I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 412: Pinpoint kill


After Lin Linfeng ordered Jiao Jiao to attack the Freemasonry, he came to the underground base, passed the square with nearly 200,000 intelligent robots, and then went straight to the Human Brain Control Interface General Center.

All you can see in front of you are all servers with flashing lights, you can't see your head at a glance.

There are memories of all human beings in the world. As for what they are useful for, Lin Feng doesn't know, but when he needs some knowledge, it is only necessary to extract from the memory of millions of people. This is the only role now .

The function of the human brain control interface is powerful, and it is also a product that Lin Feng has been afraid to release. This ability to freely extract human memory will be crazy for the world once it is released, and his good days will end.

No one will allow others to retrieve their own memories.

So, all the news about the human brain control interface, Lin Feng is hidden.

At this moment, he picked up a helmet with a dense line of wires, put it on his head, and said in his mouth, "Give me the brain of that person, and I will communicate with him in person."

"Yes!" Jiaojiao answered.

Uh ...

Italy, inside a castle in a suburb.

An old man with gray hair sits quietly on a chair made of lobular rosewood. The interior decoration is luxurious, and the old man is full of luxury.

Those unflinching eyes swept through everyone present, and those people's bodies were all stunned, as if afraid of something.

The old man said lightly: "Report the recent situation."

Someone hurriedly made his debut: "His Majesty, our Freemasonry held many forces such as banking, commerce, military, politics, education, media, religion, and pharmaceutical groups, but these forces are no longer in the past, especially the media, education, The military and pharmaceutical industries are completely out of control. "

"the reason!"

The old man hooked his fingers and spit out two words without saltiness or lightness.

The talking man shook his shoulder and said on one knee, "It's all Lin Feng. The various black technologies he has mastered have sharply reduced our sphere of influence, and even faced the danger of disintegration, and our intelligence agencies have stolen them. When it comes to information about black technology, I can only watch Lin Feng control the world. "

While talking, he peeked at the "Sovereign" with his eyes, and saw his frown frowning. He was a little flustered and said, "Sir, I can't help it too, Lin Feng is too cruel, we are not his opponents. "

的 The old man called His Holiness, sneered, and said, "I'm afraid I won't kill you."

The man who spoke said forcibly cracked his mouth and laughed a few times. His heart would not kill me, but in view of the fact that the first few people had been put in the interrogation room and had been tortured to suicide, they were frightened when they remembered.

"Lin Feng!"

The old man squinted.

As the principal of the Freemasonry, he has seen too many and too many geniuses. He has more or less contacted with Gates, Jobs, Hawking and others.

Especially Jobs, remembering that Jobs rejected the Masonic invitation at first, so he lived in the dirt.

In his words that often hang around his lips: Geniuses all work for Freemasonry.

However, Lin Feng, now known as the world's number one genius, is a person he can not master. Lin Feng's genius level, exhausting all the Freemasonry, cannot be suppressed.

I want to know that Lin Feng is a figure who can directly compete with the country directly. No matter how strong the Freemasonry is, they will never be stronger than the country.

听说 "I heard that recently, another Asian Union has been created?" The old man asked.

"Yes, according to the investigation, it is Lin Feng who dominates all of this."

The man who wiped his forehead wiped his forehead with a kerchief, adding carefully: "Now that Asia has separated from the Freemasonry, we are rejected by the Asians."

The old man rubbed his temples and sighed, "My God, how can you throw Lin Feng into the human world, that is a disaster for anyone."

He talked about the man and twitched the corner of his mouth. Lin Feng could be described as "disaster" to the world. In his eyes, Lin Feng is a demon, destroying all the demons.

"Holy Lord, what shall we do?"

"What to do ..." The old man repeated these three words at last, inadvertently glanced at his watch, and panicked a little: "It's time to enter the virtual world, let's talk about it in the virtual world."

He said, the old man hurried back to the bedroom, took out the virtual reality helmet and put it on his head.

He is 70 years old. If you want to live longer, the virtual world is the best place to go.

However, after starting the helmet, the vision looks not like a familiar conference room, but in a barren desert.

Not far away, there was a young man standing.

The old man squinted and looked at the past, immediately surprised and said, "Are you Lin Feng?"

怎 How can he not be surprised, from the TV, the media, the newspaper, all the news reported by the Freemasonry, the opportunity is inseparable from Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng", he heard cocoons in his ears.

"Hello!" Lin Feng smiled and turned his head, waving to the old man.

The old man's facial expression, his eyes glanced around, and found that it was a virtual place he had not been, and he jumped in his heart, he was very cautious: "What are you looking for?"

The old man was ready to go offline. After all, virtual reality was developed by Lin Feng. He didn't know if Lin Feng had any hidden means.

What if he can control the virtual helmet?

听说 "I heard that you have a scientist extinction plan. Anyone invited by Freemasonry will be wiped out if they refuse."

Qi Linfeng opened the door to see the mountain.

The old man was stunned. This is a plan he made a few years ago. At that time, the electronics industry was booming, so Freemasonry formulated a related plan for the electronics industry.

"Yes, what does this have to do with you? I'm afraid you Lin Feng is doing the same thing as our Freemasonry!"

Qi Linfeng shrugged his head with disdain, "I'm not spicy, ow, this disdain, I disdain."

The old man raised his head and didn't believe it.

It is normal for any organization to make plans to control others, not to mention organizations like the Freemasonry who secretly control the world.

Looking at the old man who was calm and calm, Lin Feng said lightly, "I am coming to you today to prepare to pronounce your death and the destruction of your Freemasonry."

"Don't talk!" The old man laughed loudly.

The Freemasonry is indeed not Lin Feng's opponent, but if they hide their heart, no one or country can find them.

Qi Linfeng sneered. With a wave of his hands, countless pictures appeared. The pictures were all people using virtual reality helmets, and these people were members of Freemasonry.

The next moment, Lin Feng clicked on a few people and saw that man died without any sign.

I waved my hand again, and hundreds of people died.

Then, Lin Feng waved his hands frequently, and the people in the thousands of screens in front of him were dead, lying straight on the bed, extremely serene.

"This ... is it fake?" The old man stuttered.

"Is it fake, you will know when you get to hell."

Lin Feng pointed at the old man and wiped his neck ~ www.readwn.com ~ The old man froze and found nothing happened, and his body was safe and sound.

Looking at the weird Lin Feng, he decided to withdraw from the virtual space.

As soon as he came out of the virtual space, he received a shocking news that thousands of Masonic members died.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

The old man panicked, and when he quit the game, Lin Feng also pronounced his death. Why didn't he die?

However, at this moment, the old man ’s body seemed to be timing. When the needle was pointing at 12, his arm slowly raised uncontrollably and caught his own eyeball.

I yanked out the eyeballs alive.


The person who reported the news saw an unforgettable scene in his eternal life. His Holiness actually caught his eyeball with his hand and cut his own meat with a knife ...

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