I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 351: Unable to kill

• African Institute.

As soon as Lin Feng came to the door, he welcomed the worship of the local indigenous people.

Yes, that is to bow down!

The local indigenous people have long regarded Lin Feng as a **** and bowed down willingly.

"Our God! You gave us water ..."

Pouting also muttered unknown words, deities.

After all, Xin Lin Feng has water to drink, much better than the messy gods, and they can go to work in the foundry and eat delicious curry rice. This is a life like a tyrant.

I have no reason not to believe in Lin Feng!

Tong Linfeng glanced at the big brunette who kept throwing her winks at herself, and with a black line, she walked into the institute nonstop, and the enthusiasm of the local people was unbearable.

Chris Tana came anxiously, and said, "General Lin, this is my responsibility. I didn't watch them, which led to experimental accidents, so I blame me."

Chantana was crying, tearful.

Lin Linfeng looked at Tana and said softly: "It is not your reason, and now is not the time to discuss responsibility. We must resolve this matter as soon as possible to minimize the impact."

"Yes, Mr. Lin."

Chantana wiped her tears and responded with a bow.

Subsequently, an "accident handling meeting" was held urgently to discuss how to deal with this matter.

After all, none of the people present, including Mr. Xu, knew what unknown properties this modified gene had.

If, like spores, you can spread the "virus" into the atmosphere, it will be too late to save it. Humans ca n’t stop it, but fortunately, the laboratory is completely closed.

At the conference.

Mr. Xu reported through the holographic image collection: "We can't leave the laboratory in Zone B for the time being, and we can't determine whether we are infected, but through our observations over the past few days, it does not seem to spread through the air.

振 Li Zhenguo also added: "Although we haven't had close contact with the 'experimental body', we feel that there is no abnormality in the body and should be safe."

"Yeah! There are no problems, can we come out, we really don't want to stay in the laboratory in Zone B." Someone added.

"Whether you can come out is not what you say, and if you take my words as a breeze, you should also learn something. If someone is infected, I will kill them directly."

Qi Linfeng's tone was indifferent.

When Lin Feng is hello kitty, when he sees a smile, he thinks that Lin Feng has a good temper?

I think it's wrong to think so, Lin Feng became fierce, and the head may not be the opponent.

Moreover, he emphasized many times in advance that the experimental process must be closed, and it is best to experiment in a vacuum environment, but these people are prejudiced.

I'm in trouble now, I know I'm afraid, it's late!

林 After Lin Feng said this sentence, if the large conference room was silent, no one would dare to squeak, or even dared to move.

They thought of Lin Feng, who was called a demon again.

Lin Feng could cry to the employees of that company with one word and one expression.

"Forever, Lin hasn't been so angry for a long time!" Tracy Tana was full of blame.

"Okay, now I start to do as I told you ..." Lin Feng eased his voice. After all, he is the person in his own research institute. He won't watch his person being hurt.

After a series of demands, everyone went on.

The most important thing now is to do a good job of isolation, whether it is Mr. Xu, the laboratory, or even those "experimental bodies".

Eternal consciousness!

Is the first scheme to be launched, allowing people to control artificial intelligence robots through the human brain control interface, like Hawking, to control the robots to enter the laboratory.

Activate the laboratory gate in Area B, bring chemical protective clothing, and transfer a few people from Mr. Xu to another isolated location. Wash the whole body, conduct a comprehensive test, and continue to observe.

Then another controlled robot quietly came to the laboratory in Area A.

Because the laboratory supports a vacuum environment, it needs to pass through the "vacuum pumping chamber" before entering the area A laboratory.

However, the gas evacuated from the "vacuum chamber" was not scattered into the air, but was instead pumped into an oxygen cylinder so as not to emit a trace of even a single O2 molecule.

I wonder how meticulous Lin Feng's plan is.

Zhang Long and Li Hu were armed with several people, manipulating the robot.

After a sound of airflow, they stepped into the area A laboratory. The laboratory was not very large. There were only three rooms, two of which had been vacuum-treated, and the other remained the same.

I walked through a short corridor, Zhang Long holding a knife in his hand and whispered, "I'm going to open the door. The moment you open the door, you have to rush in to solve those things, understand?"

明白 "Understand!" Everyone nodded in unison, and several of them were soldiers trained from the "virtual eschatological world", facing the situation in front of them, very confident.

记住 "Remember, this is not a game, and many unexpected situations we can't predict." Zhang Long finally emphasized his mouth and slowly pressed the door switch with his palm.


The gate opened, and several people rushed in with guns like wind.

The next moment, the sound of gunfire sounded.



卧 "What the **** is this?"

After the gunfire, Li Hu's exclamation came.

Zhang Long guarded the door to prevent accidents. When he heard Li Hu's voice, he looked inward, his eyes rolled round instantly, and he sweared, "Nima!"

Three experimental subjects were penetrated by bullets, and they were still jumping. Even the penetrating skull was not affected. This scene was really shocking.

Have anyone seen a creature that can't be shot?

Xun Rao is Zhang Long who has experienced life and death, and they are not calm, let alone Zhongnanhai bodyguards, Li Hu.

"Long brother, this thing can't be killed!"

虎 Li Hu said, he did not forget to make up a few shots, but it had no effect at all. Instead, the three subjects ran over, pinched their necks, and opened their mouths to bite.

Fortunately, they are using robots.

Even though this was the case, a robot was bitten by the body alive, and after a few rays of electric light emerged, it fell straight to the ground.

Zhang Long did not enter. This gate is the final checkpoint and needs to be firmly guarded.

"Implement the second plan!" He ordered.

"The second plan?" Li Hu stunned, since the gun can't be killed, you need to divide the body.



The sound of continuous knives entering the meat was heard, but no **** scenes were seen, but the white knives entered and exited the white knives. These subjects had no blood.


The last knife went down ~ www.readwn.com ~ The room was quiet. Li Hu looked at the flesh in front of him, only feeling his scalp numb, "This can't be killed, it can move even if it becomes flesh."

Another soldier who has been training for a long time in the "Apocalyptic World", looking at the scene in front of him, also feels cold on his back. If this thing is left on the street, the entire world will no longer exist.

No one really understands the horrors of zombies.

"Don't get rid of it, quickly pack it." Zhang Long said in a deep voice.

"To understanding!"

Put a piece of meat, a fresh-keeping bag, put their hands into the liquid nitrogen box, and then they started to clean up the laboratory in a comprehensive way. They did not let it go anywhere, and even all the needles and reagents were sealed.

When they went out, the laboratory heard the sound of gas.

气体 The gas was naturally pumped into the oxygen cylinder, and the laboratory became empty. Then, the laboratory was permanently sealed and no longer opened.

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