I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 399: White Paper for Developing the Moon

For any technology company, common technology and core technology are the foundation of the company and cannot be shaken.

Even if you have to make a choice between benefits and technology, I don't need to think much about it. You must choose technology, and with technology you have everything.

It is precisely because of the long-term monopoly on advanced technology that New Territories companies have achieved today's world-leading position.

If Lin Feng had applied for many technologies as patents at the time, it would be difficult to imagine whether he can still have a comfortable life today.

Applying for a patent means that the technical secret is disclosed, and it needs to be authorized for use on the bright side, but it is secretly unknown what kind of dark transaction it is. To put it bluntly, once the world's major countries intervene, the patents applied by Lin Feng are all contract contracts, which are instantly tear.

Today, Lin Feng is firmly in control of these technologies, so that world powers such as Russia, the United States of America, and the European Union have come to seek technology and cooperation, which should not be too unpleasant.

Of course, Lin Feng will not authorize them. Even if the screws of a spaceship are not sold to foreign countries, antigravity technology is the foundation of his take-off and the basis of controlling the world. It is impossible to authorize it to other countries. .

Therefore, no matter how respectfully other countries seek cooperation, it is impossible to obtain any relevant technology from Lin Feng, not even a piece of space alloy, let alone other products, especially spacecraft, not for sale!

By this time, the nations also understood that they could not place their hopes on Lin Feng. Only independent research and development was the clear path, just like the Huahua of the year.

And seeing that the gap between China and China is getting wider, they are also very anxious. What they can do is increase investment in aerospace engineering, hoping to develop anti-gravity technology, and hope to occupy a place in the future "interstellar era".

When governments of all countries were struggling to develop space technology, Lin Feng and the Chinese government simultaneously released a "White Paper on the Development of the Moon."

This white paper was written by Lin Feng.

The book explains how the "interstellar age" should develop, what means governments need to have, how countries should respond to the current era, and if the people should live the "interstellar age" ...

Not to mention everything, basically all-encompassing, almost teaches you to live the life of the "interstellar age".

However, there are only three points of interest for the people.

The first point is anti-gravity products;

The second point is lunar tourism;

The third point is lunar immigration.

In response to these three points, the book also clearly stated, and even the relevant regulations and laws are listed.

In response to the first point, the book wrote: "Anti-gravity products include: anti-gravity cars, light rail, high-speed rail, trains; anti-gravity fighters, civil aviation aircraft, helicopters; anti-gravity buildings and entertainment facilities, etc. The people are open and gradually turn a single mode of transportation into three-dimensional anti-gravity transportation. Follow-up content, please continue to pay attention to the official website of the New Territories Company. "

Regarding lunar travel, the book reads: "It takes 12 hours to travel between the moon and the earth, and six hours one way. At present, we have opened outlets throughout the country. People from all over the country can sign up, and they must be healthy and have good mental quality. , Pay another five million, and pass the spacecraft to land on the moon after passing the approval ... the price of subsequent moon landings will gradually decrease. "

Regarding lunar immigration, the white paper highlights: "At present, the direction of immigration is limited to high-tech talents and construction talents. It is necessary to take the lead in building immigration bases. It is expected that the moon will be transformed into a human-friendly planet within one year, and so on. After the facilities are complete, large-scale immigration will be opened, and the first batch of migrants is expected to be about 50,000. "

As for the "Mars Plan", there are also some contents, which clarify that Lin Feng did not log in to Mars for a short time, and will only send a smart robot to conduct a series of investigations on Mars. After the information is perfected, he will formulate related plans.


Originally, these things Lin Feng wanted to release through a press conference, but considering that this step was too large and too many things, a press conference could not be finished, and finally chose the "book publishing" mode.

Of course, with the massive printing of the "White Paper", the people are becoming more and more optimistic about the development of the Moon.

Because the book is too comprehensive, there are almost no loopholes.

He was praised by netizens as the "God on earth jehovah" for predicting the emperor.

"In the blink of an eye, I have foreseen the future of humankind. It will not be difficult to go out and take an anti-gravity car while traveling, and even live in an anti-gravity city. However, Lin Feng's plan for lunar immigration is very general. , The number is too small, at least 200,000 immigrants. Of course, I am not a talker on paper. My suggestion is that Lin Feng focused on the development of the planet on Mars, and the value of the development of the moon is not high, because I have done An experiment that put the bluegrass desert in a place with a carbon dioxide concentration of 99%, the plants actually survived miraculously, which means that the development of Mars has huge advantages ... "

Netizens who are browsing the posts have responded:

"God on earth really thinks far and wide. This clever head doesn't go to the New Territories to be a manager."

"Is the Mars plan a little too advanced? Compared to the distant Mars, it is better to transform the remaining desert on the earth. After the transformation, it is not a problem for the earth to accommodate twice the current population. Do not land on Mars first."

"Although I don't understand what the landlord is talking about, it seems very powerful."

"The value of the moon lies in the helium-3 and titanium metal above. It is estimated that Lin Feng also went to these things."


While people were discussing the development of Mars, Lin Feng also published a white paper, shook hands with government representatives, and was about to leave, but was stopped by the enthusiastic Chinese reporter.

"Mr. Lin, rebuilding the moon is a big project. How much money do you expect to invest, can you tell us something?"

"Excuse me, is Mr. Lin alone responsible for the development of the moon? Does the Chinese government help?"

"I heard that New Territories companies have been running financial deficits. Is the development of the moon a drag on the normal development of New Territories companies?"

Faced with questions from reporters, Lin Feng smiled confidently:

"I am afraid that the transformation of the moon is an astronomical figure, even I can hardly estimate it, but it is at least a trillion units. However, I firmly believe that the technology of the New Territories Line can undertake the transformation of the moon alone, without the need of the Chinese government Help. "

Yesterday, he only discussed the cooperation project of "Helium-3" with the chief.

Lin Feng provided the country with a large number of free helium-3 from the moon. In contrast, the country also provided him with all materials, metals, building materials and necessary preferential measures, and the cost was almost zero. He can guarantee that the first-to-mid-term transformation of the moon can be completed without spending a penny.

As for the later stage, anti-gravity products will become gold-absorbing machines, which will continue to provide financial support for the transformation of the moon, let alone worry.

Listening to Lin Feng's answer, countless reporters said with emotion:

"It really is a big deal, so big that Lin Feng can't calculate it."

"Lin Feng spent so much money to transform the moon, and the moon will be under Lin Feng's management ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even moonlight should be included in the jurisdiction, which is understandable."

"Africa and the United States in history have taught us the truth that whoever has the most fists has the truth."

Before, they still felt that Lin Feng's occupation of the moon was unreasonable, but now it seems that it is reasonable and cannot be reasonable anymore.

It's like you build a big house in the wild wasteland. After you have worked hard, you suddenly jump out and say, "This wasteland is mine, and the house is only half-shared by me."

What do you think of this situation?

So, do n’t say everything is fair, it ’s not clear.

The moon is around the earth, and anyone who develops it can own it.

If you do n’t have the strength, do n’t be fooled by the grandeur of “the moon is the common wealth of mankind”. It ’s pure dreaming to divide up the resources and the land of the moon!

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