I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 294: Lin Feng's Prophecy

Raymond controls 69.4% of the electricity market in the US empire. He is a master in the US empire who wants wind and rain. Almost everyone has to follow him and listen to his orders.

It's better now that Lin Feng hasn't hesitated to export threats, which makes him lose face.

"See when you can be arrogant, unless you can power yourself, or kneel down and ask me sooner or later." Raymond sneered on the calm face.

He can decide whether Lin Feng's life or death in the United States, of course, refers to large-scale power transmission technology.

After Raymond closed the video, Lin Feng was busy watching Jiaojiao project a holographic image on his forehead. This function is only owned by Jiaojiao's artificial intelligence and is exclusive.

"Magnetic pulser is OK!"

"The core components are working well!"

"In a vacuum environment, there is nothing abnormal about the magnetic pulse device."


Looking at the listed data, Lin Feng really wanted to light up the button to see if he could transfer the power to the ground, whether it was as godlike as the system said, and it could wirelessly transmit 7oooo kilometers in a straight line.

But in the end, he did not start the device, he was waiting for radiation-proof electromagnetic agents.

Lin Feng said to Jiao Jiao who was full of wires: "Always pay attention to the magnetic pulse device, and then help me contact the chief, so that the director can send the solar panel to the sky at all costs, and remind me about the medicine."

Jiaojiao replied: "Understand!"

For such a thing, Jiao Jiao used holographic technology to simulate a Lin Feng, and then communicated with the director. Lin Feng didn't have to show up at all.

Some things and the long talk before, all came from Jiaojiao.

Lin Feng only needs to control Jiao Jiao.

Lin Feng continued to look at the information of the magnetic pulse device. Jiao Jiao suddenly said, "Master, there is new trend in the United States. Would you like to take a look?"

Lin Feng gestured, surprised, "What's the trend?"

Jiaojiao didn't speak, and the holographic picture changed. An American scientist named Liwat said, "Lin Feng's large-scale power transmission device has great disadvantages, serious losses, and even half of the electrical energy. In this case, you need to Make more electricity to make up for the loss.

And if you want to produce more electricity, you need to build more power plants, which makes me worry about the world ’s environment. After all, power plants are extremely harmful to the environment. I do n’t advocate building power plants. "

Liwat was silent for a while, then laughed: "However, we have overcome the problem of loss, using Tesla wireless transmission technology, which has a very low loss rate.

This is technology that can be used by humans,

Here I boldly make a prediction: the future is the world of Tesla coils. And Lin Feng's technology is just a transition product ... "

Lin Feng looked at the domineering American scientist and was very speechless.

Is it so exciting to overthrow your own technology?

Rushing for love is a villain, and scientists are trying to overthrow their own theories.

"Don't show me this kind of trend. Tesla coil technology is really strong, but it is based on a regular basis and has limited functions."

Lin Feng's interest was greatly diminished, but he said helplessly: "Is there a comparison between large-scale power transmission devices relying on wireless power transmission from space? As for the losses, they are all solar power, and those who lose power can be ignored."

Jiaojiao kept busy: "Master, what I want to say is not this scientist, but Tesla, who was contained by the federal government and by the Freemasonry."

"Masonic?" Lin Feng frowned.

"Yes!" Jiao Jiao responded with a zero, and then saw that the holographic image was replaced by a garbled code that could not be understood. With the integration of Jiao Jiao, the garbled code became clearer, and finally became a white origin.

Suddenly the picture was enlarged and a Jew appeared.

Seeing this, Lin Feng wondered, "Who is this?"

Jiao Jiao said: "He is a clerk. Coincidentally, this person actually emailed you and said that he can help you solve the problem of power transmission in the United States."

Lin Feng read the plot.

A taste of conspiracy came out.

Did this mysterious organization notice itself? Lin Feng frowned even more.

You should know that Beethoven, George Watson, Edison, Li Jiacheng, and many other prominent figures are members of the mysterious organization, and he cannot afford to think twice.

No matter what the other party's conspiracy is, it is obvious that the other party means to throw an olive branch.

Should I contact these people?

While Lin Feng was hesitant, Jiao Jiao helped Lin Feng make a decision, "Master, I hacked into the network system of a foreign bank, and found out that the bank account that Pete gave you was held by this person."

Lin Feng's heart beat quickly, his breathing was a little unstable.

He stood up shyly and said, "Call this person to our company, and I'll talk to him in person."

"An invitation has been given, and they will come to China in the next few days." Jiaojiao answered quickly.

"Good job!" Lin Feng touched Jiaojiao's head and squinted. "So many people are starting to target me. Do you think I'm bullied?"

"Would the host take a big tempo, Jiao Jiao can now freely invade foreign servers and be able to monitor the global network."

Jiao Jiao stared at Lin Feng.

"Let me make some prophecies too! Let the mysterious organization know that I am not the only one who can be recruited by Lin Feng, let alone those who killed my parents."

Lin Feng raised his head and took a deep breath, the whole man was shrouded in murderous gas.

Jiaojiao's surface was as quiet as water, but at this moment her intelligent center was running high.

This state is called frequency operation by Lin Feng, and this happens only when artificial intelligence is excited.

Jiaojiao is full of expectations for what will happen next.


It's day.

Huaguo TV hosted a large-scale interactive program, and Lin Feng attended the scene.

Also present were the presidents and chairman of various companies. Even Ren Zhengfei came to the scene, bringing huge ratings to this program.

The host said with enthusiasm: "Welcome to watch 'Success'. There are successful entrepreneurs and successful students ... everything is done in 'Success'. The guests invited in this issue are China's famous technology godfather and artificial intelligence. Father ... Lin Feng, please ask Lin Feng! "

In the applause, Lin Feng strode out from the background.

In the face of hundreds of millions of viewers nationwide ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lin Feng was not nervous at all.

He slowly came to the desk and said, "I remember an American scientist who made a prophecy under impulse, so I was a bit lonely and decided to make three predictions for humanity."

Without giving the audience time to respond, Lin Feng quickly said: "The first prediction: the power industry will enter a permanent cold winter;

The second prophecy: Biology has begun the era of great evolution, and it has broken the constraints of the environment on creatures for hundreds of millions of years.

The third prediction: humanity will go to space in three years, and start the interstellar era. "

Lin Feng's domineering words shocked the audience, and the host only had time to say something: "This is pretense, metaphysics."

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