I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 121: "Island knelt and licked?"

I do n’t know how many relationships Cook has gone through, what methods have been used, and whether there is a PY transaction, but when Cook returned from Watson, the US federal government issued an announcement.

大致 The general content of the announcement is: ordering Apple to take responsibility for the "bomber door" incident, and to rectify or improve the problem of the Ai crazy 7xo battery, the federal government will always monitor ...

The California government also responded to this announcement.

At the same time, Cook held a press conference and said that he recalled the world ’s Axion 7xo version, but excluding Huaguo. Cook said that China ’s Axion 7xo battery was produced by Huaguo Dongwan Battery Factory Little Apple has nothing to do, and Little Apple will blame Dongwan Battery Factory ...

The day when Little Apple announced the announcement, for many Chinese, it was doomed to sleeplessness.

Some people are editors of the media. They are rushing to process official news releases to find out some sentences suitable for out of context, and then arouse the patriotism of the Chinese people.

And most other people are expected to become 100,000+ friends in the circle of consumers, they are busy while forwarding, while telling their relatives, in the future do not buy a small Apple mobile phone, all harm Chinese people .

Yan Huaguo did not feel the sincerity of Little Apple.

Why not recall the 7xo version of Love Madness in China?

At this moment, the media in Huaguo were silent, and the domestic media that "reported the good news but not the worst" finally revealed their nature. I believe that whether it is the media or Weibo, I am afraid that it has been "controlled by public opinion."

Pu Huaguo people want to protest, but there is no force, they can only vent this suffocation to the asphalt road.

At the time, the three stars used the same strategy to deal with the explosion door. The Chinese people still had no choice.

For the people, hope can only be placed on Cook, and hope that Cook will show mercy and recall the mobile phone that China can explode at any time.

However, it is useless ...

Nothing but boycotting Apple's phones.

In the end, it is expected to develop into a "bullet door" event that explodes the news, stepping into the ranks of thunder and heavy rain, and the heat continues to decline.

Mr. Li Zairong, the three-star president who just arrived in Jingbei, knew that the news was nothing but contempt for Cook.

Crisis public relations means completely copied three stars, can it be a little bit promising?

However, after contempt, Li Zairong fell into boundless anger. At the time of the explosion of Note7, the United States put pressure on three stars. The company had to modify the software to prevent Note7 from charging and permanently disable Note7.

Today, there is nothing wrong with Little Apple, how unfair Nima is.

"Hum! Before you can jump for a few days."

Li Li snorted coldly and rushed to a scheduled place in a car.


Today, the Han family secret shop is not open, and the door is closed in the early morning.

At this moment, Lin Feng was sitting in the unmanned small shop, drinking tea.

There are 10,000 heads in his heart * galloping by.

He originally did not intend to cooperate with the three stars. After all, public opinion can't pass this, but last night, the system issued a branch mission again.

[Sub-mission quest: Combine vertical and horizontal, stage infernal affairs]

任务 "Mission content: cooperate with three stars and complete wireless charger: 100 million sets;

Mission rewards: randomly distributed;

Mission Punishment: Gay gets up. "

Although there are many, it is not difficult to complete. Isn't it 100 million sets of wireless chargers? For three stars, it is only half a year of mobile phone sales.

As long as Lin Feng lowers the price, let alone 100 million units, one billion units can be sold.

However, the random price reduction not only affects the market, but also violates Lin Feng's original intention. Even a fool knows that the price cannot be lowered randomly.

Let's not say anything else, once the domestic knows that Lin Feng's reserve price is sold to a three-star wireless charger, what do mobile phone manufacturers think? What do the Chinese people think? By that time, Lin Feng will be the target on the training ground, the target of criticism.

Not only can't the price be lowered, I'm afraid it's higher than domestic.

A hundred million sets of wireless chargers are worth at least 100 billion yuan. I'm afraid that three companies will not be willing to spend so much money.

It hurts.

While Zheng Zheng frowned, Lin Zheng's secret door was knocked.

"Mr. Lin!"

"Mr. Lee!"

Two very polite titles sounded.

在 Li Zairong is the actual controller of the Three Star Group. His father is Li Jianxi, the president of the previous three stars.

You don't know Li Jianxi?

An example lets you know.

After taking office, the South Korean president needs to greet Li Jianxi. Note that it is bowing and saying hello. His one word can change half of South Korea.

In front of his eyes, this Li Zairong is a full rich second and second ancestor.


Qi Linfeng stretched out his hand, invited him, and sat down in a chair. He also called the old man, and two secret pork ribs came to the table.

Li Li nodded in melting, looking at the shabby shop.

Wu Linfeng didn't speak, and the two just sat there.

I couldn't help it, Lin Feng really didn't know how to deal with the purebred second-generation ancestors.

"Little Apple's market, I don't know if you Chinese can eat it."

Li Zairong took the lead to open up ~ www.readwn.com ~ the calm and aura, which proves that he is more temperamental, more cultural, and more educated than Lin Feng. It seems that the two are completely filigree vs Gao Fushu. And Lin Feng is hanging silk.

"Oh, I wipe."

Lin Feng cursed, and the whole indoor gas field felt like he had been mastered by the goods of Li Zairong. Lin Feng became “solitary and widowed” in general.

听说 "I heard that Mr. Li studied in the island country. You said, what is the product I invented into the Island Congress?"

Zhe Linfeng's forehead was slightly sweaty. This is not the same as facing Ren Ren. Father Ren is hidden and domineering, but Li Zairong is just the opposite and oppressive.

I haven't seen any Lin Feng in the world, it is inevitable that there is something ugly.

"The people of the island nation will kneel and lick, which exactly fulfills your desire to step on the island nation." Li Zairong smiled lightly, always with a solemn look in his eyes.

He was so aggressive that Li Zairong was intentional. He also saw the sweat on Lin Feng's forehead, but he didn't dare to look down on it.

Lin Feng is not a simple businessman. Do n’t forget that technology was invented by Lin Feng. He has full control of core technologies. This is why Li Zairong dares not to despise.

"Thank you for your good words, I waited for the island nation to kneel and lick."

Tong Linfeng smiled, put a piece of pork ribs in his mouth, and the air in the room seemed to be pushed by some force and flowed again.

Lin Feng started to take the initiative.

"I didn't intend to cooperate with your three stars because I don't lack money."

Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders, and he did not lack money.

在 Li Zairong listened, but smiled, and said, "Right is more important than money, but only money can make rights more competitive."

He said, Li Zairong took out his laptop and played a video.

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