I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 164: magnetic storm!

Qidongzheng Electronics Factory not only undertook the electronic foundry business, but also secretly set up a military industry department specializing in the production of magnetic storm projectiles. Soon, the first batch of ten projectiles have been shipped to designated locations.

Uh ...

In a mountainous area in northern Beijing, more than a dozen military trucks stopped by the road. After that, several soldiers carried football-sized projectiles and walked to the designated experimental site.

They are very strange. What is the round iron ball? Worth that careful?

Although they heard that it was a certain type of projectile, they have never seen a round projectile. Besides, there are no spherical projectiles. There is no way to fire.

At this time, a squad leader said in a teasing tone: "It will not be placed in the gun barrel, and then a fuze will be pulled out, let it be lit!"

After he said that, he laughed loudly, and added a sigh of anger with the military uniform on his body.

"Squad leader, you are too humorous, the fuze artillery has long been eliminated." The crowd also followed.

The squad leader obeyed, spit out the straw stick in his mouth, and dismissed: "A group of recruits don't understand anything, don't care about any artillery, it can be done by destroying the enemy, whoever controls you by any means when fighting."

嘻 "Hehe! We are wrong, monitor."

Pouting and confessing to admitting mistakes, the body was shaking with a smile, and the word "bamboo" was spoken from the monitor's mouth, and they felt particularly funny.

"Wipe! There are 100 push-ups in situ, and you can't finish eating." The squad leader ordered that the soldiers couldn't laugh, all of them bitter, embarrassed, and found their own sins.

After 100 push-ups, one after another wheezed and panted, and then their eyes were once again placed on this football-sized projectile, and they couldn't help doubting it. Was it really so fired?

不要 Don't be too backward. Known by other countries, you will be laughed at!

This ball ... is not invented by our country. They all think so and feel shameful.

After a short while, the squad leader received an order and began the experiment.

Carefully read the content of the order sent by the headquarters. The squad leader was completely confused. It turned out that the iron ball was not used for firing, but it could be used on the ground.

What the hell?

Confused, the squad leader still executed according to the order above. With a wave of his hand, someone carried a cage and placed them around the ball. There were several chickens, ducks, geese, dogs, cats and fish, and cattle, sheep, and horses.

Of course, large animals are hoisted up using excavators.

Everything was ready, and everyone withdrew from the field 50 meters, because the effective range of this weapon is 20 meters, and 50 meters is considered a safe range.

After reporting his name, the squad leader was about to detonate.

At this moment, someone took out the camera and recorded video in front of the ball.

"3-2-1, detonate!"

Very formal detonation mode, was played to the fullest by the squad leader. At a glance, he knew that he had performed many such tasks.

However, everyone guessed the beginning, but did not guess the end.

No explosion!

No sound came out.

的 The soldiers standing in a row are a little embarrassed. What's the matter, isn't it about firing a bomb, why can't you even hear the sound, dumb bomb?

"Squad leader, let me check it out!"

"Second bitch, don't move!"

The squad leader drank suddenly and shouted loudly, "Back off, hurry back."

His eagle-like eyes saw the most incredible scene in this life. At the same time as the detonation, the animal in the cage next to him fell to the ground instantly, and his stiff body was still twitching, and obviously he could not die anymore.

At this time, the soldiers' eyes also saw this amazing scene, and they were instantly aggressive.

"Squad, why are all the animals dead?"

"Is this 咋?"

"Squad, you talk."

Facing the inquisitive questions of the soldiers, the squad leader's face turned blue. When he took out the mission request again, he understood all the above.

"1, 20 minutes do not approach the projectile;

2. Personnel must be more than 50 meters away;

3. No one is allowed to approach. After 60 minutes, use animal experiments and then recover ... ”

Before the loss of ease, the squad leader's body was tight. He didn't know what kind of weapon it was, but with years of experience, he could infer that it was some kind of super weapon, killing invisible weapons.

"Recycle in 3 hours." The squad leader ordered.

At the same time, a video was also transmitted to Zhongnanhai.

When the chief watched this video, his face was full of dignity, and what the means of killing were unknown; the cause of the animal's death was unknown; what was not inside the iron ball; how much he hurt humans; all Don't know.

"What kind of weapon is this?"

The head of the cricket is a little jealous.

When Lin Feng provided the projectile, he said that as long as the iron ball is placed in a certain launching device and then hit the enemy, there is no need to detonate. No matter what, the opponent's legion will not destroy itself, it will be completely destroyed. That kind.

"This weapon is extinct!"

His head stared with wide eyes, and his eyes were shocked.

Secretary Xu Jize also watched the entire video. At this time, he had a panic on his face. If someone holds this iron ball and puts it in a shopping mall or a crowd gathering place, can he leave a living mouth? The answer is self-evident, and it can definitely cut the roots ~ www.readwn.com ~ Thinking of this, he looked anxiously to the chief: "This weapon must be turned over to the country. It cannot be made by individuals. It is too dangerous."

"Too dangerous?"

The head repeated these words, and the corners of his mouth hung fiercely. It was because of danger that its power was great. If there was no danger, he would disdain to use such a weapon.

"Production of 10,000!" The head commanded.

武器 This weapon also has another effect. It shields all communication signals and cannot be separated from this weapon when fighting information wars.

Puppets are just these two functions, which are comparable to metal hydrogen bombs. The chiefs are not willing to take them out. After all, killer puppets are always used at the end.

"Throw a metal hydrogen bomb and let them listen."

Head knocked twice on the table, his dark eyes were quiet like water.


Eastern seas.

As the two fleets slowly moved in, the waters became lively, and the sound of artillery booming came and went. Exercises were just exercises, peaceful exercises.

That's how they promote.

In Cambridge, Admiral Rod looked at the splash of artillery shells and laughed. He likes to fire artillery. Every time he comes to this area, he is surprisingly excited. It would be better if he could land on land ... ...

However, after three laughs, he suddenly felt that the hull was shaking.

"What happened?" He asked his subordinates.

The subordinates were also stunned. There were two cases of hull shock. One was the internal failure of the ship, but no relevant report was received. The other was an external shock. A huge shock came from the outside ...

"Admiral, what do you think it is?"

He looked in the direction of his subordinates, and Rhodes stunned.

"Do you want to grow mushrooms?"

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