I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 400: Space travel package

There are too many surprises in the white paper, it can be described as constant surprises, and the sentences are wonderful. The climax is connected with waves, which is better than watching small movies.

The lunar travel mentioned by Lin Feng has undoubtedly touched everyone's sensitive nerves.

Breaking through the void into space, or even traveling around the moon, is a huge attraction for anyone. Everyone wants to travel a boundless space and complete the dream they have always dreamed of since childhood.

And according to the follow-up news released on the official website of the New Territories Line, two tourism services will be launched, one is a lunar travel package and the other is a near-Earth space travel package.

The lunar travel package includes lunar bundi, lunar bungee jumping, lunar ride, lunar marathon, lunar great sword, etc. The price is RMB 5 million, and you can participate only after passing the review.

The space tourism package includes: watching the sunrise in space, a weightless environment experience, a 20-minute space walk, and a three-day life in space. The package price is 1.5 million yuan, and you can participate after passing the review.

There are 200 people in both packages.

People have just been quiet for a while, and they boiled again, causing a heated debate again:

"At that time, the United States once announced the price, and it went to space about 400 kilometers above the earth, and the price was as high as 20 million US dollars! But I did not expect that Lin Feng actually set the price at 1.5 million yuan.

"Is the local lord upstairs? For our working class, 1.5 million is still very expensive, if only tens of thousands of dollars is fine."

"Ten thousand yuan? I suggest you use this money to buy a space telescope! Space is not for you. Lin Feng spent countless dollars on research and development of spacecraft. A journey of tens of thousands of yuan will make Lin Feng lose his life."

"This price is already very close to the people. When the spaceship is mass-produced in the later stage, it will be cheap if the tickets are not good."

"Stop it, I'm going to sign up!"

After the news was released, people from all provinces and cities enthusiastically signed up. The number reached 100,000. However, there were only 200 places, and most of them were eliminated.

Even if they are eliminated, many people want to try it. What if they pass?

As a result, the staff of the New Territories Line Company became busy and began to strictly review the applicants.

Of course, it is very strict, but in fact it is the case. After all, most people use body strengthening agents, anti-electromagnetic radiation agents, etc., and their physical quality is not good.

Except for some rich diseases such as diabetes and hyperlipidemia, most people's bodies are beyond their imagination.

But still need to single out 200 people.

Then launched some new plans to allocate fixed quotas according to each province and city, so that everyone in each province and city can land in space, which is very useful for expanding publicity.

Just as people from all walks of life enthusiastically signed up for space travel, an anti-gravity car show was held at the Beijing North Exhibition Center, which was co-convened by the New Territories Line Technology United Nations car manufacturers.

It can be seen that anti-gravity cars of various brands are parked on the venue, and the middle one is the most dazzling.

A short, chubby male journalist wandering around the car exhibition hall, a pair of rat eyes were looming around, and the photos he took were really not covered, and the level was superb.

The short and fat reporter just raised the camera, the **** and beautiful car model, posing in a charming and seductive pose, can't help making people splatter.

No matter what auto show, **** car models will always be the focus of people's attention.

Cars are as good as bikinis.


"Miss, please walk away. I want to shoot anti-gravity cars." The short fat reporter glanced at the mouse.

"What?" The **** car model suddenly froze, shook the ball, embarrassedly took a step to the side, and her heart was very depressed, "In the past, my bikini dress was the most charming. Into yourself, but today a thief without a rat's eye actually let himself avoid, you are a man, don't you see a woman? "

But when the car model complained, a continuous voice sounded:

"You're blocking me, can you step aside?"

"Why is this model shaking? Let's leave!"

"It's a problem!"

The **** car model backed up again and again, there was no sense of existence at all, no one appreciated her beauty at all, and wanted to cry without tears.

"Look, that's the first anti-gravity car made by a New Territories company!"

Suddenly a roar attracted everyone.

When I heard the words "New Territories", what Great Wall, FAW, Qirui, Huawei Motors, etc. were all left behind, although they were all anti-gravity cars, the words "New Territories" were clearly more Gold content, after all, anti-gravity technology was invented by Lin Feng.

Huh la la, a large group of people gathered around.

Although the New Territories line of anti-gravity cars also have car models, but everyone feels that it is not unexpected at all, because that car model is an intelligent robot, steel and steel contest, visual shock.

"The whole space alloy sheet, although it has only a thin layer, is hard and unnecessary, and the ductility is very good! It is not comparable to ordinary cars."

"The streamlined design is perfect. Unlike other brands of cars that put anti-gravity particles on the roof, this car should have anti-gravity particles built in, so that the shape of the car is not weird at all."

"The chassis is as smooth as a mirror, has almost no noise, and the glass is thicker than ordinary cars. It is obviously different from those cars that can only fly 100 meters. If I read correctly, this car can fly to a thousand meters."


People kept wondering.

In the past, in people's minds, the most expensive and luxurious cars were nothing more than luxury cars such as Rambo, Ferrari, Rolls-Royce, etc., which had become the exclusive artifact of the rich.

But now people ’s aesthetics have changed a lot. No matter how good a car is, it ’s a pile of scrap iron. No one thinks that Ferrari is a luxury car, and a certain amount of anti-gravity cars is the capital of display.

"I rely, this car is 9.99 million, a difference of 11 million ~ www.readwn.com ~ is almost inhumane, but it is worth it, driving out of the face has no face to say, but also experience the feeling of flying!

Some rich people saw that they didn't hesitate and bought 10 cars directly. They were rich and wayward.

And some people with ordinary conditions looked at it enviously, and then went back to choose other brands of cars, not too expensive, you can buy a Chery TT version of the anti-gravity car, even tens of thousands of smart.

This anti-gravity automobile exhibition is undoubtedly successful. It reveals anti-gravity cars like people, and proves that everyone can use anti-gravity products.

Since then, anti-gravity vehicles have been sold in various parts of China, and the corresponding traffic regulations have also been improved and implemented.

People's living space has become "three-dimensional" from a single plane.

However, it is also due to the rapid development of anti-gravity vehicles that it seriously threatens the industrial development in Europe. The accumulation of contradictions is getting worse and it is already on the edge of a cliff.

At this time, Lin Feng had no time to take into account all countries in the world, and the moon reconstruction project officially started. Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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