I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 171: Simple and rude method

Zhe Linfeng did not come to the island country to play. He was investigating the market, and after several days of investigation, he had grasped the general situation.

At present, the closed state of the island nation is somewhat similar to the original Qing empire.

They are extremely xenophobic and top-down. The island government takes the lead in excluding foreign technology, that is, China ’s advanced electronic technology.

This situation is difficult to change artificially. After all, individual strength cannot compete with the entire island government.

Lin Feng is not a professional businessman, and he does not understand the complicated business knowledge, which adds to the difficulty.

Bian Linfeng also asked Ma Yun, who also gave the answer. In the island country, it is difficult for others to get involved. An xenophobic policy will definitely lose everything.

Unless there can be a large amount of funds to run an event like the Asian financial crisis of the year to open the door to the island country, there is no hope.

Lin Linfeng thought about it and thought that Ma Yun was very unreasonable.

清 At that time, the Qing Empire closed its doors and was not opened to the country? What is it used for? Why can't the door of the island nation be opened?

Lin Feng doesn't understand business, but he knows history. Using the same method, he can certainly achieve the purpose he wants.

This simple and crude method is exactly like the Opium War.

Lin Feng will use the same method.

Then the way is ...

Uh ...

A penetrating cloud arrow meets thousands of troops!

虎 Li Hu made successive phone calls, and the representatives of the manufacturers who received the calls came to the island country to meet Lin Feng in secret to discuss major events.

This time, basically ambitious companies have sent representatives.

Of course, the most active ones are the "Five Chinese Top Five", they are: Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, vivo, Lenovo.

This is the definition given to them by Lin Feng, and it is also the goal of Lin Feng's key training in the future.

Of course, I won't get together for a meeting. In that case, it will be defined as an illegal gathering. Therefore, the way to meet is very strange. In a certain hot spring hall, they gather together by accident, which is quite the style of underground workers.

"King of Heaven and Earth Tiger!"

"Pagoda Town River Demon!"

Lin Linfeng and Lei Jun faced the slogan, and the two of them laughed loudly, and the people who followed later laughed. The wonderful way of meeting was that Lin Feng could come up and did not follow the routine.

Twenty-five hours later, around a dozen people gathered in the private rooms of the hot springs to discuss important matters.

(Historically known as the "Hot Spring Conference", this conference left a strong fortune in the history of China)

Qi Linfeng pulled out the strategy map and explained in a low voice:

"The island ’s electronics industry is very strong, but it is also his weakest place. Just like Little Apple, his mobile phone system is very strong, and he is also his weak point, so we will simply and rudely, and directly target the island's electronics industry. ... "

Everyone listened attentively, and looked very dignified.

When Lin Feng was an old driver in the island country with rhythm, they would naturally participate. Regardless of being a partner of the CTM alliance or a business alliance partner, they almost always looked at Lin Feng first. If they were screwed with Lin Feng, they would lose it.

"So, this time we have to fight the price first, come up with the price that makes the islanders enthusiastic, and wait until the islanders can't leave our products, like addiction, thoroughly and cannibalize their market step by step, and Their people become our employees ... "

The content of Qi Linfeng let everyone in the room take a breath.

There is a sense of vision in the Opium War. Some are just naked plunder. This is not enough. Lin Feng still has to occupy the island ’s human resources, raise the island ’s people as pigs, and thoroughly control the island ’s economy in his hands.

"Are you going to turn the island country into a back garden?"

Xun Leijun muttered in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it, just think about it.

"How?" Lin Feng asked.

"How to fight a price war?"

The representative of Lenovo asked in a whisper. After asking, he also looked out the window, afraid he might be found.

"Ex-factory price sales, pass the tariff difference to the island government."

Tong Linfeng raised his hand and knocked twice on the table. This method should not be afraid of losing money. If you want to make more money, you must pay more. People who don't want to pay will never make big money.

"Unprofitable business?"

Xun Leijun frowned slightly.

The essence of business people is to make money, and Lin Feng's approach has made them away from the essence of business people.

怎么 "What? Disagree?"

Gao Linfeng looked cold, and the decision he made was not intended to be rebelled by anyone.

The indoor atmosphere suddenly freezes.

The feeling of suffocation loomed.

The power of Lin Feng is unbearable for most people.

Xun Leijun shook his head calmly: "That's not true. I was thinking that the 10 billion funds I had prepared were not enough! If not, I would adjust another 10 billion."

Xiaomi's three-dimensional circuits are sold all over the world, and the money is not lost.

After this remark, the atmosphere of things relaxed.

"Pap!" Lin Feng patted the palm of his hand twice: "Then you start to implement it! I will send you a document on the specific method, remember, do as I say."

"Of course."

"Mr. Lin can rest assured that he will win the island market."

"It must be necessary!"


Listening to the promises of everyone ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lin Feng nodded, his face showing satisfaction.

The next moment, there was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, saying: "I have prepared great health care for everyone today, and it is only natural to come to the island nation, and relax by the way."

"Big health!"

Everyone heard the word, their eyes became invisible.

"Is it legendary ..."

Xi Leijun was a little emotional.

"Yes, it is the oil massage of the island country, which is very good for the lumbar and cervical spine." Lin Feng nodded. These days, he has been doing this massage. Although it is not as good as the blind massage method of Huaguo, it is good exotic.

"Uh! Okay!"

Everyone nodded mechanically and was taken by Li Hu to do great health care.

I forgot to say that the masseur is male and has no extra imagination.

"No thanks, I treat you."

Qi Linfeng waved his hands and went to the hot spring area around the bath towel.

Uh ...

Commercial activities are launched.

The Prime Minister of the island nation received countless letters of intent from Chinese manufacturers. The book clearly states that all products are sold at the ex-factory price, and the tariffs charged are specified by the island country. The only requirement is to enter the island country market.

At the same time, a secret smuggling force began to smuggle various Chinese electronic products to the island country. Thousands of mobile phones confiscated from Tokyo Airport every day.

This is part of Lin Feng's plan. The sole purpose is to force the island nation to agree.

He once calculated that with one trillion yuan to open the door of the island country, he could instantly make ten trillion yuan. Once he opened the gate with ten trillion yuan, he might make one trillion yuan. This is the power of capital. Give and ask.

Of course, Lin Feng plays technology and is more valuable than money.

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