobile phone manufacturers are in awe of Lin Feng and dare not offend. Even the big brother Huawei is very kind to Lin Feng.

Ren Zhengfei will never forget. When Little Apple held a press conference, Lin Feng said to him, "Ready to receive the market for Little Apple!"

This sentence is like a prophecy!

The market for Apple's apples is shrinking, and the "Frying Machine Door" has accelerated its shrinking. This is a godsend opportunity, giving them an opportunity to expand the market.

厂商 Every small manufacturer's small actions are in play. Now is not the time to discuss eating. It depends on who has the bigger appetite and who can eat more resources and markets.

While robbing the Little Apple market, the respect that various manufacturers have for Lin Feng is like a torrent of rivers and endless streams. There is no more market for them than this.

"Hey! Mr. Lin's prediction is very accurate!" Ren Zhengfei was very emotional, the bomber door incident has increased Huawei's sales by 5%, a number that has not broken for many years.

"I just want to say that the car is very stable, Mr. Lin!" Lei Jun tasted the benefits and naturally posted them to get more benefits. Xiaomi is also a huge profiter, and the offline channel has developed a lot.

代表 The representative of Lenovo has a serious tone: "General Manager Lin, can you expand the supply of holographic flash memory chips?"

The shortage of holographic flash memory chips has become a scarce product. It is precisely because of the scarcity that the three-star 3D-V-NAND technology flash memory chip has a rising trend. A solid-state hard disk called "Smart Information" is selling hotly, and the price of 2666 , Occupying the third place in the sales volume of tomcat hard drives.

Lenovo representative also asked everyone's voice, holographic flash chip is not enough.

"Holographic flash memory chips are produced by foundries. If anyone can set up a wafer fab, holographic flash memory chips will rotten the street, and I, Lin Feng, also want to rotten the street."

Tong Linfeng shrugged helplessly. The reality is irresistible. There is no wafer factory in China, and he can only find a factory in Wantai.

Everyone heard the words and became silent.

There is nothing we can do about it. No one has the ability to operate a wafer fab.

中 On the phone, be silent.

别 "Don't worry, as long as you can do it in accordance with the rules of the alliance, I will start to solve it." Lin Feng explained in a timely manner.

厂商 The representatives of each manufacturer on the phone are all one.

的 CTM platform alliance's first alliance rules: strong alliance, mutual assistance.

This rule is like a joke!

Businessmen have cooperation, but definitely not cooperation with the industry, peers are always enemies, endless.

However, Lin Feng let them put down the mustard.

The reason is that the extra small apple market, as long as it is a member of the alliance, can divide up the small apple market, and withdraw from the alliance, you can't get anything, and some are just dead.

Before, there were a few small mobile phone manufacturers that ignored Lin Feng's rules and engaged in unfair competition. They were out of the alliance by Lin Feng T. Now those few manufacturers are miserable. They can only use the Android system to survive, and the holographic flash chip has also stopped Up supply.

"That's it! I must first settle outside, I can understand Mr. Lin's hard work." Ren Zhengfei said with a smile.

"Yes Yes……"

Everyone laughed, was it true? Only they knew.

"Okay, you guys are busy! I have something to do."

Lin Feng hung up the phone and took a sip of tea.

CTM platform alliance is a part of his plan. A person's power is too small. He needs a spear and a shield to influence the world. These manufacturers are Lin Feng's tools.

At the same time, these manufacturers are also Lin Feng's mission goals.

Gao Yang, who was standing aside, had an indelible surprise on his face. He did not expect that the big brothers of many domestic manufacturers would hold Lin Feng like this, and they would soon reach heaven.

前后 The difference before and after this, Gao Yang couldn't adapt for a while.

Lin Linfeng looked at Gao Yang with a bun and asked, "What's the matter?"

"General Manager Lin, Samsung sent a representative." Gao Yang returned to God, Huihui reported.

告诉 "Tell the three stars, we refuse to cooperate."

Wu Linfeng sighed helplessly, he opened the computer news page.

"Korean people say that the magnetic frequency conversion technology is theirs, angering the Chinese people! 》

A huge title is on the homepage of Tencent. It reads: "South Korean media revealed that three stars have already registered patents for magnetic frequency conversion technology and have patent certificates. After learning this news, the Korean people have spoken and questioned China. Why not respect the intellectual property rights of South Korea? Wanton encroachment on magnetic frequency conversion technology. In response, more than 10,000 South Korean citizens protested at the government's doorstep and demanded to take back the technology belonging to South Korea. Some Korean stars also participated in it, and jointly rebuked New Territories technology with the public. Company, the Korean court has now accepted the case ... "

Lin Linfeng and Gao Yang looked at each other silently.

Even if the three stars are sincere and send more people to cooperate, Lin Feng will refuse to cooperate. This is not just a question of money, it involves public opinion.

I'm afraid there will be an anti-three star boom in China.

And public opinion has always been a tool of Lin Feng, he cannot stand on the opposite side of public opinion.

"What should I do? Mr. Lin!" Gao Yang was frustrated ~ www.readwn.com ~ The cooperation with Little Apple broke down. If the cooperation with three stars fails, what international cooperation does New Territory Technology have, and no money is earned, First pulled the hatred of two large companies, and made a fortune.

Lin Feng did not hesitate and said, "Take a step back and look at the overall situation!"

After hearing this, Gao Yang regained his steadiness. Lin Feng formulated this criterion and was strictly implemented by the company. All employees were re-evaluated and all disqualified were dismissed. Before the company left a pit, some people were filling it. Now the New Territories is a dormant tiger. Without sending.

"I understand!"


Cook has been working hard for a long time, and the "Fryer Door" has put Apple into an unprecedented crisis.

炸 Blasted three men and one woman in the European market; island country market, one man and one woman; Australian market, two men ...

Life was lost, and it was not only solved by crisis public relations. The most serious was the permanent loss of reputation, which Cook couldn't bear.

Moreover, the board of directors of Apple has also taken action. 铮 Liang's hatchet has been sacrificed. Once Cook can't handle it well, I am afraid he will be ousted from office.


Cook thought of this person.

Senator in California is the only one who can help him.

库 As soon as Cook boarded the Watson flight, the three-star president also boarded a flight to China.

I was hacked by an employee of my company, and Li Zairong was very angry, with serious consequences. The black-faced man in the Secretariat was expelled from him. As for the informer with code 007, he disappeared on Korean soil forever.

This time, he came to China to apologize. During this critical period, three stars are not allowed to have any problems in the Chinese market. Three stars cannot be separated from China.

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