I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 148: Night feast

In the evening, the White House.

The second hall is the state banquet hall. It is famous for its gorgeous decoration and exquisite tableware. The furniture of tables and chairs is made of oak. It can host 140 guests.

The design and decoration of the hall is in the style of the English period in the early 19th century, and a portrait of Lincoln is hung in the middle of the wall.

The banquet hall, which was deserted in the past, is bustling today. Tempo and other people gathered in the banquet hall to participate in this carefully prepared dinner.

The main characters are Temp and Lin Feng.

While the two had not yet met, Temp talked softly to the chief of staff.

"Sir, the person who invented the new wireless charging technology is tightly controlled, and our X person cannot be contacted." This is the latest news from Huaguo.

"that's terrible!"

Tembu's gloomy afternoon was even more gloomy, as if the bottom of the pot was as dark as what he didn't want to see happened. It is well known that China pays great attention to talents. Generally, it is the United States that recruits first, and then China can Realized, but now it has changed places.

"It seems that China also attaches importance to this aspect."

Tempu waved his hand, the dark look disappeared for a moment, replaced by a kind smile, because Lin Feng approached him.


Tong Linfeng grinned and greeted.


Extremely confident.

Lu Yanshan was taken over by Lin Feng. Of course, Lu Yanshan had no choice but to dedicate his country or follow the footsteps of Lin Feng. Most people would choose to follow Lin Feng's development.

After all, the name of "godfather of science and technology" is already a little famous.

欢迎 "Welcome to the night party!" Temp extended his hand and shook Lin Feng.

Both have friendly smiles on their faces. It's hard to imagine that the two men who had been outstretched before became brothers, just like their brothers.

"His Excellency President, I bring you a present today." Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said with deep meaning.

Tempu laughed and responded to Lin Feng. However, his heart was a sudden one. He didn't want “surprise”. He just wanted to end this long negotiation quickly and took advantage of the peace of mind. Feng this evil face.

"I'll sit and wait."

Tempu did not have the slightest sense of anticipation.

Uh ...

At the corner of the banquet, two well-dressed ladies were whispering, and people who came and went would say hello to one of the tall ladies.

She's not someone else, it's Melana, Temp's third wife.

"You are as beautiful as usual, and the attention of men will be on you." Melana, another beautiful and flattering lady flatterer, soon showed her envy.

"Oh! Thank you!"

Melana has already been immune to such flattery. What's more, she also has a large makeup brand company. What kind of scene has she never seen? What kind of flattery haven't heard?

So she didn't move in the slightest.

The talking lady also smiled awkwardly, and then talked to a man.

After a while, the noisy hall suddenly quieted down, and Temp, who had finished talking with Lin Feng, walked to the small lecture table and gave a dinner speech.

"The translation of‘ Hai Lei Cun Zi Zhi, Tian Ya Luo Bi Lin ’is that across the ocean, although far away, we are all friends. This is an ancient Chinese poem with a deep meaning!”

Temppu smiled, "I'm showing off all the Chinese I can speak. Melana and I welcome everyone to the White House, and Mr. Lin from Hua Guo ..."

It was mixed with some things between the two countries. Lin Feng just heard it, but he was very concerned about the poem Tempu read. Dare to show off? Sorry! It's embarrassing to say that in China, three-year-olds read better than that.

"Let us welcome Mr. Lin, and hope that our two parties can cooperate sincerely to create the future."

Tempu held up champagne and said solemnly that the reason why he lowered his posture was a bit flattering to Lin Feng. There was no way, technology should be in the hands of others, it should be humble.

"Mr. President!"

"well said!"


的 The others present echoed.

Obediently, Lin Feng chuckled, stood up and walked to Temp, meanwhile saying, "Thank you, but please wait a moment, I brought a gift to His Excellency the President."

He beckoned, and several people brought a few bottles of wine, white porcelain and red caps, and officially Moutai in my dynasty, and only listened to Lin Feng said: "The best white wine in the world, our specialty in China, special grade. "

说话 While talking, the attendant had filled the liquor with white wine, transparent glass, the liquid in the glass was crystal clear, and the hanging glass was obvious.

Somebody wondered what liquor is? From the bottle's perspective, it looks like a very cheap one.

However, some people pose in an omniscient manner, facing the female companions around, proudly: "I heard that the wine in Huaguo can be stored for thousands of years. The longer this wine is, the better it will taste. It is generally difficult to drink it for sale. "

My female companion exclaimed: "A thousand years? It looks like a long time ago, the anticorrosive work must be done well!"

男士 For the ignorance of the female partner, the man just shook his head and no longer explained.

"I toast!"

Zhe Linfeng said holding a small glass of white wine, probably a big mouthful.

More than 20 people who were present at the scene stood up and, like Lin Feng, raised their wine glasses together.

敬 "Respect the President, respect the food."

I could not help but say that Lin Feng had done it.


It was the first time that they had met in such a direct way of drinking, but they had no choice but to learn from Lin Feng and drank this glass of wine.


Someone coughed when they were at the stage ~ www.readwn.com ~ The wine was too strong.

Tempu put it on the tip of his nose and asked, the intensity was a bit like vodka, hesitated, holding his nose, and drank it into his stomach. The hotness went down his throat and swept the whole esophagus.

"Really strong!"

Tympu frowned.

"Continued Cup."

With a wave of Xi Linfeng, the attendant filled you with wine again.

"Oh my God!"

Some people can't bear birds.

The tempepus twitched, and he couldn't stand it with such a sip.

"Respect food!"

Qi Linfeng drank in one go.

The people present were a little aggressive, and the food is not respected, is it respectful? Drinking and getting confused?

Trump rolled his eyes, and he knew that Lin Feng's gift had nothing good, as he thought, but he gritted his teeth and drank the glass of wine.

On the wine table, toasting and drinking are the same, no matter in the West or the East.

敬 "Respect appetizers."

I did n’t wait for everyone to finish the liquor, Lin Feng ’s third glass of wine was dry.

"Nima!" At this time, the people present couldn't stop, even drinking three cups of wood, and their brains were dizzy.

Qi Linfeng held the empty wine glass and kept his eyes on. Meaning: You drink fast, grind.

In Huaguo, a few glasses of white wine are just appetizers. This is just the beginning. You can drink it under the table.

Gutmup's complexion was more ruddy than ever.


The rubbing of the clothes sounded, which meant that everyone drank the third glass of wine.

There were two clicks, and Lin Feng picked up his fourth cup. He looked at a beautiful lady and said, "This cup of Mrs. Jingtemp ..."

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