I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 147: Another genius was born

"Hua Guo reproduces a genius-level figure, a student of a university of science and technology made a wireless charger. After testing, the wireless charging distance can reach 15 meters, without harming the human body, and the transmission is stable ..."

Wu Linfeng didn't know why the others were looking at the mobile phone, and the content displayed on his mobile phone was sent to him by Anshen, the content is as above.

Such news, Lin Feng was shocked to see that cold sweat almost did not flow out.

Of course, he is not marveling at the advanced technology, but he is worried that the original programming language and code will be cracked, yes! There are so many strange things in the world. What should I do if I say that it is really wrong that some people accidentally hit it?

特普普 They are also watching this news. For a while, they have included key monitoring targets for the development of science and technology in China. All the developments in China are of concern to everyone.

At this time, their hearts were shocked. It was not enough for Hua Guo to have a Lin Feng. Someone even invented a wireless charger.

As we all know, the magnetic frequency conversion technology cannot be cracked. Major US research institutes have invested huge amounts of money without any research results.

现在 Now, the technology invented is obviously not magnetic frequency conversion technology, then there is only one possibility. The Chinese have developed a new wireless power transmission technology.

"Really press the gourd and scoop up!"

Gutmup's face was even uglier.

I can pass on the information in his hands. Naturally, I don't need to doubt about it. It is 100% true. So what should I do next? This was the biggest headache for Temp, and the situation was completely out of control.

"Mr. Lin, would you like to talk tomorrow?"

Now Teppu doesn't have any thoughts at this time, so let's think about how to get the new technology in hand and say that while it has just been invented, there is no ownership.

林 Anyway, Lin Feng can't control it, so he can only put the target on it.


Biao Linfeng put away his mobile phone and nodded. He was the most urgent. Bitmup was anxious, and it was the most crucial thing to quickly understand the principle of this technology.


As soon as Tempu waved his hands, the two men and women parted ways, Lin Feng hurried back to the hotel and asked Anyoushen for details.


Xi Huaguo, Beijing City.

In the headquarters of the New Territories Technology Corporation, all members of the R & D department and software development department were gathered. Even Gao Yang came to the site in person, and there were some unknown people on the side.

The mysterious person nodded and asked Gao Yang: "Is your company's technology leaked?"

He was sent by the head. At the same time that the technology was exposed, the head sent an investigation team to investigate whether it was a technology leak. If it was a technology leak, it must be strangled at the source.

Once the technology spreads abroad, it is a huge loss.

The chief executive also wants to rely on this technology to develop the country! How can such a beautiful wish be broken.

Xu Gaoyang shook his head, and nodded again, looking rather strange.

The new technology is indeed based on the principle of magnetic frequency conversion technology, but the core of the technology is very different. It completely departs from the magnetic conversion technology and is not a complete magnetic frequency conversion technology.

"Classmate, please explain it!" Gao Yang said to the college student.

Lu Yanshan, 28, is a doctoral student of semiconductors at Beijing University. His body is thin, but his eyes are surprisingly godly, even with a touch of obsession in his eyes. He is obsessed with technology.

But his other name is circulating in various forum posts.

Mo Yan!

的 The figures who can rank in the country have a high level of accomplishment in microelectronic technology.

At the beginning, he personally commented on Lin Feng's technology on the post bar. At that time, he said that the feasibility of magnetic frequency conversion technology was 80%, but he had not made an appearance.

Today, he came to the New Territories Technology Headquarters, a place that made him dream of it.

And the man he admired so much.

"I used part of the principle of magnetic frequency conversion technology, the rest was developed by myself, and I developed two new types of code, forward code and reverse code, which cannot be cracked for the time being."

Jairu Yanshan is proud, he is only one step away from that person.

"Uh! That's it."

Tong Gaoyang nodded, still looking strange.

He originally heard that someone had invented a 15-meter wireless charger. His face was scared and scared. He passed out for a time and thought that the magnetic inverter had been cracked.

However, after seeing this technology, rest assured.

I made a big trough and almost scared the laborers to death.

The mysterious man obeyed and looked blankly at the small tower in front of him, saying, "Can you explain the general principle?"

He needs to make sure that it is not a magnetic frequency converter leak.

Lu Yanshan smiled and said, "Frequency conversion technology is a semi-new type of wireless power transmission technology, and its principle is through frequency conversion magnetic waves ..."

Gao Yang didn't listen carefully and didn't understand, but he didn't worry at all. The two codes are not threatening. The main reason is that Lu Yanshan's invention created a "small tower". The size is huge. It is short, and it is said that what CPU used on the circuit board took 15 to achieve the immediate effect. Gao Yang did not understand what a CPU is, but he did not delay his thinking at all. Hundreds of CPUs, 15 How much is that? Expensive to go to www.readwn.com ~ to send information to General Lin, others are worried. Gao Yang forwarded the details.

Uh ...

In the United States, it wasn't Lin Feng who got the information first, but Temp. I don't know what means they used, and the information was thus leaked.

"Forward code and reverse code, what is that?" Temp frowned, thinking that what appeared in Hua Guo was too incredible to understand.

特 Kateline stood beside without saying a word, she didn't know.

"Send someone to communicate and see if this person is interested in coming to the United States to develop, and there are more benefits." Temp deepened his eyes. In this way, he got a lot of Chinese talents.


Uh ...

In the Grand Hotel, Lin Feng listened to Anyoushen's detailed narrative, and he felt relieved and said that it is impossible to not worry, after all, the world never lacks genius.

Called Lu Yanshan, Lin Feng acknowledged that he was a genius, perhaps more genius than himself.

"Is the principle of magnetic frequency conversion technology used?" Lin Feng asked.


看看 "See if you can get him into our company."

As long as magnetic frequency conversion technology is used, everything is easy to say. Magnetic frequency conversion technology has been patented by Lin Feng. This person's technology cannot be used for profit. It needs Lin Feng's authorization.

"The company is already soliciting." An Youshen gave Lin Feng a reassuring look.


Lin Feng nodded and looked towards the National Mall of the United States. He really looked forward to seeing Lu Yanshan. I wondered what kind of sparks could be wiped out?

"Yes, our company will build a square like this when we have time."

Imminent, Lin Feng pointed at the square and said.

Anshen looked at the vast and immense square, and suddenly stood up.

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