I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 163: Come to 1 vs. weapon

Tempu turned ice blue eyes, cold light appeared.

He needs to promote the employment bill, so the business field can't be rushed. Otherwise, the bill will die. For now, it is best to keep the status quo, stabilize the situation first, and then complete the "American Dream".

凯 "Katlin, give power to the hospital first, let Pence go to appease the people, and then you get everyone, I think it's time to give them a shock and see."

Temp sneered, his face grim.

Caitlin, the chief of staff, is more spiritual than the president. After recording the order of Temp, she opened her mouth and stopped talking. There was something she didn't dare to say, but she had to say, and said, Temp You will lose your temper.

"what happened?"

Tempu noticed Caitlin's puppet.

"This one……"

Caitlin frowned, and whispered cautiously: "Sir, according to the agent's investigation, each nuclear power plant is not lacking '钐 149'. On the contrary, the reserves are sufficient to last a year, and the joint power outage is to You put pressure on them, and they hope you can drive factories and companies from China out of the United States. "


Tempu once again had a real fire. Just after saying that there had been a history of using power outages to kill the president. I did not expect that it happened to him in an instant. This is so sad. He clearly wanted to complete the American dream. But these people just care about their own interests.

"A group of short-sighted guys."

"What shall we do?" Caitlin asked.

"Come on, send two fleets to make two laps in the eastern waters. Since the implementation of the employment bill cannot be stopped, let Hua Guo sell us rare metals, and see what else these people have to say!"

特 In the eyes of Temp, nothing can't be solved by the fleet. If there is, the fleet is not enough.

"To understanding!"

Kateline was relieved, but fortunately the president did not lose his temper.

In fact, what Catelyn didn't know was that after the departure of Anshen, Tempu had almost vented, and now, how can Tmpu at older age have the second strength.

After a short while, a meeting on the resolution of rare metals began. The core of the meeting was to resolve the problem of dependence on rare metals. The United States must stand on its own feet.


After ten days.

The hype work of e-commerce began to end, all the shares were sold to foreign countries, and many online shopping companies became the industry of foreign leading companies. At the same time, the original boss also scorned the foreign company and left the original company because the company did not Belonging to them, they are unemployed.

Ma Yun was out of work, but he got a lot of money, which was the money to sell Ali shares.

Then, without anyone knowing, these people left their front feet slumped, and happily came to the office of the "Business League", and a larger plan was about to start.

Ali Huaxia Group was formally established!

* Shop is reorganized!

注册 Suning love shopping mall registered brand!

Uh ...

A series of e-commerce shopping websites appear frequently, such as Tianwang.com, Dibao.com, Suning.com, JD.com.com ...

同时 At the same time as the website appeared, the CTM system issued the latest announcement, "In order to establish wireless shopping security, the CTM system will block all unsafe shopping sites and protect the safety of user funds ..."

Use the force push function.

The Lao people received the news as soon as possible, but they did not cause any waves when they were surprised. Obviously people did not see the way.

However, when they found that several shopping networks such as Tianmao.com could not use the APP, they were dumbfounded.

外国 Foreign venture capital companies are planning to carry out a series of activities in China to promote consumption. When preparing to make a big fortune, they received news that the APP was blocked, and they were instantly aggressive.

Thinking that something was wrong with the company's software, they started to update the software version, but a more aggressive news shocked them. It was not a software problem, but their APP was completely blocked.


A paper indictment was brought to court, and none of the splashes came out.

Depressed foreign venture capital companies already know that they have been cheated by sly Chinese. Before, they were only deceived by the Chinese. Now they are actually deceived. They instantly burst out internal injuries and vomit blood. The next day, they went back and forth to the court. Try to get justice for yourself.

He is fair on Lin Feng, he is the mastermind, er, the leader is better.

At this glorious moment, a more exciting news ushered in. Lin Feng's "magnetic frequency conversion" technology was compiled into a high school physics textbook and became the main course of electric power. Lin Feng's name was also permanently recorded in the textbook. Become the only alive textbook-level figure, listening to some shy ...

However, Lin Feng didn't seem to care about all these glories. He shrugged and called Lin Feng a lot, didn't he ...

At this moment, he was distressing about another thing, and the chief asked for his help, which was a technical matter.

It is a question whether I help or not.

The main problem is that the head asked him to invent a weapon that can deter the weapons of the nations of the world. This is a big joke for Nima. How could Lin Feng invent the weapon? He is a peace person, good or kind.

On the phone, the chief's tone was terrible and terrifying: "Don't put a whole bunch of useless moths, quickly study it for me, I know you have this ability ~ www.readwn.com ~ The two US fleets are dangling at the door of their home, can't Weak, and they have to find a weapon to deter them and save the province.

Wu Linfeng said helplessly: "Head, don't tell me that you haven't developed a metal hydrogen bomb, just use that thing, and I won't waste my brain cells."

"Hey!" The chief taunted, and said, "If you don't agree, I will expose to you the purchase of the subway X in Hangzhou by Gao Yang. Let everyone see how inhumane you are Lin Feng. . "

"Uh!" Lin Feng was surprised.

Uh ...

林 In Lin Feng's memoirs, he wrote that one day, the chief had refused to invent a deterrent weapon.

Eventually, under the pleading and begging of the chief, he bears a huge psychological burden and reluctantly agrees.

Uh ...

"Head, there is a very powerful weapon that was invented by Lu Yanshan. Would you like to try it?" Lin Feng smirked. This weapon was improved by Lin Feng and Lu Yanshan. They were technically The product of a collision.

Magnetic Storm Launcher!

"Oh? Let me see!" The head was interested.

(It is recorded in the memoirs of the Chief Minister that he originally heard a very sensitive magnetic storm projectile. After seeing the function, he instantly developed fear in his heart, which also laid the foundation for the victory of the Third World War and China.)

"Money! Want to talk about money beforehand, and see you later."

Lin Linfeng rubbed his fingers back and forth, the military products must be very valuable!

"See me with a magnetic storm."

The head snapped and hung up.

"Ha ha!"

Tong Linfeng sneered, firing a magnetic storm, wondering if he could hold a press conference?

Since then, the Dongzheng Electronics Factory has produced a series of magnetic storm projectiles under cover.

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