I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 350: Dangerous creature!

() "What to do? Do you want to develop a steel coat?" Lu Yanshan poured a lot of water into his mouth, and he couldn't show up. He was more in pursuit of perfection, and immature technology would not come out.

"Although this steel coat can be used by the armed forces, its usefulness is still limited. Take the Land War God, which is mainly used for land wars and defensive wars, and the steel coat cannot fly. It is still used in land warfare, and its role is overlapping. It is the root of today ’s military power. I do n’t think there is a need for research and development. ”

"Air combat power? In the presence of magnetic storm bombs, air power is always scum." Lin Feng shook his head.

It is not that he is targeting "air power", but after having a magnetic bomb that can interfere with communication, air power is all garbage in his eyes.

When a magnetic storm bomb passed, the signal was gone. What would it take to form a combat force?

Does the plane fly by eye?

Obviously impossible!

This is why Lin Feng has not been developing aerial products. There is no egg use, and no egg is useful.

"Isn't the two in a misunderstanding, we don't have to imitate Iron Man's coat, we can make it into an exoskeleton form."

After listening to Hawking for a long time, he said with a smile.

Under his study day and night, there is no secret in electronic technology. He has integrated electronic knowledge. Although he is not as powerful as Lin Feng, Hawking asked himself where he would not be weak.

"Oh? Exoskeleton?"

Lin Feng calmly glanced at Hawking.

"How to solve the problem of shock absorption and waterproof?" Lu Yanshan frowned, and said quickly.

"Simple, there is something called an airbag, which allows people to wear 'airbag clothing' to enter the exoskeleton. 'Airbag clothing' is both shock-absorbing and waterproof."

Hawking spread his arms and looked inscrutable.

Lu Yanshan secretly pretended to be a perpetrator, and pouted, "I can think of the airbag clothing being worn on the body and then inflated, but I need to consider the pressure on the human body, what about blood circulation?"

I have to say that Lu Yanshan is thinking very carefully.

Hawking's metal fist was placed near his mouth, and he coughed arrogantly, "Who said it was inflatable? Don't you know that there is a material called" memory sponge "in the cup? This thing is just used to reduce shock."

"The memory sponge in the cup!"

Lu Yanshan's eyes brightened, and he nodded again and again, "The sponge is extremely soft and tough, and a‘ film ’on the outside is completely waterproof. Mr. Huo, you can think of it, burdock!”

Hawking raised his head and looked proud, and still remembered to remind him, "I'm not Huo, please call me Mr. Hawking!"

"Okay, Mr. Huo."

"..." Hawking.

Lin Feng was very speechless when listening to the words of the two, but he also had to be very emotional. Hawking was really a genius. The seemingly complicated problem was solved with a cup, and it was really strong and very brainy ... No more, eh!

"Okay, just follow this idea, I will see a sample tomorrow."

"Oh! I stayed up late today." Lu Yanshan patted his chest.

"I'm not going to sleep anyway, it's time to pass the boring time," Hawking laughed.

Just then, Lin Feng's phone rang.

Caller ID is Mr. Xu.

Lin Feng frowned, suddenly having a bad hunch.

"what's up?"

"Lin Feng, there is a big problem with the experimental project. Come on, life and death are at stake ..." Mr. Xu trembled.


After Mr. Xu informed Lin Feng, he waited for Lin Feng to arrive in the midst of despair and despair.

Why despair?

Because they were isolated in the B area laboratory.

The entire research institute is divided into five zones A, B, C, D, and E. Zones A and B are the most defensive and the laboratory is completely closed.

Although they did not notice any abnormalities in these two days, they did not dare to underestimate.

Implanting the water bear worm gene into human DNA has exceeded their ability. It is better if there is no accident. Once an accident occurs, none of them can solve it.

After all, all these technologies have exceeded their own level.

Mr. Xu looked at the picture coming out of the holographic ball, his brows froze, his face worried.

The picture shows the experimenter and the black bodyguard who was "infected".

Several "persons" wandering crookedly in a closed laboratory, snarling a few times from time to time, exactly like the zombies in the biochemical crisis.

If you let this unknown creature run out of the lab, you don't know what unintended consequences will occur.

As a professor of genetics, Li Zhenguo didn't stop thinking about it for the past two days. He always wondered why the situation in front of him appeared.

"It seems that people who have implanted the water bear worm gene can no longer be called humans. They are zombies, always thinking about eating the genes of other organisms."

Li Zhenguo concluded.

Mr. Xu obeyed and nodded, "The experiment obviously failed!"

"Then we should find the cause of failure?" Someone asked.

"Finding the cause? You are not fast enough? This is beyond our ability. This experiment must be terminated, and no further research can be conducted, or the entire planet will be in danger."

Mr. Xu closed his eyes suddenly and stopped looking at the hologram.

Everyone was silent.

After being quiet for a while, Li Zhenguo worried: "What about these experimental materials? There are also those people who have become" zombies ". Water bear worms can survive in space, but people who have been implanted with water bear worm genes It may be indestructible, or this gene has a strong parasitic ability, and may be transmitted in the air. Once humans come into contact, they will be infected. "

As soon as this was said, the room became silent.

Several people looked at each other vigilantly, afraid that anyone would be infected with this parasitic gene.

"Okay, don't be alarmist. If you are infected, you should be out of luck. If you are not infected, you can cook everything when Lin Feng comes. You don't need to worry about it."

Mr. Xu still trusts his future son-in-law very much, knowing that Lin Feng will take care of everything.

Several people were silent, but kept a distance from each other vigilantly.


Lin Feng didn't stop for a moment ~ www.readwn.com ~ Rushing to the African Institute in a special plane of the director.

On the way, he and Father Xu exchanged detailed information. Through the experimental data given by Father Xu and the biological modification technology provided by the system, the cause of the accident was comprehensively analyzed.

The results of the analysis were shocking.

What Mr. Xu researched was to make himself survive by gnawing biological genes, just like water bear insects gnawing other biological genes.

This kind of person has a "phagocytosis gene" all over the body, and this gene has strong vitality and parasitic ability.

And it is irreversible.

That is to say, once someone in the society is infected with this gene, it will be the demise of the entire human society.

"Nima, how did this work out?" Lin Feng convinced these people that the technology is so good that it has skewed the technology tree for you.

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