I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 170: I'm shy!

Kasumi Noi Kaiseki cuisine!

三星 Michelin Samsung is the most famous restaurant in Tokyo. The purpose of Lin Feng is very simple. Try to taste whether the pancake fruit in Beijing is delicious. I just do n’t know if there is beef soup.

Lin Feng's voice came from a private room.

"Qianhua, I'm going to put it in!"

"Lin Jun, please wear this before ..."

"Yes! It's unhygienic without wearing it ... is it?"

"Ah ah! Lin Jun, it hurts ..."

"Qianhua, it doesn't matter!"

"Ah! Lin Jun is fine, because I am the first time ..."

"Qianhua, let's change direction!"

"So ... that, if you put it in too ..."

"It's okay! Give me the rhythm, if it can get a little bit wet ... okay."

"Lin Jun, let me try ..."

Lin Feng, who had eaten this Kobe beef, was sweating so much that he had to say that the island country's way of eating was very different.

I want to put it in the country, it is definitely refreshing, and in the island country, the heart of eating.

The charcoal-fired oven is only the size of a dish. There are 8 slices of beef on a large dish. Your side dishes are more than beef. The corn flakes in the aluminum foil shell of the egg **** are called corn salad, and half a table of sashimi Claw fish, live octopus dipped in sauce, stuffed it into the mouth, and crawled in the mouth while eating ...

Looking at the fast eating of Qianhua, Lin Feng had no appetite.

"This island's people aren't able to do anything! It's so fun to eat something?"

Tong Linfeng spit out his mouth fiercely, and tucked a few slices of roasted beef into his mouth. He couldn't eat it. The food in the hotel is not as good as this! Otherwise, we can only eat bread.

Hey! Lifting the bread, Lin Feng smiled. The curry bun was actually invented by the island nation.


Lin Linfeng coughed a few times, watching Qianhua help him barbecue, and put it in his bowl with public chopsticks, then Qianhua will eat it by himself, while Lin Feng just sits and waits to eat, no need to reach out.

This is very pleasant, but the chopsticks are a bit short.

"How does Xiaomi Free5 work?" Lin Feng asked out loud.

"Is this phone called Xiaomi? Very good, I have never seen such an advanced phone, it must be very expensive!"

When she brought up the beautiful phone of Qianhua, she was very sensitive to the price of electronic products. After all, my mother just received used goods. I didn't know how the price would work.

她 In her opinion, this phone is worth at least 300,000 yen, and the monthly salary of an adult man must be a white-collar worker.

If she wants to work to make money, she has to work for two years.

"What about the details?"

Qi Linfeng frowned, Qianhua answered too broadly.

"The phone has good details, no strangeness to use, and a strong sense of vibration. I think the most valuable thing is the smart housekeeper software."

Now, the conversation between the two is translated by a smart housekeeper, otherwise the language is inaccessible.

千 While Qianhua was talking, she did not forget to help Lin Feng hold the beef, but Qianhua did not notice that she had forgotten to use public chopsticks because she was sandwiched, and used her own chopsticks to feed Lin Feng the meat.

"In this case, you can directly enter the island market."

Lin Feng murmured. Generally speaking, the island nation has different habits from that of Hua Guo on electronic products. It can be seen from PS2 and 3 game consoles that they like to play closed.

目前 At the moment, nothing has happened.

In fact, Lin Feng's worry is superfluous. After Little Apple led the world trend, in terms of mobile phones, the use habits and models were basically unified. After all, first-class companies set standards, and Little Apple set standards.

Lin Feng used this standard and surpassed it, so there is no need to worry about it.

In this regard, Lin Feng needs to thank Little Apple, after all, Little Apple has pioneered the era of mobile phone touch screens.

"Thank you!"

Tong Linfeng smiled, picked up short chopsticks, took the beef from Qianhua folder, put it directly in his mouth, and at the same time looked at Qianhua's chopsticks and said, "It's delicious!"

Qian Qianhua didn't know why Lin Feng thanked her. The woman would serve the man when she ate at the table. However, she saw that the chopsticks she used were hers, and her face turned red.

I reached out and shrugged my skirt subconsciously, bowed my head in shame, and quickly apologized, "Sorry, Lin Jun, I didn't notice!"

To be exact, Qianhua has no habit of using public chopsticks at all.

"Eh! Well, it's okay, if you don't mind, sit down and eat, don't kneel and look tired."

Tong Linfeng smiled awkwardly, but wanted to make a small joke, but did not expect Qianhua to not understand the style.

Qian Qianhua raised his red face and whispered, "I'll eat on my knees! This is polite."

Uh ...

After three hours, Lin Feng sent Qianhua home.

Then, he sat in the car with a serious face: "Li Hu, you didn't spend less on eating just now!"

虎 Li Hu obeyed, his face was tight, and a dozen brothers ate a little too much. They ran out of the store's inventory, and by the way, spent Lin Feng's hundreds of thousands of yuan.

After picking the pork, Li Hu hippie smiled: "Is Feng Feng still a little bit of money!"

虎 Li Hu was originally a soldier, and he was a rogue.

"Also, I'm not bad money, but I will get reimbursed for this money." Lin Feng sneered ~ www.readwn.com ~ Liang Liang's invoice in hand, no matter how, he is also "Hua Guo Business Ambassador", But during the business trip!

虎 Li Hu faced hard, they were afraid of the head!

After playing for a while, Lin Feng began to command: "Contact the‘ Five Little Chinese in China ’and the supporting forces, and I ’m ready to show my hands in the island nation.”

听 As soon as Li Hu heard it, Zheng focused his head and took out the satellite phones and dialed out one by one.

After a long and dreary storm of blood and rain, what happened to the Island Congress ...

Listening to the song "Invincible", Lin Feng closed his eyes.

Uh ...

Qianhua jumped into the door, her mother got out and worried, "Qianhua, how come back, what happened?"

She is afraid of something, and family conditions will not allow anything to happen. Once something happens, it will be devastating.

安 "Anna! Friends are having dinner today." Qianhua leaned down and took off her shoes, and her short skirt flew away, but she didn't care, the mother and herself were both at home.

Moreover, the space of 40 square meters can not accommodate so many people.

"Oh, all right."

My mother's heart was relieved, but she was exhausted from her brows, she didn't talk anymore, and turned to rest.

Qian Qianhua sat barefoot at the small table in the corner and turned out the photos on her mobile phone.

The first time I eat Kobe beef, the first time I eat yakigawa beef stir-fried crab, the first time I go to a high-end restaurant, the first time I make a luxury car, the first time the waiter turns around ...

的 All of this is the first time.

Qianhua looked at the picture, and God was flying outside ...

When I was young, my mother told her that one day in the future, a prince on a white horse would pick her up, but today, she thinks the story is true.

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