I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 293: Lin Feng's secret was leaked

"We control Lin Feng's secret!"

An American scientist said with deep eyes.

He submitted the previous document and said: "According to our large-scale detailed research on large-scale wireless power transmission devices, the current" magnetic frequency conversion "technology has an irreparable disadvantage. When wirelessly transmitting electrical energy, the loss is extremely large. At a kilometer, the power loss is almost 5o%, and only o.5 degrees of electricity can be used by people. "

The scientist named Lewatt, like the secret now, continued with excitement: "The Tesla wireless transmission technology we are studying does not have this kind of disadvantage. Although it has losses, it is very small and can be ignored. Compared with the two, the superiority and inferiority are clear at a glance. "

He devoted his entire life to Tesla's wireless power transmission technology, and Tempu re-enabled this technology, which just made him rise to become a contemporary scientist with the last status.

"Really?" Temp staggered for a moment, his face full of joy.

"Of course!" Liwat nodded extremely seriously.

"Great, we can not use Lin Feng's large wireless power transmission device. It feels uncomfortable being controlled by others." Temp exhaled a sigh of depression.

Although he was still worried about unknown devices in space, his mood was extremely pleasant at this time.

Just now I learned that the Ministry of Agriculture and Lin Feng signed an order for Poa in the desert. The desert area of ​​the US Empire can finally be purified, and the available land has been increased, with great achievements.

Liwat wiped his long hair and squinted, "His President, we have a big secret."

"What's the secret?" Temp said for a moment.

"We now have a sealed metal hydrogen inside each large power transmission device. Although small and small, its purity is terrible and it is better than the metal hydrogen from our US laboratory."


Liwat's words made Temp shocked.

Better than the American laboratory, does that not mean that China's technology is more advanced than the United States?

And metal hydrogen is a strategic material, which is very important, how can he not be shocked.

Thinking of the metal-hydrogen detonation bomb that Hua Guo blew up in the eastern seas, Temp looked grim.

No wonder the Chinese state has such a powerful metal-hydrogen detonation bomb. It turned out that the metal-hydrogen was fired by Lin Feng. This Lin Feng really is a demon figure. This can be fired.

At the next moment, Temp had a heart of possession, with greed in his eyes.

If the metal hydrogen in large-scale power transmission devices is taken out and used to research metal hydrogen bombs, it will undoubtedly bring huge benefits to the US empire.

The key is force deterrence.

"Hmm!" Temp snorted quietly, and Shen said, "Can Tesla's wireless power transmission technology be popularized now?"

"Yes, just use Lin Feng's large power transmission device." Liwat said hastily.

Temp nodded, turned back to Chief of Staff Caitlyn and instructed: "Put out Tesla's power transmission technology, stimulate Lin Feng well, and let him know that our US empire is not at his disposal.

There is also the matter of metal hydrogen, haven't all the large power transmission devices of the US Empire been built! For the time being, Lin Feng is not allowed to run. We take out the metal hydrogen and do the metal hydrogen bomb research. "

Just now, after simple calculations, Temp can now remove hundreds of metal hydrogen from the device. With this polymetallic hydrogen, it will definitely be able to launch a powerful explosive bomb.

Strength is the most important thing in the world.

Lin Feng didn't know that TMP had the presence of metal hydrogen. At this time, he was in a video conversation with American power tycoon Raymond.

A large power transmission unit built in the United States has been completed and is ready for trial operation.

However, the power transmission problem has not yet been resolved, and this time Lin Feng intends to resolve it.

Lin Fengdao: "Mr. Raymond, I have 3% of the US refineries in my hands. If I reduce the supply of certain metals, I am afraid you will be affected!"

For Raymond, a stubborn old man, Lin Feng has a headache. The other party just doesn't cut the price, no matter what it says, it's terrible.

Raymond hugged his shoulders and blocked his fat belly. No matter what Lin Feng said, he shook his head.

In his opinion, there was no way to cut prices.

Originally, the price of electricity in the United States was relatively cheap, but after the "钐 149 Incident", the price of electricity remained high, and Lin Feng planned to use wireless power transmission technology to monopolize power transmission, which made him see business opportunities.

Otherwise, I'm sorry to kill Lin Feng for a while, I'm sorry for his identity as a power tycoon.

After being silent for a while, Raymond said indifferently: "I want to reduce the price. I only have one request. I hope that Mr. Lin can provide 10,000 artificial intelligence robots so that I can use artificial intelligence in factories and provide cheaper labor. . "

Lin Feng frowned. "Sure enough, he is a capitalist. He does not consider the people's employment, but only considers his own interests. Such people are the pests of society."

Lin Feng is not a good person, but he also knows the importance of taking the mass line.

If artificial intelligence is applied to the labor force, this will be a disaster for ordinary people.

By that time, let alone the godfather of technology, I am afraid that everyone thinks he is a scum of technology.

"Why? No, you don't agree? In this case, if you invest nearly 200 billion large-scale power transmission devices, you will not be able to operate, isn't it a loss?"

Raymond lit a cigar for himself, smoking the smoke obliviously, and smiling victoriously all the time.

In his opinion, Lin Feng will certainly be subdued. After all, only he can let Lin Feng get electricity and make large power transmission devices work. Without him, Lin Feng's hundreds of billions of dollars will be lost.

The scene of the conversation fell silent.

Lin Feng said nothing.

Old Raymond sat comfortably in a chair.

Just then, Jiao Jiao, motionless, suddenly gestured to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled suddenly when he saw the holographic image in front of Jiao Jiao's forehead.

He turned his head to Raymond and said, "Originally 13.3 cents / kWh of electricity, you gave me 3o cents / kWh ~ www.readwn.com ~ I don't want to worry about anything, I just want to end I ask you, will the price be lowered? "

Lin Feng was very indifferent. Just now Jiao Jiao passed on a message to him that the magneto-pulsation device was operating normally and could transmit electricity from space. What other power supplier was needed? He can solve the problem of electricity by himself.

"Oh! Sorry, very sorry! Since Mr. Lin has no sincerity for cooperation, I'm sorry." Raymond extinguished the cigar and sneered.

Lin Feng spread his arms with a smile, and said with a smile: "It is really regrettable. I am afraid that the power tycoon will become a stray dog ​​from now on, because the scum of you is no longer needed in the world."

Lin Feng's words grew colder.

Raymond squinted. "Fu = ck! Let's see."

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